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PUBLISHED ON REDPAPPER. #THE_POWER_OF_SOCIAL_MEDIA THANKS ARTICLE 102(b) FORUM AND OTHERS. KEEP GETTING PHONE NUMBERS. Yes we can do it. Social media is a weapon of our choice. ................................................................................. Angry Youths Assault Mwenda Over Age Limit By Our Reporters Operating under “Protest Article 102(b),” a group of Ugandan youths from all political parties including NRM have resorted to targeting key supporters of Museveni’s right to rule for life by scrapping the age limit provisions in the Constitution. They have created a very active whatsapp forum, administered by mostly youths at universities in the Diaspora. This whatsapp forum operates by selectively adding a number of key supporters of the scrapping of age limits onto their forum where they are abused and asked to justify why they want life presidency. The verbal assaults have specifically been directed to Andrew Mwenda who has been having sleepless nights. He was overhead narrating his ordeal to staff at his Kamwokya-based offices to the effect that he these days can’t do any work as he is kept busy struggling to keep away from such forums. “They have over 20 administrators whose work is to keep adding you onto their forum. You get out and someone immediately puts you back and the cyber harassment is becoming too much,” Mwenda was overhead explaining. When he flees the forum, members follow him inbox and still post their hostile propaganda attacking him personally with trivial questions like those to do with his marital status. He has since resorted to blocking such numbers whenever he receives such messages relating to article 102(b). Mwenda isn’t alone. Privatization and Investment minister Evelyn Anite has also been targeted and forcefully added onto this notorious whatsapp group. She abused the youths for days until she gave up and quit the group and blocked its administrators from accessing her inbox. The youths abused her for days dismissing her as a sycophant out to serve one individual Museveni at the expense of posterity. Arua MP Col Ibrahim Abiriga is another Musevenist who has suffered the wrath of the young people who insist on describing themselves as Ugandans and not political party activists. They have contemptuously altered his name to “ebiriga” which means the docile sheep. He tried to put up a fight but they subdued him on grounds his fake written English indicates he isn’t even sufficiently educated to be in the legislature. Some have since threatened to scan all his academic discrepancies as contained in his case file in Nakawa Magistrates court for the world to see his academic inadequacies. “We know why you are blindly supporting this. It’s because you want to hide behind Museveni to continue intimidating the concerned magistrate not to summon you,” one of the boys posted temporarily silencing Abiriga. Simeo Nsubuga has also been forcefully conscripted on the group and continues to endure all manner of attacks. Simon Mulongo is also there and the personal attacks directed at him a few days ago forced him to denounce moves to scrap age limits and demanded the same for MPs. The boys were skeptical arguing Mulongo is a Museveni spy out to conceal his support for life presidency. James Kakooza was also added and silenced by reference to his marital woes of a few years ago which saw his wife petition courts for divorce on grounds of incest. Nakifuuma’s Kafeero Sekitoleko was also added and threatened to report to the IGP to get perpetrators arrested, teargased and tortured at Nalufenya but the boys didn’t give up. They assured him they are ready to die defending their country. They insisted it was about freedom of expression which is well enshrined in Article 29 of the same Constitution. He backed off and stopped posting anything. They also added troubled Bukedea woman MP Anita Among and vowed to expose her sex secrets if she doesn’t denounce life presidency. She managed them by remaining quiet. They also forcefully added Hillary Onek, the old man from Lamwo County. He managed their wrath by keeping quiet without posting anything and remains on the forum but without posting anything fearing to be character-assassinated. Many MPs including Ogenga Latigo and Anna Adeke are members on the group and rarely post. They have occasionally posted urging the angry youths to tone down on personal attacks which Adeke argues may harden NRM MPs to scrap age limit. The forum administrators have this week planned to add Museveni’s son-in-law Odrek Rwabwogo insisting that he declares where he stands on the ongoing debate. They are also planning to get phone numbers of other first family members and add them on their “PROTECT ARTICLE 102(b)” whatsapp forum to blackmail them until they denounce life presidency.

PUBLISHED ON REDPAPPER. #THE_POWER_OF_SOCIAL_MEDIA THANKS ARTICLE 102(b) FORUM AND OTHERS. KEEP GETTING PHONE NUMBERS. Yes we can do it. Social media is a weapon of our choice. ................................................................................. Angry Youths Assault Mwenda Over Age Limit By Our Reporters Operating under “Protest Article 102(b),” a group of Ugandan youths from all political parties including NRM have resorted to targeting key supporters of Museveni’s right to rule for life by scrapping the age limit provisions in the Constitution. They have created a very active whatsapp forum, administered by mostly youths at universities in the Diaspora. This whatsapp forum operates by selectively adding a number of key supporters of the scrapping of age limits onto their forum where they are abused and asked to justify why they want life presidency. The verbal assaults have specifically been directed to Andrew Mwenda who has been having sleepless nights. He was overhead

By Vicky Tipz Minaj: Today is my hero's day that is Nelson mandela who fought for justice of his people.

