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FACEBOOK ACCUSED OF GIVING 60 DEVICE-MAKERS DEEP ACCESS TO USER DATA. After being embroiled into controversies over its data sharing practices, it turns out that Facebook had granted inappropriate access to its users' data to more than 60 device makers, including Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Blackberry, and Samsung. According to a lengthy report published by The New York Times, the social network giant struck data-sharing partnerships with at least 60 device manufacture companies so that they could offer Facebook messaging functions, "Like" buttons, address books, and other features without requiring their users to install a separate app. The agreements were reportedly made over the last 10 years, starting before Facebook apps were widely available on smartphones. Most notably, the publication suggests that the partnerships could be in breach of a 2011 consent decree by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which barred Facebook from granting other companies access to data of User's Facebook friends without their explicit consent​. During the Cambridge Analytica Scandal revealed in March this year, Facebook stated that it already ceased allowing such third-party access in 2015 only, but the publication suggests that this does not include "makers of cellphones, tablets and other hardware." Facebook is under heavy fire since the revelation that consultancy firm Cambridge Analytica had misused data of 87 million Facebook users to help Donald Trump win the US presidency in 2016. In a recent test conducted by an NYT reporter on a 2013 Blackberry device using his Facebook account with roughly 550 friends, a BlackBerry app called "The Hub" was still able to harvest private data from 556 of his friends, including their religious and political views. Not only that, but The Hub was also able to acquire "identifying information" for up to 294,258 friends of his Facebook friends. Facebook, who said in front of Congress in March that "every piece of content that you share on Facebook you own. You have complete control over who sees it and how you share it," responded to the NYT report later Sunday in a blog post entitled "Why We Disagree with The New York Times." In the post, Facebook said the company created the APIs for Amazon, Apple, Blackberry, HTC, Microsoft, Samsung and other device makers so that they could provide Facebook features on their operating systems at a time when there were no apps or app stores. The post, written by VP of Product Partnerships Ime Archibong, said the data agreements with the device makers were a necessity: "In the early days of mobile, the demand for Facebook outpaced our ability to build versions of the product that worked on every phone or operating system. It's hard to remember now, but back then there were no app stores."  "So companies like Facebook, Google, Twitter and YouTube had to work directly with operating system and device manufacturers to get their products into people's hands. This took a lot of time—and Facebook was not able to get to everyone."  "To bridge this gap, we built a set of device-integrated APIs that allowed companies to recreate Facebook-like experiences for their individual devices or operating systems. Over the last decade, around 60 companies have used them—including many household names such as Amazon, Apple, Blackberry, HTC, Microsoft, and Samsung." The post further said that Facebook controlled these APIs tightly and that its partners signed agreements that prevented Facebook users' information from being used for anything other than to "recreate Facebook-like experience." "Partners could not integrate the user's Facebook features with their devices without the user's permission. And our partnership and engineering teams approved the Facebook experiences these companies built," the post reads. "Contrary to claims by the New York Times, friends' information, like photos, was only accessible on devices when people made a decision to share their information with those friends. We are not aware of any abuse by these companies." Due to the popularity of iOS and Android few people rely on these APIs to create bespoke Facebook experiences, which is why the social network giant began "winding down" the partnerships in April, and so far ended 22 of these partnerships.

FACEBOOK ACCUSED OF GIVING 60 DEVICE-MAKERS DEEP ACCESS TO USER DATA. After being embroiled into controversies over its data sharing practices, it turns out that Facebook had granted inappropriate access to its users' data to more than 60 device makers, including Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Blackberry, and Samsung. According to a lengthy report published by The New York Times, the social network giant struck data-sharing partnerships with at least 60 device manufacture companies so that they could offer Facebook messaging functions, "Like" buttons, address books, and other features without requiring their users to install a separate app. The agreements were reportedly made over the last 10 years, starting before Facebook apps were widely available on smartphones. Most notably, the publication suggests that the partnerships could be in breach of a 2011 consent decree by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which barred Facebook from granting other companies access to data of

