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CHINESE HACKERS CARRIED OUT COUNTRY-LEVEL WATERING HOLE ATTACK. Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered an espionage campaign that has targeted a national data center of an unnamed central Asian country in order to conduct watering hole attacks. The campaign is believed to be active covertly since fall 2017 but was spotted in March by security researchers from Kaspersky Labs, who have attributed these attacks to a Chinese-speaking threat actor group called LuckyMouse. LuckyMouse, also known as Iron Tiger, EmissaryPanda, APT 27 and Threat Group-3390, is the same group of Chinese hackers who was found targeting Asian countries with Bitcoin mining malware early this year. The group has been active since at least 2010 and was behind many previous attack campaigns resulting in the theft of massive amounts of data from the directors and managers of US-based defense contractors. This time the group chose a national data center as its target from an unnamed country in Central Asia in an attempt to gain "access to a wide range of government resources at one fell swoop." According to the researchers, the group injected malicious JavaScript code into the official government websites associated with the data center in order to conduct watering hole attacks. Although LuckyMouse has been spotted using a widely used Microsoft office Vulnerability (CVE-2017-11882) to weaponize Office documents in the past, researchers have no proofs of this technique being used in this particular attack against the data center. The initial attack vector used in the attack against the data center is unclear, but researchers believe LuckyMouse possibly had conducted watering hole or phishing attacks to compromise accounts belonging to employees at the national data center. The attack against the data center eventually infected the targeted system with a piece of malware called HyperBro, a Remote Access Trojan (RAT) deployed to maintain persistence in the targeted system and for remote administration. "There were traces of HyperBro in the infected data center from mid-November 2017. Shortly after that different users in the country started being redirected to the malicious domain update.iaacstudio[.]com as a result of the waterholing of government websites," the researchers said in a blog post published on Thursday 14 June 2018. "These events suggest that the data center infected with HyperBro and the waterholing campaign are connected." As a result of the waterholing attack, the compromised government websites redirected the country's visitors to either penetration testing suite Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF) that focuses on the web browser, or the ScanBox reconnaissance framework, which perform the same tasks as a keylogger. The main command and control (C&C) server used in this attack is hosted on an IP address which belongs to a Ukrainian ISP, specifically to a MikroTik router running a firmware version released in March 2016. Researchers believe the Mikrotik router was explicitly hacked for the campaign in order to process the HyperBro malware's HTTP requests without detection.

CHINESE HACKERS CARRIED OUT COUNTRY-LEVEL WATERING HOLE ATTACK. Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered an espionage campaign that has targeted a national data center of an unnamed central Asian country in order to conduct watering hole attacks. The campaign is believed to be active covertly since fall 2017 but was spotted in March by security researchers from Kaspersky Labs, who have attributed these attacks to a Chinese-speaking threat actor group called  LuckyMouse . LuckyMouse, also known as Iron Tiger, EmissaryPanda, APT 27 and Threat Group-3390, is the same group of Chinese hackers who was found targeting Asian countries with Bitcoin mining malware early this year. The group has been active since at least 2010 and was behind many previous attack campaigns resulting in the theft of massive amounts of data from the directors and managers of US-based defense contractors. This time the group chose a national data center as its target from an unnamed country in Central Asia in an att

