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Ngetha Media Association for Peace Empowered Communities of Ngwedu in Buliisa District to See, think and speak for themselves using Films.

by  4peace  | Nov 8, 2018 |  Activism ,  Advocacy ,  Community debate and public forum  |  0 comments On Sunday, November 4th, 2018, Ngetha Media Association for Peace (NMAP) held Public film screening in Buliisa district to educate the communities and raise awareness on the negative impacts of Oil and gas exploratory and drilling activities on community’s lives and on environments. The Public film screening was part of Ngetha Media Association for Peace ongoing project  “Human Rights Education, Advocacy and legal defense in support of environment and rural activists in Uganda”  supported by Land is Life. The purpose of the Public Film screening was to inform the communities of Ngwedu in Buliisa district of their human rights and the legal processes companies are required to follow; bring people together from communities already affected by Oil industry activity to share information and work in solidarity to mitigate the negative impacts of Oil and gas exploratory activities as well as


Fellow Ugandans, Africans and whole World, greetings. I am here writing again in this particular moment when the gross Human Rights violations by Ugandan Regime persist. As of writing this now, Dr Stella Nyanzi, a MISR fella in Makerere University is still in Jail and battling with her Rights. Stella Nyanzi, a Vocal and Bright lecturer with Makerere was illegally impeached from Office through a Pressure from State in 2015. Matters have been unfolding all along, with Nyanzi being Blocked from Traveling abroad, her Passport confiscated, law barred arrests of her at the same time she was battling many Court Cases including the one of her impeachment from Office on orders of State Operatives. Since Justice is matters concealing around dignity and our creator, she eventually won last month the Court Case of her unlawful impeachment. Court stressed that Stella Nyanzi was illegally blocked from Working, and therefore;- declared Stella Nyanzi to resume with her Normal Duties at MISR, Makerere

Ex Al-Shabaab Commander Passed to Run for Political Office.

A utomated Publishing Via Osuta Yusuf Applets. Mukhtar Robow Abu Mansur, a co-founder and former Al-Shabaab deputy leader has been cleared to run for political office, a year after he abandoned insurgency. He announced his entry into politics early October 2018 but was banned by the central government due to his past record. But the regional elections chairman of the Southwest regional administration ruled otherwise. He said the candidate had the right to participate in politics so long as he remained a Somali citizen. Robow has thus been cleared to contest to become president of the South-West state whose capital is Baidoa. The elections are to take place later this month. Robow, a one-time candidate on the United States terror list will be coming up against an incumbent, Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden and other aspirants. He was expunged from the terror list in June 2017 and with that, a $5 million bounty on his head was withdrawn. In August same year, he defected to the government after

Two New Bluetooth Flaws Expose Millions of Devices to Remote Attacks.

Automated Publishing Via Osuta Yusuf Applets. Security researchers have unveiled details of two critical vulnerabilities in Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) chips embedded in millions of access points and networking devices used by enterprises around the world. Dubbed  BleedingBit , the set of two vulnerabilities could allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code and take full control of vulnerable devices without authentication, including medical devices such as insulin pumps and pacemakers, as well as point-of-sales and IoT devices. Discovered by researchers at Israeli security firm Armis, the vulnerabilities exist in  Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Stack chips  made by Texas Instruments (TI) that are being used by Cisco, Meraki, and Aruba in their enterprise line of products. Armis is the same security firm that last year discovered BlueBorne, a set of nine zero-day Bluetooth-related flaws in Android, Windows, Linux and iOS that affected billions of devices, including smartphones, laptops

Egyptian Christians bury victims of latest militant attack.

Automated Publishing Via Osuta Yusuf Applets. Thousands of Christian mourners in Egypt on Saturday witnessed the burial of six members of the same family who were killed while returning from a baptism at a Coptic monastery in Egypt’s Minya province. Crowds spilled over from the pews screaming, sobbing and praying over six white coffins and refusing an offer of condolences from security officials. Priest of Mar Girgis, Rad Noser Mitri said they play no role in terrorism or hate but only a role in serving their church and country like any other people all around the world. We would like to tell them (the attackers) that we still love them despite what happened. “We would like to tell them (the attackers) that we still love them despite what happened. We have a question though, Why are you doing this to us? We do not commit malice towards anyone. We serve our church and nation in complete honesty,” he added. Gunmen opened fire on Friday (November 2) on two buses near the Monastery of St.

CIA Betrayer Faces New Charges of Leaking Information From Jail.

CIA Betrayer Faces New Charges of Leaking Information From Jail. Automated Publishing Via Osuta Yusuf Applets. Joshua Adam Schulte , a 30-year-old former CIA computer programmer who was indicted over four months ago for masterminding the largest leak of classified information in the agency's history, has now been issued three new charges. The news comes just hours after Schulte wrote a letter to the federal judge presiding over his case, accusing officials at Manhattan Metropolitan Correctional Center of interfering with his case pleading and subjecting him to "cruel and unusual punishment" in pre-trial detention. "The shit-filled showers where you leave dirtier than when you entered; the flooding of the tiers and cages with ice-cold water; the constant blast of cold air as we are exposed to extreme cold without blankets or long-sleeve shirts; the uncontrollable lights that are always on as we are sleep deprived...No human being should ever have to experience this to


In Remembrance and Prayerfulness of 2 November SOUL's Day, i would wish to use this Time / Date to Remember and Pray for the Soul of my Maternal Ant Mrs Lekuru Teddy, who died on 28 December 2016. This Woman worked tirelessly in all her Life on Earth and has always been a Mentor, Exemplary and Role module to not only Females but across the both Gender devoid. We are in tears for loosing her too early and let's chose solidarity until we meet in heaven too. I Osuta Yusuf would wish to partake the moment too, for Our Friends, Fellow Activists, Our Relatives and In-Laws to wishfully Pray with us too for the innocent Soul of Mrs Lekuru Teddy to Rest in Eternal Life.