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USA BOUGHT ALASK FOR $7.2M FROM RUSSIA IN 1867. Over 150 years ago Russia sold Alaska for $7.2M. In 2017, Museveni bought Uganda by paying each MP a measly $19,000. A country that has oil, minerals, jet fighters, 38 millions people and much more. I never knew how poor our MPs were till when they got paid such less money to sell off their nation. From Maama Mabira to most of NRM and independent MPs who voted to amend the constitution are facing it rough from their constituencies while dictator Museveni got what he wanted and the the rest is history. Imagine selling your nation with your family, friends in it for such little money and you call yourself Honorables. Maama Mabira sensing the people of Kitgum not sending her back to parliament she has made a self alarm to dictator Museveni.  Hay I voted yes to amend the constitution and now am ready to work for you. Museveni isn’t listening and busy playing matatu with his grandchildren. Many of those MPs who voted for the amendments are bac


USA BOUGHT ALASK FOR $7.2M FROM RUSSIA IN 1867. Over 150 years ago Russia sold Alaska for $7.2M. In 2017, Museveni bought Uganda by paying each MP a measly $19,000. A country that has oil, minerals, jet fighters, 38 millions people and much more. I never knew how poor our MPs were till when they got paid such less money to sell off their nation. From Maama Mabira to most of NRM and independent MPs who voted to amend the constitution are facing it rough from their constituencies while dictator Museveni got what he wanted and the the rest is history. Imagine selling your nation with your family, friends in it for such little money and you call yourself Honorables. Maama Mabira sensing the people of Kitgum not sending her back to parliament she has made a self alarm to dictator Museveni.  Hay I voted yes to amend the constitution and now am ready to work for you. Museveni isn’t listening and busy playing matatu with his grandchildren. Many of those MPs who voted for the amendments are bac


Walking" is the best exercise...! This year, 'Walk Away' from arguments that lead you to nowhere but anger.  'Walk Away' from people who deliberately put you down.  'Walk Away' from any thought that reduces your worth.  'Walk Away' from failures and fears that stifle your dreams.  The more you 'Walk Away' from things that poison your soul, the happier your life would be.  Give Yourself A Walk towards joy and the peace of God, Don't try to explain yourself to everyone. Jesus said' if they don't accept you shake off the dust'  So walk away don't explain don't try to make them understand.  Walk!


Immigration is as old as humanity itself. We should blame these self promoting leaders in Africa as God sent. Africans and in less developed countries around the globe do immigrate in such of a better life and so true in animal kingdoms. Many people left their countries seeking for better opportunities somewhere else. Italians, British, Germans, etc all immigrated to USA but those countries realized that they needed to invest in their respective countries in order to prevent brain-drains from leaving their countries and that’s why you see today the British, Germans, Italians etc  stay in their countries but Africa has yet failed to realize this. We need to force those in power to stop investing in themselves their and families but create a true political stability, and not praise one individualisms for ushering in peace and the so called prosperity. Individual peace ushered in by one individual who refuses to leave the stage, its just a matter of time that once he leaves the stage, tha


MY MESSAGE TO MY FELLOW YOUTH. Uganda has never been in peace since 1986 to date. The desperate tyranny's regime must not deceive you that, Uganda is peaceful. The only "Peace" museveni regime has brought is sleep and poverty. I am extra depressed. The regime in power abducts, arrests, threatens death, detains, tortures and imprisons innocent youth with an aim of forcing them to work for and support NRM and intimidate the youth so that they do not speak up. Many youth have even lost their lives and properties. Thousands of youth are being rounded up daily and taken to jails and safe houses under the guise of being idle and disorderly. How can someone be disordely or idle at his home? That they are loitring in the city and towns. How can a government that is not creating jobs arrest people for nor working? If the youth dont come to towns to look for work, how are they expected to eat and pay rent and feed their families?  We understand that government fears the youth that


It's Not Easy" By Lucky Dube. I remember the day I called mama on the telephone I told her mama I'm getting married I could hear her voice on the other side of the telephone she was smiling And she asked me a question that I proudly answered She said son did you take time to know her I said mama she's the best But today it hurts me so To go back to mama and say mama I 'M getting divorced Oh I'm getting divorced This choice I made didn't work out the way I thought it would [x2] it hurts me so mama Mama said to me [Chorus:] It's not easy to understand it son But I hope you'll make it [x3] You'll be happy again I remember in church When the preacher read the scriptures You looked so beautiful and innocent I did not know that behind that beauty Lies the true colors that will destroy me in the near future This choice I made didn't work out the way I thought it would be [x2] Now I'm hurting I remember when I held you By the hand preacherman re


TOOTHLESS BARKING DOG AU SHOULD BE DISBANDED NOW. I was in a discussion with Span, about this. If i were you, i would read it till the end. The African Union is disgraceful to the continent and must be disbanded for its lack of a backbone to take a leading role in condemning what is happening in Libya. African governments have contributed armies to fight criminalities for more importantly to keep their fellow dictators in power to oppress their citizens. This would be a worthy cause to contribute a joint force and take on Libya. This effort must be led by the AU. Joint operations were conducted in Somalia, South Sudan and in other countries. West African nations forced Gabon dictator out but our so called leaders are just letting our own people be forced into slavery. Majorities of those forced into slavery are from West Africa and we’re led to believe that West African nations are far superior military than most sub-Saharan countries with the exception of South Africa. We have been ov