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`Keep Out!`: Museveni warns meddlers in Uganda's politics Automated Publishing via Osuta Yusuf Applet Trigger. As the opposition in Uganda mounts pressure on Western powers to take action on the government’s human rights record, president Yoweri Museveni on Sunday warned against foreign interference in the country’s politics. Museveni also accused some unnamed foreign countries of seeking to influence the nation’s politics by funnelling assistance to the opposition through non-governmental organisations. “It is important that external players refrain from interfering in the internal affairs of other countries,” Museveni told a press conference on Sunday. NGOs (non-governmental organisations) funded by foreign governments actually give money to opposition players, give advice, lie on their behalf. “If there’s any problem in Uganda, I surely will handle it better than the outsider.” Bobi Wine calls on U.S. to suspend military funding to Uganda Last week the U.S. lawyer for opposition lawmaker Robert Kyagulanyi, a musician known by his stage name Bobi Wine, called on the United States to stop funding Uganda's military as a punitive measure against what Kyagulanyi said was torture by authorities in his country. Kyagulanyi and fellow parliamentarian Francis Zaake say they were tortured by security forces while in detention in August. The case led to protests against Museveni. Kyagulanyi, who has emerged as a formidable threat to the president, was charged with treason over his alleged role in the stoning of Museveni’s convoy during campaigning for a parliamentary seat. The government in Kampala denies torturing Kyagulanyi. Museveni’s security forces In power since 1986, Museveni has been widely accused by opposition critics and rights campaigners of using security forces to suppress opposition to his rule. “NGOs (non-governmental organisations) funded by foreign governments actually give money to opposition players, give advice, lie on their behalf,” Museveni said. Museveni also said his government had taken a decision to deploy thousands of auxiliary forces in the capital Kampala to boost security after a rash of assassinations of prominent people, including two police officers, a lawmaker and a public prosecutor. In July, the constitution was amended to remove the presidential age limit of 75 years, meaning Museveni can run again for president in 2021 — the year the country hopes to begin oil production.

A utomated Publishing via Osuta Yusuf Applet Trigger. As the opposition in Uganda mounts pressure on Western powers to take action on the government’s human rights record, president Yoweri Museveni on Sunday warned against foreign interference in the country’s politics. Museveni also accused some unnamed foreign countries of seeking to influence the nation’s politics by funnelling assistance to the opposition through non-governmental organisations. “It is important that external players refrain from interfering in the internal affairs of other countries,” Museveni told a press conference on Sunday. NGOs (non-governmental organisations) funded by foreign governments actually give money to opposition players, give advice, lie on their behalf. “If there’s any problem in Uganda, I surely will handle it better than the outsider.” Bobi Wine calls on U.S. to suspend military funding to Uganda Last week the U.S. lawyer for opposition lawmaker Robert Kyagulanyi, a musician known by his stage na