EXCLUSIVELY LIVE SURVEY BETWEEN FACEBOOK AND OSUTA YUSUF. FACEBOOK: Do you think Facebook cares about its users?. OSUTA YUSUF: I strongly disagree. FACEBOOK: Do you think Facebook is good for the world?. OSUTA YUSUF: I strongly agree. FACEBOOK: Do you feel your Facebook account is secure?. OSUTA YUSUF: Yes, i strongly agree my Facebook account is secure because i restricted everyone (even including the Facebook App) from collecting any data from my device and also online. FACEBOOK: During the last week, has anyone created a fake Facebook account using both your Name and Pictures?. OSUTA YUSUF: No. FACEBOOK: During the last week, has anyone you don't know contacted you on Facebook in a way that made you feel uncomfortable?. OSUTA YUSUF: Not at all. FACEBOOK: During the last week, has Facebook removed anything you posted that you feel should have been allowed?. OSUTA YUSUF: Not at all but in the previous weeks, months and years, more of what i publish have been removed regardless of Privacy Policy infringements. FACEBOOK: During the last week, have you seen anything that made you feel your personal information may be at risk?. OSUTA YUSUF: Not at all and will never be. FACEBOOK: Osuta Yusuf, thank you so much for making time for this Live survey.

EXCLUSIVELY LIVE SURVEY BETWEEN FACEBOOK AND OSUTA YUSUF. FACEBOOK: Do you think Facebook cares about its users?. OSUTA YUSUF: I strongly disagree. FACEBOOK: Do you think Facebook is good for the world?. OSUTA YUSUF: I strongly agree. FACEBOOK: Do you feel your Facebook account is secure?. OSUTA YUSUF: Yes, i strongly agree my Facebook account is secure because i restricted everyone (even including the Facebook App) from collecting any data from my device and also online. FACEBOOK: During the last week, has anyone created a fake Facebook account using both your Name and Pictures?. OSUTA YUSUF: No. FACEBOOK: During the last week, has anyone you don't know contacted you on Facebook in a way that made you feel uncomfortable?. OSUTA YUSUF: Not at all. FACEBOOK: During the last week, has Facebook removed anything you posted that you feel should have been allowed?. OSUTA YUSUF: Not at all but in the previous weeks, months and years, more of what i publish have been removed regardless of

