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Thank you, Stella Nyanzi. She opened her lying mouth and said, "Walk your children to school, I walked four kilometers to and from school when I was a child!" The lazy pig that flew her children in aeroplanes to school looked down her long piggy nose and told us to walk our children to school. Do as I say, not as I do, she says through her lying teeth. She opened her rotten jaws and said, "Do not pile your children on bodaboda motorbikes, but instead buy a car to take them to school!" The big-thighed cow that is driven all over our country in a convoy of motorcades rubbed her thighs and told us to buy cars or else walk. Do as I say, not as I do, she says upon her cellulite-covered thighs. She opened her venomous mandibles and said, "Do not abandon your children to dangerous bodabodamen, but walk them to school!" The poisonous snake is wife to a tyrant who abandoned Uganda's poor citizenry, in preference to thickening the bellies of a few kin. Do as I say, not as my husband does, she hisses venomously. She opened her empty brains and said, "Schools must now open at 08:00AM and close 05:00PM, as well as close over weekends!" The empty-brained leopardess has sat silently for thirty-one years as a whole generation of Ugandans started school at six or seven and ended school at six or seven, sometimes even having night-time preps in boarding schools... she said nadda for thirty-one long years, and now she is nyonyonyoing about school hours! Somebody lend this woman quarter a brain, or some piece of brain. Just, just, just lend her a few brain cells... for she is a certified - approved fool! She opened her long blood-sucking proboscis and dared to tell us that bodabodas are dangerous transport for our children. Huh! We are the bodaboda-generation. Our fathers, husbands, brothers, sons, uncles and nephews grew rich on the Mwaanyi-Zaabala motorbikes that first ferried coffee during the magendo days. Our men reclaimed their manhood through providing for us when they transported contraband goods and criminal merchants on their Bajjaj bodabodas riding through illicit dust-covered routes criss-crossing the country from every inconspicuous border-point. Our boy friends and casual lovers rode bodabodas or hired bodabodas to stealthily come visit us in the wee hours of the night. As women and girls, we have grown up mounting all sorts of bodabodas, spreading out legs wide on top of them, sitting astraddle them, holding tight the waists of bodabodamen and flying up and down the streets, paths and highways of Uganda atop these motorbike. Helmet or not, seat-belt or not, driver's license or not, third party or not, accidents or not, we know, we trust and we love our bodabodas and bodabodamen. Our children can sleep safely while riding on the back of bodabodas. Somebody, please get the first lady a bodabodaman to ride her up and down Rwakitura or Kololo or Entebbe or Nakasero. Somebody tell the Minister of Education that these bodabodamen she disparages are our fathers, husbands, brothers, sons, nephews and uncles - yes even our boy friends, lovers and casual sex partners for a fee! Our children are a lot safer under the care of bodabodamen than they are under the nepotistic family rule entrenched by the Musevenis. How can bodabodamen be more dangerous than a rogue regime whose president appoints his wife as Minister of Education, and wants his son to be future president? Who is more dangerous than the Musevenis today? Somebody teach Janet Kataaha Museveni how to mount a motorbike, spread her thighs wide and sit atop the beastly machine, put her cotton knickers on the bodaboda's seat made of fake leather, hold tight the bodabodaman's sweaty waist and ride all over Uganda as ordinary Ugandans do. We need to educate the Minister of Education. We must renew her brain based on everyday experiences. Aluta continua...