Sudan`s president Omar al-Bashir dissolved the government on Sunday and named a new prime minister who is tasked to form a smaller cabinet, as the country struggles to fix the crisis-hit economy battered in recent months by shortages of bread, fuel and hard currency. Automated post via Osuta Yusuf Trigger. Bashir named Motazz Moussa as the country’s prime minister. He replaces Bakri Hassan Saleh, who was appointed in 2017 as the country’s first prime minister since Bashir came to power in 1989. Moussa had been serving as minister of irrigation and electricity before the government was dissolved. Saleh, who had been serving as both prime minister and vice president before the shake-up, will stay on in the newly created post of first vice president, while Osman Yusuf Kubur was appointed second vice president. The announcement came just after Bashir called an emergency meeting of ruling party officials in the presidential palace on the back of growing economic concerns over price rises and shortages. No other ministerial appointments were announced, but the number of ministries in the new government will be slashed to 21 from 31, a move intended to cut down on spending, National Congress Party Deputy Chairman Faisal Hassan told a news conference. The ministers of foreign affairs, defence and presidential affairs will remain in their posts when the new government is formed, Hassan said. Sudan’s distressed economy Khartoum has been trying to slash expenditures as it grapples with record high inflation, the hard-currency shortage and growing concern over low levels of liquidity at commercial banks. Long queues outside commercial banks have become a fixture around Khartoum in recent weeks as the liquidity of the local currency has dwindled and ATMs have been emptied of cash. Daily withdrawal limits in some places have been set as low as 500 Sudanese pounds ($16.60). A presidency statement said the latest measures were necessary to solve “the state of distress and frustration faced by the country during the last period”. Sudan’s economy has been struggling since the south seceded in 2011, taking with it three-quarters of oil output and depriving Khartoum of a crucial source of foreign currency. The lifting of 20-year-old U.S. trade sanctions last year was expected to usher in a more prosperous era for a country that had long been isolated. But economic woes have only deepened as a black market for U.S. dollars has in effect replaced the formal banking system, making it more difficult and expensive to import essential supplies such as wheat. The dollar has risen to about 47 pounds on the black market in recent months, against an official rate of about 30 pounds. That helped to push annual inflation to around 64 percent in July. A doubling of the price of bread in January, after the government eliminated subsidies, triggered demonstrations. Sudan has been without a central bank governor since June, when Hazem Abdelqader died after suffering a heart attack while on a trip to Turkey.

Automated post via Osuta Yusuf Trigger. Bashir named Motazz Moussa as the country’s prime minister. He replaces Bakri Hassan Saleh, who was appointed in 2017 as the country’s first prime minister since Bashir came to power in 1989. Moussa had been serving as minister of irrigation and electricity before the government was dissolved. Saleh, who had been serving as both prime minister and vice president before the shake-up, will stay on in the newly created post of first vice president, while Osman Yusuf Kubur was appointed second vice president. The announcement came just after Bashir called an emergency meeting of ruling party officials in the presidential palace on the back of growing economic concerns over price rises and shortages. No other ministerial appointments were announced, but the number of ministries in the new government will be slashed to 21 from 31, a move intended to cut down on spending, National Congress Party Deputy Chairman Faisal Hassan told a news conference. The

Brazilian presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro stabbed with a knife at rally.

Brazilian presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro stabbed with a knife at rally . Automated Trigger Publishing via Osuta Yusuf. Brazil's front-running far-right presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro was stabbed during a rally while campaigning for next month's election. Brazil's front-running far-right presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro. (Photo: AP) Brazil’s front-running far-right presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro was stabbed during a rally while campaigning for next month’s election. On Thursday, Bolsonaro, notorious for making racist, sexist and homophobic remarks, was being led through a crowd on the shoulders of supporters in Juiz de Fora city in the southern state of Minhas Gervais when an assailant stabbed him from the front and he appeared to scream in pain, reports CNN. Known to many of his countrymen as the “Brazilian Trump”, Bolsonaro was taken to a hospital where medical officials and his family said he was in a stable condition. “Unfortunately it was mor

UGANDA IS AT ITS SUNSETTING AFTERNOON. 40 DAYS ARE COUNTING DOWN. Saturday, September 8, 2018 UGANDA: Bobi Wine on an American Radio Station saying "I am willing to die for my country" - VIDEO by Nangalama. This is an audio that Ssentiba sent me from Kampala. I have converted it to an MP4 to upload on Youtube. In this clip, Bobi Wine states clearly what ails Uganda. He says that he is willing to die so that the other 40mln can get a better life. Uganda has a population of 41mln (WB stats ending 2017). He states that even if they kill him, there are many. Some 40mln who are suffering. The reader needs to know that in a country of 41mln, we have 1mln who are parasites, our tormentors, thieves, murderers, hooligans, killers. This was an interview on a Radio in US by Bobi. I think it is NPR. NPR already has this on their website. Sadly, as we were processing the powerful message of Robert Kyagulanyi, one of his supporters, our brother, our son, District Police Commander Kirumira was assassinated. Tonight as we were waiting for details of this radio interview and Bobi's appearance in US Congress, Kirumira was gunned down. There is no doubt that US is now fully aware of the mafias in Uganda. If I were close to Bosco, I would tell him "you are screwing up so badly one of these days you will even kill yourself". Ugandans can afford to mourn Bosco for 3 months. This man has killed millions and millions while being funded by US, Canada, US, EU. The gig is up now. AND he must know this fact. YOU CANNOT KILL US ALL.

