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Kayihura Charges to be Dropped.

As Weekend mood is activated for all of you, here Comes the Brain Storming glad. Earlier on we alerted everyone not to jubilate the sucking, arrests and trials of former Inspector General of Uganda Police Kale Kayihura. Our missives went to depth. The day Kayihura was incarcerated beyond the Constitutional Rights and later on Kayihura himself made comments that, he is not on hurry to leave Jail, showed a clear sign of invisible Phishing going on. We are on record for telling Ugandans that, the NRM #Alnakba is perfect in Confuse, Divide and Rule and any traumas facing the NRM Cadres and Loyalties should not be jubilated. And indeed, Kayihura's dilemma was a ploy to dilute and divert public attention. When we wrote about "Any Court Trial against the close associates, relatives, comrades and Cadres of Museveni won't succeed" People thought we and many people rebranded us as fools. I am glad that, we have run down on History.

Migrants rebuild inhumane Casablanca camp after fire outbreak.

Automates Publishing Via Osuta Yusuf Robot Trigger. African migrants who lost the little they have to fire in an inhumane camp in Morocco’s second largest city, Casablanca are rebuilding the camp. The tents and belongings of nearly one thousand migrants were destroyed by a fire in Casablanca late on Saturday, October 27. This is the third fire outbreak at the camp since July 2017 and it is unclear how it started. On Monday, October 29, James from Sierra Leone and his camp neighbors began clearing debris, sawing and nailing wooden frames as they started to rebuild the area which last week housed 300 plastic tents. Those who don't understand cannot judge, those who judge cannot understand because of the way we are living, at times we are in the streets begging, so people see that. We don't want to beg ‘‘Well, this is the place we live in, truly it’s not easy for us, but we are just fighting for our home, our place and prosperity. And to the power of God, God will make us succeed

Apple`s New MacBook Disconnects Microphone `Physically` When Lid is Closed.

Automated Publishing Via Osuta Yusuf Robot Trigger. Apple introduces a new privacy feature for all new MacBooks that "at some extent" will prevent hackers and malicious applications from eavesdropping on your conversations. Apple's custom T2 security chip in the latest MacBooks includes a new hardware feature that physically disconnects the MacBook's built-in microphone whenever the user closes the lid, the company revealed yesterday at its event at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in New York. Though the new T2 chip is already present in the 2018 MacBook Pro models launched earlier this year, this new feature got unveiled when Apple launched the new Retina MacBook Air and published a full security guide for T2 Chip yesterday. "This disconnect is implemented in hardware alone, and therefore prevents any software, even with root or kernel privileges in macOS, and even the software on the T2 chip, from engaging the microphone when the lid is closed," Apple explai

Facebook revenue disappoints.

Automated Publishing Via Osuta Yusuf Robot Trigger. Facebook (FB) followed a second-quarter flop with tepid third-quarter results. The social media giant narrowly missed expectations for global daily active users and revenue while beating on earnings per share. Facebook delivered earnings of $1.76 per share on revenue of $13.73 billion. This beat consensus estimates of earnings of $1.47 per share but missed the $13.8 billion in revenue foreseen by average analyst expectations. The Menlo Park, California-based company reported 1.49 billion daily active users globally in the third quarter, missing expectations of 1.5 billion. The company had seen 1.47 billion daily active users for the second quarter, also missing expectations for the period. Facebook added 1 million monthly active users in North America in the third quarter, bringing MAUs in the region to 242 million. North America remains a lucrative market for the company, with average revenue coming out to $27.61 per user in the thir

Gabon suspends Cameroon TV over Ali Bongo death report.

Automated Publishing Via Osuta Yusuf Robot Trigger. Gabon Gabon’s communications watchdog, the High Authority of Communication, HAC, has suspended a privately-run Cameroonian channel for reporting the fake death of President Ali Bongo Ondimba. The Vision 4 channel last weekend reported that Bongo had died in a Saudi Arabia hospital whiles on admission. The suspension is to last six months. HAC has subsequently directed that Vision 4’s broadcast on all satellite TV bouquets on the Gabonese territory be suspended. The main broadcasters with the channel’s signal in Gabon are Canal +, Sat-Con and TNT Africa. The regulator holds that that Cameroonian television has threatened the lives of others and disseminated information tending to disturb public order. Following the death report, the government clarified in an official statement that the president was suffering from fatigue due to his heavy local and international work schedules. The statement added that he was recuperating and remained

I am not interested in a third term - Kenyatta.

Automated Publishing Via Osuta Yusuf Robot Trigger. Kenya’s president Uhuru Kenyatta has refuted claims that his party is interested in amending the constitution to allow him stay in power, after his term expires in 2022. Kenyatta, who is serving his second and final term, told international broadcaster, CNN that he is ‘not interested in a third term’. ‘‘People are talking about Constitutional change, but they’re talking about constitutional change not necessarily because they are desirous for the president to seek a third term,’‘ Kenyatta told CNN’s Richard Quest. People are talking about Constitutional change, but they’re talking about constitutional change not necessarily because they are desirous for the president to seek a third term. The president explained that ongoing calls to amend the constitution are fuelled by a desire to reduce the cost of running government. ‘‘They are talking about constitutional change because of issues related to the costs of running this new constitut

Confirmed—Microsoft Buys GitHub For $7.5 Billion.

Automated Publishing Via Osuta Yusuf Robot Trigger. Microsoft reportedly buys GitHub (Biggest Source Code Repository Hosting Service). Here's the biggest news of the week—Microsoft has reportedly acquired GitHub for $7.5 billion. For those unaware, GitHub is a popular code repository hosting service that allows developers to host their projects, documentation, and code in the cloud using the popular Git source management system, invented in 2005 by Linux founder Linus Torvalds. GitHub is used by many developers and big tech companies including Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook, and IBM to store their corporate code and privately collaborate on software, but Microsoft is one of the top contributors to the web-hosting service. Microsoft has uploaded several of its most important projects, including PowerShell, the .NET framework, and the Microsoft Edge JavaScript engine, to the website under open source licenses. Microsoft also partnered with Canonical to bring Ubuntu to Windows 10. C