Today is my hero's day that is Nelson mandela who fought for justice of his people.

By Vicky Tipz Minaj. Today is my hero's day that is Nelson mandela who fought for justice of his people.

Today is my hero's day that is Nelson mandela who fought for justice of his people.

BY A PATRIOTIC UGANDAN FROM "WE SPEAK FOR THE NATION" GROUP ON WHATSAPP. .................................................................................... I managed to read both posts one of Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and the other one of Hon. Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine and here were my observations, conclusions and recommendations. . 1. Museveni's post was not addressed to Bobi Wine, Bobi Wine was among the many people mentioned in the post but he tried to capitalize on the fact that he was mentioned in the post and then responded to the post. 2. The two are great writers and Bobi's post had a lot of shared style of writing from Museveni's post. (Consider the vernacular words of some English words in both posts) 3.Both Museveni and Bobi Wine claim that 78% of Uganda's population is comprised of the Youths which is wrong. Bracketing the Youths to be between the age of 15-35 or even 45, its totally wrong. According to the 2014 Housing and Population Census, 47% of Ugandans were below 15 years of age Leaving the youths, the adults and aged to share the remaining 53%. So the 78% which should mean the young age 0-40 is wrongfully used to represent the youths (15-35). This 78% should therefore not be used in demographics concerning unemployment but rather dependence ratio since a more than a half of this 78% are the minor (below 18) who are not yet of working age. OUR Leaders need to get informed. 4. Museveni claims that the reason why we have a big percentage of young age as opposed to adult age is because of NRM Policies like immunization introduced in 1987 which reduced the infant mortality rate from 156 to 43 in 1000 live births. Thank You Mr. President but still 43 is still a big a number. This means that out of 1000 babies born alive, 43 of them won't survive the infantry stage not forgetting that most of the diseases killing the toddlers are curable diseases Mr. President. Out of 1 576 000 babies born every year in Uganda 67760 kids die before the age of one. However in my own view, this gap between the young and the aged is mainly because of high mortality rate in Uganda evidenced by a low life expectancy which currently stands at 58 years, 5 years below the one of our neighboring Rwanda and 3 years below the one of Kenya implying that most Ugandans die just slightly above the Youthful age. 5. Museveni says that Ugandans no longer follow politics of religion which he attributes that to NRM and Bobi Wine refuses to acknowledge that. I also attribute this achievement to NRM. During Obote's reign, Anglicans (Protestants) enjoyed the governance over and on the cost of Catholics making Catholics support DP looking for a change. I guess every Ugandan knows this. During Amin's reign, two thirds to three quarters of the cabinet (66%-75%) were Muslims yet the Muslim population in Uganda was slightly below 10% of the total population. In 1985 when Catholic generals (Bazilio Olara-Okello and Tito Okello Lutwa) overthrew the Obote government in my own county Kashari, Catholics attacked Anglicans (call them protestants) and the latter had to seek refuge at the Rutooma Archdeaconary. When M7 took power in 1986, such religious opportunists were there and wanted to take advantage but it did not happen, Museveni united religions towards working for a united Uganda. But His claim that Ugandans are no longer in politics of tribes its completely not true. Even in Last Year's general elections, he should have observed that he won in certain tribes and lost in other tribes an indication that people were grouped ethnically into supporting either Besigye or him (Museveni) so there is still much to be done to make tribes blend socially. 6. Museveni talking about New Vision was like he was reminding the government owned media company that their job is to promote NRM not opposition. His voice did not echo for a balanced/fairness/objectivity in the way this state owned newspaper publishes but rather calling them to keep leaning towards the NRM. Hope Kabushenga Robert read the post of his boss commanding. . 7. After swearing in as an MP Kyadondo East, Bobi Wine promised to make his wife a First Lady of Uganda. In this post of Bobi Wine if you read it well. It sounded like he was taking the first step towards his promise to Barbie. The statement was the kind of approach which probably some people thought lacked in Besigye. "hardliners whose stance is that everything about Uganda is wrong" with the fact that Bobi Wine seemed to give credit where due to the incumbent and also agreed to him in one way or the other to him which made some people respond to his statement with words like "I love the maturity In the way u articulate on things an for the 1st time, we have a person who doesn't believe in wat the president does but doesn't point fingers, doesn't abuse and comes to agreement with him at some points!! I hope the president seeing what I see in you and works with you!! You can make a good prime minister!" . I like the statement of Bobi Wine where he said that "Part of the problem has been that the NRM views money as the solution to everything in itself.Only God knows how many funds u've put in innovation, prosperity ect, only to fail flat." and linked it to Museveni's statement in a line where he said "The gaps that have emerged are: jobs for the large youth population, fighting corruption of public servants and politicians" Museveni is becoming clear to Ugandans than ever that he has completely failed to fight corruption. . This is just the beginning our eyes are open on how the MPs will fight hard in this trying time of the Removing the Age Limit.

