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Find a Successor to Fix the Mess, and You Resign - Presidential Advisor Full Figure Tells President Museveni.

Controversial  Presidential advisor Full Figure has asked his boss, President Museveni, to relinquish power.  Full Figure said this while venting about the massive corruption and favoritism at NIRA in Kololo. “I was recently charged 1M to get a birth certificate at NIRA. How can you charge me 1M? How about the downtrodden women who can not raise even 10? This government is frustrating,” Full Figure said in an interview. She asked the President to find a successor who can fix the issues of corruption if he has failed to organize the institution. Source; Howwebiz

Musician Weasel Struggling to Fuel V8 Land Cruiser.

Jose Chameleone gifted his young brother, Weasel Manizo with Land Cruiser V8 a few weeks ago. This came after the legendary singer got a brand new Range Rover by one of his fans known as Emma.  Well, the latest on our desk indicates that Weasel is struggling with fueling the guzzler. Insiders at Neverland in Makindye claim that Weasel only drives the car once in a while because he can’t afford to buy fuel. It should be noted that the car was donated to Chameleone by a South Sudanese tycoon known as Achai Wiir. Source; Howwe Biz

Miracle; Woman Gets Healed from HIV Without Medication.

A woman from Argentina appears to have rid herself of HIV without drugs or treatment – the second documented case of its kind in the world. Doctors believe the patient’s immune system cleared the virus on its own. Tests on more than a billion of her cells found no viable trace of the infection,  Archives of Internal Medicine  reports. If this process could be harnessed, it might offer a way to wipe out or effectively cure HIV, experts say. Eliminating HIV The findings are further proof a few people are born with natural resilience to HIV. Some have genes that prevent infection. Others – including “the Esperanza patient”, who wishes to remain anonymous – appear to catch but then eradicate the virus. But most people with HIV need life-long antiretroviral therapy (ART). And if they stop taking these drugs, the dormant virus can reawaken and cause problems again. In recent years, however, there have been reports of “elite controllers” who can suppress the virus, with help but no HIV medica

Former Vision Group CEO Robert Kabushenga Appointed to the Board of Directors at KCB Bank.

KCB Bank Uganda has appointed former Chief Executive Officer of Vision Group, Robert Kabushenga to the board of directors. Kabushenga has been appointed alongside the Chief Technical Officer of Trade Mark East Africa, Ms Allen Asiimwe, and Lawrence Kiambi, the KCB Group Chief Finance Officer. “We are so excited to welcome Allen Asiimwe, Robert Kabushenga and Lawrence Kiambi as board members. The bank looks forward to tapping into their leadership and wealth of experience. Welcome to the pride!” KCB said in a statement. Kabushenga welcomed the appointment saying; “I am honored to join KCB Bank Uganda as a Non-Executive Director. I never once thought I would end up in the work of finance. Now here I am. And the company of fine minds I will be keeping!!” Kabushenga brings over 20 years of experience having worked as Vision Group CEO from January 2007 to 2020. He also previously worked as Executive Director of the Uganda Media Centre, doubling as the government spokesperson.

Breaking Technology News; Email Server of FBI has Been Hacked.

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on Saturday confirmed unidentified threat actors have breached one of its email servers to blast hoax messages about a fake "sophisticated chain attack." The incident, which was first publicly diaclosed by threat intelligence non-profit SpamHaus, involved sending rogue warning emails with the subject line "Urgent: Threat actor in systems" originating from a legitimate FBI email address "eims@ic.fbi[.]gov" that framed the attack on Vinny Troia, a security researcher and founder of dark web intelligence firms Night Lion Security and Shadowbyte, while also claiming him to be affiliated with a hacking outfit named TheDarkOverlord. SpamHaus cited its own telemetry data to point out that the email blasts happened over two "spam" waves, one shortly before 5:00 a.m. UTC and another one shortly after 7:00 a.m. UTC.  However, according to Kryptos Logic researcher Marcus Hutchins, the goal appears to be to disc

Another Suspected Suicide Bomber Arrested at Bwaise - Kampala, Bomb Recovered Before He Detonates It.

Police said Tuesday that they arrested a suspected suicide bomber who allegedly tried to blow up Nansana Town in Central Uganda, moments after three of his colleagues (suicide bombers) killed at least three civilians in a twin bombing in the capital, Kampala. Police spokesperson, Mr Fred Enanga said the force’s Counter-Terrorism (CT) operatives November 16 ‘‘quickly discovered another man only identified as Moze who intended to detonate a fourth jacket-bomb in Uganda.’’ “Although three suicide bombers died in the double bomb attacks, our CT response teams managed to pursue a fourth suicide bomb attacker and intercepted him at Bwaise. They shot and injured him, and immediately after, recovered an unexploded improvised explosive device at Nansana-Katooke B Wamala Ward, at his home, which the bomb squad, were going to neutralize.  We are now pursuing other members of the terror groups,” CP Enanga told journalists at the police headquarters in Naguru, Kampala. Mr Enanga further expressed c

"Tell the Public We Shall Get the Bad Guys Who are Bombing Our City" - Security Assures the Country πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬.

The Police Crime Intelligence Director, AIGP Brig Christopher Ddamulira has said security will get the people behind the recent Kampala twin blasts. Two blasts went off a few minutes after each other on Tuesday morning near the Central Police Station and at Jubilee building along parliamentary avenue where a yet to be specified number of people were killed and scores injured. Speaking at the scene Brig Ddamulira said security will do everything possible to apprehend the “bad guys. “Tell the public that we shall get the bad guys,”Ddamulira said. Whereas details of the victims are still scanty, it has been said by sources that one of the deceased is a police officer identified as Katongole at the rank of constable who was working at the Central Police Station. At least two patrol vehicles have been ripped apart by the explosive that went off near the police station whereas along parliamentary avenue, several vehicles have been damaged by the blast that was heard as far as two kilometres