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Desperation in Opposition 🇺🇬 .

Following Speaker Hon Oulanyah’s tweet ( )   yesterday morning 18-2-2022, in which a purported White man in the names of Smith Sanders  ( ) commented castigating Speaker’s tweet in a mockery manner “Stop stealing the aid money we send to your Country”  ( ), i took it upon myself to dig deeper to find out if that man is indeed a White man (Muzungu) as many Ugandans began to jubilate over his comments. From my analysis, i have realized that man is not a White man as per his name and Twitter profile picture. The man joined Twitter on January-2021 and has about 7,000 tweets  but when i tried to go through them, especially i found majority of his Tweets and retweets are Pro NUP, a signal that, he is a Ugandan Opposition. Interestingly, as i continued perusing through his Twitter account, some of his Tweets are in Luganda  ! Much as a foreigner can


''Mbu' for those born between October 10th and December 11th are all Valentine's Day babies. Anyway, Zamula had this problem. At the last Valentie's day, Mukasa sweet talked her and promised her that they could start living together. Infact, they stayed together for 2 months after that 'sweet' valentines day, and when she realised that her period was no where to be seen she informed Mukasa.  However his reaction was unexpected. He immediately kicked her out the house and broke up with her. He told Zamula that "their family does not give birth" Her child is now 4 months old and she wants to know what she can do about Mukasa who continues to deny that this is his child? WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY? The law allows Zamula (and anyone else who has a child someone is denying) to ask court to settle this disagreement by declaring whether that person is the real parent or not. This in law is called a declaration of parentage. If Zamula believes that a person lik


The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women, also known as UN Women has today donated an assortment of equipment to the Uganda Police Force to help in combating of cases of  sexual gender based Violence, Violence Against Women and children.  The equipment was recieved by the Chief Political Commissar AIGP Asan Kasingye who was accompanied by the Ag. Director Forensic Services SP Andrew Mubiru at UN WOMEN Head  offices in Naguru, Kampala.  The donation included; three customised evidence vans,  18 scenes of crime officers kits, 18 scenes of crime cameras,  DNA consumables, 3 pre configured containers and 3 audio visual recording devices.  Handing over the donation,  the head of UN WOMEN in Uganda Mrs Atekmi Ndieli, noted that there's still a lot to be done regarding reporting, protection,  investigation and provision of survivor centered SGBV case management services as well as securing full accountability for GBV crimes.  Additionally, she said the prevai


Today we want to talk about a serious subject. In Uganda, we sometimes call it Domestic violence. By law, Domestic violence is any act or failure to act by a person which harms, injures the health, safety, life limb or well-being whether mental or physical of a person. If a person threatens, harasses you, harms you to force you to meet their unlawful demand for anything eg property, this is domestic violence. Intimate Partner Violence is a part of Domestic violence. However, it is more specific. Intimate partner violence (IPV) is abuse or aggression that occurs in a romantic relationship. It can be physical, sexual, emotional, emotional, verbal, psychological or economic abuse. The law says that Consent is no excuse for a person to engage in IPV against another person. 📷: Aidsmap #BarefootLaw #osutayusuf

Politically Motivated Moses Staff Hackers Group Targeting Israeli Organizations for Cyber Espionage.

The politically motivated Moses Staff hacker group has been observed using a custom multi-component toolset with the goal of carrying out espionage against its targets as part of a new campaign that exclusively singles out Israeli organizations. First publicly documented in late 2021, Moses Staff is believed to be sponsored by the Iranian government, with attacks reported against entities in Israel, Italy, India, Germany, Chile, Turkey, the U.A.E., and the U.S. Earlier this month, the hacker collective was observed incorporating a previously undocumented remote access trojan (RAT) called "StrifeWater" that masquerades as the Windows Calculator app to evade detection. "Close examination reveals that the group has been active for over a year, much earlier than the group's first official public exposure, managing to stay under the radar with an extremely low detection rate," findings from FortiGuard Labs show. The latest threat activity involves an attack path that


By BarefootLaw. Nambi has been having suspicions about her husband. He has been showing late in the night and her ‘friend’ even told her that she has seen him leaving a certain lodge several times. Nambi wants to find out for sure if this is the case. While walking on one of the streets, she found a poster advertising ‘spying’ services to catch cheating spouses and even offered to record his phone calls so that she could listen to them. Nambi wants to nail her husband, but does not want to end up in jail as well, so she wants to know if there is any privacy in a relationship especially if the two are married.  DOES THE LAW RECOGNISE PRIVACY IN A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP Unfortunately, NO!!!! The law allows everyone to have a right to privacy. This means that no one should have their personal data such as phone conversations, location data and photos or videos recorded without their consent unless they are engaged in a criminal act. (Did we mention that adultery/cheating is not a criminal

Court in Saudi Arabia has Awarded Shs 270m to Ugandan Domestic Worker Nakintu after Loosing Her Kidney in a Scheme of Accident Plotted by Her Boss Saad Dhafer Mohamed Al-Asmari.

A court in Saudi Arabia has awarded Judith Nakintu, a Ugandan domestic worker Shs 270 million for the illegal harvest of her right kidney while at King Fahad hospital in Jeddah. Nakintu lost her kidney when she was admitted after getting involved in an accident with her employer Saad Dhafer Mohamed Al-Asmari. The Saudi court led by Ibrahim Mohammed Hamud Al-Mahyani found Dhafer culpable for causing the accident in which, Nakintu was injured. “…convicting Saad Dhafer Mohamed Al-Asmari of the error in the accident by 100 per cent. Obligating the defendant, Saad Dhafer Mohamed Al-Asmari, to hand over to the plaintiff, Nakintu Judith, the indemnity for the aforementioned injury an amount of 271,450 Riyals,” the ruling by Al-Mahyani reads in part.  Nakintu has been in the news for losing a kidney in a scheme allegedly orchestrated by the proprietors of the Kiwatule based Nile Treasure Gate, a labour export firm and Dhafer. However, Nile Treasure through their lawyer, Atanansi Nsubuga, insis