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On this day 16-6-1904, 118 years ago, Russian governor-general of Finland, Nikolay Ivanovich Bobrikov was assassinated by Finnish nationalist Eugen Schauman.

Almost full century earlier, previously part of Sweden, Finland had been annexed by Russia after Finnish war (1808-1809). Instead of straight up integrating the newly conquered land into the empire, Finland was given autonomy, and became known as the Grand Duchy of Finland. In diet of Finland (1809) the Russian tsar Alexander I – the grand duke himself - had confirmed the rights of Finns under his rule, promising freedom to pursue their own customs and maintain their own religion and identity. Such a concession was necessary due to the difference in cultures and customs. In the Porvoo Diet (1816) he also extended this promise to bind his descendants as well. In the Grand Duchy of Finland the head of state was the Russian tsar, but it had its own constitution, its own laws and senate, its own army, its own postage stamps, all the works. As the grand duke himself had other duties as tsar of Russia, A general-governor was nominated by the grand duke to be his representative in Finland. Th

“My Death Will Not Improve Your Wealths” - Gen Salim Saleh Tells Prophets of Doom Spreading Fakery About His Dead.

The chief coordinator of Operation Wealth Creation Programme (OWC), Gen Salim Saleh, has scoffed at individuals he accused of spreading false information that he had passed on. Gen Saleh advised people to find solutions to the different challenges targeting better livelihood instead of discussing his health. “Some people have announced me dead but I am here in Nakaseke [District] talking to my people. Tell those that are spreading the false rumours that we have seen Saleh working and mobilising people to get better through engaging in development projects,” he said on Sunday while at Our Lady Consolata Kapeeka Church on Sunday. Gen Saleh also rallied the Christians to use the Parish Development Model (PDM) Saccos, where government will channel the funds for different farm enterprises. “I have come to thank God that we are alive and progressing as people of Kapeeka Sub-county. Throughout my life journey, I have made several recommendations to the government.


Nigeria has a long history of census takings spanning over a century. The first census was conducted in 1866 and this was followed by Censuses of 1871, 1881, 1891 and 1901. However, all these earlier censuses were restricted to Lagos Colony and its environs. The 1871 census marked the beginning of decennial census taking in Nigeria in line with the British decennial tradition. Following the amalgamation of the Lagos Colony and the Southern Protectorate in 1906, the 1911 census extended to some parts of the Southern Protectorate. It was marred by incomplete enumeration because some parts of the South had not recognized the legitimacy of the Colonial Government. The amalgamation of the Southern and Northern protectorates in 1914 by Lord Lugard provided the impetus for population census that had wider coverage. Like in other censuses, the results of 1921 census were population estimates based on tax records as the aged, infants and tax evaders were excluded. Similarly, in the then Norther

Authorities Shut Down Russian RSOCKS Botnet That Hacked Millions of Devices.

Russian RSOCKS Botnet The U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) on Thursday disclosed that it took down the infrastructure associated with a Russian botnet known as RSOCKS in collaboration with law enforcement partners in Germany, the Netherlands, and the U.K. The botnet, operated by a sophisticated cybercrime organization, is believed to have ensnared millions of internet-connected devices, including Internet of Things (IoT) devices, Android phones, and computers for use as a proxy service. Botnets, a constantly evolving threat, are networks of hijacked computer devices that are under the control of a single attacking party and are used to facilitate a variety of large-scale cyber intrusions such as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, email spam, and cryptojacking. "The RSOCKS botnet offered its clients access to IP addresses assigned to devices that had been hacked," the DoJ said in a press release. "The owners of these devices did not give the RSOCKS operator(s)

Interesting; Tale of a Maasai Man.

A Maasai man walks into a bank in NAIROBI and asks for the loan officer. He tells the loan officer that he is going to DUBAI on business for four weeks and needs to borrow  5,000. The bank officer tells him that bank will need some form of security for the loan, so the maasai manhands over the keys to a brand new Mercedes Benz S class 500 parked on the street in front of the bank.produces the log book and everything checks out. The loan officer agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan. The bank's president and its officers all enjoy a good laugh at the maasai for using a KSH 15 Million Mercedes Benz as collateral against a 5,000 loan. An employee of the bank then drives the Mercedes Benz into the bank's underground garage and parks it there. Four weeks later, the maasai returns, repays the  5,000 and the interest, which comes to 150.41. The loan officer says 'Sir, we are very happy to have had your business & this transaction has worked out very nicely but we


If you are married then the answer is no. Although the new succession law allows a person to give away any property that is in their name, the home of the deceased that he/she shares with a spouse or children as their residence cannot be included among the properties that can be given away. This is known as a residential property.  What we mean by a married person is one in a legally recognized marriage in Uganda), or you have children, then your home is excluded by law from the property that you can give away in your will. However, If you still want to give away the home then you must either have permission from your spouse or you must have provided an alternative home that is equally as good or better for your spouse or children as the home you want to give away.  However, for those who are single (unmarried) and do not have children, they can give away any of their property including the home they stayed in during their life. 📷:Unsplash #BarefootLaw #osutayusuf


If you are making a will or have been asked to sign as a witness on someone else’s will, there are a few things you should probably keep in mind so that your efforts to help someone do not go to waste and the will ends up not being used. Make sure you sign the will in the presence of the person who made it. This will help you be in a position to tell court and the world whether it was that person who made the will and if it was done freely without any coercion. Make sure you sign on every page. The new law requires witnesses to sign on each page of the will. If you do not do this, that unsigned page will be disregarded by courts of law and that means some wishes of the person who made the will may be disregarded. Make sure you ask the person making the will who they intend to keep the copies of the will with so that you can point this out when the time comes for reading that will. If the person of course trusts you with a copy as a witness, make sure to keep the will safely and treat i