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As Abraham Lincoln once said, “Politicians are funny people, they may promise to construct a Bridge where is no River” this is the trend of politics in Maracha, this the trend of politics in Arua, this is the trend of politics in Terego, in Yumbe, in Moyo, in Ayivu and in many Constituencies in WestNile Region and Uganda at large. It is cristal clear on record, that, we have had and we still have in our amidst, Aspiring Politicians and also incumbent Politicians whose only tactics are to peddle fictitious manifestos to win the Hearts and Votes of People!, but their fates are not always too far since they can neither twist fate nor do they have power over “Time” which captures them. However, Politicians of such caliber are often aggressive and they become hostile if their days are numbered, most especially if they realise not going to win the Elections or Re-elections. Such are politicians who promise too much for Individuals, for People and for the Community. Th

Busia Police Officer Caught Having Sex with Coronavirus Patient in Quarantine Center.

Authorities say when they went into the woman’s room, they found her and Ngetich naked in bed. A middle-aged police officer has been arrested and quarantined after he was caught having sex with a female COVID-19 patient quarantined at the Agricultural Training Centre (ATC) in Busia. The ATC quarantine facility is usually guarded by three police officers and three prison warders around the clock. The centre admits COVID-19 patients from the Busia GK Prison and the neighbouring community. The two groups (inmates and ordinary citizens) are, however, kept in separate wards. At 10pm Thursday, one of the prison warders manning the facility, identified as Police Constable Emmanuel Ng’etich, began engaging a COVID-19 patient in a conversation. Another prison warder, Police Constable Jeff Obondo, who was puzzled by Ng’etich’s actions, went to the guardroom, where he informed his colleagues about what Ng’etich was doing. “All the officers [therea

The National Resistance Movement (NRM) Party Adopts “Lining Up” as the Mode of Voting in Their Party Primary Elections. RESOLUTION OF THE CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE WHEREAS the Central Executive Committee has been in continuous session since Saturday 20th June 2020, and has undertaken a comprehensive and in-depth review of the central tasks arising from the publication of the revised Road Map from the Independent National Electoral Commission; BEARING IN MIND that the NRM Central Executive Committee had earlier in December 2018 already adopted the NRM Political Road Map up to 2021, which Political Road Map was amended in 2019 and 2020 owing to the changing prevailing circumstances; TAKING SOMBRE COGNIZANCE of the all-pervasive existential challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the related necessary national legal framework and health measures;  MINDFUL of our duty to provide urgent clear guidance and leadership to the membership of the NRM in the situation, and to lead the NRM to decisive and overwhelming victory in the 2021 General Elections;  HAVING

THE MAN WHO USED TO URINATE ON MY HEAD WHEN I WAS IN JAIL. Nelson Mandela: "After I became president, I asked one day some members of my close protection to stroll with me in the city, have lunch at one of its restaurants. We sat in one of the downtown restaurants and all of us asked for some sort of food." "After a while, the waiter brought us our requests, I noticed that there is someone sitting in front of my table waiting for food" I told then one of the soldiers: go and ask that person to join us with his food and eat with us. The soldier went and asked the man so. The man brought up his food and sat by my side as I asked and began to eat. His hands were trembling constantly until everyone had finished their food and the man went. The soldier said to me: The man was apparently quite sick. His hands trembled as he ate!" "No, not at all," said Mandela. "This man was the guard of the prison where I was jailed. "Often, after the torture I was subjec

No Drugs And No Health Workers, the Fate of Abandoned Grade Two Health Center Rotting Away in Lodonga Sub-County in Yumbe District.

Nyori Health Center ll in Lodonga sub county, Yumbe District languishing in the bush abandoned five years ago. Built as the only government owned health center in the sub county because many of the locals can not afford services at Lodonga Mission Health Center due to financial challenges of paying for first. It's either that the district local government leadership has deliberately chosen to ignore the health or doesn't think the health of the local community isn't important as citizens of UGANDA who are entitled to service of their nation!. Photo Credit; Lemeriga.

PROFILING ASPIRING CANDIDATES. BIOGRAPHY AND MANIFESTOS OF ATIMA LEE BUTI JACKSON. WHO IS JACKSON LEE ATIMA❓. Jackson Lee Atima, born in 1975, a Lugbara from Arua Municipality, started school at Otravu Primary School in Maracha where he was a class monitor from Primary Two to Head Prefect in Primary Six, and then went to Mvara Secondary School for O&A secondary education in Arua, where He served as Chairperson of Uganda National Students Association (UNSA), Chairperson of Disciplinary Committee. He was part of Church boys due to the fact that His uncle was the Bishop. He joined Uganda Christian University for a Bachelors Degree (BBA- Accounts and Finance) as well as Guild Minister of Finance at Uganda Christian University for two terms, and an MBA in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship  Work Life and Social Contributions I have worked with DED (German Development Services) Kuluva Hospital as Hospital Administrator . Lecturer at Uganda Christian University, Arua Campus for three years. Served as Treasurer(

Four Different Banking Malwares Now Trying to Rob Users Worldwide.

Cybersecurity researchers on Tuesday 14-July-2020, detailed as many as four different families of Brazilian banking trojans that have targeted financial institutions in Brazil, Latin America, and Europe. Collectively called the "Tetrade" by Kaspersky researchers, the malware families — comprising Guildma, Javali, Melcoz, and Grandoreiro — have evolved their capabilities to function as a backdoor and adopt a variety of obfuscation techniques to hide its malicious activities from security software. "Guildma, Javali, Melcoz and Grandoreiro are examples of yet another Brazilian banking group/operation that has decided to expand its attacks abroad, targeting banks in other countries," Kaspersky said in an analysis. "They benefit from the fact that many banks operating in Brazil also have operations elsewhere in Latin America and Europe, making it easy to extend their attacks against customers of these financial institutions.