FBI ISSUES ALERT OVER TWO NEW MALWARE LINKED TO HIDDEN COBRA HACKERS. The US-CERT has released a joint technical alert from the DHS and the FBI, warning about two newly identified malware being used by the prolific North Korean APT hacking group known as Hidden Cobra. Hidden Cobra, often known as Lazarus Group and Guardians of Peace, is believed to be backed by the North Korean government and known to launch attacks against media organizations, aerospace, financial and critical infrastructure sectors across the world. The group was even associated with the WannaCry ransomware menace that last year shut down hospitals and businesses worldwide. It is reportedly also linked to the 2014 Sony Pictures hack, as well as the SWIFT Banking attack in 2016. Now, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the FBI have uncovered two new pieces of malware that Hidden Cobra has been using since at least 2009 to target companies working in the media, aerospace, financial, and critical infrastructure sectors across the world. The malware Hidden Cobra is using are—Remote Access Trojan (RAT) known as Joanap and Server Message Block (SMB) worm called Brambul. Let's get into the details of both the malware one by one. Joanap—A Remote Access Trojan According to the US-CERT alert, "fully functional RAT" Joanap is a two-stage malware that establishes peer-to-peer communications and manages botnets designed to enable other malicious operations. The malware typically infects a system as a file delivered by other malware, which users unknowingly download either when they visit websites compromised by the Hidden Cobra actors, or when they open malicious email attachments. Joanap receives commands from a remote command and control server controlled by the Hidden Cobra actors, giving them the ability to steal data, install and run more malware, and initialize proxy communications on a compromised Windows device. Other functionalities of Joanap include file management, process management, creation and deletion of directories, botnet management, and node management. During analysis of the Joanap infrastructure, the U.S. government has found the malware on 87 compromised network nodes in 17 countries including Brazil, China, Spain, Taiwan, Sweden, India, and Iran. Brambul—An SMB Worm Brambul is a brute-force authentication worm that like the devastating WannaCry ransomware, abuses the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol in order to spread itself to other systems. The malicious Windows 32-bit SMB worm functions as a service dynamic link library file or a portable executable file often dropped and installed onto victims' networks by dropper malware. "When executed, the malware attempts to establish contact with victim systems and IP addresses on victims' local subnets," the alert notes.  "If successful, the application attempts to gain unauthorized access via the SMB protocol (ports 139 and 445) by launching brute-force password attacks using a list of embedded passwords. Additionally, the malware generates random IP addresses for further attacks." Once Brambul gains unauthorized access to the infected system, the malware communicates information about victim's systems to the Hidden Cobra hackers using email. The information includes the IP address and hostname—as well as the username and password—of each victim's system. The hackers can then use this stolen information to remotely access the compromised system via the SMB protocol. The actors can even generate and execute what analysts call a "suicide script." DHS and FBI have also provided downloadable lists of IP addresses with which the Hidden Cobra malware communicates and other IOCs, to help you block them and enable network defenses to reduce exposure to any malicious cyber activity by the North Korean government. DHS also recommended users and administrators to use best practices as preventive measures to protect their computer networks, like keeping their software and system up to date, running Antivirus software, turning off SMB, forbidding unknown executables and software applications. Last year, the DHS and the FBI published an alert describing Hidden Cobra malware, called Delta Charlie —a DDoS tool which they believed North Korea uses to launch distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against its targets. Other malware linked to Hidden Cobra in the past include Destover, Wild Positron or Duuzer, and Hangman with sophisticated capabilities, like DDos botnets, keyloggers, remote access tools (RATs), and wiper malware.

FBI ISSUES ALERT OVER TWO NEW MALWARE LINKED TO HIDDEN COBRA HACKERS. The US-CERT has released a joint technical alert from the DHS and the FBI, warning about two newly identified malware being used by the prolific North Korean APT hacking group known as Hidden Cobra. Hidden Cobra, often known as Lazarus Group and Guardians of Peace, is believed to be backed by the North Korean government and known to launch attacks against media organizations, aerospace, financial and critical infrastructure sectors across the world. The group was even associated with the WannaCry ransomware menace that last year shut down hospitals and businesses worldwide. It is reportedly also linked to the 2014 Sony Pictures hack, as well as the SWIFT Banking attack in 2016. Now, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the FBI have uncovered two new pieces of malware that Hidden Cobra has been using since at least 2009 to target companies working in the media, aerospace, financial, and critical infrastructur