BY A PATRIOTIC UGANDAN FROM "WE SPEAK FOR THE NATION" GROUP ON WHATSAPP. .................................................................................... I managed to read both posts one of Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and the other one of Hon. Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine and here were my observations, conclusions and recommendations. . 1. Museveni's post was not addressed to Bobi Wine, Bobi Wine was among the many people mentioned in the post but he tried to capitalize on the fact that he was mentioned in the post and then responded to the post. 2. The two are great writers and Bobi's post had a lot of shared style of writing from Museveni's post. (Consider the vernacular words of some English words in both posts) 3.Both Museveni and Bobi Wine claim that 78% of Uganda's population is comprised of the Youths which is wrong. Bracketing the Youths to be between the age of 15-35 or even 45, its totally wrong. According to the 2014 Housing and Population Census,

THREAT TO HOSTILE DICTATORSHIP RULE, IS ONLY THROUGH 'INFORMATION', THUS BY INFORMING THE UNINFORMED. ................................. .................................................. SOCIAL MEDIA COUP IS WITHIN OUR REACH. Uganda will be the first sub-Saharan country to change a government using Social Media and the possibility of the happening is very good. If you have a smartphone, you have the weapon to go into combat with a dictatorial regime of Museveni. Social media is credited for cutting down on outright police brutalities on the streets of Uganda. Now days you rarely see pictures of police clobbering people. A very good example is the swearing in after party for Hon. Kyagulanyi. Millions of his supporters descended on the streets without a police authorization and scenes of previous tear gas, clobbering people are not as common and thanks to you, the bravery patriotic Ugandas with your smartphones. Most of the most ruthless dictators share a common fear of not being invaded by rebels or coups from their personal armies, but the fear comes from social medias. Things have changed folks. We have seen what social media has done even in the most powerful nations. Now the government of Uganda has appointed an official to monitor social media, laws have been passed regulating social media, threats and consequences of not registering SIM cards all have done nothing to stop people from speaking out against Museveni's autocratic rule. The government's crack down on those violating social stupid laws have fallen flat on its face. It was Social Media not Monitor, New Vision or the Observer, that prompted Rebecca Kadaga to come out her shell to inquire the age limit amended as if she just arose from the dead that she had no idea what was trending on social media. The good thing with social media it is faster than the speed of light. What is happening in Uganda now, in a few seconds it is all over the world. Do not listen to those that say that ( yapping) on whatsapp, cannot change anything but deep down inside, if social media was Span or you, we would be in Nalufenya right now pleading for food and water from the beatings. But this is not the time to let our guards down because dictator Museveni is also trying to figure out how to fight social media without using tear gas or bullets. Now we need to take our fight a step higher. We need phone numbers from religious leaders, teachers, university students, Judges and lawyers, police personnel and someone somewhere has this information. we will take it from there but we need your help. You're not called a GENERAL PUBLIC for no reasons. Let us leave the matters of General Public to the generals. There is no stronger general than general public. Lets get to work folks and what a great job you're doing. The age limit is the last safety valve we have and we will not take it sitting down. Fight on. Don't you like to see Museveni and Janet bundled up in that silly NRM yellow bus hauling them into Nalufenya?????. WE WILL BRING TO KNEES, THIS BIAS UGANDA GOVERNMENT. #THE_STRUGGLE_CONTINUES

THREAT TO HOSTILE DICTATORSHIP RULE, IS ONLY THROUGH 'INFORMATION', THUS BY INFORMING THE UNINFORMED. ................................. .................................................. SOCIAL MEDIA COUP IS WITHIN OUR REACH. Uganda will be the first sub-Saharan country to change a government using Social Media and the possibility of the happening is very good. If you have a smartphone, you have the weapon to go into combat with a dictatorial regime of Museveni. Social media is credited for cutting down on outright police brutalities on the streets of Uganda. Now days you rarely see pictures of police clobbering people. A very good example is the swearing in after party for Hon. Kyagulanyi. Millions of his supporters descended on the streets without a police authorization and scenes of previous tear gas, clobbering people are not as common and thanks to you, the bravery patriotic Ugandas with your smartphones. Most of the most ruthless dictators share a common fear of not being

