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1: Number of bones: 206  2: Number of muscles: 639  3: Number of kidneys: 2  4: Number of milk teeth: 20  5: Number of ribs: 24 (12 pairs)  6: Number of heart chambers: 4  7: Largest artery: aorta  8: Normal blood pressure: 120/80 mmHg  9: Blood pH: 7.4  10: The number of spinal cord in the spinal cord: 33  11: Number of spinal cord in the neck: 7  12: Number of bones in the middle ear: 6  13: Number of bones on the face: 14  14: Number of bones in the skull: 22  15: Number of bones in the chest: 25  16: Number of bones in the arm: 6  17: Number of muscles in the human arm: 72  19: The oldest member: leather  20: Largest Organ: liver  21: Largest cell: ovum  22: The smallest cell: the sperm cell  23: The smallest bone: the middle ear  24: The first transplanted organ: a kidney  25: Average length of small intestine: 7 meters  26: Average Colon Length: 1.5 meters  27: Average weight of newborn baby: 3 kg  28: Heartbeat per minute: 72 times  29: Body temperature: 37 ° C  30: Average bloo

Hon Obitre Stephen Abused and Threatened to Deal With Me, Maracha District NRM Chairman Mr Ofekua Gabriel Explains Why He Fought With LC5 Chairman.

There was free drama at Maracha district headquarters on Wednesday morning 15-6-2022 when Stephen Obitre, the district Chairperson exchanged hot blows with the district NRM Chairperson, Gabriel Ofeku allegedly over the arrested district officials. The two engaged in physical fight after a sharp disagreement on whether the officials were worth being arrested or not. The officials including Timothy Ezati, the district engineer, Flavia Osoa, the DEO, Paul Abiribale Tatia, the district Internal Auditor and Nolah Avako, the Senior Environment officer were arrested on Tuesday over allegations of abuse of office and misappropriation of shs1.9billion meant for different projects at Kololo Seed secondary school in Tara sub county. However, reports indicate that Obitre and Ofeku started developing the misunderstanding over the above civil servants last week when information reached the district that Peter Ogwang, the State Minister for economic monitoring has ordered Festus Ayikobua, the Maracha

Cloudflare Saw Record-Breaking DDoS Attack Peaking at 26 Million Request Per Second.

Record-Breaking DDoS Attack Cloudflare on Tuesday disclosed that it had acted to prevent a record-setting 26 million request per second (RPS) distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack last week, making it the largest HTTPS DDoS attack detected to date. The web performance and security company said the attack was directed against an unnamed customer website using its Free plan and emanated from a "powerful" botnet of 5,067 devices, with each node generating approximately 5,200 RPS at peak. The botnet is said to have created a flood of more than 212 million HTTPS requests within less than 30 seconds from over 1,500 networks in 121 countries, including Indonesia, the U.S., Brazil, Russia, and India. Roughly 3% of the attack came through Tor nodes. CyberSecurity The attack "originated mostly from Cloud Service Providers as opposed to Residential Internet Service Providers, indicating the use of hijacked virtual machines and powerful servers to generate the attack — as oppo

Shoddy Works; DEO, District Engineer, Internal Auditor and Environment Officer Arrested Over Abuse of Office and Mismanagement of Public Funds.

 RDC Mr Ayikobua Festus Addressing Press Conference after the Arrest of the District Officials Yesterday 14-6-2022. The officials were arrested on Tuesday and are currently being detained at Arua Central Police Station (CPS) pending further investigation into the matter.  Festus Ayikobua, the Maracha Resident District Commissioner (RDC) confirmed the arrest and said police are waiting for instructions to produce the suspects before the Anti-Corruption court. He identified those arrested as Timothy Ezati, the Maracha District Engineer, Flavia Osoa, the District Education Officer (DEO), Paul Abiribale Tatia, the District Internal Auditor and Nolah Avako, the Senior Environment Officer. Others are a police officer attached to Maracha CPS and the DEO’s driver who are pinned for attempting to interfere with the arrest of the district bosses. Meanwhile Ayikobua said efforts are underway to also have Christopher Okumu, the then Maracha district CAO arrested over the same matter. The arrest of

WestNile Region Activists Express Worry Over the Safety of Osuta Yusuf and RDC Ayikobua Festus for Fighting Corruption in Maracha District.

   By Kawawa Michael. This Activist ,the blogger, journalist,son of Maracha, Osuta Yusuf, and RDC maracha District Ayikobua Festus are being hunted by some greedy, selfish , stupid and ignorant politicians,over the arrest of the District Engineer,DEO,Auditor and Environmental officer over corruption, I two months ago warned that we shall soon Ambush Maracha District  Coz we have seen the corruption in the District has reached 99% We asked pipo to Clean their offices and get ready to go home interdicted or to prison , They thought we were joking , should anything happen to Osuta Yusuf  and RDC Ayikobua Festus, We already have the list of these politicians hunting for the two ,you either drop your plans or you also join university of understanding, We shall forcefully clean maracha District,we are going to arrest the former CAO Okum now in Pakwach and Kololo seeds secondary School contactor  one Yada Rasul Ayiman , 1.5bn has been embezzlement there ,

Two-Year Old Sick Boy Dies After Medical Workers from Arua Hospital Took 300,000 Shs Bribe and Vanished.

The populace in West Nile sub-region has expressed the need to strengthen the public health care system by formulating deliberate policies that will deter informal payments in all government health facilities.  They say this practice worsens inequality in access to free public health services.  This comes after a medical worker at Arua Regional Referral Hospital allegedly obtained money by false pretense by soliciting UGX 300,000 to operate on a two-year-old patient who later died. 📸; NBS.


Dear loyal councilors and technical leaders of mighty maracha district local government,this letter serves to inform you that people are already aware of your plans of organizing emergency council meeting to cause immediate transfer of RDC Mr Ayikobua festus for fighting corruption in your mother born district called maracha.  You should all be aware that RDC is just implementing directive given by State minister for economical monitoring hon Ogwang Christopher to arrest those suspects your trying to defend blindly, Secondly what set back from the district council who are supposed to be fighting corruption in the district,  We shall mobilize  all our  sons and daughters of maracha to look into this matter critically and analytically while eyes removed at hands,Do you think transferring Rdc from your district will avoid or stop corruption in your district which has been monopolised by your sons and daughters of the land? Why do you especially those using votes as documents to work in th