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Uganda has gone to the dogs. The Electoral Commission denominated me 2021 elections when it ruled against me for not changing my name using a Deed Poll. In the the case of Ojok Andrew Oulanyah, the EC cleared him and ruled that he didn't require a Deed Poll since he was not changing his name as it appears in the National register. That though his name on the academic documents are different ( Ojok Andrew O), his name in the national ID/ national register was the same he used for nomination. The EC therefore ruled that since Ojok Andrew Oulanyah was not changing the name in the national register, he only needed to cure the variation with a statutory declaration which he did in 2016. The facts of the case of Ojok Andrew Oulanyah are identical to my case. I used the name Andua E. Drani and Andua Drani on my academic documents and in the national register and for nomination, I used the name Andua Martin Drani. Like Ojok Andrew Oulanyah, I cured the variation by the use of a statutory d

Scorpion Venom is the Most Expensive Liquid in the World.

Narrator: The deathstalker is one of the most dangerous scorpions on the planet, and what makes it so dangerous also happens to be the most expensive liquid in the world.  This stuff costs $39 million per gallon. Now, even if you had the money, you couldn't just go and buy a gallon of the stuff, because you can only get it in tiny, minuscule amounts. $130 will get you a droplet that's smaller than a grain of sugar. The reason why is pretty simple: the stuff is hard to get. Scorpions are almost always milked by hand, one by one. And one scorpion produces, at the most, just two milligrams of venom at a time. So, let's do the math. If you owned one scorpion you would have to milk it 2.64 million times to fill a gallon. And let's face it, you'd probably get stung along the way as well. One sting isn't enough to kill a healthy human, but I think it hurts. Steve Trim: I'd easily put it being a hundred times more painful than a bee sting, but because pain is a subj

The Venoms; Bukoto Central MP Richard Sebamala Forces Himself as the Acting DP Party President.


Power 🆚 Law; Soldier Who Broke Traffic Law in the Middle of Kibuye Roundabout, Points a Gun and Threatened to Shoot Traffic Police Officers.

What you need to know: The soldier is accused of drawing a gun at a traffic officer who reportedly asked him to remove his vehicle from the middle of Kibuye Roundabout where he had parked and blocked other motorists  Police have arrested a Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) soldier after he allegedly attempted to shoot traffic officers on duty in Kampala City. The soldier identified as number RA 080643 WO1 Herbert Kakama attached to Chief of Training and Recruitment, Mbuya, was arrested Saturday on attempted murder charges after he was disarmed by the traffic officers. It is alleged that the soldier parked a Toyota Harrier in the middle of Kibuye Roundabout in Katwe Division, Kampala blocking other motorists but when a traffic officer asked him to remove it, he allegedly refused and instead drew a gun in what has seemingly become a common sight on the city roads lately.  An officer from Katwe Police Station who spoke to this publication on conditions of anonymity because he’s not au

RDC Mr Ayikobua has Closed Maracha SS Indefinitely Over Bloody Fight Between Students of Otravu SS and Maracha SS that Left Two Police Officers with Fractures.

   ðŸ‘†ðŸ‘† RDC Festus Addressing the Students & Teachers of Maracha SS at the Closure of the School on Thursday 21-7-2022.      ðŸ‘†ðŸ‘† DPC ASP Musinguzi interacting with the DISO Mr Samuel during the closure of the School 21-7-2022. Photos compiled by Hon Ariaka Vincent, Male Youth Councillor Maracha District. Maracha secondary school in Maracha district has, on 21-7-2022 been closed following a violent student fight with Otravu secondary school in Uganda's West Nile region.  The decision to close the school indefinitely came after the students of Maracha SS attacked their counterparts from Otravu SS on Thursday morning in retaliation for a similar attack in which school properties were destroyed on Wednesday night. The students were, however, intercepted by police who fired teargas canisters and live bullets to disperse the rowdy students. Three students and one police officer were injured in the process and are receiving treatment in various health


By Oguzu Lee Denis, MP Maracha Constituency. Rt. Hon. Deputy Speaker, I hope this finds you doing well. I'm writing to you in relation to your stewardship of the House. Even as  jubilant as members have been with your work as once expressed by the Woman MP for Butambala who for lack of better word addressed you as "Mr. President" to a standing ovation of your fans, many now feel agrieved and betrayed by your actions and decisions on ROKO. Buttressed by teachings of Martin Luther King that "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter," motivated by the words of Edmund Burke that "The only thing necessary for triumph of evil is for all good men to do nothing," cognizant of the provisions in our rules within which to review Speaker's decisions and reconsider matters already decided upon by the House, i write to bring to your attention what amounts to a blatant abuse of our Rules of Procedure and  consider is danger

President Museveni - Nobert Mao Deal; Once enemies for long, turned friends over night. #osutayusuf