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Barifa Forest Ecotourism Project: Solicitor General faults Arua City Council Physical Planning Committee (PPC) and National Physical Planning Board (NPPB)for not following the law.

Arua City Council Physical Planning Committee and National Physical Planning Board are in limelight for failure to follow the law. The Solicitor General, government's principle legal advisor asserted that Arua City PPC and the NPPB didn't follow the law under which development applications and appeals are handled. Solicitor General's opinion arose from a legal advise sought by NPPB following service of a notice of intention to sue by the developer's lawyers. In a response letter dated 30th October 2023 to NPPB, Arua City PPC was advised to address itself to section 33 and 34 Physical Planning Act 2010 as amended that provide for considerations for issuance of development permits while faulting the NPPB for not exercising her statutory powers and functions in accordance with section 6, 6A and 48.  In further guiding on a matter that has caused government's proposed forest park project to stall for years, the Solicitor General noted that permit processio


The territorial traffic police of Arua City have impounded 30 Motorcycles in an operation that was conducted on Thursday 30th November 2023 within Arua City. The purpose was to remind motorists on abiding by traffic regulations in order to minimize accidents during Christmas season. These operations which started on Wednesday 29th November 2023 are running on across the country up to Christmas time. Main targets are No Driving/riding license and permits, Expired driving/riding permits, out of class permits, riders without helmets and reflector jackets. However, all those found contravening other traffic offences were equally arrested and their motorcycles impounded. Out of the 30 Motorcycles impounded, 20 were issued tickets paid at the bank, 03 motorcycles were released as they belong to security intelligence system, 07 motorcycles are still parked at Arua CBD yard pending fixing of side mirrors and payment of Express Penalty Tickets at the bank. As road traffic operations

East African Court throws out civil society case challenging EACOP project.

Arusha, (TZ): The East African Court of Justice (EACJ) has handed down a judgment in the case filed by a number of civil society actors that sought to challenge the construction of the East-African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP). The actors including the Africa Institute for Energy Governance (AFIEGO), Natural Justice, Centre for Strategic Litigation, the Centre for Food and Adequate Living Rights (CEFROHT) Limited, in November 2020 filed a case against the governments of Uganda and Tanzania, and the Secretary General of the East African Community (EAC), challenging the construction of the EACOP at the EACJ. The applicants wanted a temporary injunction to stop the construction of the EACOP until the questions of environmental, social justice, and climate justice concerns raised in the case were heard and determined. The Court sitting in Arusha on Wednesday ruled on the preliminary objections raised by Tanzania’s solicitor general. The court uph

Political Witch-hunt or Fighting Corruption?; Politician Reports Eng Tiyo Over Corruption After He Show Interest to Contest for Ayivu East Constituency MP Seat in 2026.

📸: Portrait of Engineer Tiyo William Odaa. Following ongoing activities and declarations by Arua District Engineer Tiyo William Odaa to contest for the position of MP Ayivu East Constituency come 2026 general elections, a politician in Arua City (name withheld for security reasons) has reported him to Kampala over corruption related allegations. In one of the leaked conversations from a club near OB Plaza, the politician was heard saying, If Eng Tiyo doesn't get arrested on that day Minister for Economic monitoring Hon Akello Beatrice came for supervision in Arua, he would go home and castrate himself. Stay tuned as Information is Power continues to analyze and report some of the occurrences in WestNile region. #iip_updates  #Information_is_Power  #we_inform_the_uninformed

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) warns staff about social media posts after senior officer shares pro-Palestinian image.

WASHINGTON — The C IA has sent out an internal email cautioning employees against posting political messages on social media after a senior officer posted a pro-Palestinian image on Facebook. The email to staff members was “simply a reminder of existing policy,” a U.S. official told NBC News. The warning was issued after the agency’s associate deputy director for analysis posted an image depicting a man waving a Palestinian flag that is sometimes used in commentary critical of Israel. The Financial Times first reported on the social media post. The career analyst who posted the image has not been disciplined, a person with knowledge of the situation said. The analyst has “extensive background in all aspects of the Middle East and this post was not intended to express a position on the conflict,” the person said. The analyst also has posted messages condemning antisemitism, the person added. Recommended A CIA spokesperson said in a statement: “CIA offic


📸: Unsplash. Ana was invited by her boyfriend for a date. She suspected that he had prepared a surprise for her. She jumped into a taxi and went to visit him. On coming out of the taxi, she was so excited about where she was going that she forgot to look both ways on the road. A speeding truck came from the right while she was crossing in the middle of the road. When she saw the truck, she was in so much shock that she could not move. She saw her entire life flash before her eyes, she thought she was going to die. She just fell to her knees in the road, put her hands on her head and screamed loudly. The truck driver was hooting very loudly, and people had gathered and were screaming as they observed what was happening. Thankfully, the truck stopped right in front of her, and she was not harmed physically.     However, since that day Ana cannot sleep, she keeps seeing that moment in her dreams. She has lost peace and weight because of the emotional trauma of nearly dying, s

Tororo District Woman MP Sarah Opendi Defends Her Alcohol Bill, Insists, it Will Reduce Poverty and HIV Prevalence.

📸: Hon Sarah Opendi. 📸: Ramathan Ggoobi. Secretary to Treasury, Ramathan Ggoobi has cleared Sarah Opendi (DWR Tororo) to proceed with the enactments of the Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill 2023, after he issued a certificate of financial implication, indicating that her bill won’t impose a charge on the consolidated fund. "Just yesterday, I saw the letter from the Secretary to Treasury, in response to our request for the certificate for financial implication and he did respond, but this has been overtaken  by events, because we had to rely on our Rules that give the MP 60days. And so, when he responds now to give me a certificate, with comments, it is beyond the 60 days rule. But the certificate was issued and it clearly shows that that there is no charge on the consolidated fund,” said Opendi. She made the revelation while appearing before Parliament's Health Committee to defend her Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill 2023. While appearing before