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The law, (the 1962 National Flag and Armorial Ensigns Act) prohibits anyone using the national flag in any way that ridicules it for example by stepping on it, tearing it etc. In the meantime, if you have a sports event, you can use the Uganda flag as a symbol to show that you represent the country.  For example, we can cheer on the national teams at a football or network match. You can also share the national flag as a gift to express your pride to another person. If you intend to use the Uganda flag on an occasion that is ‘serious’ but not stated in the laws, then you must ask for permission to use the flag. If you get permission, it is still unlawful to raise a dirty flag, or to leave it out in the rain just because you are too tired to remove it.  However, if you are engaged in something like Okalang’s eating competition, this is may bring ridicule to the flag so it may be a criminal offence. In addition to this, while it is ok to have a flag on your office table, if you are engage

After the Two Ambulances, God has Again Blessed Maracha District With Wheelchairs for People With Disabilities.

Prayers and singing of National Anthem this morning 9am 12-Sep-2021 at the launch of Wheelchair distribution for the people with disabilities in Maracha District. The event was graced by Team Hon Driwaru Jennifer, the incumbent Woman MP, Chairperson PWDs, the LC5 Chairperson Hon Obitre Steven, RDC, District officials and others. This initiative which started years ago is steered by World Action Fund, a None-Governmetal organization whose Executive Director is Mr Peter Odama. In a press briefing shortly after the event, the Delegation team of Hon Driwaru Jennifer, led by Mr Drapari Dicky applauded the Government of Uganda and the NGO network for laying such grounds for helping the vulnerable people not only in Maracha District but in the entire region of Westnile - Uganda.

Apple Looses Court Case Over Its App Store Rules and Restrictions.

 A U.S. federal judge struck down some of Apple Inc's (AAPL.O) App Store rules on Friday, forcing the company to allow developers to send their users to other payment systems in a partial win for "Fortnite" creator Epic Games and other app makers. But the judge did not require Apple to let app makers use their own in-app payment systems, one of Epic's top requests, and allowed Apple to continue to charge commissions of 15% to 30% for its own in-app payment system. Epic said it would appeal the ruling, with CEO Tim Sweeney tweeting that the ruling "isn't a win for developers or for consumers." The outcome left Apple's critics and rivals saying they are more likely to turn to legislators, rather than courts, to pursue the changes they seek. U.S. District Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers described her ruling as requiring a "measured" change to Apple's rules. Analysts said the impact may depend heavily on how the iPhone maker chooses to impleme


Afande Mafabi grew up in Mbale town and was deployed there when he joined police. At the end of his day, he would enter a taxi or take a Boda up to home and remind them how he is responsible for their law and order so he didn't need to pay. On weekends, he would pass by the market and pick up items for free as well. The residents have been troubled by this and want to know if police officers are supposed to take things for free. ARE POLICE OFFICERS ENTITLED TO FREE SERVICES? No,  they are not. Police officers are not allowed to use public transport or take things from the market without pay. This is because they are also citizens who are supposed to deal with their personal things in their personal capacities. As police officers, they are provided with what they need by the police force while as citizens they must take care of their personal Ned's by themselves. This means that they must pay for services or things they take from others. #BarefootLaw #osutayusuf

Days After Africell Telecom Announced Exiting Uganda, It has Blocked Its Customers from Withdrawing Their Monies Remaining in Mobile Money Accounts.

  Just days after announcing a planned exit from the market next month, telecom operator Africell is not allowing customers with mobile money balances to make cash withdrawals. “You cannot withdraw money from your account until October 7 when we have completed the reconciliation of our accounts. We will make a call to customers to provide their alternative MTN or Airtel lines, on which we will move their balances,” an officer at the Africell Service Centre told  New Vision  on Wednesday. When contacted on phone, a customer care representative confirmed that the information was the true position of the company. Customers can only use their mobile money balances for purchase of airtime and selected electronic purchases, the officials explained. In a communication written to its employees, Africell announced it would close shop in Uganda on October 7. This, they said, is premised on a detailed assessment that was conducted over the past several months, on the future of the telecom company


Mugerwa went to ‘Bulaya’ on a study visa for one year. After being there for his study year, he found it impossible to give up the ‘good life’ he had become accustomed to and decided to hide and remain there indefinitely. After 9 years, he was caught by the police and taken to prison awaiting deportation. When told that he had to return to Uganda, he told them that he would accept deportation but not to Uganda, but to a different country. His friend Kaye who was talking to him about it was left wondering if Mugerwa could just choose where he would be deported to.  WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? Deportation is where the government of a country expels a person from its borders, this can be because the person is in the country unlawfully (such as when their passport or visa is expired), or if they have committed a crime within the country. Every country has different laws about deportation. Some countries will only deport you to the country you are from while others will put you outside the borde

Court Rules Media Outlets Will Be Sued for Facebook User's Negative and Defamatory Comments on Their Page Posts.

A landmark ruling in Australia has classified media companies as "publishers" of defamatory user comments on their Facebook pages. Australia’s highest court ruled that media outlets are “publishers” liable for defamatory comments posted by Facebook users on their social network pages. The landmark ruling came after many mainstream outlets argued in vain that they could only be considered publishers if they were aware of defamatory messages, and meant to spread them. Judges shot down that argument and ruled that outlets were responsible for offending comments by facilitating and encouraging discussions online. The ruling paved the way for a lawsuit by Dylan Voller, a former juvenile detainee who wants to sue publishers and broadcasters. The possible suit will target comments posted on the Facebook pages of The Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian, Centralian Advocate, Sky News Australia and The Bolt Report. His case has been on hold since 2017 while the courts sorted out the