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I Joined National Resistance Movement (NRM) Party, to Get Share of the National Cake for WestNile Region - Hon Atiku Benard (MP Ayivu County). The Member of Parliament for Ayivu county Mr Bernard Atiku has said he was not lured into joining the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party but joined to get part of the national cake for West Nile region. “My coming to NRM has been a well thought out decision, I have not been lured to join NRM neither have I been pushed, it is a personal decision that represents voices of the majority of people in Ayivu county and therefore I want to allay fears of whoever is having another thought about my joining NRM”, Atiku stated. He said he will remain friends with colleagues and friends who are heartbroken because of his decision but called them to also join the party. “As West Nile, we don’t need to shy away from NRM, I speak as a grandson of a chief who moved a motion saying let us receive NRM in peace, no son of West Nile should raise the barrel of the gun against the NRA and I think from that time to date, those who have attempted t

St Peter's Church Demolition Saga; It is a Curse to Demolish a Church - President Museveni.

On my way to work this morning, i passed by the site of St Peter’s Church in Ndeeba that was recently demolished by unscrupulous people.  I am saddened by this incident and I give the church assurances that those complicit will be punished. Even if the church was in the wrong, ordering demolition was extreme. Dialogue would have resolved this matter.  Judges should have limits and understand public interest. Demolishing a church is a curse. Also, ignore reports of those claiming the government demolished the church. I am going to invite the Namirembe Diocese Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira, and engage with all parties involved in this conflict to find a lasting solution. The bottom line is that the Church will retain this land and we shall build a new church. I have now joined this war.  I also noticed large groups of people gathering in Ndeeba as I inspected the site. This is wrong. Avoid crowding in light of the Covid-19 pandemic that w

New Attack Lets Hackers Decrypt 4G and 5G Mobile Network Encryption to Spy on Phone Calls. A team of academic researchers—who previously made the headlines earlier this year for uncovering severe security issues in the 4G LTE and 5G networks —presented a new attack called ' ReVoLTE ,' that could let remote attackers break the encryption used by VoLTE voice calls and spy on targeted phone calls. The attack doesn't exploit any flaw in the Voice over LTE (VoLTE) protocol; instead, it leverages weak implementation of the LTE mobile network by most telecommunication providers in practice, allowing an attacker to eavesdrop on the encrypted phone calls made by targeted victims. VoLTE or Voice over Long Term Evolution protocol is a standard high-speed wireless communication for mobile phones and data terminals, including Internet of things (IoT) devices and wearables, deploying 4G LTE radio access technology. The crux of the problem is that most mobile operators often use the same keystream for two subsequent calls within one rad

45 Soldiers, 82 Civilians Shot Dead in an Operation of Disarming Youths in Tonj - South Sudan. Clashes between soldiers and civilians during a disarmament exercise in the central South Sudanese town of Tonj have left 127 dead, the army spokesman said Wednesday. Major General Lul Ruai Koang told AFP that the fighting erupted on Saturday as security forces carried out an operation to disarm civilians in the area which has seen deadly inter-communal clashes. More than six years after a civil war broke out in the country, and in the absence of a functioning government, many communities are flush with weapons, which they keep for protection or defense against cattle raids. The violence in Tonj began after several armed youths got into a disagreement with soldiers. An initial armed confrontation was brought under control, but according to Koang the youths mobilised others for an attack on the army position. "On the latest, the number of those killed, I can confirm to you that it rose to 127,” said the spokesman Major General Lul Ruai Koan

One of the Member of Parliament Aspirants in Mbale, has Tested Postive for Covid-19.

The patient was evacuated by COVID-19 taskforce team and is admitted at Mulago National Referral Hospital. An aspirant for the Bungokho North Central constituency parliamentary seat in Mbale district has tested positive for Covid-19. Information obtained from health officials in Mbale indicates that the aspirant is isolated at Mulago National Referral Hospital where he is undergoing treatment. Edward Nyongesa, the Mbale District Surveillance Officer said that the aspirant offered himself for testing in line with the directive by the National Resistance Movement (NRM) Electoral Commission chairperson, Dr. Tanga Odoi to all aspirants to test for Covid-19 before nominations. Nyongesa says they dispatched the aspirant’s samples to Entebbe Virus Research Institute for testing and they returned positive on Wednesday morning. “His results were the first on the list and when we called him he told us he was in Kampala printing his posters. We alerted th

Meanwhile in Tanzania, Posting ‘Rumours’ on Social Media Could Land You in Jail. Tanzanians use social media to voice their opinions on issues affecting them. Summary The new online content regulations effectively tighten state control over the internet and social media interactions. Prohibited content under the new rules includes that which “threatens national security and public order” and that which “is involved in planning, organising, promoting or calling for demonstrations, marches or the like that may lead to public disorder”. The new regulations also prohibit content on “the outbreak of deadly or contagious diseases in the country or elsewhere without the approval of the respective authorities”, which includes unauthorised information on the coronavirus pandemic. It is now illegal to post “rumours” or messages that “ridicule, abuse or harm the reputation, prestige or status of the United Republic of Tanzania” on social media platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Tanzanian In

From Ghetto to City Councillor, Oshino Rasheed, an Inspiration to Many Youths.

Mr Oshino Rasheed has finally defied the odds and proved to the Youths on the Streets and in the Ghettos, that, living in the Ghetto does not mean the future has ended. It was a Surprise for many people to see him surfacing to contest for the position of City Councillor representing Bazaar Ward. Trust me, the Guy has touched hearts of many people, henceforth deserving all our full support and votes. His rise from street / ghetto to the City Councillor, will be of crucial advantage since he was born here, grew up here on the streets, educated here on the Streets and therefore he knows better, which by-laws and the solutions to suit challenges of our Youths languishing on the Streets.