She opened her lying mouth and said, "Walk your children to school, I walked four kilometers to and from school when I was a child!" The lazy pig that flew her children in aeroplanes to school looked down her long piggy nose and told us to walk our children to school. Do as I say, not as I do, she says through her lying teeth. She opened her rotten jaws and said, "Do not pile your children on bodaboda motorbikes, but instead buy a car to take them to school!" The big-thighed cow that is driven all over our country in a convoy of motorcades rubbed her thighs and told us to buy cars or else walk. Do as I say, not as I do, she says upon her cellulite-covered thighs. She opened her venomous mandibles and said, "Do not abandon your children to dangerous bodabodamen, but walk them to school!" The poisonous snake is wife to a tyrant who abandoned Uganda's poor citizenry, in preference to thickening the bellies of a few kin. Do as I say, not as my husband does

Thank you, Stella Nyanzi. She opened her lying mouth and said, "Walk your children to school, I walked four kilometers to and from school when I was a child!" The lazy pig that flew her children in aeroplanes to school looked down her long piggy nose and told us to walk our children to school. Do as I say, not as I do, she says through her lying teeth. She opened her rotten jaws and said, "Do not pile your children on bodaboda motorbikes, but instead buy a car to take them to school!" The big-thighed cow that is driven all over our country in a convoy of motorcades rubbed her thighs and told us to buy cars or else walk. Do as I say, not as I do, she says upon her cellulite-covered thighs. She opened her venomous mandibles and said, "Do not abandon your children to dangerous bodabodamen, but walk them to school!" The poisonous snake is wife to a tyrant who abandoned Uganda's poor citizenry, in preference to thickening the bellies of a few kin. Do as I say, not as my husband does, she hisses venomously. She opened her empty brains and said, "Schools must now open at 08:00AM and close 05:00PM, as well as close over weekends!" The empty-brained leopardess has sat silently for thirty-one years as a whole generation of Ugandans started school at six or seven and ended school at six or seven, sometimes even having night-time preps in boarding schools... she said nadda for thirty-one long years, and now she is nyonyonyoing about school hours! Somebody lend this woman quarter a brain, or some piece of brain. Just, just, just lend her a few brain cells... for she is a certified - approved fool! She opened her long blood-sucking proboscis and dared to tell us that bodabodas are dangerous transport for our children. Huh! We are the bodaboda-generation. Our fathers, husbands, brothers, sons, uncles and nephews grew rich on the Mwaanyi-Zaabala motorbikes that first ferried coffee during the magendo days. Our men reclaimed their manhood through providing for us when they transported contraband goods and criminal merchants on their Bajjaj bodabodas riding through illicit dust-covered routes criss-crossing the country from every inconspicuous border-point. Our boy friends and casual lovers rode bodabodas or hired bodabodas to stealthily come visit us in the wee hours of the night. As women and girls, we have grown up mounting all sorts of bodabodas, spreading out legs wide on top of them, sitting astraddle them, holding tight the waists of bodabodamen and flying up and down the streets, paths and highways of Uganda atop these motorbike. Helmet or not, seat-belt or not, driver's license or not, third party or not, accidents or not, we know, we trust and we love our bodabodas and bodabodamen. Our children can sleep safely while riding on the back of bodabodas. Somebody, please get the first lady a bodabodaman to ride her up and down Rwakitura or Kololo or Entebbe or Nakasero. Somebody tell the Minister of Education that these bodabodamen she disparages are our fathers, husbands, brothers, sons, nephews and uncles - yes even our boy friends, lovers and casual sex partners for a fee! Our children are a lot safer under the care of bodabodamen than they are under the nepotistic family rule entrenched by the Musevenis. How can bodabodamen be more dangerous than a rogue regime whose president appoints his wife as Minister of Education, and wants his son to be future president? Who is more dangerous than the Musevenis today? Somebody teach Janet Kataaha Museveni how to mount a motorbike, spread her thighs wide and sit atop the beastly machine, put her cotton knickers on the bodaboda's seat made of fake leather, hold tight the bodabodaman's sweaty waist and ride all over Uganda as ordinary Ugandans do. We need to educate the Minister of Education. We must renew her brain based on everyday experiences. Aluta continua...