AN OPEN LETTER TO UGANDAN DICTATOR MR YOWERI MUSEVENI. Dear Mr Museveni, i am a young Ugandan youth. I am not sure whether you use social media!! But to my little knowledge, you do use social media and on top of that, you recruited 500 more spy group to monitor social media. So my letter will reach to you, through them. To be honest, the newspapers cannot release this letter. Because your government barred them from calling a spade, a spade. Every Ugandan knows why. I am also convinced that if you try to ask about such a letter, you will receive an edited version rendering the intention of the same redundant. These threats actually invigorate the need to scribe to you. We, the country have learnt with utter shock the devilish orotund plan of changing the age limit clause in the Ugandan Holy book, the Constitution. Mr. Museveni, let me remind you what you already know. When society is hopeless, it applies the law of the jungle. Eat or be eaten. To be open to you, retire and save the country. We, as countrymen and countrywomen, cannot with sarcasm negate the efforts rendered by our forefathers some of whom paid the ultimate price to build the country we so much love. The reasons that pushed you in the bush have been exceeded at the very watch. You may brush off my appeal. By the way, I am sure there are people ill advising you to cling onto power. This is because, they are worried of a Uganda without you. If you are wise enough, you should be able to know that the longer you stay, the more insecure they become. I am sure in early 1990, no one of them thought insecure as most of your right hand men and women are these days. As a mature politician, you should know simple basics. Eaters will always clap hands for you. Actually, they can do anything, I mean anything to ensure that you stay in power. I am indeed not sure whether I will breath freely in the next few days. But even if I stop, everyone reading this must the next day after my ascension preach the gospel of political democracy and freedom stronger and more resolute. Because you can gas without making it sound, it doest stop it from smelling. Actually, if anyone thinks Ugandans are politically impotent, this bad intentioned move will act as a political Viagra for them to wake up and summarise the enemies of this country. Surely, by 2021 it will be your 35th year holding that office. Did you make an agreement with Jesus not to leave power until he returns?  Don't make fool of yourself by saying people will decide. Elections are games. You may play a rough game and have the artificial majority endorsing your stay but don't think you are the best. Kindly leave power. Please leave power.  I have not lived so long like you. Truly I didn't get a chance to see the 1980 elections in which you were a disappointing candidate. However, God blessed me to see the 2016 elections. Allow me whisper a secret to you, people mourned. For me who was on the ground, I know how your rallies were mobilised. It is not your fault you were deceived that you have crowds. They were highly paid poor Ugandans looking for survival. You won by ridding on the back of the tiger. Now that you are daring to change the age limit clause, I am not a prophet but ending in the inside of the tiger seems to be the direction. To those who are going to be paid heavily to sell our future, the public court, has already recruited ample judges. Get ready. Lastly, you have seen three or four presidents of Tanzania assume or handover office since 1986. Also, you have seen a whopping number (eight) of USA presidents assume or handover office since 1988.  ARE YOU A GOD? Before I go, let me thank you for monitoring social media. At least I am sure that there is a person who has read this. If you don't fear NALUFEENYA torture chamber, you can share this missive. THANK YOU. NB: This letter is sent from "WE SPEAK FOR THE NATION" , group on whatsapp.

AN OPEN LETTER TO UGANDAN DICTATOR MR YOWERI  MUSEVENI. Dear Mr Museveni, i am a young Ugandan youth. I am not sure whether you use social media!! But to my little knowledge, you do use social media and on top of that, you recruited 500 more spy group to monitor social media. So my letter will reach to you, through them. To be honest, the newspapers cannot release this letter. Because your government barred them from calling a spade, a spade. Every Ugandan knows why. I am also convinced that if you try to ask about such a letter, you will receive an edited version rendering the intention of the same redundant. These threats actually invigorate the need to scribe to you. We, the country have learnt with utter shock the devilish orotund plan of changing the age limit clause in the Ugandan Holy book, the Constitution. Mr. Museveni, let me remind you what you already know. When society is hopeless, it applies the law of the jungle. Eat or be eaten. To be open to you, retire and save the co

