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Sophisticated Phishing Campaign Deploying Agent Tesla, OriginBotnet, and RedLine Clipper.

A sophisticated phishing campaign is using a Microsoft Word document lure to distribute a trifecta of threats, namely Agent Tesla, OriginBotnet, and RedLine Clipper, to gather a wide range of information from compromised Windows machines. "A phishing email delivers the Word document as an attachment, presenting a deliberately blurred image and a counterfeit reCAPTCHA to lure the recipient into clicking on it," Fortinet FortiGuard Labs researcher Cara Lin said . Clicking on the image leads to the delivery of a loader from a remote server that, in turn, is designed to distribute OriginBotnet for keylogging and password recovery, RedLine Clipper for cryptocurrency theft, and Agent Tesla for harvesting sensitive information. The loader, written in .NET, employs a technique called binary padding by adding null bytes to increase the file's size to 400 MB in an attempt to evade detection by security software. The activation of the loader triggers a multi-stage p


Law. 📷: Unsplash. Both Sheena and Trudy grew up in the teachers’ quarters because their mothers were teachers so they become best friends. They did everything- together, in fact some people thought they were twins until they were separated at the university. Trudy went to school to be a doctor while Sheena went to be a lawyer, and even at the university, they still remained together.   Last Monday as Sheena was rushing to class,  the hostel gate keeper told her, "she was needed by the Affande at the police post". Having nothing to fear, she walked to the police post to see him. As she got near, she heard Affande say, "the ka thief is here swinging her ''bu legs''. Sheena burst into tears as the police officers grabbed her and told her to remove her shoes and prepare to 'make a statement'. Affande told her that "they knew that Sheena stole her neighbour's TV, high heeled shoes and earrings on Saturday.   Sheena denied, but she

“Dangerous Profits,” How Hippos Pay Salaries of Rebels in DRC-Uganda Border.

By Undercover Information is Power Reporter from South Sudan. Tuesday 12-Sep-2023. 📸: Courtesy photo of Militiagroups. 📸Hippos at Pakwach, River Nile, next to Murchison Falls National Park. Courtesy Photo. The hippopotamus in Africa’s Great Lakes is at the verge of extinction. The number of hippos is reducing in Lake Albert, at Murchison Falls National Park in northern Uganda, and Virunga National Park, eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. In eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), authorities blame the impunity killing of the precious animals in Virunga National Park on the Mai Mai rebel group. This can be seen from the latest incident in May 2023, where two guards at  Virunga National Park  were killed, the latest bloodshed to rock the preserve designated as a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site. The park said the two guards “were shot and succumbed to their injuries” in Nyamusengera,


NB: Those marked with ✅ are from WestNile region. 1-Rt.Hon.Anita Among 2-Rt.Hon.Thomas Tayebwa 3-Rt.Hon.Robinah Nabanja 4-Hon.Kiwanuka Keefa 5-Hon.Asuman Basalirwa 6-Hon.Mathias Mpuuga 7-Hon.Musasizi Henry 8-Hon.Ibrahim Ssemujju  9-Hon.Nandala Mafabi 10-Hon.Odur Nathan 11-Hon.Nambeshe John 12-Hon.Sarah Opening 13-Hon.Kafuuzi Jackson 14-Hon.Ssewugu Joseph  15-Hon.Medard Sseggona 16-Hon.Muwanga Kivumbi 17-Hon.Kiryowa Kiwanuka 18-Hon.Lugolobi Amos 19-Hon.Silwanyi Solomon 20-Hon.Obua Dennis Hamson 21-Hon.Ayume Charles 22-Hon.Nakadama Rukia  23-Hon.Ruth Aceng  24-Hon.Mwine Mpaaka.R. 25-Hon.Katusabe Godfrey  26-Hon.Betty Among 27-Hon.Nalule Aisha .K. 28-Hon.Olanya Gilbert  29-Hon.Elijah Okupa 30-Hon.David Bahati 31-Hon.Cecilia Ogwal  32-Hon.Aogon Silas 33-Hon.Butuwa Thomas  34-Hon.Robina Rwakoojo.G. 35-Hon.Oguzu Lee Denis  36-Hon.Twesigye John .N. 37-Hon.Macho Geofrey  38-Hon.Asiimwe .K. Enos  39-Hon.Avur Jane Pacuto 40-Hon.Magogo Moses  41-Hon.Abed Bwanika 42-Hon.Chris Baryomuns

Did You Know, Hotel Le Confidentiel has Pedicurists Specialized in Toenails and  Fingernails Hygiene ?.

📸: Courtesy photo. Eating germs through dirty fingernails or your shocks getting easily wornout due to long toenails should be something of the past. Many at times some people with long dirty fingernails tend to hide it when eating in the public. Hotel Le Confidentiel health club has Pedicurists who are capable of making sure your toenails and fingernails hygiene is in their hands. Call telephone number  +256761688181 Or Email:  for bookings. #iip_adverts #iip_updates  #Information_is_Power   (iip) #we_inform_the_uninformed

UNEB Releases Timetable For P.L.E,  U.C.E  and  U.A.C.E Exams 2023.

#iip_updates     The Uganda National Examinations Board has released the examination timetables of this year's PLE, O-Level and A-Level final examinations that will start on Friday October 13th 2023 with the briefing of U.C.E candidates. The Board’s Executive Director, Dan Odongo, announced on Wednesday that this year’s national examinations will commence on Friday, October 13, 2023, with the briefing of UCE candidates. The first paper will be geography on October 16, 2023.The UCE Examination will run until November 17, 2023. The second series of examinations is the PLE, which will be conducted from November 7th–9th, 2023, starting with the briefing of the candidates. The t


When it comes to the issue of Exes, I wish people will be honest and sincere. Who is an Ex, someone you have ended a love relationship with. In other words, the relationship is dead or has expired, it has no life so you don’t feed it. Who in their right sense will keep feeding a dead animal, knowing its dead.  Entertaining is feeding, once the animal eats the food then it is not dead. In another sense the one people call an Ex is not really an Ex because the relationship is still very much alive.  Again, when you are done with a relationship, it does not mean your brain has been formatted or the memories you had with your Ex has been deleted. Why will you want to give attention to someone you want to leave behind? Entertaining them means you don’t want to let them go. The fact that you ended a relationship with someone does not make the person your enemy. Ideally, one is expected to learn from that relationship and move on. Leave the relationship in the past. An Ex is never