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BREAKING NEWS. President Biden Signs an Executive Order Revoking Donald Trump's Ban on Green Card Applicants.

Biden overturns Trump ban on many green card applicants Trump-era measure restricting many visa applicants cited need to protect US jobs amid COVID-19 pandemic. US President Joe Biden has revoked a proclamation issued under the Trump administration that blocked many green card applicants from entering the United States. The order by former President Donald Trump, known as Presidential Proclamation 100014, cited a need to protect US jobs amid high unemployment rates caused by the coronavirus pandemic. In a statement on Wednesday, the White House announced that Biden overturned the measure through an executive order, saying Trump’s ban separated families and “does not advance the interests of the United States”. “To the contrary, it harms the United States, including by preventing certain family members of United States citizens and lawful permanent residents from joining their families here,” the statement reads.   Human rights advocates have been calling on the Biden administra

MTN Advises Ugandans to Pay Over The Top (OTT) Tax Instead of Opting for Virtual Private Networks (VPN) Which Consume Data X2.

Telecom service provider, MTN, has advised its subscribers to avoid using virtual private networks (VPNs) and instead pay the Over-The-Top (OTT) tax if they are to have better internet experiences. Sen Somdev, the MTN Uganda chief marketing officer said that using VPN makes one’s internet experience much slower because they are going through another country to access internet, thus hampering data speeds. Additionally, he said that it also opens up one’s devise to hackers to hack into their system and possibly commit fraud. “Some people use VPNs because they want to bypass the OTT but they must understand that using VPN comes with a lot of trouble. As a telecom professional, I would always want people to pay OTT to be safer,” Somdev said. Government introduced OTT tax in 2018, requiring social media users to pay a sh200 daily tax to access social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp. While some Ugandans were happily paying OTT, the recent internet shutdown forced many

Police Shot Dead a UPDF Soldier Involved in Robbing a Witch Doctor on Gunpoint in Adjumani District, Uganda.

The Police in Adjumani district on Monday (February 23, 2021) killed a soldier of the Uganda people's defense forces who allegedly got involved in an armed robbery of a native doctor in Ciforo central village, Ciforo sub-county. According to Moses Mugweri, the deputy Adjumani Resident District Commissioner, the UPDF soldier, Mohammad Ambaga, and three others on Monday afternoon stormed the shrine of Muraa Josephine in day light armed robbery. Ambaga, armed with a pistol, reportedly placed Muraa under gunpoint while his three colleagues ransacked the shrine of the native doctor for money and valuables. The four shortly made off on a numberless motorcycle with an unspecified amount of money robbed from Muraa, before encountering a Police patrol, where Ambaga, was shot dead in a fire exchange with Police after injuring one Wilson Obulejo. Mugweri, said documents recovered from the pockets of Ambaga, indicates that he's attached to the security details of the royal guards o

From a Private Firm Face Technology to a Government Agency, Uganda Security Printing Company (USPC) to Take Over Issuance of Driving Permits Effective 1-March-2021.

The Uganda Security Printing Company (USPC), the firm that will take over from Face Technologies as far as issuing driving permits is concerned, will start its operations on March 1st, government has announced. This was revealed by Minister of ICT and National Guidance Judith Nabakooba in a press briefing. “Come March 1st, the process of issuing new driving permits will be done from the Uganda Railways building at Nasser Road in Kampala,” Nabakooba said. “The upcountry offices will remain offering the same services but working with the company that is taking over,” Nabakooba said. Nabakooba urged motorists to cross check and follow up on the new changes to avoid inconveniences. “You can visit the Ministry of Works website to follow up on the new regional offices,” she added. Motorists have however urged government to reduce the cost of driving permits since they are now issued by a government agency.

Former US President Donald Trump to Answer Two Cases of Rape.

Donald Trump faces two cases involving sexual misconduct that may move forward faster now that he is no longer US president. Former United States President Donald Trump is facing two defamation cases involving sexual misconduct allegations that could move forward more quickly now that he is out of office [File: Cheriss May/Reuters] 23 Feb 2021 During a December visit to New York City, writer  E Jean Carroll  says she went shopping with a fashion consultant to find the “best outfit” for one of the most important days of her life – when she will sit face-to-face with the man she accuses of raping her decades ago, former United States President Donald Trump. The author and journalist hopes that day will come this year. Her lawyers are seeking to depose Trump in a defamation lawsuit that Carroll filed against the former president in November 2019 after he denied her accusation that he raped her at a Manhattan department store in the mid-1990s. Trump said he never knew Carroll and accused h

Chinese Hackers Had Access to a U.S. Hacking Tool Years Before It Was Leaked Online.

On August 13, 2016, a hacking unit calling itself "The Shadow Brokers" announced that it had stolen malware tools and exploits used by the Equation Group, a sophisticated threat actor believed to be affiliated to the Tailored Access Operations (TAO) unit of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA). Although the group has since signed off following the unprecedented disclosures, new "conclusive" evidence unearthed by Check Point Research shows that this was not an isolated incident, and those other threat actors may have had access to some of the same tools before they were published. The previously undocumented cyber-theft took place more than two years prior to the Shadow Brokers episode, the American-Israeli cybersecurity company said in an exhaustive report published today, resulting in U.S.-developed cyber tools reaching the hands of a Chinese advanced persistent threat which then repurposed them in order to strike American targets. password auditor "

WhatsApp Explains What Happens if You Don’t Accept its New Privacy Policy.

Your app will start losing functionality on 15-May-2021. WhatsApp has detailed what will happen to users who don’t accept its new privacy policy in an FAQ on its website. Starting May 15th, its functionality will become more limited, and users will no longer be able to send or read messages from the app. They’ll still be able to receive calls and notifications, but this will only be possible for a “short time.” Speaking to TechCrunch, the company confirmed this period will last a few weeks. The new privacy policy has been controversial among some users, who worry that it allows WhatsApp to share their private messages with its parent company Facebook. However, messages between individuals on WhatsApp are end-to-end encrypted, so only their recipients can see their contents. What the new privacy policy relates to is messages sent to businesses, which may be stored on Facebook servers and whose data may be used for advertising. WhatsApp has shared some personal information, like