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The Deputy Resident City Commissioner, Arua city, Mr. Adomati Dickson, has today, 24th January, 2022, taken time off his busy schedule to monitor the resettlement of Arua city vendors in the main market following the completion of the construction of the market. Accompanied by the Head of Finance who doubles as the Head of Revenue mobilisation Arua city, Mr. Adriko Sam, the Deputy RCC thanked the NRM government ably headed by President Yoweri .T. Museveni for giving Arua city a modern market. He said, "government has done its part. It's now up to the vendors to utilise the market to transform their lives."  The modern market which houses 5012 vendors and has lock ups, stalls, banking mall, pharmacy, toilets, electricity, water, television sets, cameras, various offices etc accommodates various sectors like produce, dry fish, meat, second hand clothes, general merchandise etc cost the government of Uganda 34.9bn

Policeman Drandi George Shoots Himself Dead at Nsambya Barracks.

  Police in Kabalagala is investigating a case of suspected suicide committed by a an officer attached to Very Important Persons Protection Unit (VIPPU). According to Luke Owoyesigyire, the Deputy spokesperson for Kampala Metropolitan Police, Coporal Drandi George (No.25017) allegedly shot himself dead today (24/01/2022) at about 4am inside his place of residence at Nsambya Police Barracks. Owoyesigyire said investigating teams had visited the scene of crime and had been able to recover the rifle that had been assigned to the deceased. It had 29 rounds of ammunition. He added that all had been exhibited and body taken to city mortuary Mulago for a post mortem. It’s not yet known why Mr Drandi George could have taken away his life. However, Owoyesigyire in a brief statement revealed more details would be communicated in due course.


Simply put, is information that describes or identifies someone or something. Personal data is any information (when exposed) that can allow someone else to identify you. Personal information can include pictures, texts, sounds, even your expression of an opinion (Facebook posts) like your National ID Number (NIN), age, nationality, occupation and academic qualifications, Email addresses, phone numbers, Salary details and Bank account information, family member personal details. This data should be protected at all costs because if can be harmful to the owner of the information if it is misused or falls into the wrong hands. #DataPrivacyWeek  #PrivacyAware #BarefootLaw #osutayusuf

Elites and Politicians in Africa Using Social Media to Cling on Power as They Suppress Freedom of Speech and Threaten , Arrest Bloggers / Critics.

Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni is suspected of using fake social media accounts to consolidate his power. He wouldn’t be the only one in Africa. Is social media becoming a threat to democracy on the continent? In early 2021, Facebook (Meta) deactivated more than 20 accounts linked to Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni’s ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party. Shortly afterward, Twitter also followed suit, closing 11% of the nearly 3,500 accounts worldwide that allegedly spread pro-government propaganda. Thus in total, almost 440 Ugandan social media accounts close to the Ugandan government have been blocked by social media networks in the East African country to date. Both Twitter and Facebook accuse the Ugandan government of using social media as a tool politicians to manipulate public opinion, spread disinformation, and intimidate the opposition. Facebook also stated that as part of its strategy, the Ministry of Information had been using “fake and duplicate accounts” for

Russia has deployed tens of thousands of troops near the Ukraine border, triggering the worst security crisis to emerge between Moscow and the West since the Cold War.

The West, led by the US, has thrown its weight behind Ukraine, which lost control of its Crimean Peninsula when Russia annexed it in 2014. The Kremlin has justified its military muscle-flexing as an attempt to counter decades of NATO expansion in the region. Russia has demanded legally binding guarantees that the NATO alliance will not embrace Ukraine and other former Soviet nations, or place weapons there. It also wants NATO to pull back its forces from countries in Central and Eastern Europe that joined the alliance since the 1990s. Russia has also been accused of backing armed separatists in eastern Ukraine. The conflict has left more than 13,000 people dead in nearly eight years of fighting. A 2015 peace deal brokered by France and Germany helped end large-scale battles, but a political settlement has stalled, and frequent skirmishes have continued along the tense line of contact. In early 2021, a spike in ceasefire violations in the east and a Russian troop concentration near Ukra

The Management of Arua Academy Secondary School has Apologized to the Public for Hiccups, Promises to Revamp the Academic Excellence of the School as they Celebrate Years of Operationalization.

Below here is what the Director, Mr Adomati Dickson has written. Today, 22nd January, 2022 Marks a big milestone in the history of Arua Academy. Congs Directors and management upon this step. It was long over due. I will pay courtesy on you tomorrow. My advice is step up the discipline of the students and work on academic excellence. The rest will come your way. "Persistent and continuous struggle leads to greater heights." The school now has full electricity. Congratulations once again!. Life is a struggle. Despite the numerous challenges faced by the school, two great achievements have been made. 1. Clearance at UNEB. 2. Now electricity installed. Management is working on enrollment.The rest will come to pass. Covid-19 came as a blessing in disguise for the school. We give glory to the Almighty. I think I will advise the management to start a strong organisation of old students. They are many and will completely revamp the school. All schools which once faced depression wer

U.S. Sanctions 4 Former Ukrainian Government Officials for Working with Russia to Destabilize Ukraine.

The U.S. Treasury Department on Thursday announced sanctions against four current and former Ukrainian government officials for engaging in "Russian government-directed influence activities" in the country, including gathering sensitive information about its critical infrastructure. The agency said the four individuals were involved in different roles as part of a concerted influence campaign to destabilize the nation, while also accusing Russia's national security authority, the Federal Security Service (FSB), of recruiting Ukrainians in key positions to create instability. Two of the officials, Taras Kozak and Oleh Voloshyn, are alleged to have worked to amplify false narratives and undermine confidence in the Ukrainian government, while Vladimir Sivkovich, former Deputy Secretary of the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council, attempted to build support for Ukraine to officially cede Crimea to Russia. "Russia has directed its intelligence services to recru