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WAR LAW. UGANDANS ANGRY OVER AGE LIMIT AMENDMENT BILL. ................. ................................ . ....... ........ ... . .................................. JANET MUSEVENI ON AGE LIMIT SAYS HER HUSBAND IS MORE THAN AKAAKU. Janet Museveni has met some MPigs and given them 4 Billion shillings to popularize the age limit removal in the country. According to the meeting, Janet Museveni referred to her husband as AKAAKU ( an instrument used to feed and for protection). The following MPigs and more that are not named here received four billion shillings to popularizing the removal of age limit: James Kakooza Ashraf Olega Simeo Nsubuga Gordon Bafaki Paul Amoru Hillary Lokwang Ibrahim Abiriga After the overwhelming defeat of NRM candidate Setinde in the just concluded by-elections in Kyadonddo East, Janet Museveni came up with a plan to use the rural areas as where the age limit removal has the strongest support. In order to convince the international community, the government must show that the majority of the population do support the amendment and a campaign to show support in the poor sections of the country is underway. Janet Museveni is the most ardent supporter of the constitutional amendment believing that only her husband can rule Uganda. Museveni talked about people misleading him into making unpopular decisions but he does not include his family in those group of people who give him wrong informations, but one thing is for sure, that the decision to attack Kasese was Museveni's decision alone. The removal of age limit is a done deal and all this talk of opposing it by some members of parliament is just a formality to show the world that, there is some opposition to the constitutional amendment. The fifty year plan to rule Uganda is now a reality but what was in doubt was who was going to rule the most in the fifty year plan. We the people, either get used to it or do something about it. Museveni is afraid of a revolution more than his government being overthrown by the army. In order to ensure that a revolution does not occur he has empowered the police to use deadly force and armed the police to police the general public with military assault rifles and also the creation of a strong citizen crime defender force. #NO_TO_AGE_LIMIT MUSEVENI MUST GO

WAR LAW. UGANDANS ANGRY OVER AGE LIMIT AMENDMENT BILL. ................. ................................ . .......  ........ ... . .................................. JANET MUSEVENI ON AGE LIMIT SAYS HER HUSBAND IS MORE THAN AKAAKU. Janet Museveni has met some MPigs and given them 4 Billion shillings to popularize the age limit removal in the country. According to the meeting, Janet Museveni referred to her husband as AKAAKU ( an instrument used to feed and for protection). The following MPigs and more that are not named here received four billion shillings to popularizing the removal of age limit: James Kakooza Ashraf Olega Simeo Nsubuga Gordon Bafaki Paul Amoru Hillary Lokwang Ibrahim Abiriga After the overwhelming defeat of NRM candidate Setinde in the just concluded by-elections in Kyadonddo East, Janet Museveni came up with a plan to use the rural areas as where the age limit removal has the strongest support. In order to convince the international community, the government must

WHO EVER ABUSES ME AND SPAN FOR WHAT WE WRITE IS WRONG. ............................................ ............................................. . .... . .... .......... MUSEVENI ENDORSES MR. KYAGULANYI INDIRECTLY. I cannot hand over power to the opposition said Museveni. This means that there is no worthy person in NRM to replace him and that's why he keeps looking at the opposition. Well we all knew this all along that NRM is full of corrupt people and that's why dictator Museveni keeps on looking at the opposition for his possible replacement. For over three decades Museveni has been hoodwinking Ugandans with the help of NRM MPigs to entrench himself and his family to stay in power. All our institutions are broken, hospitals are built using loans and taxpayers money but in the end, the government tells the unfortunate citizens that such hospitals are private but only policemen will be there treated for free. Anything to benefit him stay in power. Kayihorror is seriously negotiating the terms and conditions of his departure soon. We cannot expect anything good from this regime. Its incredibly unfortunate that the citizens are paying for Setinde's campaign, using your hard earned money to promote his candidacy. Why are the poor Ugandans funding NRM campaigns? Can Setinde tell us with a straight face that his campaign is not funded by tax payers? Now dictator Museveni is at it again telling us what we already know. Setinde is nothing but a yes man for dictator Museveni. Musevni has enough such people in parliament and the people of Kyadonddo should not be misled. Let NRM win this by election in style by rigging as its known for. Museveni has endorsed Mr. Kyagulanyi indirectly by saying that he sees no possible person in NRM to take over power and therefore that's why he keeps on looking his replacement from the opposition. Kyagulanyi will stand up to M7 and that one voice in parliament is the voice for the people of Kyadonddo. The fight to stop removal of age limit starts in Kyadonddo East. STOP THE MADNESS. GO TEAM KYAGULANYI. #OSUTA_YUSUF A CAREER POLITICIAN / LAWYER

WHO EVER ABUSES ME AND SPAN FOR WHAT WE WRITE IS WRONG. ............................................  .............................................   . .... . .... .......... MUSEVENI ENDORSES MR. KYAGULANYI INDIRECTLY. I cannot hand over power to the opposition said Museveni. This means that there is no worthy person in NRM to replace him and that's why he keeps looking at the opposition. Well we all knew this all along that NRM is full of corrupt people and that's why dictator Museveni keeps on looking at the opposition for his possible replacement. For over three decades Museveni has been hoodwinking Ugandans with the help of NRM MPigs to entrench himself and his family to stay in power. All our institutions are broken, hospitals are built using loans and taxpayers money but in the end, the government tells the unfortunate citizens that such hospitals are private but only policemen will be there treated for free. Anything to benefit him stay in power. Kayihorror is seriously