Saturday, September 8, 2018 UGANDA: Bobi Wine on an American Radio Station saying "I am willing to die for my country" - VIDEO by Nangalama. This is an audio that Ssentiba sent me from Kampala. I have converted it to an MP4 to upload on Youtube. In this clip, Bobi Wine states clearly what ails Uganda. He says that he is willing to die so that the other 40mln can get a better life. Uganda has a population of 41mln (WB stats ending 2017). He states that even if they kill him, there are many.  Some 40mln who are suffering. The reader needs to know that in a country of 41mln, we have 1mln who are parasites, our tormentors, thieves, murderers, hooligans, killers. This was an interview on a Radio in US by Bobi. I think it is NPR.  NPR already has this on their website. Sadly, as we were processing the powerful message of Robert Kyagulanyi, one of his supporters, our brother, our son, District Police Commander Kirumira was assassinated.  Tonight as we were waiting for details of thi

BY MR NIZU EDWINE. Mr OSUTA. I read many of your articles and I think your personal interest is to critise the ruling government and Mr Museveni. To those who believe in you it's an eye opener and to those who don't might think you interfere with what they enjoy. It's hard to believe you are different from Mr Museveni on ideological issues and how you want to conquer the minds of many citizens and world on political affairs of this country. BUT,every individual has he's or her own political will with reasons best known to them, everything in life has got both negative and positive impact much as we do them mindfully. The change many of our citizens and world cry for our dear country comes at a cost and we can hardly predict the out come in our own expectations,countries like Iibya, S.Sudan, Yemen, Iran,Somalia etc are examples the citizens and the world can refer to as evidence of change. Democracy in today's world is based on where one enjoys while inflicting pain on targeted individuals, this happens in both developed and developing countries simply because NO one can know your personal motives on issues and what you speak may not be what you implement or vise vasa. If you compare the administration of Kings and it's succession protocol to today's democracy then you will understand my points even though their negative or positive impacts directly on individuals. Thank GOD that you are still alive to see sun rise and set every day. Your thought might be useful or harmful to any individual depending on how one perceive and implement it. Best wishes

Mr OSUTA. I read many of your articles and I think your personal interest is to critise the ruling government and Mr Museveni. To those who believe in you it's an eye opener and to those who don't might think you interfere with what they enjoy. It's hard to believe you are different from Mr Museveni on ideological issues and how you want to conquer the minds of many citizens and world on political affairs of this country. BUT,every individual has he's or her own political will with reasons best known to them, everything in life has got both negative and positive impact much as we do them mindfully. The change many of our citizens and world cry for our dear country comes at a cost and we can hardly predict the out come in our own expectations,countries like Iibya, S.Sudan, Yemen, Iran,Somalia etc are examples the citizens and the world can refer to as evidence of change. Democracy in today's world is based on where one enjoys while inflicting pain on targeted individ

