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Clashes in Sudan after deal on power structure

SUDAN Violence flared in Sudan’s capital Khartoum late on Monday after the military council and opposition groups said they had agreed to a power structure for the country’s transition following the ejection of President Omar al-Bashir last month. Heavy gunfire was heard late into the evening, and the council said a military police officer had been killed and many protesters wounded. Local doctors said some were in serious condition. The council accused armed groups unhappy with progress toward a political deal of opening fire at protest sites. Protesters said counter-revolutionaries linked to the former regime were inciting violence. Earlier, paramilitary forces patrolled the streets, using tear gas and gunshots to disrupt protests blocking roads. The Transitional Military Council ( TMC ) and the Declaration of Freedom and Change Forces opposition alliance were due to meet on Tuesday to discuss two key sticking points: the military-civilian balance of power in transitional bodies, and

U.S. Charges 9 `SIM Swapping` Hackers For Stealing $2.5 Million.

T he U.S. Department of Justice today announced charges against nine individuals, 6 of which are members of a hacking group called "The Community" and other 3 are former employees of mobile phone providers who allegedly helped them steal roughly $2.5 million worth of the cryptocurrency using a method known as "SIM Swapping." According to the 15-count indictment unsealed today, five Americans and an Irishman related to The Community hacking group are charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, as well as wire fraud and aggravated identity theft. Another three Americans, who reportedly are the former employees of mobile phone providers, are charged in a criminal complaint with the wire fraud. SIM Swapping, or SIM Hijacking, is a type of identity theft that typically involves fraudulently porting of the same number to a new SIM card belonging to the attacker. In SIM swapping, attackers social engineer a victim's mobile phone provider by convincing it that they ar

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Women in aviation use social media to inspire younger generation.

United Arab Emirates Women in aviation have resolved to use social media more regularly to inspire the younger generation of girls to consider careers in the industry. The discussions took place at the Women in Aviation conference on the sidelines of the Airport Show 2019, held on May 1 at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre in the United Arab Emirates, UAE. A panel, led by UAE’s first female aircraft engineer, Suaad Al Shamsi, agreed on the importance of representation concerning the future in Aviation Gender Equality. The panel noted that children and the young generation do not often aspire for careers in aviation because they either do not know that they exist, or they have not seen anyone to look up to in the various fields. I had to take on what no one wants in order to prove myself. Sometimes it is not given to you, it is grabbed. That is how I got where I am now. Aircraft Engineer, Hend Alawadhi shared a compelling ordeal that exemplifies the challenges tha

Israel Shoots Down a Building with Hackers.

Hheehehhheheheheheh, if you are Defeated in Technology, you Resort to Physical Confrontations. Israel Neutralizes Cyber Attack by Blowing Up A Building With Hackers. The Israel Defense Force (IDF) claims to have neutralized an "attempted" cyber attack by launching airstrikes on a building in Gaza Strip from where it says the attack was originated. As shown in a video tweeted by IDF, the building in the Gaza Strip, which Israeli fighter drones have now destroyed, was reportedly the headquarters for Palestinian Hamas military intelligence, from where a cyber unit of hackers was allegedly trying to penetrate Israel's cyberspace. "We thwarted an attempted Hamas cyber offensive against Israeli targets. Following our successful cyber defensive operation, we targeted a building where the Hamas cyber operatives work. HamasCyberHQ.exe has been removed," said the Israeli Defence Forces on Twitter. However, the Israel Defense Force has not shared any information about the

Congress Asks Google 10 Questions On Its Location Tracking Database.

U.S Congress has sent an open letter to Google CEO Sundar Pichai asking for more information about its Sensorvault database that’s reportedly being used by law enforcement agencies to solve crime cases. Last week, we reported a story based upon NY Times findings that revealed how using a "geofence" warrant, authorities obtain location history of all devices from Google's Sensorvault database that pass through a crime scene over a certain time period. For those unaware, Google maintains Sensorvault database over nearly the past decade which contains precise location information from hundreds of millions of smartphones around the world and shares it with authorities to help in criminal cases. However, Google does not share identifiable information on all devices after receiving a warrant. Instead, authorities have to first narrow down their list of suspects using the location history data, only after which Google shares further information about a few selected users (suspec