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Uganda Police Force has Voluntarily Donated Financial Support to an Old Woman after a Video Went Viral on Social Media, Showing One of their Officers Flogging the Elderly Woman.

We are pleased to inform the public that the territorial Police in Elgon Region, managed to locate the elderly woman who was caught on video being assaulted by one of our officers.  The victim was identified as MS Grace Asio a 65 year old female adult, resident of Doko Cell, Namatala ward Industrial City Division in Mbale City.  The officers regretted the incident and extended apologies from the IGP to the victim and her family members before handing over material and financial support.   We would like to add that the disturbing video was however released after the death of the officer AIP Okiror Samuel,and therefore, this hindered any further action against him.  Incidentally, the deceased was part of the team that had restored peace and calm following incidents of public disorder in the area. We take this opportunity to remind our officers of their duty to uphold the law and display high level of professionalism in the course of their duties.


Some of you get confused when you have your first child and don’t know what to do when it comes to getting your child’s birth certificate. But don’t worry. Here’s a run down of what you need to know. Kati, Uganda now has an authority that is specifically responsible with registration of personal details of citizens of the country known as the National Identification Registration Authority (NIRA). Registration of birth provides a basis for citizenship especially citizenship by birth as guided by Article 10 and 12 of the 1995 Constitution of The Republic of Uganda. WHAT IS REQUIRED IN ORDER TO HAVE A REGISTRATION OF A BIRTH? 1. A birth Notification Record. 2. A NIRA Birth declaration Form 3 complete and signed by one of the parents or guardian of the child. 3. The National Identification Number (NIN) of Notifier. 4. Photocopy of the National ID of the Notifier. For a birth that has occurred in a medical facility, a notification Record shall include a document duly signed and s

Watch Out — Microsoft Warns Android Users About A New Ransomware

Microsoft has warned about a new strain of mobile ransomware that takes advantage of incoming call notifications and Android's Home button to lock the device behind a ransom note. The findings concern a variant of a known Android ransomware family dubbed "MalLocker.B" which has now resurfaced with new techniques, including a novel means to deliver the ransom demand on infected devices as well as an obfuscation mechanism to evade security solutions. The development comes amid a huge surge in ransomware attacks  against critical infrastructure across sectors, with a 50% increase in the daily average of ransomware attacks in the last three months compared to the first half of the year, and cybercriminals increasingly incorporating double extortion  in their playbook. MaILocker has been known for being hosted on malicious websites and circulated on online forums using various social engineering lures by masquerading as popular apps, cracked games, or video players. Previous i

UPDF Responds to Social Media Allegations Saying Terrorist Leader Joseph Kony is Proposing Peace Talks with Government of Uganda.

The UPDF has said it has not yet received any information from government relating to recent claims that Joseph Kony, the leader of rebel group, Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) has reached out to government proposing peace talks. Lt Col Deo Akiiki, the UPDF Deputy Spokesperson told reporters that “At the moment, we don’t have that information provided to us by government”. “There have been rumors on social media about the leader of the LRA requesting for peace talks. As UPDF, it is not yet our time to talk about LRA seeking for peace or not. We can neither confirm nor deny that the LRA could have taken such an action. It’s not yet within our domain,” Akiiki said. “And in any case, if anything of that matter comes up, we are sure government will inform you about the developments. It is our desire that there is always harmony in the community, if LRA decides to take that action”.

Vote Adiga Lawrence Alfred (Ozubia) for Member of Parliament Maracha East Constituency 2021 to 2026.

As the Nomination for Parliamentary Elections approach on 15-Oct-2020 and 16-Oct-2020, i present to all of you, this motovational speaker 🔊 , the leader in the gown of politocian; the leader to whom if the microphone and podium are left to him he will break the ribs of people with laughter, he speaks fearless, very serious man with professionalism but simple when it comes to talking jokes for fun, he is a leader who speaks the truth to power, his name is called Adiga Lawrence Alfred (Ozubia). He is Aspiring for Member of Parliament Maracha East Constituency 2021 to 2026. Vote Adiga Lawrence Alfred (Ozubia). #Vote #MP #Adiga_Lawrence #Maracha_East #hashtag #osutayusuf

Police in Kampala Metropolitan Area Have Raided and Arrested 21 Suspects Who Participated in a Sex Party.

Press Release  The party was taking place in a private house located in Kireka, Kira Municipality. Intelligence got information about the party and planted informants to monitor and inform the police when the party has started. Towards midnight, the police was notified that the sex games had started and we swung in action.  We got the participants red handed. They have been arrested and detained at Kira Division Police Station on charges of disobedience of lawful orders and doing acts that are likely to cause the spread of infectious disease, which is coronavirus. Their files are being prepared and they will appear in court tomorrow. SP Patrick Onyango  PRO KMP  11/10/2020

Hon Wadri Kassiano While Outlining His Achievement as the MP for Arua, He Said, He Spent One Year Ferrying his Co-Accussed Suspects From Arua to Gulu Court and Back to Arua.

Hon. Wadri Kassiano in an exclusive interview with West Nile Today. Below is the full verbatim carried by Osman Draga. WNT: During the 2018 Arua municipality parliamentary by-election, big is big was your political bell, are you still maintaining the same words or you have rebranded it? Wadri: I can not become any smaller than I was in 2018, big is still big both in the head and in all aspects, so I am still the same big is big. WNT: How are you approaching these campaigns for the general election? Wadri: First of all it’s going to be very unique election, unique in the sense that there are a lot of restrictions put forward by the government through the ministry of health and the executive powers coming from His Excellency the president of these country where we shall not have open campaigns as it used to happen where a candidate would go and sell his manifesto to the electorates. We are now been advised to have virtual and scientific approach, using the media and person to per