She opened her lying mouth and said, "Walk your children to school, I walked four kilometers to and from school when I was a child!" The lazy pig that flew her children in aeroplanes to school looked down her long piggy nose and told us to walk our children to school. Do as I say, not as I do, she says through her lying teeth. She opened her rotten jaws and said, "Do not pile your children on bodaboda motorbikes, but instead buy a car to take them to school!" The big-thighed cow that is driven all over our country in a convoy of motorcades rubbed her thighs and told us to buy cars or else walk. Do as I say, not as I do, she says upon her cellulite-covered thighs. She opened her venomous mandibles and said, "Do not abandon your children to dangerous bodabodamen, but walk them to school!" The poisonous snake is wife to a tyrant who abandoned Uganda's poor citizenry, in preference to thickening the bellies of a few kin. Do as I say, not as my husband does

When it comes to serving a regime full of fiction puppets and greediness, here is Uganda. Your hate for me will never put food on my dining table!.

During the 2007 CHOGM events in Kampala, the Government of Uganda spent billions shillings to install CCTV cameras around Kampala. I bet if those cameras are operational or if they were installed! As usual because General Museveni knows that Ugandans are the most forgetful human beings on earth, he is now telling us that the Government of Uganda is going to install cameras in all towns in Uganda! What a mockery! If we have failed to have operational functioning traffic lights just in Kampala, how are we going to manage thousands of cameras around the country!! We need electricity that is on 24 hours not this darkness I see in this village called Kampala. Mr President, Kampala is full of dust, the road where Andrew Felix Kaweesi was murdered from (Kulambilo) if you installed cameras in the morning, by evening the cameras will be covered in dust thus rendering them useless! Again the darkness at Kulambilo road is as if you are in those jungles in Congo. For this camera project to be a su

The next group of people to be gaged in uganda, are the Boda Boda riders.

Dictatorships keep gaging people group by group. ........................................................ ................ The next group of people to be gaged in Uganda are the Boda Boda riders. Since the shooting of Mr kaweesi occurred, some of the empty ridiculous brains in government were quick to finger-point at the jobless Boda Boda riders who arelooking for survival, as the prime suspects in kaweesi shooting. 1.First and fore most, the unknown killers used a motor bike to trail Mr kaweesi, the reports indicated. 2.According to the story published on SUNDAY monitor of 19 march 2017 indicated that, He (RIP) was previously involved in series of shoddy deal; a rich business man in Kampala was killed, the deceased's wife accused Mr kaweesi of being an accomplish in the death of her husband! (b)another tycoon also accused kaweesi of taking 7billion UG shs from him. Could all these series of shoddy deals cost his life, is not the answer.

The thugs nepotism regime works with impunity!

Was kaweesi serving NRM or FDC? ............................................................... President Kizza Besigye blocked from attending a requiem mass for Felix Kaweesi at Lubaga Cathedral. He was travelling in the car with Kawempe South Mp Mubarak Munyagwa. He obliged to Police orders and drove back.

The desperate killers regime.

I have now seen that the killer regime is desperate to the extent that they resort to any form of fake intelligence that could lead to the torture and arrest of innocent citizens.

INSTEAD OF HOLDING BYABAGAMBI AND OTHER SUSPECTS NAMED IN THE PROBE REPORT ACCOUNTABLE, MUSEVENI SIMPLY TRANSFERED AND APPOINTED HIM AS THE MINISTER FOR KARAMOJA AFFAIRS. Former minister of state for works transport, John Byabagambi and his immediate boss Abraham byandala were implicated in abuse of office and causing financial loss of more than shs 30billion inthe construction of Tororo-mbale-soroti road. A UNRA report released on may 26 2016, accuses the two ministers of allegedly directing the reduction of the width of the road from nine metres to only six metres! A report of the commission of inquiry into UNRA activities revealed that ugandan taxpayers lost a staggering shs 4 trillion in dubious payments , fake road projects, etc between 2008 and 2015. Uganda civil society organisations should on behalf of powerless ugandans, demand the immediate resignation of the people implicated inthe above fraud.

We not free yet! So we need to fight for our freedom and justice. The struggle continues