TO THE OBSTRACTORS OF OUR FREEDOM STRUGGLE AND THE TRAITORS OF DR KIZZA BESIGYE. There fellow Countrymen, Countrywomen and Emi woro Azi emi ci. I am obliged to pen this missive at a moment, some fellow Opposition factions (Some FDC members, some UPC members, some DP members and with some Independent MPs with a few of their supporters) are calling upon Besigye to go off the Liberation Struggle to Free Uganda and Ugandans!, While others are labeling him as a person with a hidden motive to hoodwink and Keep Ugandans under the Rulership of cruelty military dictator Museveni. Without Contradiction of the facts, i permit to erect that, Even if it is Mugisa Muntu or Bobi Wine or Winnie Kizza or Norbert Mao or Semujju Nganda or it is their Followers and Supporters agitating for the blackmail and humiliation of Dr Kizza Besigye, i beg to request them to desist from that, on my Reasons stated below: 1. Without Besigye, wouldn't have realized too earlier that, we are being under a Cage by Mr Museveni. 2. Without Besigye, we wouldn't get informed and risen up to fight Rulership of Museveni. 3. You wouldn't be who you are today in terms of Activism. 4. It is Dr Besigye who took Criticism, Arms and Other ways of Challenging defunct Mr Museveni Rule, that later on totally undressed not only Museveni but his Wicked and Sectarian Government of Humiliation and Blackmail. Minus Dr Kizza Besigye, the current Entire Opposition factions, leaders, members and their supporters wouldn't be here. I have been an ardent Supporter and Agent of Dr Kizza Besigye and i declare from Today to date, i Osuta Yusuf will die with Dr Besigye and perhaps, i add up on this, that, whoever attempts to upbring hatred Campaign against Our Dr Kizza Besigye, will face the Consequences on their own because you can not rise from no where to somewhere, just to attack a man who has been a Hero and Twinkle Star not only to Ugandans but to Africans and the whole World. Dr Kizza Besigye mentored Me, You and Everyone who is currently Opposition Leaning. Get me clear here again, i am not meaning we are gonna fight or prosecute those who attack Besigye but i am meaning, the perpetrators of blackmail against Dr Kizza Besigye, will face the difficulty in their futile move and will eventually quit attacking a man of the people. Dr Besigye, a man of No Greed, not a Sectarian nor a Tribalistic Leader must be Loved by Everyone and from all Corners of the World. TO SOME OF THE UPC PEOPLE, BOBI WINE, DP PEOPLE AND JEEMA PEOPLE; The impetus for change must arise elsewhere but docility of change must lie in the hands of those with the "Ability to improve"  but the "Disposition to preserve" it, and that is Dr Kizza Besigye. UNITY is always something that causes the downfall of an Evil and if We as the Opposition are divided, we will falldown and if We are United, We Will always WIN. To which ever Opposition Political Party you are subscribed to, i would please beg and urge all of us and everyone to be United and not to fight our Mentor Dr Kizza Besigye, instead we should always direct Our bullets to the Common enemy!, and in this case, it is Mr Museveni, His Government and His NRM Party. #THE_STRUGGLE_TO_FREE_OUR_PEOPLE_CONTINUES I welcome all your Opinions and Comments here or on my Whatsapp Number +243810842056. #THANKS. NB: Everything and all the articles published on my Website, are my Opinions and Writings alone! Nor are they affiliated to the Individuals or Interests of Political Parties, Foreign Entities, Companies or any Government i might have Links with. AUTHOR PROUD LUGBARA OSUTA YUSUF A CAREER POLITICIAN, BARRISTER, STUDENT FOR LIFE AND TALENTED IN INTERNET.

T here fellow Countrymen, Countrywomen and Emi woro Azi emi ci. I am obliged to pen this missive at a moment, some fellow Opposition factions (Some FDC members, some UPC members, some DP members and with some Independent MPs with a few of their supporters) are calling upon Besigye to go off the Liberation Struggle to Free Uganda and Ugandans!, While others are labeling him as a person with a hidden motive to hoodwink and Keep Ugandans under the Rulership of cruelty military dictator Museveni. Without Contradiction of the facts, i permit to erect that, Even if it is Mugisa Muntu or Bobi Wine or Winnie Kizza or Norbert Mao or Semujju Nganda or it is their Followers and Supporters agitating for the blackmail and humiliation of Dr Kizza Besigye, i beg to request them to desist from that, on my Reasons stated below: 1. Without Besigye, wouldn't have realized too earlier that, we are being under a Cage by Mr Museveni. 2. Without Besigye, we wouldn't get informed and risen up to fight

