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Avoid Un Godly Hair Cut.

"Doth not even nature itself teach you that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him ? 1Corinthains 11:14 "How do you look my brother with this long hair you are carrying on your head? A christian brother should look decent and not like the world, our appearance dressings and haircut should be decent. Now how do you go and preach to a person with this kind of hair? The hair that person is carrying is the same with the one you are carrying so what are you going to tell him about God. Doth not nature teach you? You that is plaiting your hair as a boy doth not nature teach you that it is not right? Even if no body tell's you can't you tell yourself?? Why are you following the multitude to hellfire?? Why are you conforming yourself to this world?? The bible had stated it clearly in  Leviticus 19:27 "Ye shall not round the corners of your heads neither shall thou mar the corner of thy beard. See how you look now, see how rough you look. All these haircut are f

Vote Andrew Ojok Oulanyah for MP Omoro County 2022 - 2026.

 After carefully watching and analyzing the speeches during a debate on NBS TV this evening between the six candidates vying for 26-5-2022 Omoro County MP seat, of which one candidate dodged the debate, i can affirm that, it’s only Mr Andrew Ojok Oulanyah who has proved himself to be the better candidate in replacing fallen Speaker of Parliament / MP Jacob Oulanyah (RIP) who died in Seattle USA on 20-3-2022. Let aside the sympathy votes and other factors , Mr Ojok Andrew Oulanyah, having not being in any elective position in Uganda, presented his manifestos clearly, he spoke wisely and he intellectually answered those unjustly distracting questions without spitting out his emotions. A man who is dating a Woman with other men does not talk ill about his competitors but would rather prove to the woman why she should marry him. But the rest of the candidates were ranting scary and stale talks like “We don’t have hereditary politics here! You are young! You are inexperienced! Blah blah bla

LEGACIES; How President Idi Amin Renamed Colonial Roads, Lakes & Mountains So As To Decolonise Uganda.

On December 17, 1972, former president Idi Amin made a proclamation that led to the renaming of some of Uganda’s physical features such as national parks, lakes and roads. The promulgation was made on national radio and television following a campaign he had started codenamed “Uganda’s economic war” in which he expelled Indians, Israelis and the British. Amin told the nation that he had decided to rename those physical features because their colonial names were insignificant to independent Ugandan. “I have decided that Queen Elizabeth National Park shall henceforth be known as Rwenzori National Park and the Murchison Falls as well as the Murchison Falls National Park shall henceforth be known as Kabalega Falls and Kabalega National Park,” he announced. “Kabalega is a name that is very important. The king of Bunyoro determinedly fought the British who were advancing into Uganda from Sudan and several battles routed them. It was only after the British had been on alliance with a neighbou

How to Make Your Facebook Account More Private.

Facebook has a shaky reputation when it comes to privacy, but it’s a useful tool for keeping in touch with friends and family. If you’re going to use the social network, there are a few things you can do to lock things down as much as possible. Consider What (and How) You Share Facebook can operate both as a public social network where everything is viewable to everyone, and a private friends-only space where you restrict your posts and information to only those people you choose to connect with. You can even mix and match these approaches, depending on what you’re posting. The easiest way to do this is with Facebook’s  inline audience selector . Whenever you decide to make a new post, you can click or tap on the drop-down box beneath your name and choose between Friends or Public, or restrict certain users. You can even limit it to “Only me” which is perfect for hiding old posts without having to delete them entirely. Doing this allows you to hide certain posts from specified

"Come to my Rescue", Married Man Tells RDCs and Locals to Save His Life in the Hands of a Violent Wife.

Karugaba says he has endured abuse on multiple occasions at the hands of his wife, Constence Mbabazi. He says, this forced him to seek help from authorities. Peter Karugaba, a resident of Kinombe in Rukungiri district has run to the district’s Resident District Commissioner (RDC) seeking help over his wife he says has been battering him. In a story that ran on Bukedde TV, Karugaba says he has endured abuse on multiple occasions at the hands of his wife, Constence Mbabazi. He says, this forced him to seek help from authorities. After receiving Karugaba’s complaint, Rukungiri’s deputy RDC, Wilberforce Ongom, on the weekend, conveyed a meeting with Kinobe residents to find a lasting solution. In the meeting, Karugaba narrated his ordeal. “Whenever she returns home at 4pm, she just breaks the door without even knocking. Before I even utter a word, she grabs me by neck and starts choking me mercilessly on my bed. She has caned me countless times,” Karugaba narrated. Karugaba told re

Poor People Will Not Go to Heaven - Says Minister for Internal Affairs, Gen Otafiire.

Gen Kahinda Otafiire was quoted in media saying "poor people will not go to heaven because they insult God through lamentations and accusations every day". Internal Affairs Minister Kahinda Otafiire  reportedly made those comments at a school even  in Kyenjojo, western Uganda, while telling students that hard work was the antidote to poverty. The Minister for Internal Affairs Gen. Kahinda Otafiire has urged people to work hard and eradicate poverty instead of lamenting their plight. Otafiire was on Sunday officiating at the opening of a boys' dormitory of St Klaus Comprehensive Trade School in Bufunjo village, Kifuka Town Council in Kyenjojo district. "Poor people will not go to heaven because they insult God through lamentations and accusations every day. Why do you disturb God by asking him for money all the time yet he gave you hands, eyes, brains, ears, land, and rains amongst others? The tools he gave you are enough to make you prosper," Otafiire sa

📷: People look at the wreckage of Russian infantry fighting vehicles, during an exhibition displaying destroyed Russian military vehicles, amid Russia's invasion, in central Kyiv, Ukraine 21-5-2022.

👉Russia claimed Friday to have captured Ukraine's southern port city of Mariupol, after the last Ukrainian fighters holed up in the city's steelworks plant surrendered.  Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu told President Vladimir Putin that both the Azovstal steel plant and the city had been "fully liberated," according to a statement by Russia's Defense Ministry  There was no immediate confirmation from Ukraine that Mariupol was fully under Russian control.  The port city is the scene of the war's bloodiest siege, with Russian forces having bombarded it for nearly three months. Much of Mariupol has been reduced to rubble, and more than 20,000 civilians are feared dead.  Ukrainian fighters hiding out in the city's steelworks plant had been engaged in heavy fighting with Russian forces for several weeks. Earlier this week, however, Ukrainian officials ordered the garrison to stand down to save the fighters' lives.