MOCKERY FROM UGANDA GOVERNMENT. BLINDLY ACCUSING MARACHA CHILDREN BOYCOTTING SCHOOLS OVER DRUGS, IS NOT ONLY DEFAMATION BUT IT ALSO DESTROYS OUR REPUTATION!!!!! AND YOU CAN NOT ADMINISTER INJECTION WITHOUT KNOWING THE DISEASE AND ITS CAUSE. DICTATOR MUSEVENI FAMILY IS A BUNCH OF SCHOOL DROPOUTS!, IF YOUR PARENTS DIDN'T GO TO SCHOOL, DEFINITELY YOU FOLLOW THEIR PATH. MOST PARENTS IN MARACHA ARE IGNORANT AND POOR. They do not know why our education system is despotic. They also do not know if our teaching curriculum has been changed. Ugandan government laughs when people are illiterate. You can as well get me arrested for saying "Museveni greedy government is behind failure of education in most rural schools". Stupid government. .................................................................................................................................... Maracha children leave school to sell drugs By Vision Reporter Added 15th October 2013 12:19 PM. Children as young as eight years old forego school to go and pick mairungi leaves from gardens to get money.They are paid about sh1, 000 for what they call “cutting charge” for mairungi harvested. This practice has brought down school attendance to low levels and increased late school arrival. By Richard Drasimaku Children as young as eight years old forego school to go and pick mairungi leaves from gardens to get money. They are paid about sh1, 000 for what they call “cutting charge” for mairungi harvested. This practice has brought down school attendance to low levels and increased late school arrival. The worst hit schools are in Kijomoro sub-county, Maracha district where Okokoro trading centre infamously nicknamed the mairungi capital city is located. Lamila parish in the same sub-county is nicknamed the “world trading centre” for mairungi. Middlemen on motorcycles and taxis head to these trading centres between 8:00am and 10:00am to purchase the narcotic leaves. They buy it from a set of agents, mainly women, who buy it directly from the farmers. The cyclists and taxi operators then distribute the mairungi to numerous trading centres along the Arua-Koboko-Yumbe-Moyo- Adjumani road. Others proceed to Elegu, Nimule or Oraba and Yei in South Sudan, while the most audacious traders board buses to distant areas to market it. The Kijomoro LC3 chairman, Yuda Bileti, said the last time they inspected schools, they found only 150 pupils at Oriba Primary School out of 1,047 who enrolled at the beginning of the year. The district education officer, Flavia Osoa, said attendance in other schools in Maracha is not any better, adding that some children even chew the mairungi. She said because the pupils and their parents feel mairungi generates more money, the emphasis on education has also gone down. The negative impact of mairungi on the population, however, goes beyond education as idle youths roam in trading centres chewing the toxic leaves. “It renders them non-productive while taking a toll on their health,” said Dr. Alex Adaku, the in-charge of Arua Hospital psychiatry department. He disclosed that substance abuse including mairungi, constitutes 26% of all cases of mental illness received at the hospital, which is 21% increment since the unit was launched in 2010. In other hospitals such as Moyo and Adjumani where no such units exist, patients with mental illness are admitted together with other patients in the general wards. Local leaders complain that they would want to fight off mairungi production but there is no law to back them up since mairungi is not illegal under Ugandan laws. Bileti said some people even prefer to reserve their gardens for growing mairungi as a cash crop, ignoring crops like cassava, groundnuts, mangoes and onions. One day, one time this pathetic regime will regret, why they had made a mistake to extremely abuse people from westnile like this. PROUD LUGBARA MAA MVAA #OSUTA_YUSUF A CAREER ACTIVIST / LAWYER.

MOCKERY FROM UGANDA GOVERNMENT. BLINDLY ACCUSING MARACHA CHILDREN BOYCOTTING SCHOOLS OVER DRUGS, IS NOT ONLY DEFAMATION BUT IT ALSO DESTROYS OUR REPUTATION!!!!! AND YOU CAN NOT ADMINISTER INJECTION WITHOUT KNOWING THE DISEASE AND ITS CAUSE. DICTATOR MUSEVENI FAMILY IS A BUNCH OF SCHOOL DROPOUTS!,  IF YOUR PARENTS DIDN'T GO TO SCHOOL, DEFINITELY YOU FOLLOW THEIR PATH. MOST PARENTS IN MARACHA ARE IGNORANT AND POOR. They do not know why our education system is despotic. They also do not know if our teaching curriculum has been changed. Ugandan government laughs when people are illiterate. You can as well get me arrested for saying "Museveni greedy government is behind failure of education in most rural schools". Stupid government. .................................................................................................................................... Maracha children leave school to sell drugs By Vision Reporter Added 15th October 2013 12:19 PM. Children as young