MR MUSEVENI WHO CALLS HIMSELF THE ALPHA AND OMEGA OF UGANDA. Dear Mr YOWERI who fictionally keeps saying Uganda is "Stable, Secure, Economy is stable, Security is maximum and Everything is okay". Of course, for the sake of speaking Facts, Mr Museveni did little good things for Ugandans and, he should have to be literally appreciated for those things though they may seem tiny, if compared to his 3 decades forceful stay in power and also, if compared to the Legacies of previous Presidents of Uganda ( #Amin, #Obote, #Mutesa etc etc). He has done about 75% Negative things and about 25% Positive things to the Nation of Uganda! But, majority People most times view and understand and Judge museveni from an Angle of being 100% Failure, wrong, unproductive, doing wrong things and Negativity. For the first time in all my Life and years of being an Activist, i would wish to thank and appreciate Museveni for those tiny good things and achievements he has done for Uganda. Nature and History proofs it, that, "Not Everything or Everyone on this Earth is always 100% wrong or failure or 100% right or good". Even a Thief or a Police or a Prostitute or a Lawyer or a Robber or a Pastor or a Poisoner or a Teacher or a Sheikh or a Soldier or a Murderer has both the Good side and Bad side! Enough of this 👆👆, and i would risk to publicly say that, Mr Museveni, Enough is Enough! And you must resign or the People will take their power and action to depose you forcefully, which may not only be costly to the Population but the greatest price will be paid by you, your family members, your relatives, your in-laws and so many of your close associates who have been dinning with you while they kept on looting Tax payer's money. If, there had always been substitutes to change and replace #Messi, #Etoo #Ronaldo, #Xavi, #Ronaldinho, #Robben, #Ibrahimovic, and yet those people were Once the Best and World Superstar players!, Who is Mr Museveni to think and believe that, He is God sent, the Best and a Messiah who is the only cable to Rule Uganda?. As a fact Checker, Ugandans Loved Mr Museveni and it is only him who has turned to call them "Barbaric, Naïve & Insane" to Love him. Pretending to be a Depth, is Dire and there is often a price for it. Dear Mr Museveni, People are Sick and Tired over your Ruthless Rulership. You are a typicality of a Ruler but not a Leader. You are called a "Ruler", because "Leaders" don't act like you. The other thing that has angered majority People to turn against Mr Museveni, is, his Continues Lying. Strange enough, he even lies with his face up right and looking at you. He doesn't get ashamed of lying nor does he even fear to tell Lies. Through Decisiveness, Flattery and Foolery, the Bush war Liberation Struggle led by Museveni under a formed guerilla zone called #FRONASA, which was largely supported and perpetuated by people who didn't understand the main motives of Mr Museveni, that time. He took the power successfully, developing the nation but reaching at some point, he hijacked the flying direction of their Struggle. Cooperation and Understanding of working together with his fellow bush war men, was order of that time but there was a point, where, the fellas begun realising, Museveni has started swifting the Goal posts of the struggle, the fellas were deflected along the way and it resulted into a new born opposition which was and is still under the big wig of Dr Kizza Besigye, who was later on joined by several other Veterans like Sejusa and others. The ailing Sunsetting reign of Mr Museveni's 33years military dictatorship of ruling Uganda with an iron hand, is partly portrayed in bad light, by the apparent unjust and unfair abuse of all Powers of Individuals, International Human RW, Judiciary, Foreign Entities, Media, Group of People, Legislature, Organizations, Ministries and, to the worst of it all, Gross abuse of both Human Rights and the Organisations supervising and monitoring Human Rights in the whole World. THIS IS MR MUSEVENI: The man who serves Teargas as Tea, Bullets as Lunch and Torture as Supper for Rioters and Demonstrators against his Sectarian NRM Government. This is the same person who made a shameful Speech, on 1 May 2018, while being the Guest of Honor, in Celebrating International Labour day of Uganda, which was hosted in #SEMBABULE District, Mr Museveni said, "i have decided to import Cuban  Doctors because our Doctors behaved badly and they abandon patients". Surely, Mr So called President, How can you expect a sane person to work under a ministry you underpay