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Power of Attorney is a document by one person that gives another person written permission to do something on their behalf. For example, if you want someone to receive money on your behalf or sell something on your behalf, you do it using this written authority. This authority is very specific, and you cannot assume or guess that the person also wanted to do something else. It also allows you to do things you would miss out on by not being around in person. Unfortunately, this permission expires if the work is done or if the person who gave you the permission dies before you do what they told you. For example, if Derrick gives Martin permission to sell his land but then Derrick passes away this week, then Martin can no longer rely on the written permission to sell the land three months from then. This is because, by law, you can only act for a living person, not “Ghosts.’ 📷: Unsplash Source; BarefootLaw 

We can intesify the fight against smoking, by enforcing Tobacco Control Act2015 -Arua Deputy RDC Ham


Mark Zuckerberg's Meta has Fired Dozens of Employees for Hijacking Many User's Accounts on Facebook and Instagram.

Meta Platforms is said to have fired or disciplined over two dozen employees and contractors over the past year for allegedly compromising and taking over user accounts, The Wall Street Journal  reported  Thursday. Some of these cases involved bribery, the publication said, citing sources and documents. Included among those fired were contractors who worked as security guards at the social media firm's facilities and were given access to an internal tool that allowed employees to help "users they know" gain access to accounts after forgetting their passwords, or had their accounts locked out. The system, called "Oops" and short for Online Operations, is off limits to a vast majority of the platform's users, leading to the rise of a "cottage industry of intermediaries" who charge users thousands of dollars and reach out to insiders who are willing to reset the accounts. "You really have to have someone on the inside who will actually do it,&quo

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Top 13 lesson learned from book -13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do.

1. They Don’t Waste Time Feeling Sorry for Themselves Mentally strong people don’t sit around feeling sorry about their circumstances or how others have treated them. Instead, they take responsibility for their role in life and understand that life isn’t always easy or fair. 2. They Don’t Give Away Their Power They don’t allow others to control them, and they don’t give someone else power over them. They don’t say things like, “My boss makes me feel bad,” because they understand that they are in control over their own emotions and they have a choice in how they respond. 3. They Don’t Shy Away from Change Mentally strong people don’t try to avoid change. Instead, they welcome positive change and are willing to be flexible. They understand that change is inevitable and believe in their abilities to adapt. 4. They Don’t Waste Energy on Things They Can’t Control You won’t hear a mentally strong person complaining over lost luggage or traffic jams. Instead, they focus on what they can contr

Twitter's Software Engineers and Coders Heed to Elon Musk’s Request for a Physical Meeting with them at Twitter Headquarter.

Elon musk with his Twitter engineers at his office. Elon Musk/Twitter    Elon Musk has tweeted pictures of himself on Saturday at the Twitter offices with the engineers, possibly demonstrating that the programmers heeded his Friday's call to work.  The business magnate had invited surviving staff members to a meeting when  some employees allegedly resigned  last week after  being required to report  to work physically. SEE ALSO "Just leaving Twitter HQ code review," the billionaire  tweeted  at 1:30 am local time.  Musk had requested a meeting with "anyone who actually writes software" at Twitter, on Friday afternoon, in a series of emails sent 24 hours earlier. The team was directed to Musk's new office on the 10th floor of the headquarters for the meeting, where he has been largely living since the takeover, according to media sources.  Elon Musk with Engibneers and coders at his Twitter office.  null Employees were instructed by Musk to submit a "bul