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It's a fresh day and fresh week, start it fresh at L'Hotel Le Confidentiel to Lit Your Fresh Week.

They have fresh foods and beverages at affordable prices to lit your fresh week. Locate them at Odianyadri along Arua - Nebbi - Pakwach road. Call them on  telephone number  +256761688181 Or Email:  for bookings and other inquiries. #iip_adverts #iip_updates  #Information_is_Power   (iip) #we_inform_the_uninformed

The Importance of a Head Gasket in Your Car Engine: Signs You Need a Replacement.

I. What is a Head Gasket? - A head gasket is a thin, durable material placed between the engine block and the cylinder head in an internal combustion engine. - It forms a seal that prevents the mixing of coolant, oil, and fuel with the engine's combustion chamber. - Typically made of multi-layered steel, composite materials, or elastomer, the head gasket must withstand high temperatures and pressures. II. The Importance of a Head Gasket in a Car Engine: - Sealing: The primary function of a head gasket is to seal the combustion chamber, preventing the leakage of gases, coolant, and oil. This enables efficient engine performance and maintains the integrity of various engine components. - Compression: The head gasket ensures the proper compression of fuel and air within the combustion chamber, allowing for optimal combustion and power generation. - Heat Transfer: It assists in the transfer of heat from the engine's combustion process to the cooling system, preventing o

Dilemma: The Story of a Poor 16-Year-Old School Girl Chased Out of Home for Refusing to Get Married.

  📸: Inzikuru Gertrude During the Interview with Information is Power, on Saturday 13-5-2023. As the 21st Century has come up with wind of change and freedom for girls in Uganda and the African society, it has remained as a nightmare for Inzikuru Gertrude and many other young girls in WestNile region and Uganda whose stories go untold. Gertrude Inzikuru aged 16 years old, born to Mrs Janet Ovuru and Mr Lema Kasto from Okuyi village, Mite parish, Adumi Sub-county, Ayivu Division in Arua City has been chased out of home by her parents for refusing to get married. She narrated her painful ordeal during an exclusive interview with this online publication team on Saturday 11am 13-5-2023 when she had gone to attend three days Youth's conference that started on Friday 12-May-2023 and ended on Sunday 14-5-2023 at Okufura Secondary school in Vurra Sub-county, Arua District. Gertrude stressed that, at one point she thought of suicide as solution to her problem because everyone s

Google Pixel Tablet Is The Clear Winner Against the Apple iPads For Some Obvious Reasons.

   By Giz China. Before the Google Pixel Tablet launched, Apple iPads were the way to go if you had the budget. To be exact, relatively modern iPads were better than the latest and greatest Android tablets that came with beefed-up specs. But after the Google I/O 2023 event, Apple is in big trouble. In case you missed it, the Google Pixel Tablet comes with home controls and a speaker dock. You get all of that for a great price! So, with the debut of the tablet, Google is basically forcing Apple to justify its higher price tag. And no matter what Apple says, the argument will feel stale. What Made Apple iPads Better Before the Google Pixel Tablet, the main selling points of Apple iPads were: simplicity, reliability, and ease of use. But it’s true that Android device manufacturers did bring out some good competitors over time. Consider the One Plus Pad, for example. But the thing is, these high-end Android tablets could not even match the strong points of iPads, let alone beat

Copycat; Is it Legal to Translate & Sing Someone's Music into Another Language Without Their Permission ?.

    By BarefootLawyers. DERIVATIVE WORKS   Kaboyi has never been a very good musician. Even when he was in school, his teachers told him that he was only a good copycat but was not good at making his own music. Years later, after struggling to break into the Ugandan music industry, he got a ‘brilliant idea’ and it was this: what if he got an old song “walumbe zaya” and translated it into English. Would he still be a copycat or will he have created a new ‘walumbe zaya” song. WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? Recently , we told you about copyright (your right of ownership over your creations such as poems, songs and pieces of writing). We also told you that whoever creates these pieces of work now has rights (the copyright) over them and can decide how the work is used and by whom. Today, we want to tell you about the difference between a copyright and what Kaboyi wants to do. When a person creates a new work such as art, a publication a song or even a movie, but the ideas and the inspi

LC V Chairperson Alfred Okuonzi Takes Parenting to Children in Primary and Secondary Schools, Advises Them to Desist from Drugs.

The Arua District LC V Chairperson Hon Alfred Okuonzi, has spent better part of Saturday 13-5-2023 in brainstorming with Pupils and Students from Arua District and some parts of WestNile region who had gathered for three days annual conference meant to guide and advise them on how they can cope up with their studies for better academic excellence. The three days conference at Okufura Secondary school in Vurra Sub-county which started on Friday 12-May-2023 and ended on Sunday 14-5-2023 has attracted Pupils and Students from other Districts of WestNile region. The discussions at the conference mainly focused on Misuse and Abuse of Drugs by Youths. During Saturday's session, the LC V Chairperson Hon Okuonzi brainstormed with the children about the types of Drugs they so far know, and their dangers to human health. Upon the Children listing the types of Drugs they know, Hon Alfred Okuonzi lectured them about the dangers caused by drugs which he said, arr most health related

To improve youth livelihood, put emphasis on the ICT sector.

By  Guest Columnists , Daily Monitor. What you need to know: Over time, we have seen programmes like the Entandikwa, prosperity for all, Youth livelihood, women empowerment and Operation Wealth Creation (OWC) in the early 2000. These have all metamorphosed into the more versatile and receptive Parish Development Model. Over the last couple of years, the NRM government has declared war on poverty. In the foreword of the party Manifesto for the year 2021-2026, the NRM Chairman and President of Uganda states that the government has met most of the goals and aspirations of Ugandans, He states that giant steps have been made to improve the lives of Ugandans and the next steps are to improve the livelihoods of Ugandans. Indeed this is evident. Today, less children are dying at birth than used to in the 1980s and  1990s. Access to health care is easier and so is access to education.  In its endevour to improve the livelihoods of Ugandans, the government has designed programmes to