I AM ONE OTHER PERSON, WHOM SOME UGANDANS WILL HATE, WHEN I SAY HOMOSEXUALITY / GAY ARE NOT THE PROBLEMS OF UGANDA. In May 2014, I shared with Leah, a certain Audio and Leah wrote back to me this `Some Ugandans rose to insult total strangers via Internet, for saying 'GAY People' are not responsible for the suffering of Ugandans`. And it is a bold truth that i agreed to. There was a moment i wrote defending Gay, a group of poor youth recruited as regime agents on Social Media, labelled me as a "GAY Boy"!. As if that wasn't enough, a few of my relatives online branded me as "HOMOSEXUAL FROM MARACHA". Dish your hate of me, the way you want but What i know is, i know who i am. *********************************************************************************************************** We should learn how to use our brain. In 2014, Mr Museveni together with his team of Charlatans in Parliament, tabled a motion before Parliament, to amend "ANTI-PONOGRAPHY LAW". This is a Law that bars in descent dresses in public. Successfully, this bill was enacted and Ugandans went nuts. Ugandans went undressing women on the streets for wearing mini skirts. While most Ugandans were still paying attention to Undressing of Women on the streets, Uganda Dictatorship government agents with their NRM MPs and with some a few opposition MPs immediately tabled and enacted a Law called "PUBLIC ORDER MANAGEMENT LAW". Mr Museveni knows how to Play with the minds of some of our Opposition Activists and Opposition MPs. With the rapidly effective commencement of this "Public order Management Bill" from the period of enactment, Uganda Opposition generally, have never been having any right to Peacefully and free Demonstrations and Consultative meetings. This Law has sealed off Opposition Activists, Opposition Political Parties and other Human rights Activists from doing there work. Most Security Chiefs, Police, NRM government agents and big chunk of Ugandans were all on the streets beating people who wear in descent clothes while Inner big circles of NRM government were busy cooking a Law of framing opposition from holding Consultative meetings and bar opposition MPs from discussing other things with their electorates in various Constituencies across the country. Now you know how Museveni tricks work. The beggars and peasants in Uganda who praise our current Military State for the crumbs which fall off the table while they are sick, dying and living in abject poverty need to only read. I watch Ugandans praise their current dictator museveni and wonder why if they even took any history lessons. Our fight was a few freaking years ago, when Uganda was celebrating "Kill the Gay people". To tell a nation of hungry impoverished people about Human Rights was a treat. For the life of me, I did not understand why you wanted to kill your own children and claim that God told you to do so. We will go on record to say I told you so. Without the love of my few Ugandan friends who saw the point, I would not be here talking to you. The other people that helped me to fight daily are my international friends. Daily we kept asking about employment, education, roads, corruption and arbitrary arrests. Many listened. I am proud to tell you that I was a fighter for LGBTI (Gay) rights. Not that I could care, why would I? Your nose and ears must not go into people's bedrooms. The government has no business in people's bedrooms. You even had a Thanks Giving parade for Museveni signing the Gay Bill. I don't care who they call me, even if they call me "A Gay", i don't care and i know where i am. How is that working out for you these days? You had Hajjis, clerics, Sheiks and pastors preach DEATH upon their own people. Where are they now?. To boot, Museveni recalled the bill. And how many of you lost your pathetically low paid jobs? When you decide that one group of people must die, you also sanction the State to take away your rights. Think about 2013, 2014 and now. Who has been killing our people?. We are all guilty. We gave the State permission to persecute people. Your life will never be safe until you fight for the rights of other people. Gay people have never been the problem for Uganda. I have watched so many of you preach your religion. Pray tell the world where Isaiah or Jesus or Muhammad said to persecute, be the judge and murder. You people are not serious. The last commandment was love one another as I have loved you. These new Sheiks, evangelists, Hajjis and pastors give Jesus /Isaiah a bad name. Go to them. Give them all their money. Watch them build mansions and buy expensive cars. Then return and give them more money. ARE YOU INSANE? When is the last time Isaiah or Jesus took money from Peasants?. Shaaa. Your people are dying of hunger and treatable diseases and yet you give every penny to these Sheiks and pastors who have no conciense at all to protect the flock. Hopefully, Pope Francis will teach you about the way of Christ but given how much you throw yourselves onto the floor on your knees adoring anything of power, I will say a novena. WAKE UP PEOPLE. You give God a very bad name. BUT all your communications are monitored. Are you safe?. All these are Ploys to divert public attention from crucial things. Even these rampant arrests of regime cadres, Police officers, intelligence officers and other arrests within Government inner circled should not surprise you. OR They should never be a Breaking News for you to Jubilate at. DISTRACTING A WHOLE COUNTRY OF 40 MILLION WHILE THEY SUFFER WILL HAUNT YOU. Only if, Majority Opposition wake up and detect to d'etat these chronic dictatorship regime Ploys. Most times, i fight for the rights of people of Africa & Uganda, not because i am an "African and Ugandan", but because Africa and Uganda were born in me. In other ways, i am an Activist of nature!. Iam an Activist who defends and fights for the oppressed, humiliated  and marginalised, regardless of Human Color and Country. Because, God input in me that, "JUSTICE" has no boarder. I REMAIN INDEPENDENT OF MYSELF, PROUD LUGBARA OSUTA YUSUF; A CAREER POLITICIAN, BARRISTER, STUDENT FOR LIFE AND TALENTED IN INTERNET.