MY RESPONSE TO THE IMMORTAL LADY SO CALLED #KEVIN, REGARDING HER MOCKING OF RAGA PYTON. NB: Blocking of Unfriending will happen after this. Well, my dear Kevin i bet you are in a good and joyous mood per now. This is my intrigue to you concerning your recent statements about the saga betwixt you and your ex-husband Raga Pyton. In your publicly interviewed submissions, you claim that Raga Pyton was not your husband!!! You said, he was just your boy lover. According to my little knowledge about Law, what you said might be fact, if legally considered but must not outlaw our tradition which in fact intercepted you as being a wife to Raga Pyton. In our Lugbara tradition, which you are a subject to, describes that, any adult male or female who befell in Love together and at last agreed to marry by staying and sleeping together in the same house are called married couples, even if no dowries haven't been paid. I, Osuta Yusuf has all those data and information to prove that you were a wife to Raga Pyton! But am not here for that and will never think to file a petition, since you are such a dump lady who thinks too much but feels too little. So many ladies of your kind are out there. Every men should be aware of such ladies, even if you are in good terms with yours right now! What they have in their DNA will always be there and will emerge when the D-DAY comes. I do not have anything personal with you, only that i am angered by what you did to our brother #Ragga_Python, an activist and one of the super star musicians there in WestNile. In my Life, though i do have over emotion sometimes, my anger is always justified. This week began as another opportunity for you to dessert your ex-husband Raga Pyton, which intern, is beginning of troublesome tasks ahead of you. Without having some respect, you boldly and shamelessly defined Raga Pyton as your Ex-lover but not your husband. How the hell, can you defame someone who is now in jail because of you. Someone who was thinking day and night, all on you. Someone who loved you with all his heart and you went a million steps ahead to betray such a person. God forbid. Kevin, you act as if you are immortal. You bubbled to defeat shame but remember, there will be a time when you will not have that power to defeat shame and it's gonna be the time for you to sweat plasma and shade blood as tears. I am not wishing you curse, instead be curious in marking my words. If you are angered, you have my number and possibly, here is the other one for Whatsapp +243810842056. You are a cheater. Your wicked addiction of cheating, caused the imprisonment of Raga Pyton. I heard that, you are a lawyer (preferably, a legal assistant working with a certain law firm there in Arua). I have never seen on this World, such a member of the legal fraternity messing like you. Legal fraternity is one of the most smart, bright, transparent and most appreciated working class on this World! Perhaps, this is why i live all my daily Life in focusing on JUDICIARY (My dream). This is a rebuke to our global Career (LAW). What we do always follow us, where ever we might be. I rest my case. I don't care people's hate of me or trash opinions  about me. I Live my Life fully because i know who i am and will never succumb to intimidations, threats nor a victim to injustice. AUTHOR PROUD LUGBARA OSUTA YUSUF: A CAREER POLITICIAN, BARRISTER, STUDENT FOR LIFE AND TALENTED IN INTERNET. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• BACKGROUND. Raga Pyton was hired to go and perform at Matongi Disco sounds, a local disco dancing set company based in Arua. He was arrested on Boxing day 26 December 2015, while performing on stage. He was arrested on allegations of beating a man, whom, he caught was having another extra Love affair with his wife Kevin (Raga Pyton's wife). In spite of our judicial system not been quite free and fair, Raga Pyton was jailed without having fair hearing and transparent judgement. Because of the may be, rampant corruption in Uganda, Rights and God given Justice of Raga Pyton was curtailed. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. This is the official Facebook account of RAGA PYTON 👇👇👇👇 ***************************************************************** 2. The Facebook account of his wife Kevin, is here 👇👇👇👇 ******************************************************************* 3. And lastly, Below is the article in which Kevin rebuked, mocked, betrayed and turned our brother, fellow activist and the super star musician Raga Pyton into a laughing stock 👇👇👇👇 Raga Pyton WAS JUST MY BOYFRIEND. WE WE'RE NEVER MARRIED - Kevin Precious Responds. In an Exclusive discussion we had with The Legal Practitioner, She Made it clear that they were just friends not Union Couples with the Monster Family President Pyton. "It was a Hard decision to take but I know how to contain it. I have not been married to Raga but instead We were just Boyfriends and Girlfriends Cohabiting so I'm not worried. I never took him home" ... Kevin's Response to critics comes ahead of the Introduction ceremony due on 30th June in their home. She further goes ahead to invite all friends for the Ceremony.

