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📸: Unsplash. Earlier we told you that the law allows you to sell the property of the ‘loser’ in a court case to pay off the money the court has ordered them to pay to you. This process is known as attachment. For this process to happen, you must follow a number of steps.  1. After winning the case, you have to apply to court to allow you to attach the property of the ‘loser’ to recover your money.  2. The court listens to your application and may then grant you an order (called an attachment warrant) to attach that property you mentioned. This order cannot be enforced by you, but by officers of the court called court bailiff.  3. Once the court bailiff receives this order, they can sell the property on behalf of the court in a process known as a public auction. You, the person demanding may be prohibited from buying that property in the interest of justice.  4. Once the property is sold, you (the winner), will receive the money that you demand, the bailiff will remove thei

Deputy Speaker Rt Hon Tayebwa Urges Men in Uganda to Take Responsibility of Caring for Their Families.

The Deputy Speaker, Thomas Tayebwa asked men in Uganda to step up in their roles of providing for their families, saying its their fulfillment of their responsibilities at home that will guarantee their titles as heads of families, not merely putting on trousers. "Where is it written in our laws that the head of the household is a man, where? The head of the household is someone who is looking after the household. It doesn’t have to be a man, putting on a trouser doesn’t make me the head of the household. If it is my wife who is feeding me, paying school fess and rent, she is the head of the household. Its not that you put on trousers, women also put on trousers, only that you call them pants,” Tayebwa. Source: Parliament Watch.

Hon Oguzu Lee Asks Government to Solve What Drives Children into Streets and Criminality, as MPs Remain Divided Over Proposal to Build More Remand Houses.

  Hon. Kabahenda Legislators have expressed mixed reactions on a recommendation by the Committee on Gender, Labour and Social Development urging government to build more remand homes. According to a report presented to Parliament on Thursday, 05 October 2023 by the Committee Chairperson, Hon. Flavia Kabahenda, there is need to set up more remand homes and expand the existing ones due to population increase. She said that with the exception of Ihungu Remand Home in Masindi and Kapiringisa National Rehabilitation Centre, the other six across the country are overcrowded. “Overcrowding in homes creates practical challenges such as infringing on the right to privacy, and makes access to basic necessities like soap and sanitary towels difficult,” said Kabahenda. Hon. Nelsa Avako (NRM, Y

It's Uganda's 61st Independence Day Anniversary. Celebrate it at Hotel Le Confidentiel together with your loved ones. With spacious garden and friendly waiters and waitresses ready to serve you any type of drinks, wines, beers, foods among others, your 9-Oct-2023 independence day celebration will be colorful and memorable. Make your reservations through this  telephone number  +256761688181 Or Email:   . #iip_adverts #iip_updates  #Information_is_Power   (iip) #we_inform_the_uninformed

How to start an automatic car.

  • Put your right foot on the left-hand pedal (the brake) and push down • Start the car by twisting the key or pressing the start button • With your foot still on the brake, move the shifter to ‘D’ (if you want to drive forward) or ‘R’ (if you want to reverse) • Lift your foot off the brake, this will cause most automatic vehicles to ‘creep’ forwards • To gain speed, gently press your right foot down on the right pedal (the accelerator) • Once moving, the gearbox will select the correct gear for the situation and do all the hard work for you. • Look around for safety.  How to stop an automatic car • As you reduce the speed, the automatic transmission will shift down in gears for you • When you’ve finished your journey, press down on the brake pedal until the car stops • While stationary, keep your foot on the brake and shift the lever to ‘P’ • Apply the handbrake (either a lever or button usually next to the gear selector) • Then turn the ignition off In the image above, you will noti


📷: Unsplash. Nalule’s husband died one year ago. Her late husband’s brothers came in immediately after the burial and took over all the property in the house. They even chased Nalule out of the house. Nalule was stuck in Kotido begging and looking for transport and food to return to Buikwe when she met Nafuka who advised to go to court and seek for justice. Nalule’s problem is that she could not even afford food or transport to Buikwe, so then how would she afford to take her husband’s relatives to court? WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? Justice must be available to everyone regardless of the wealth they have. This means that everyone is equal before the law, and they should not be denied justice just because they are ‘poor’. In Uganda, the law allows people who cannot afford to hire a lawyer or pay the court fees associated with their case to bring their case before court. If you are unable to afford to hire a lawyer or even pay for court fees, in the  law you are referred to as a "pauper

Emerging Details on the 71-Member Delegation Sent to Attend UN General Assembly.

 Wednesday 4-Oct-2023. Muwada Nkunyingi (Kyadondo East) said that out of the delegation of 71 members, 10 of them were accredited, but 61 weren’t accredited & these attended as advisors, with Okello Oryem, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs (International Relations) accrediting his own wife to represent Uganda at UN, despite not holding any official position in Government to represent Uganda. “I now pray that the Minister of Foreign Affairs be directed to brief this House on how the delegation was sanctioned and purpose of each member on the delegation. This isn’t the first time that Uganda is being represented but we are questioning how come we had a bloated delegation which we term as wasteful expenditure as Opposition,” Muwada. #iip_updates  #Information_is_Power  #we_inform_the_uninformed