the workers, allocate little Budget and the vast worrying is its lack of facilitation, no drugs and many others. So, you expect a miracle to happen like, Jesus who woken up the dead? Or, you expected the Doctors to donate blood from their Bodies, so as to treat the Bed ridden? ooh, i have forgotten, may be you were wanting the Doctors to go buy drugs with their own money or manufacture drugs?. This is the same Mr Museveni, whom, when you criticize him or his ways of mishandling and mismanaging Uganda, will get you arrested or even brutalised. This is the same person, whom, when you disagree with or by mistake, you organize a peaceful rally or meeting, will coast you jail and evidences planted to charge you of either Treason or Murder or illegal possession of Guns or the charges may be any of the three or all of the three, in purported trend of imprisoning you for Life or 10+ years in Jail. This is the same Mr Museveni, who said in 2005, 2013 and 2016, that, he will never contest for Presidency! And only God knows if the years he has been talking about, have not come. This is the same person, who conspired with Parliament, to pass a ridiculous law that gets Activists arrested if they organize a peaceful demonstration minus the content and Go ahead from Police. This is the same person, whom, while being hosted on AlJazeera, he said "TVO and the Entire Opposition fraternity in Uganda use Internet to tell Lies, a lot of Lies and Government tells the Truth" and he was asked "Why"! He kept mute. But Museveni forgot here, that, He is being known and called as the Elder of Lying in Uganda. This is the same person, whom, under his Rulership, the Majority poor and unemployed youth are restricted from complaining about being Jobless or Poor and if they do, they are teargased, arrested and turned into punching bags. This is the same Kaguta, whose Government is only infiltrated by Beanweevils and Thieves, from which, he once admitted so. This is him, under which, the Four Arms of Government (Executive, Judiciary, Media and Legislature) have become Powerless, Toothless and to the worst of it all, Suckers and Hypocrites (taking orders from Museveni). This is also the same man, who fears the dead body of his opponents and can exile a dead body at anytime! Example of this, is Our fallen Patriotic President Mr Amin Dada. World, this Confused person, is the same man, under whose Rulership, Tuitions are high, riots across Government universities became order of the day and protests by the poorly paid Teachers, Lecturers, Doctors and Nurses is another native culture under the reign of this 74yrs old Museveni. EVENTUALLY did Museveni knew People will literally wake up and conquer his tricks, threats, foolery and the ploys he has been executing all along. We shared globally, the Videos and Pictures of the recent arrests, tortures and killings of our fellow Activists in ARUA and it has just Refreshed the Struggle. Donors and Foreign Governments have added their Pressure and Voices too and We would wish to thank Our global Partners and the Donors for paying attention to what we write and share all over the Internet. Me, i rest the Case of my Innocent and Healthy Soul. #THANKS. NB: Everything written on my Website, are my Opinions alone! They are never in anyway, affiliated with the individuals or interests of Organizations, Foreign Groups, Political Parties and Any Foreign entity i might have Links with. #LOVE_ME_OR_HATE_ME_I_DO_NOT_CARE. AUTHOR PROUD LUGBARA OSUTA YUSUF A CAREER POLITICIAN, BARRISTER, STUDENT FOR LIFE AND TALENTED IN INTERNET.

Dear Mr YOWERI who fictionally keeps saying Uganda is "Stable, Secure, Economy is stable, Security is maximum and Everything is okay". Of course, for the sake of speaking Facts, Mr Museveni did little good things for Ugandans and, he should have to be literally appreciated for those things though they may seem tiny, if compared to his 3 decades forceful stay in power and also, if compared to the Legacies of previous Presidents of Uganda ( #Amin, #Obote, #Mutesa etc etc). He has done about 75% Negative things and about 25% Positive things to the Nation of Uganda! But, majority People most times view and understand and Judge museveni from an Angle of being 100% Failure, wrong, unproductive, doing wrong things and Negativity. For the first time in all my Life and years of being an Activist, i would wish to thank and appreciate Museveni for those tiny good things and achievements he has done for Uganda. Nature and History proofs it, that, "Not Everything or Everyone on this