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#we_inform_the_uninformed . More in his link. Martha has been working with Bakalu and sons company limited, a fast-growing hardware company for 8 months now. Martha has faithfully worked daily for the last 8 months without a break, even on public holidays. She recently approached her boss Bakalu requesting to take a few days off as she is fatigued and wants to rest. Unfortunately, Mr Bakalu told her she is not paid to rest and she can quit if she thinks otherwise. Martha is sick and tired of this and is ready to sue her employer.   Do you think Martha can sue her employer Mr. Bakalu? Let us know in the comments below : Unsplash #BarefootLaw 


#we_inform_the_uninformed . More in his link. Martha has been working with Bakalu and sons company limited, a fast-growing hardware company for 8 months now. Martha has faithfully worked daily for the last 8 months without a break, even on public holidays. She recently approached her boss Bakalu requesting to take a few days off as she is fatigued and wants to rest.... from Information is Power #we_inform_the_uninformed . More in his link. Martha has been working with Bakalu and sons company limited, a fast-growing hardware company for 8 months now. Martha has faithfully worked daily for …


Martha has been working with Bakalu and sons company limited, a fast-growing hardware company for 8 months now. Martha has faithfully worked daily for the last 8 months without a break, even on public holidays. She recently approached her boss Bakalu requesting to take a few days off as she is fatigued and wants to rest. Unfortunately, Mr Bakalu told her she is not paid to rest and she can quit if she thinks otherwise. Martha is sick and tired of this and is ready to sue her employer.   Do you think Martha can sue her employer Mr. Bakalu? Let us know in the comments below 📷: Unsplash #BarefootLaw 

Breaking News.Nexus, a New Rising Android Banking Trojan Targeting 450 Financial Apps.

#we_inform_the_uninformed . Click on the link for more. An emerging Android banking trojan dubbed  Nexus  has already been adopted by several threat actors to target 450 financial applications and conduct fraud. “Nexus appears to be in its early stages of development,” Italian cybersecurity firm Cleafy  said  in a report published this week. “Nexus provides all the main features to perform ATO attacks (Account Takeover) against banking portals and cryptocurrency services, such as credentials stealing and SMS interception.” The trojan, which appeared in various hacking forums at the start of the year, is advertised as a subscription service to its clientele for a monthly fee of $3,000. Details of the malware were  first documented  by Cyble earlier this month. However, there are indications that the malware may have been used in real-world attacks as early as June 2022, at least six months before

Breaking News. Nexus, a New Rising Android Banking Trojan Targeting 450 Financial Apps.

#we_inform_the_uninformed  An emerging Android banking trojan dubbed  Nexus  has already been adopted by several threat actors to target 450 financial applications and conduct fraud. "Nexus appears to be in its early stages of development," Italian cybersecurity firm Cleafy said in a report published this week. "Nexus provides all the main features to perform ATO attacks (Account Takeover) against banking portals and cryptocurrency services, such as credentials stealing and SMS interception." The trojan, which appeared in various hacking forums at the start of the year, is advertised as a subscription service to its clientele for a monthly fee of $3,000. Details of the malware were first documented by Cyble earlier this month. However, there are indications that the malware may have been used in real-world attacks as early as June 2022, at least six months before its official announcement on darknet portals. According to security researcher Rohit Bansal (@0xrb) and

Law Doesn’t Allow RDCs to Halt or Cancel Land Titles, Arua Deputy RDC Ham Tells Aggrieved Ocoko Land Claimaints.

#we_inform_the_uninformed . Read more in this link Facts You Should Know. Ocoko vocational rehabilitation center which sits on 25 acres of land, is a government institute established in 1964 and it serves as a training hub for children who drop out of school within and outside WestNile region. The contested land which roughly measures to about 5 acres has been and is till being cultivated by Ocoko vocational rehabilitation center staffs. The institute offers free courses on tailoring, leather works / shoe making, hair dressing, knitting / weaving, welding and metal fabrication. Besides the free courses, the institute also awards each graduate with tools and startup capital of 150,000 Shs upon completion of the six months courses. Following complains and misunderstandings between the community members and the staffs of Ocoko Vocational Rehabilitation Center over some 5 acres of land, Arua Di

Law Doesn’t Allow RDCs to Halt or Cancel Land Titles, Arua Deputy RDC Ham Tells Aggrieved Ocoko Land Claimaints.

#we_inform_the_uninformed . Read more in this link Facts You Should Know. ⚫️ Ocoko vocational rehabilitation center which sits on 25 acres of land, is a government institute established in 1964 and it serves as a training hub for children who drop out of school within and outside WestNile region. ⚫️ The contested land which roughly measures to about 5 acres has been and is till being cultivated by Ocoko vocational rehabilitation center staffs.... from Information is Power #we_inform_the_uninformed . Read more in this link Facts You Should Know. ⚫️ Ocoko vocational rehabilitation center which sits on 25 acres of land, is a government institute established in 1964 and…