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In Koboko district, police quelled riots against URA Operations which resulted into burning of URA offices, death of one person by shooting and injuries to three. This occurred on Wednesday 23rd February 2022 in Koboko Municipality, Koboko district, following an operation conducted by URA enforcement team that started from 9am in the morning to mid-day. Chaos started when the bodaboda riders protested the arrest of one of their own who was carrying 16 jerricans of suspected smuggled fuel on a motorcycle a long Oraba border road. As the operation continued, the mob proceeded to the URA offices and set it on fire, consequently, the office equipments like the photocopying machines and files were burnt. As the protests escalated into riots, a motor vehicle with Registration number UAW 848U, Silver in colour which was suspected to be carrying the URA enforcement team followed the rioters. The occupants of the said motor vehicle discharged bullets towards the violent rioters so as to prevent


Fred left court after his case for fighting in public was closed with a community service sentence pending. He was overjoyed and even took Nakimuli (his wife) out to celebrate. However, he is now wondering if he must do the work himself or he can get a ‘muchuba’ to sort it out to protect his reputation as an office manager. CAN YOU HIRE SOMEONE TO CARRY OUT YOUR PUNISHMENT? The simple answer is NO!!!.  A punishment is personal. Just like you commit a crime personally, the law must punish you personally.  The law wants you to realise the error of your actions and to become a better person. This means that if you hire someone to do this, you will continue to commit offences just because you have the means to pay someone to ‘suffer’ on your behalf. Therefore, Fred hard to personally do the work in the community that was given by the court for the offence he committed.  WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU REFUSE TO DO AS YOU WERE TOLD? In case you fail or refuse to carry out the punishment that the court

Chinese Hackers Targeting Financial Institutions.

An advanced persistent threat (APT) group operating with objectives aligned with the Chinese government has been linked to an organized supply chain attack on Taiwan's financial sector. The attacks are said to have first commenced at the end of November 2021, with the intrusions attributed to a threat actor tracked as APT10, also known as Stone Panda, the MenuPass group, and Bronze Riverside, and known to be active since at least 2009. The second wave of attacks hit a peak between February 10 and 13, 2022, according to a new report published by Taiwanese cybersecurity firm CyCraft, which said the wide-ranging supply chain compromise specifically targeted the software systems of financial institutions, resulting in "abnormal cases of placing orders." The infiltration activity, codenamed "Operation Cache Panda," exploited a vulnerability in the web management interface of the unnamed securities software that has a market share of over 80% in Taiwan, using it to de


Sometimes, when a couple is proudly showing off their prpoerty, they say "This is our family land or house". Although we are all guilty of saying this to mean that we own it as a married couple, it does not mean the same as the property that belongs to a couple.  Family land is that land where a family ordinary lives, or where they also carry out farming or business ( where they make a living from).  It can also be where the family freely and voluntarily agree to treat as their family land according to culture, customs, traditions or religion of the family.  For example, burial grounds in some cultures in Uganda are considered as family land that is not owned by an individual.

Gen Salim Saleh Opens Third Investment Symposium in Mbarara City.

Gen Salim Saleh has Tuesday officially opened the third Investment Symposium in Mbarara City. The symposium, organised by Uganda Development Bank Limited (UDBL) in partnership with Operation Wealth Creation (OWC) in Mbarara City, is running under the theme, ‘The contribution of Financial Innovation to the resilience of the economy for sustained growth’. The two-day event happening at Kakyeka stadium will run till Wednesday February 23rd 2022. The symposium seeks to identify business opportunities in the region, host business to business (B2B) engagements and convene leading local and national leaders on the question of financing for recovery and growth. Participants drawn from political, business, academic, and civil society leadership from the 13 districts making up Ankole Sub region are to share success experiences, identify business opportunities, share entrepreneurial linkages that can build a sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem. One of the participants showcasing his banana harv

Red Pepper (Daily Pepper) Head Office Premises Auctioned Over Accumulated Debt.

The office premises of Pepper Publications Limited, the publishers of popular tabloid, Red Pepper could be sold unless the company clears its outstanding debt totalling to billions of shillings. The premises are located at Namanve, along Kampala-Jinja road. According to a notice of intended sale by Part Property and Assets Recovery Trust, placed in the newspapers, the two story main building and the printery/warehouse will be sold to recover money the money. “The occupants are herby directed to vacate the immovable property within 14 days from the date of this advert. Failure shall lead to forceful eviction at your own cost and embarrassment,” read part of the advert. Sources told us that the company has been battling debts some of which were accrued from costs of various legal suits which they lost. According to a former senior employee of the firm is indebted to a tune of at least Shs 10 billion to suppliers and other debtors especially people who sued them and were awarded damages b

Police Bans Selling and Vending of Pangas, Hoes, Knives, Axes, Bows and Arrows on the Streets in Uganda.

  The Joint Security Agencies, have banned the selling and vending of raw weapons/tools like hoes, pangas, knives and other sharp objects on the streets by vendors and hawkers.  They further issued directives to all territorial commanders to confiscate any raw sold on the streets because of its contribution to crime and its impact on public safety and security.  We believe the confiscation of such tools, that can easily be used as weapons, will help mitigate the risks of safety and security, in our neighbourhood, on motorists and other road users. The enforcement of the laws governing vendors, is the sole responsibility of the KCCA. We will therefore, work with KCCA, to ensure and promote a healthy, safe and security environment on our major roads. CP Enanga Fred Police Spokesperson 21 st  February 2022