I AM ONE OTHER PERSON, WHOM SOME UGANDANS WILL HATE, WHEN I SAY HOMOSEXUALITY / GAY ARE NOT THE PROBLEMS OF UGANDA. In May 2014, I shared with Leah, a certain Audio and Leah wrote back to me this `Some Ugandans rose to insult total strangers via Internet, for saying 'GAY People' are not responsible for the suffering of Ugandans`. And it is a bold truth that i agreed to. There was a moment i wrote defending Gay, a group of poor youth recruited as regime agents on Social Media, labelled me as a "GAY Boy"!. As if that wasn't enough, a few of my relatives online branded me as "HOMOSEXUAL FROM MARACHA". Dish your hate of me, the way you want but What i know is, i know who i am. *********************************************************************************************************** We should learn how to use our brain. In 2014, Mr Museveni together with his team of Charlatans in Parliament, tabled a motion before Parliament, to amend "ANTI-PONOGRAPHY L

Judge orders Paul Manafort to jail in wake of new obstruction charges. Judge orders ex-Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort to jail while awaiting money laundering and fraud trials. Originally Published 6:46 p.m. GMT+3 June 15, 2018. If GOP cult, `It is because they like what my father Is doing` Donald Trump Jr. stepping back into the spotlight, coming to the defense of his father. Veuer's Nick Cardona has that story. WASHINGTON — A federal judge on Friday ordered former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort to jail to await separate trials on money laundering and fraud charges following allegations that he sought to obstruct the Russia inquiry while he was on house arrest. U.S. District Judge Amy Jackson revoked Manafort's bail. Clearly agitated by Manafort’s conduct, she said there appeared to be no terms of release that she was confident that Manafort would follow. “This is not middle school,” Jackson said at one point. “I can’t take his cell phone." She continued: "I have thought long and hard about this. I don’t think I can draft a clear enough order” setting out conditions of Manafort’s continuing release. Manafort, meanwhile, showed no emotion as the judge delivered the ruling. If convicted at trial, Manafort faces the prospect of spending the rest of his life in custody. Manafort, who just two summers ago was celebrating Donald Trump's nomination at the Republican National Convention, was charged last week along with Russian business associate Konstantin Kilimnik as part of an alleged scheme to tamper with two witnesses in the existing cases against Manafort. Earlier Friday, federal prosecutors representing Russia special counsel Robert Mueller and Manafort’s attorneys clashed in court, with prosecutors arguing that the former Trump aide deserves to be jailed for “committing a crime while on bail.” “The danger is that Mr. Manafort will continue to commit crimes,” prosecutor Greg Andres told the judge. Prosecutors asserted that that the alleged obstruction effort, in which Manafort and Kilimnik sought to coach the testimony of the two un-identified witnesses, should trigger the revocation of Manafort's bail, sending him to jail to await a July trial in Alexandria, Va., on bank fraud charges and a separate September trial in Washington, D.C., where he faces a vast money laundering and fraud conspiracy.  Investigators have claimed that the "repeated" contacts occurred while Manafort was under house arrest in Virginia, as a condition of his release. Last week's indictment asserted that Manafort and Kilimnik engaged in the obstruction scheme from Feb. 23 through April.  "The defendants...knowingly and intentionally conspired to corruptly persuade (the witnesses identified as D1 and D2) with intent to influence, delay and prevent the testimony of any person in an official proceeding," prosecutors alleged. The witnesses worked with Manafort in organizing a group of former European officials who lobbied within the U.S. without registering as required by law. "Manafort and Kilimnik repeatedly contacted Persons D1 and D2 in an effort to secure materially false testimony," prosecutors alleged in court papers.  At one point, even as Manafort was on notice that investigators had been monitoring his communications, the former campaign chairman sent an encrypted text message to one of the witnesses, saying: "This is Paul...We should talk," court papers stated. The witnesses told investigators that they "understood" that Manafort was reaching out to influence the testimony, according to court papers.

Judge orders Paul Manafort to jail in wake of new obstruction charges . Judge orders ex-Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort to jail while awaiting money laundering and fraud trials . Originally Published 6:46 p.m. GMT+3 June 15, 2018. If GOP cult, `It is because they like what my father Is doing` Donald Trump Jr. stepping back into the spotlight, coming to the defense of his father. Veuer's Nick Cardona has that story. WASHINGTON — A federal judge on Friday ordered former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort to jail to await separate trials on money laundering and fraud charges following allegations that he sought to obstruct the Russia inquiry while he was on house arrest. U.S. District Judge Amy Jackson revoked Manafort's bail. Clearly agitated by Manafort’s conduct, she said there appeared to be no terms of release that she was confident that Manafort would follow. “This is not middle school,” Jackson said at one point. “I can’t take his cell phone." She continued: &

