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Technology; Court Charges 22-Year Old Hacker, Others on the Run After Releasing Ransomware that Hit Business Entities and Government Agencies World Wide.

  The U.S. government on Monday charged a Ukrainian suspect, arrested in Poland last month, with deploying REvil ransomware to target multiple businesses and government entities in the country, including perpetrating the attack against software company Kaseya, marking the latest action to crack down on the cybercrime group and curb further attacks. According to unsealed court documents, 22-year-old Yaroslav Vasinskyi is alleged to have been part of the ransomware operation at least since March 2019 and deployed about 2,500 attacks against businesses worldwide. Vasinskyi (aka Profcomserv, Rabotnik, Rabotnik_New, Yarik45, Yaraslav2468, and Affiliate 22) was apprehended at the Polish border on October 8 after an international arrest warrant was issued at the behest of U.S. authorities. In another major development, the Justice Department disclosed the seizure of $6.1 million in alleged ransomware payments received by Russian national Yevgeniy Polyanin, who is currently at large and has be

Is Our Existence in Westnile Region by Mistake or for a Reason ❓.

We have had from the past up to date, a number of senseless wars and fights regarding Political, Social and Cultural governance in our region, with the recent been; 1. a cartel of some people questioning legal process of how MP Denis Lee Oguzu won a bid to develop Barifa forest, 2. MP Songa Lawrence phoning Government agencies not to work with MP Atima Jackson, and the latest is 3. Minsiter Obiga Mario Kania petitioning Minsitry of Public Service over the appointment of retired Ambassador Harold Acema and Rev Cosmas Alule to the District Service Commission of Terego. Such fights are most times ignited by self-centered individuals on baseless allegations. What is our generation doing about such brawls ?. Is it right if we continue keeping silent and abetting these kinds of wars that hamper unity, development and service delivery in our region and Country ?. It is not better we protest through form of writings and publications to airout our discomfort with such greed infested clicks in o

Couple Arrestesd After the Woman Agreed to Have Sex for Shillings 5000 ($1.40) on the Road.

The territorial Police in Kisoro are holding two suspects for allegedly participating in acts of public nuisance. The duo appeared to be indulging in acts of street sex, along the road in Kisoro Municipality. Elly Maate, the Kisoro territorial Police spokesperson said the arrested include Hafashimana Paskari, 29, a resident of migeshi village in Rwaramba parish and Muhawenimana Colodine Mukamurenzi, 24 of Nyakinama sub-county Kisoro, District. “They will be charged in court with public nuisance due to their acts of annoyance to the public,” he said. In a video that has since gone viral on social media, Mukamurenzi and Paskari are seen leisurely walking up the road and then without warning, the two literally hump away, in the middle of a busy road, with little or no care for who’s watching the show. The video shows the two walking up the road chatting away while Mukamurenzi is pushing the man’s bicycle. The man then, slowly but very calculative, pulls back to ensure he is walking right


Kitambo was introduced by Kirabo to her family in a customary marriage ceremony and everything went well. When they had their first child, Kirabo started noticing that Kitambo was a bit ‘weird’. He would go out naked at night and sometimes neighbours would tell her that they saw her husband dancing in the middle of the road while reciting some strange words. When Kirabo confronted him, Kitambo informed her that he had decided to ‘go back to his roots’ and her son would soon join him. Kirabo decided at that moment that enough is enough and fled. She wants to divorce Kitambo now.  WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY?  Since marriage in Uganda can be religious, civil or customary, the law allows for different reasons for a couple to get divorced. If the couple want to divorce in a customary marriage, they can follow their traditional norms during the divorce or go to a court of law. If it is through their customary practices, Witchcraft can be used as a basis for divorce. A husband or wife can divorce

Unless You Update Your Softwares, WhatsApp Will Stop Working on Older Phones Running Android 4.0 and iOS 9.0.

A new update to WhatsApp will see the app pull support for thousands of different handsets, meaning many people could be about to lose access to their messages, photos, and contacts on the encrypted messaging app. If you've responsibly cared for the same handset for years, it might be time to upgrade or update as tech companies seem keen to move people onto the latest kit. 43 popular smartphones, including Android and iPhone, will be unable to send messages and pictures or make videocalls on WhatsApp starting today. Any phone with Android 4.0.4 or earlier, or any iPhone with iOS 9, will lose out on WhatsApp access. Some of these phones are over ten years old, with Android 4 first released in 2011. In this photo illustration, the social media application logo, WhatsApp is displayed on the screen of a computer on March 15, 2019 in Paris, France. Social media Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp have been affected by a global outage for nearly 24 hours on March 14, 2019 cutting


Third Party insurance covers the damage that may be caused by one car to another person's property, not being the owner or driver or of that insured car. Basically, if a taxi has that party insurance (as the law demands all cars must) and that taxi knocks you or destroys your property then you can recover money to compensate you for the damage. After the accident, you need to d the following so that you can recover from the incident;  1. Take pictures and gather as much information as you can at the scene of the accident. 2. Find out whether the person who caused the accident is insured and get his or her contacts. 3. Get the contact details of any witnesses  4. If there are police officers present give them your statement and make sure you get the Crime Reference Number if a file is opened up.  5. Make a note of any other relevant information. If you want to make a recovery you have got to be proactive and keep in touch with the person who caused the accident, also make sure if th

Why do our Leaders from Westnile region love fighting each other.

In the Tenth Parliament (2016 - 2021), we had a one Hon Minister, a purpoted Engineer who was fighting and advising President Museveni not to connect Westnile region to the National Grid. Further Intel revealed that, the Minister was actually pocketing cash bribes from some Petrol station owners and Generator dealers in Westnile region. They believed if Westnile region is connected to the National Grid, it would affect their petrol station and Generator Business! So, the money hungry Minsiter was bribed to misinform the president and subdue the developmental efforts of Westnile MPs in the Tenth Parliament. Again this time 4-Nov-2021 , is another scheme of fighting plotted by Ora County MP Lawrence Songa, as reported by Hon Atima Jackson of Central Division Arua City. It is believed that, Hon Songa informed UNRA not to work with Hon Atima in regards to roads in the region, may it be because Hon Songa Lawrence is now the elected Chairperson for Westnile Parliamentary Caucus. Let's fi