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HERE IS HOW WE CAN REDEEM POLICE IMAGE. Many People have commented on the level of indiscipline in the Uganda police force, the level of training, welfare and assignment execution (professionalism) that have fallen to its lowest standards since colonial times. it is not yet too late for police to redeem its image but I am a little bit skeptical if the current regime canreally implement these proposals but I will still propose them any way. 1.There should be an overhaul of the entire force by thorough review and inquiry into the recruitment process. 2.All policemen and women must reapply for their jobs. 3.Those who do not meet the requirements must be retired. 4.Army men must not be appointed to the police force. Any Army man wishing to join the police, must first resign and attend police training. 5.Police carrying guns must only act as backup forces not to be seen any how and any where in the public. 6.Refresher courses must be conducted regularly, especially in the field of human rights, crowd management, investigation and forensic audit. 7,The force should strive to gain trust of the citizens by doing Right Things all the Time. 8.They must desist from asking and receiving bribes. ETÇ, ETC ETC ......................... .... .