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By Hon. Odonga Otto In the morning hours of Saturday  21st August 2021, a neighbour stood at my gate and told me, "Paul Lokech is dead".  I asked him, "which Lokech" and he replied, "your Paul Lokech you have been having battles with, the Deputy IGP".  I replied,  "I have enough of my own problems, keep me out of that kind of news". This was before the news broke on social media. About 10 minutes later, the news broke all over social media (Note: This is a long article and would advise that one reads it upto the end.  It has life lessons and calls for forgiveness for one to heal). I have known Paul Lokech fairly well, for over 30 years. A bold, brave fighter who helped pacify Acholi land. I have had a lot of interpersonal contacts with him and  good momories fristly I am grateful that he saved my life at one point. Secondly When i was arrested in amuru of Mhadavani sugar land takeover he called and said " acholi land shouldn't be taken f


#OPINION. Prosecutor Joan Jagezi vowed to investigate and prosecute the culprits (terrorists) involved in the shootings of Muslim clerics in Uganda! Joan was gruesomely shot dead in 2015 😭. Later on, Police and Army commanders were gunned down! The then Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIGP) Ronald Kaweesi promised to investigate and arrest the culprits (terrorists)! Kawesi was also put out of action by gun. In 2-June-2021, Gen Katumba Wamala survived an assassination attempt that left his daughter Brenda Nantongo and his driver Haruna Kayondo dead😭! Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIGP) Gen Paul Lokech took charge and also promised to investigate and bring the culprits (terrorists) to book! We have mysteriously lost Gen Lokech just yesterday 21-8-2021 to blood clot😭. Lokech is gone, just like a smoke in the air! The BIG question remains, Are these terrorists behind the trailing and killing of our Police and Army Commanders in Uganda❓. #The_informers

Report Shows, Uganda is the 15th Country in Africa to Restrict Access to Social Media Since 2015.

Privacy protection company Surfshark says it analyzed 185 countries and their social media blocking practices from 2015 to the present day, seeking to evaluate the extent of social media censorship.  The research shows that 62 out of the 185 analyzed countries blocked or heavily restricted social media access in the past five years. Cutting off social media access is a common practice in African countries, especially during elections, protests, demonstrations, or exams.  The researchers at  Privacy protection company Surfshark says their study revealed that at least 27 countries in Africa blocked or heavily restricted social media access over five years. The report shows that Uganda became the 15th country in Africa to restrict social media access due to elections since 2015.  Over five years, Burundi, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Togo, Tanzania, Benin, DRC, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Sierra Leone have also restricted access to social media due to elections.

Telegram Introduces Video Calls With Upto 1000 Participants, Video Playback Speed and Much More.

Video Calls with up to 1000 Viewers, Video Playback Speed, Video Messages 2.0 and More Group Video Calls 2.0 • Group Video Calls now support up to 1000 video viewers, as well as unlimited audio-only listeners. • To start a Group Video Call, create a Voice Chat from the info page of any group where you are an admin — then turn your video on. Video Playback Speed • Tap ⋯ in the media player to select 0.5, 1.5 or 2X playback speed while viewing a video. Video Messages 2.0 • Enjoy higher resolution from video messages in your chats. • Tap a video message to expand it. • Rewind and fast forward video messages when they're paused. • Pinch to zoom while recording a video message with the rear camera. • Continue playing music while recording video messages. • Tap once on the 'voice message' button to switch to video mode, then hold to record and release to send. Timestamps • Add timestamps like '0:45' to video captions and replies to automatically create links that play the

Okuma Esele by Raga Pyton. This is the first hit song Raga Pyton sung after been released from Jail.


2021 General Election Petitions; Controversial Former Aruu South County MP Odonga Otto Wins Election Petition, Court Orders for Fresh Elections.

Odonga Otto's election petition has succeeded as Court ruled that fresh elections be conducted in Aruu South. It emerged that Komakech Christopher addressed his resignation letter to the wrong office as per the Public Service Standing order.

Does VPN Protect You From Hackers❓. Click Here to Learn More.

A virtual private network (VPN) is the perfect solution for a lot of issues you might experience online- accessing blocked sites, hiding your browsing activity, getting rid of internet throttling, finding better deals, and much more. But does a VPN protect you from hackers? Is your private information and files safer on the internet with a VPN? How much of a difference does it make in terms of data protection? The answer to these questions isn't as simple as Yes or No. So, keep reading to find out. Does a VPN Prevent Hacking? You should definitely use a VPN on a public network or your home wi-fi because it significantly protects your privacy. But a VPN can't simply protect you from every single type of cyber attack. Some attacks are very sophisticated and complex, which even a VPN can't prevent. But let's look at some of the cyber attacks that a VPN can stop. 1 — MITM (Man-in-the-Middle) Attack A MITM attack is when a hacker comes in between you and the person or web se