FBI HAS ARRESTED MORE NIGERIAN INTERNET FRAUDSTERS CALLED (YAHOO YAHOO BOYS), WHO ARE BASED IN USA. Subscribe to #osutayusuf, #fb, @osutayusuf, #LI. Initially, some of the YAHOO YAHOO group Members who are based in Nigeria, were arrested by Police last month in a party pub at Lagos Nigeria! - A Nigerian based Media reported. Adeyemi Odufuye aka (Micky Bricks) is among the fraudsters arrested by FBI At least 34 Nigerians have been arrested by U.S. Federal authorities for allegedly defrauding businesses and U.S. citizens of several millions of dollars. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) said the fraud was a significant coordinated effort to disrupt Business Email Compromise (BEC) schemes that were designed to intercept and hijack wire transfers from businesses and individuals, including many senior citizens. “Foreign citizens perpetrate many BEC scams. Those individuals are often members of transnational criminal organisations, which originated in Nigeria but have spread throughout the world,” FBI said. ‘Operation Wire Wire’, a coordinated law enforcement effort by the U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Department of the Treasury and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, was conducted over a six month period. “The operation culminated in over two weeks of intensified law enforcement activity resulting in 74 arrests in the United States and overseas, including 29 in Nigeria, and three in Canada, Mauritius and Poland. “The operation also resulted in the seizure of nearly $2.4 million, and the disruption and recovery of approximately $14 million in fraudulent wire transfers,” FBI said. “Following an investigation led by the FBI with the assistance of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Criminal Investigation, Gloria Okolie and Paul Aisosa, both Nigerian nationals residing in Dallas, Texas, were charged in an indictment filed on June 6 in the Southern District of Georgia. “According to the indictment, they are alleged to have victimized a real estate closing attorney by sending the lawyer a spoofing email posing as the seller and requesting that proceeds of a real estate sale in the amount of $246,000 be wired to Okolie’s account. “They are charged with laundering approximately $665,000 in illicit funds. The attorney experienced $130,000 in losses after the bank was notified of the fraud and froze $116,000. “Adeyemi Odufuye aka “Micky,” “Micky Bricks,” “Yemi,” “GMB,” “Bawz” and “Jefe,” 32, and Stanley Hugochukwu Nwoke, aka Stanley Banks,” “Banks,” “Hugo Banks,” “Banky,” and “Jose Calderon,” 27, were charged in a seven-count indictment in the District of Connecticut in a BEC scheme involving an attempted loss to victims of approximately $2.6 million, including at least $440,000 in actual losses to one victim in Connecticut. “A third co-conspirator Olumuyiwa Yahtrip Adejumo, aka “Ade,” “Slimwaco,” “Waco,” “Waco Jamon,” “Hade,” and “Hadey,” 32, of Toledo, Ohio, pleaded guilty on April 20 to one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud. “Odufuye was extradited from the United Kingdom to the United States and on Jan. 3, pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and one count of aggravated identity theft. “Nwoke was extradited to the United States from Mauritius on May 25, marking the first extradition in over 15 years from Mauritius. His case is pending. “Richard Emem Jackson, aka Auwire, 23, of Lagos, Nigeria, was charged in an indictment filed on May 17 in the District of Massachusetts with two counts of unlawful possession of a means of identification as part of a larger fraud scheme. “According to the indictment, on two occasions in 2017, Jackson is alleged to have possessed the identifications of two victims with the intent to commit wire fraud conspiracy,”the U.S. authorities said. The U.S. authorities expressed gratitude for the outstanding efforts of the participating countries, including law enforcement actions that were coordinated and executed by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) in Nigeria to curb business email compromise schemes that defraud businesses and individuals alike. U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said: “This operation, which was funded and coordinated by the FBI, serves as a model for international cooperation against specific threats that endanger the financial well-being of each member country’s residents. “Fraudsters can rob people of their life’s savings in a matter of minutes. These are malicious and morally repugnant crimes. “The Department of Justice has taken aggressive action against fraudsters in recent months, conducting the largest sweep of fraud against American seniors in history back in February. “Now, in this operation alone, we have arrested 42 people in the United States and 29 others have been arrested in Nigeria for alleged financial fraud. “And so I want to thank the FBI, nearly a dozen U.S. Attorneys’ Offices, the Secret Service, Postal Inspection Services, Homeland Security Investigations, the Treasury Department, our partners in Nigeria, Poland, Canada, Mauritius, Indonesia, and Malaysia, and our state and local law enforcement partners for all of their hard work”. FBI Director Christopher Wray said: “We will continue to work together with our law enforcement partners around the world to end these fraud schemes and protect the hard-earned assets of our citizens. The public we serve deserves nothing less.” U.S. Secret Service Director Randolph Alles said: “The Secret Service remains committed to aggressively investigating and pursuing those responsible for cyber-enabled financial crimes”. U.S. Department of the Treasury Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) Director Kenneth Blanco said: “Since 2014, working with our domestic and international partners, our Rapid Response Programme has helped recover over $350 million stolen from innocent Americans. U.S. Chief Postal Inspector Guy Cottrell said: “Anyone who engages in deceptive practices like this should know they will not go undetected and will be held accountable, regardless of where they are”. Since the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) began keeping track of BEC and its variant, Email Account Compromise (EAC), as a complaint category, there has been a loss of over $3.7 billion reported to the IC3. BEC, also known as “cyber-enabled financial fraud,” is a sophisticated scam often targeting employees with access to company finances and businesses working with foreign suppliers and/or businesses that regularly perform wire transfer payments. The same criminal organisations that perpetrate BEC also exploit individual victims, often real estate purchasers, the elderly, and others, by convincing them to make wire transfers to bank accounts controlled by the criminals. This is often accomplished by impersonating a key employee or business partner after obtaining access to that person’s email account or sometimes done through romance, lottery, employment opportunities, fraudulent online vehicle sales, and rental scams. The FBI provides a variety of resources relating to BEC through the IC3, which can be reached at and victims are encouraged to file a complaint online with the IC3 at 