MY RESPONSE TO THE IMMORTAL LADY SO CALLED #KEVIN, REGARDING HER MOCKING OF RAGA PYTON. NB: Blocking or Unfriending will happen after this. Well, my dear Kevin i bet you are in a good and joyous mood per now. This is my intrigue to you concerning your recent statements about the saga betwixt you and your ex-husband Raga Pyton. In your publicly interviewed submissions, you claim that Raga Pyton was not your husband!!! You said, he was just your boy lover. According to my little knowledge about Law, what you said might be fact, if legally considered but must not outlaw our tradition which in fact intercepted you as being a wife to Raga Pyton. In our Lugbara tradition, which you are a subject to, describes that, any adult male or female who befell in Love together and at last agreed to marry by staying and sleeping together in the same house are called married couples, even if no dowries haven't been paid. I, Osuta Yusuf has all those data and information to prove that you were a wi

Supreme Court will not take up challenge to restrictive Arkansas abortion law. The Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to take up an Arkansas law that challengers say could end the use of medication abortions in the state. The law requires doctors who provide medication abortions to have a contract with a specialist who has hospital admitting privileges. Abortion providers say the requirement is burdensome and unnecessary because complications are extremely rare from the two-pill regimen that is used in the first nine weeks of pregnancy, and any that do arise can be handled by a local emergency room or hospital. The state has only three abortion clinics, and two of those offer only medication abortions. So the law could leave only one clinic, in Little Rock, to serve the entire state--and it would have to offer only surgical abortions. Challengers can still ask a judge to strike down the law, but may have to prove how many women could be affected by it. U.S. District Judge Kristine G. Baker temporarily blocked the law, concluding that any medical benefit from the contract requirement would be “incrementally small” while the burden on women’s access to abortion would be substantial. The law was “a solution in search of a problem,” the judge said. Two years ago, the Supreme Court voted 5 to 3 to overturn a similar Texas law that required doctors who provided abortions to have admitting privileges in a local hospital. The Texas law “provides few, if any, health benefits for women, poses a substantial obstacle to women seeking abortions, and constitutes an ‘undue burden’ on their constitutional right to do so,” Justice Stephen G. Breyer wrote for the majority. The admitting-privileges requirement in Texas cut the number of abortion providers by half. But a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit upheld the Arkansas law. That court said Baker had “failed to make factual findings estimating the number of women burdened by the statute”--those who would either forgo or postpone an abortion because of the law. Planned Parenthood said in its petition to the Supreme Court that was an approach the majority had rejected in the Texas decision, and that the burden in Arkansas would be extreme. “The restriction would eliminate entirely a safe, common method of early abortion and force all women in the state to travel (twice) to a single provider in Little Rock to have a surgical procedure — thereby preventing many women from obtaining an abortion altogether and delaying many others,” the petition said. “Worse yet, it would do so even where a medication abortion is medically indicated or strongly preferred.” But the Supreme Court declined to accept the challenge, without noted dissent even from liberal justices who are supportive of abortion rights. The case is Planned Parenthood of Arkansas & Eastern Oklahoma v. Jegley.

Supreme Court will not take up challenge to restrictive Arkansas abortion law . The Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to take up an Arkansas law that challengers say could end the use of medication abortions in the state. The law requires doctors who provide medication abortions to have a contract with a specialist who has hospital admitting privileges. Abortion providers say the requirement is burdensome and unnecessary because complications are extremely rare from the two-pill regimen that is used in the first nine weeks of pregnancy, and any that do arise can be handled by a local emergency room or hospital. The state has only three abortion clinics, and two of those offer only medication abortions. So the law could leave only one clinic, in Little Rock, to serve the entire state--and it would have to offer only surgical abortions. Challengers can still ask a judge to strike down the law, but may have to prove how many women could be affected by it. U.S. District Judge Kristine G. B

JUST TODAY 28 MAY 2018. This has been widely shared in a Whatsapp group called "MAFORD". Below is the clip. Another tractor Vs police car at kafu today ,so unfortunate for gulu highway. We need God at all times

via Instagram

JUST TODAY 28 MAY 2018. This has been widely shared in a Whatsapp group called "MAFORD". Below is the clip. Another tractor Vs police car at kafu today ,so unfortunate for gulu highway. We need God at all times

via Instagram