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1. Amin released all political detainees that were languishing in Luzira : For example several Baganda notables including one of Sekabaka Muteesa’s sisters, the former vice president had been sentenced to imprisonment for one year bet because Amin wished to address all former monarchs at one seating, he ordered Nadiope’s body had reposed in Kensal Green Cemetery for close to two years. 2. Amin promoted and lifted the sports image in Uganda: He thrilled Ugandans and the entire world when he led his cabinet and leading personalities, including religious leaders in a friendly soccer match shortly after taking power. Among those playing was the late Cardinal Emmanuel Nsubuga of the Roman Catholic Church. 3. Amin also went ahead to provide moral and financial support to sports: In 1972, John Akii Bua won a 400m hurdles gold medal in the Munich Olympics held in Germany the only Gold Uganda has won at the games history. Uganda reached the Africa cup of Nations 1978 and ever since then, has ne

MUSEVENI STOP FOOLING UGANDANS INTO SIM-CARD REGISTRATIONS Talking about the WHO instead of the WHAT, this is exactly why the dictator was trying to muddy the waters when he was interviewed by the Qatar reporter. Dictator Museveni is determined to keep the WHO to stay as a life president. Now he has forced all Ugandan smartphone owners to register their SIM CARDS and poor Ugandans think that, this is done for their security reasons. Its further from the truth. The truth is that this military regime is forcing smartphone owners to register their SIM cards, so that Museveni guarantees his job security until death do us apart. The main purpose of a SIM CARD is to provide vital information of the owner of the smartphone and his/her daily activities and what type of information the phone user is involved in. The reason dictator M7 gave of cracking down on criminals is just phony and bogus. Once the user is identified, the government can track that individual down through his/her network carrier and hell could rain on that individual in Nalufenya. Most of the hardcore criminals are state sanctioned and mostly do not use smartphones in the commission of a crime. The recent wave of killings in Masaka, the government has no idea who committed such horrific crimes. Uganda has so many universities and most of them have IT, and Computer Engineering departments but I doubt if any of the university professors were ever asked to appear on any TV Programs to explain the function of a SIM card registration but they have this self named Museveni's dog Tamale Mirundi talking nonsense. Ruth Nankabirwa lied to the people that the reason why some of the SIM card registrants phones being switched off was to test and make sure that the registration exercise was a success. What she failed to inform the general public was that most government officials did not register their SIM cards. Dictator Museveni would do whatever he can get away with in order to die in power including killings. Remember the 85 Ugandans that lost their lives in bombings while watching soccer tournaments? Museveni supporters jumped on the opportunity to register their SIM cards and were all over social medial encouraging people to register as its very important to do so in order to prevent crimes. The only crime SIM card registration could do is to track down those not in line with the government. #NEVER_MAINTAIN_SILENCE_IN_THE_PRESENCE_OF_INJUSTICE! THIS IS AN INFORMATION YOU MIGHT NOT LIKE, BUT INFORMATION IS POWER! #FREE_UGANDA! #SECTARIAN_M7_MUST_QUIT_STATE_HOUSE! LOVE ME OR HATE ME, I DON'T CARE! #OSUTA_YUSUF A CAREER POLITICIAN / LAWYER

MUSEVENI STOP FOOLING UGANDANS INTO SIM-CARD REGISTRATIONS Talking about the WHO instead of the WHAT, this is exactly why the dictator was trying to muddy the waters when he was interviewed by the Qatar reporter. Dictator Museveni is determined to keep the WHO to stay as a life president. Now he has forced all Ugandan smartphone owners to register their SIM CARDS and poor Ugandans think that, this is done for their security reasons. Its further from the truth. The truth is that this military regime is forcing smartphone owners to register their SIM cards, so that Museveni guarantees his job security until death do us apart. The main purpose of a SIM CARD is to provide vital information of the owner of the smartphone and his/her daily activities and what type of information the phone user is involved in. The reason dictator M7 gave of cracking down on criminals is just phony and bogus. Once the user is identified, the government can track that individual down through his/her network car

HERE IS WHAT EXACTLY SOME OF MY PEOPLE IN OTHER PARTS OF UGANDA, ARE EATING TO SURVIVE ON AS PROPOSED BY THE MINISTER! Some years back in 2009, when a similar famine hit westnile region, Teso sub regions and some parts of Uganda, the then Minister of Disaster Preparedness, Prof. Tarsus Kabwegyere advised the people there to eat grass, mangoes and insects. #Greedy_sectarian_government #Botched_Museveni_must_go. Your hateful opinion of me, will never put food on my dining table! BURN. #OSUTA_YUSUF CAREER POLITICIAN / LAWYER.

Public notice to all patriotic and justice loving Ugandans in and abroad. I fight for Uganda not because i was born in uganda, but because Uganda was born in me. The struggle continues

Public notice to all  patriotic and justice loving ugandans in and abroad. I fight for Uganda not because i was born in uganda, but because Uganda was born in me. The struggle continues