FBI HAS ARRESTED MORE NIGERIAN INTERNET FRAUDSTERS CALLED (YAHOO YAHOO BOYS), WHO ARE BASED IN USA. Subscribe to #osutayusuf, #fb, @osutayusuf, #LI. Initially, some of the YAHOO YAHOO group Members who are based in Nigeria, were arrested by Police last month in a party pub at Lagos Nigeria! - A Nigerian based Media reported. Adeyemi Odufuye aka (Micky Bricks) is among the fraudsters arrested by FBI At least 34 Nigerians have been arrested by U.S. Federal authorities for allegedly defrauding businesses and U.S. citizens of several millions of dollars. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) said the fraud was a significant coordinated effort to disrupt Business Email Compromise (BEC) schemes that were designed to intercept and hijack wire transfers from businesses and individuals, including many senior citizens. “Foreign citizens perpetrate many BEC scams. Those individuals are often members of transnational criminal organisations, which originated in Nigeria but have spread throughou

UGANDA`S SECURITY SYSTEM IS A JOKE. Ugandans are surviving on God`s Grace. Span blogged it. We do not sugarcoat because we are running low on sugar. To the worst of it all, is a system that Government appreciates and trusts when it can never investigate and prosecute a minor murder case. People should thank Opposition for their existence. We rest our case. ****************************************************************** Just because one has a gun or has military training, doesn’t necessarily mean that he/she knows security and how to investigate crimes. Look at the people appointed to head the security system in Uganda. Elly Tumwine really?? What credentials does he have to be minister of security? Securing a nation and its people is more than fashion designing. Every prominent murder that has occurred in this nation, Museveni has come up with different ways to prevent them. CCTV, SIM registrations, DNA, outlawing hoods, just like he has cone up of different ways to make you rich, etc, this is comical. The government is not there to make every citizens rich. Uganda is fertile for crimes because the country has no trained police force but just appointing useless old military men in such positions. Museveni believes that by putting someone in military uniforms and give them military assault rifles and let them roam the streets then you have taken care of security. The police force has no training at all and more people are going to lose their lives. Up to now there is no sketch drawing of the suspects that killed Abiriga yet there were eye witnesses. This is the first step in investigating such crimes, not SIM registrations. We need a friendly police not these thuggery looking men and women to do police work. The country needs all road maps revamped in order to make it easier for emergency responders and if the government has no money because it is spending it on life presidency project then the government should construct emergency lanes. We have educated and capable Ugandans that can revive our country and become a nation again but not a chaotic mess its in today. #Rest_In_Peace_ABIRIGA

