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At The Height Of Alarming Unemployment And Poverty Rate In Uganda, General Elwelu Has Urged Youths To Start Selling Banana Leaves And Cow Dung For Survival.

No-nonsense Uganda Peoples Defense Forces (UPDF) commander-land forces, Lt. Gen. Peter Elwelu has urged youth to stretch to the furthest limits in their pursuit for jobs— including thinking of selling cow dung for a living. While addressing congregants during a church service in Mukono recently, Elwelu castigated youths for riding on the excuse of unemployment to join ‘misleading’ opposition groups such as People Power. Equating People Power to “Byooya bya nswa” (ant wings/ empty promises), Elwelu urged youths to exercise creativity so as to be able to create their own jobs. “When I see people running around; ooo… omulimo tewali, omulimo tewali, omulimo [there are no jobs]. Tumbavu! (sic),” said a tough-talking Elwelu. He branded such people who cry that there are no jobs as ignorant and lazy. He reminded them that Uganda is so endowed as a country that everything in it — including cow dung and banana leaves — can be sold for money. “Even banana leaves have market, even cow dun

POLITICAL DISCREPANCIES, SERVICE DELIVERY AND DEVELOPMENT, WHAT MANY PEOPLE MISUNDERSTOOD. Thanks Minister Anite. The Investment and Privatisation Minister, Hon Anite Has On 28 October 2019, Delivered Shillings 200M Which She Lobbied Through President Museveni For Construction Project Of a Church In Koboko Municipality - Uganda.

Delivered UGX 200M a donation from H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni towards the construction of St Paul’s Church of Uganda Nyangilia in Koboko Archdeaconry. The church is being built in memory of the late Archbishop Silvanus Wani. Gratitude is a biblical virtue and certainly the people who donate to the church deserve our appreciation. A big thanx to the president for his generous donation.

BREAKING NEWS. Facebook Sues Israeli Spyware Firm For Hacking WhatsApp Users. The Targeted Users Include Journalists, Politicians, attorneys, Human Rights And Political Activists, Diplomats, and Other Senior Foreign Government Officials.

Finally, for the very first time, an encrypted messaging service provider is taking legal action against a private entity that has carried out malicious attacks against its users. Facebook filed a lawsuit against Israeli mobile surveillance firm NSO Group on Tuesday 29 October 2019, alleging that the company was actively involved in hacking users of its end-to-end encrypted WhatsApp messaging service. Earlier this year, it was discovered that WhatsApp had a critical vulnerability that attackers were found exploiting in the wild to remotely install Pegasus spyware on targeted Android and iOS devices. The flaw (CVE-2019-3568) successfully allowed attackers to silently install the spyware app on targeted phones by merely placing a WhatsApp video call with specially crafted requests, even when the call was not answered. Developed by NSO Group, Pegasus allows access to an incredible amount of data from victims' smartphones remotely, including their text messages, emails, WhatsAp

2021 GENERAL ELECTIONS. Justice And Constitutional Affairs Minister Otafire has Said, Uganda Army Will Crush People Power Supporters.

                 COMMENTARY.                At First, it Were Kasule Lumumba, General Moses Ali, the Recent been Muhoozi and other Powerful NRM Cadres And Army Generals have All Vowed To Crush People Power Supporters Come 2021 General Elections. But Surely Ugandans, Many of You are Gonna get Crushed and Die with Our Words. Never Underestimate the Efforts of Gunmen who took power by Guns. They are  Committed to their Oath. There are other Alternatives which We can use to Peacefully acquire Transition of New Government but Unfortunately, Many Ugandans may not Love it because there was a Time in August 2017 When i tried to emanet the other Alternative for Change of Government, Sadly Enough, Many Ugandans Abused and attacked me for Plotting a Retirement Leniency For Mr Museveni who may Probably not face the Wrath of Ugandans after He made Many People Suffer, others Tortured and others Killed. Since then, i have maintened a Moderate Stance in Our Entire Uganda Opposition. Thanks. I

Here is Why Our Utterances For Praying Jesus And God To Come Liberate Ugandans, May Be Misplaced. This Phrase is like inform of a Letter To Some Categorized Section Of Ugandans. OPEN LETTER TO NRM SUPPORTERS - NATIONAL ROBBERS MOVEMENT. .................................................................................. Last week of March, a friend told me to pray for Uganda.  I told him that he was an Idiot and we have prayed for too long and we are still hungry and sick and Jesus is not coming soon to liberate us. He then ignored the STUPID and sent me a picture we all now know.  It got me totally messed up.  This guy was telling me to pray then sends a picture of men bowing down in blood.  He might have meant guns but I blocked him because his utterances of praying for Uganda were misplaced. I unblocked him 3 weeks later and asked him about praying and assassinations.  His reply "eithrr prayers or guns or both". I hate violence with a passion.  So he is now blocked in like FOREVER. Do you feel safe?  Do not feel safe. Uganda regime kills their own.  If you d

As if She Was Abroad and Not an MP In Uganda For More Than 30 Years But Still Counting, The Speaker Of Uganda Parliament, Hon Kadaga has Today 25-10-2019 Promised To Start Lobbying Money For Vocational Institutes In Her Busoga Sub-Region.

Speaker Kadaga presiding over the first graduation ceremony of Basoga Nsadhu Vocational Institute in Namutumba District Speaker Rebecca Kadaga, has pledged to mobilise funding and support for vocational institutes in Busoga sub-region. Kadaga said she will involve industries and factories and keep urging the government, since they are the major beneficiaries of graduates from the vocational institutes. “I promise to work with the MPs and government to solicit funding and support internationally and locally from the government and other stakeholders to improve the quality of our schools so that they are well equipped,” she said. Kadaga was officiating at the first graduation ceremony of Basoga Nsadhu Vocational Institute in Busiki, Namutumba District on Thursday, 24 October, 2019. Kadaga was impressed that some of the graduands had already got jobs or were already productive even before graduation. “While attending a graduation of Nawanyago Technical Institute recently, I was de AFRICA-RUSSIA SUMMIT IN SOCHI. As Trade, Economic And Bilateral Relations Intensifies Between Russia And Uganda, President Museveni And President Putin Have Today 24-10-2019, Construed Embark On Technology And Security System Boosting Amongst The Two Countries. @osutayusuf #osutayusuf Instagram Twitter

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