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THE OTHER NEGLECTED PART OF UGANDA ARE THE PEOPLE OF BUDUDA JUST SIMILAR TO THE NEGLECTED PEOPLE OF WESTNILE REGION. ........................................................................... US JOURNALIST CHRISTOPHER ALLEN 'S BODY HANDED OVER TO US EMBASSY. First let me send my condolences to the people of Budada for their loss that nobody seems to care about. The people of Bududa have suffered such s calamity and dictator Museveni is busy campaigning to amend the constitution to stay in power. Martha Nangalama was very right in calling out most MP's specifically NRM MPs from Bugisu to sleep with Museveni who does not care the people of Bududa and what they have gone through. We are better people and a fund should be established to help the people of Bududa. Back to the headline story. The body of a US journalist Christopher Allen who was killed by UPDF near the Uganda-South Sudan boarder has been handed over to the US representative in South Sudan. Christopher Allen in the picture was a 25 young man assigned to report on a war in South Sudan. The committee that governs journalist has called for an investigation into Christopher Allen's death by the Ugandan forces. According to the complaint, Allen was deliberately shot and killed for his criticism of Museveni fueling the civil war in South Sudan. Allen had written numerous outlets criticizing UPDF killing of civilians and Museveni's arming of the government of South Sudan. Allen was embedded with a unit of the SPLA-IO when he was shot . According to sources Allen was clearly wearing a press vest when he died. According to Michael Makuei, South Sudan's minister for information any one on the SPLA-IO's is always a target but regretted his death. He went on to say that the journalist had entered the country illegally after being denied a visa because of his hostile reports towards UPDF. He further said that Allen was a criminal and was treated as such. He was shot when he was taking UPDF pictures in South Sudan fighting alongside South Sudan's army. According to Col. Paul Lam Gabriel, UPDF, forces just took him out without warning. This has proved that Museveni's political beliefs is to eliminate those that disagree with his political views similar to what happened to Dr. Kayiira.

THE OTHER NEGLECTED PART OF UGANDA ARE THE PEOPLE OF BUDUDA JUST SIMILAR TO THE NEGLECTED PEOPLE OF WESTNILE REGION. ...................................................................................................................... US JOURNALIST CHRISTOPHER ALLEN 'S BODY HANDED OVER TO US EMBASSY. First let me send my condolences to the people of Budada for their loss that nobody seems to care about. The people of Bududa have suffered such s calamity and dictator Museveni is busy campaigning to amend the constitution to stay in power. Martha Nangalama was very right in calling out most MP's specifically NRM MPs from Bugisu to sleep with Museveni who does not care the people of Bududa and what they have gone through. We are better people and a fund should be established to help the people of Bududa. Back to the headline story. The body of a US journalist Christopher Allen who was killed by UPDF near the Uganda-South Sudan boarder has been handed over to the US representative


               PROVERB 21:20                  There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise, but a foolish man spendth it up.


In celebrations of my birth date, i would like to vehemently applause my black African parents Mr Aniku Richard and Mrs Zena Droo, both from Kijomoro Sub-county in Maracha district  for uniting to produce me on this glamorous globe, grew me up with a safe and un criminal hand, educated me to some extent of realising who i am today. Because they were never criminals nor crime promoters, it effected into my existence and my blessing. They didn't steal to feed me, instead they dug to feed me. They used to dug a half day to ensure that, at least i should not stay a day minus eating. They suffered in looking out for my survival and i pray to the almighty God that, they should live to witness and enjoy the fruit of my succession dream. I LOVE YOU MY BLACK AFRICAN PARENTS. AUTHOR; OSUTA YUSUF A CAREER POLITICIAN / LAWYER.

MY LETTER TO INSPECTOR GENERAL OF POLICE GEN KALE KAYIHURA, CONCERNING POLICE BRUTALITY AND UN PROFESSIONALISM AT WORK. Dear IGP Kale Kayihura, i am Osuta a resident of Kijomoro sub-county in Maracha District. I wrote this missive, making one year ago today and perhaps am obliged to do it again because i do not want to witness bloody riots unfold betwixt police and citizens.

Many People have commented on the level of indiscipline in the Uganda police force, the level of training, welfare and assignment execution (professionalism) that have fallen to its lowest standards since colonial times. it is not yet too late for police to redeem its image but I am a little bit skeptical if the current regime canreally implement these proposals but I will still propose them any way. 1.There should be an overhaul of the entire force by thorough review and inquiry into the recruitment process. 2.All policemen and women must reapply for their jobs. 3.Those who do not meet the requirements must be retired. 4.Army men must not be appointed to the police force. Any Army man wishing to join the police, must first resign and attend police training. 5.Police carrying guns must only act as backup forces not to be seen any how and any where in the public. 6.Refresher courses must be conducted regularly, especially in the field of human rights, crowd management, investigation an


He was a patriotic citizen who stood for parity for all. He loved and served his nation diligently. Not to be left out, he also endeavored to attain a transparent Uganda for all but his will, were frustrated by a power greed mediocre. His soul deserves from us more of dignity we accord to. There for;- it is a task for all of us, to pick the flag of patriotism from where he left. MAY HIS SOUL REST IN ETERNAL LIFE. AMEN

LETTER TO THE 4 ARMS OF GOVERNMENT (THE EXECUTIVE, LEGISLATURE, JUDICIARY AND THE MEDIA) CONCERNING AMENDMENT OF ARTICLE '26' OF THE CONSTITUTION. Dear Uganda government, my name is Osuta Yusuf a resident of Lamila parish, Kijomoro sub-county in Maracha district.

The great intrigue of typing this missive is because of the purported amendment of controversial  article '26' of the constitution which states that "Government or investors must acquire land for an investment or other activities, prior to compensation of land owners". The coming proposal of amending the constitution, if assented to it as a law, it will enable government or investors to compulsorily acquire land for investment before compensating owners of the targeted land. We have heard of so many land wrangle cases being registered from LC courts to other Higher courts, most of which, emanet from some investors or government ploying to take over land of local residents without fairly adequate compensation of land owners. Have the MPs minded to go and consult people in their constituencies about this proposed amendment of land law in the constitution?. If yes, do the locals minded to ask their MP about the good side and bad side of this proposed law?. Though there w


Every successful person has a painful story, Every painful story has a successful ending, So accept the pain and get ready to success.