UGANDA`S SECURITY SYSTEM IS A JOKE. Ugandans are surviving on God`s Grace. Span blogged it. We do not sugarcoat because we are running low on sugar. To the worst of it all, is a system that Government appreciates and trusts when it can never investigate and prosecute a minor murder case. People should thank Opposition for their existence. We rest our case. ****************************************************************** Just because one has a gun or has military training, doesn’t necessarily mean that he/she knows security and how to investigate crimes. Look at the people appointed to head the security system in Uganda. Elly Tumwine really?? What credentials does he have to be minister of security? Securing a nation and its people is more than fashion designing. Every prominent murder that has occurred in this nation, Museveni has come up with different ways to prevent them. CCTV, SIM registrations, DNA, outlawing hoods, just like he has cone up of different ways to make you rich, et

CLARIFICATIONS. The highly tense riots at the slain Arua Municipality MP ABIRIGA`s funeral there in ARUA are not normal riots as some of my fellow Lugbara natives try to portray it on Traditional Media (Publication tabloid #The_Insider & Broadcasting media #nbs & #ntvUg). The riots are due to over emotion. I have all those videos of people chanting about government and chasing away the security forces. Who ever proves me wrong can request for the videos here is my Whatsapp number +243810842056. The row fact is, people are angry and they are demanding for proper explanations.

CLARIFICATIONS. The highly tense riots at the slain Arua Municipality MP ABIRIGA's funeral there in ARUA are not normal riots as some of my fellow Lugbara natives try to portray it on Traditional Media (Publication tabloid #The_Insider & Broadcasting media #nbs & #ntvUg). The riots are due to over emotion. I have all those videos of people chanting about government and chasing away the security forces. Who ever proves me wrong can request for the videos here is my Whatsapp number +243810842056. The row fact is, people are angry and they are demanding for proper explanations.

FACEBOOK BUG CHANGED 14 MILLION USER`S DEFAULT PRIVACY SETTINGS TO PUBLIC. Facebook admits as many as 14 millions of its users who thought they're sharing content privately with only friends may have inadvertently shared their posts with everyone because of a software bug. Facebook said in front of Congress in March over the Cambridge Analytica scandal that "every piece of content that you share on Facebook you own, you have complete control over who sees it and how you share it," but the news came out to be another failure of the company to keep the information of millions of users private. Facebook typically allows users to select the audiences who can see their posts, and that privacy setting remains the default until the user itself manually updates it. However, the social media giant revealed Thursday that it recently found a bug that automatically updated the default audience setting for 14 million users' Facebook posts to "Public," even if they had intended to share them just with their friends, or a smaller group of people only. "We recently discovered a technical error between May 18 and 27 that automatically suggested a public audience when you were creating posts," Facebook's 'Please Review Your Posts' alert sent to affected users reads. "We apologize for this mistake." According to Facebook chief privacy officer Erin Egan, the bug was live for a period of 4 days between May 18 and May 22, which was caused while the company was testing a new feature. Egan said the Facebook team fixed the bug within 4 days on May 22 and changed the default audience setting back to what it was previously set by the affected users. So, the posts you shared with your friends after May 22 would not be affected. However, if you have shared content between the affected period, i.e., May 18 to May 22, which went public automatically, the company fixed the privacy settings for those posts by May 27 and is now notifying all affected users. "We have fixed this issue and starting today we are letting everyone affected know and asking them to review any posts they made during that time," Egan said.  "To be clear, this bug did not impact anything people had posted before—and they could still choose their audience just as they always have. We'd like to apologize for this mistake." Facebook is currently facing criticism from Congress for data sharing partnership with Chinese companies that had been in place for years. However, the company claimed the partnerships with over 60 device makers were decade old when there were no apps or app stores and were designed to provide Facebook features on their operating systems.

FACEBOOK BUG CHANGED 14 MILLION USER`S DEFAULT PRIVACY SETTINGS TO PUBLIC. Facebook admits as many as 14 millions of its users who thought they're sharing content privately with only friends may have inadvertently shared their posts with everyone because of a software bug. Facebook said in front of Congress in March over the Cambridge Analytica scandal that "every piece of content that you share on Facebook you own, you have complete control over who sees it and how you share it," but the news came out to be another failure of the company to keep the information of millions of users private. Facebook typically allows users to select the audiences who can see their posts, and that privacy setting remains the default until the user itself manually updates it. However, the social media giant revealed Thursday that it recently found a bug that automatically updated the default audience setting for 14 million users' Facebook posts to "Public," even if they had in