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Aspiring Arua Central Division Mayor Baguma Saidy, the Innocent And Humanity Minded Person.

He is not like this other contestant who got entangled in Brian J. White Money in July-2018. He is not a Land Grabber. He has never spearheaded evicting some people in OLI and participated in burning their houses on false and ridiculous accusations of Witchcraft and so on. Mr Baguma has a path many people yearn to emulate. He had and he still continues to have a good reputation. Infact, each of his footprints bear not that of some curtain politicians but rather bears the footprint of a complete Leader. He (Mr Baguma) feels pity when somebody or some people are been treated with injustice. He is aspiring on Independent Ticket, for the seat of Mayor Arua Central Division 2021 to 2026. #VoteBagumaSaidy For further informations,  click here  to read more.

Cynet Takes Cyber Threat Protection Automation to the Next Level with Incident Engine.

We have all heard of the "cybersecurity skills gap" — firms' inability to hire and retain high-level cybersecurity talent. I see this gap manifesting in two ways. First, companies that want to hire cybersecurity talent simply cannot find candidates with sufficient skills. Second, companies that cannot afford specialized cybersecurity talent and therefore lack the necessary skills to adequately protect their organizations from the growing and increasingly sophisticated cyber threats. Both of these are real problems, and both can lead to devastating consequences. It's also fair to say that most cybersecurity teams today are overworked and understaffed. One of the primary reasons we need such high-level cybersecurity skills lies in the shortcomings of cybersecurity technologies. Due to the changing and increasingly sophisticated stream of attack techniques, the breadth and depth of cybersecurity defensive technologies used to combat these threats and protect organization

Freedom of Expression Does Not Need License - Amnesty International Tells UCC as it Condemns Directive by Government to License Bloggers, Social Media Influencers and Online News Publishers in Uganda.

Amnesty International has condemned Uganda government's move through UCC to license online posts, calling it a fresh assault on freedom of expression. Deprose Muchena, Amnesty International’s Director for East and Southern Africa said: “The requirement for people to seek authorisation before posting information online is retrogressive and a blatant violation of the right to freedom of expression and access to information. With restrictions on public gatherings already in place, the Ugandan authorities are shutting off a vital channel for people to express their political opinions and share critical information about COVID-19”. "Freedom of expression does not need a license," he added.

NRM Party Primary Elections; You Will End in Jail instead of Parliament if You Think, You Can Alter False Figures on Piece of Paper Known as Declaration Form, And that Will Give You the Flag Bearership! - President Museveni.

Countrymen, Countrywomen and, especially, the Bazzukulu.  I am still reading the responses to my communication of yesterday on the NRM Primaries. I will reply in detail later. However, I want, for now, to repeat a few points. By going back to lining behind candidates, the NRM laid a good trap for the cheaters (the riggers).  The voting is done and concluded in each village and the scores are witnessed by hundreds of People. It is shallow criminality to think that you can enter false numbers on a piece of paper known as DR form and that that will give you the flag. You will end in prison for forgery and subversion instead of Parliament. An audit of village by village will expose you.  The villages have not shifted. They are still there. Even if you bribe the agents of the victim candidate to tell lies, the People who voted are there. They will bring out the facts. The lining up method was used until the 1995 Constitution. It had stopped rigging that time. Rigging came back with

NRM Party Primary Elections; Agule County MP Francis Mukula Has Been Arrested for Shooting Two People after Losing Election.

        MP Mukula Agule County Member of Parliament Hon Francis Mukula has been on allegations of shooting two people during the NRM primaries. Mukula was seeking the NRM flag with four others in the newly created Gogonyo County in Pallisa district. He allegedly shot at two people after losing the election. One of the victims was shot in the chest, according to Peter Muwonge, the Bukedi North Regional CID officer.

Social Media Bloggers, Online Radios, Online Publications and Online TVs to Obtain Permission from Government. The Uganda Communication Commission (UCC) was established under section 4 of the Uganda Communications Act, 2013 (the Act) as the regulator in the development of a modern communications sector that includes telecommunications, broadcasting, radio communications, postal communications, data communication and infrastructure.  In accordance with sections 2, 5 and 27 of the Act and Regulation 5 of the Uganda Communications (Content) Regulations 2019, UCC is mandated to license, regulate and set standards for the provision of all communication services in Uganda, including radio communication and online broadcasting. Regulation of communication services is intended to promote and safeguard the interest of consumers, operators, viewers and listeners.  The purpose of this Public Notice, therefore, is to advise all persons currently offering or planning to commence the provision of online data communication and broadcasting services including b

NRM PARTY PRIMARY ELECTIONS; As Connotative as His Campaign Slogan, Hon Alioni Yorke Odria Commends the People of Aringa South Constituency for Courageously Supporting Him, And Promises to Work Together with His Opponents Who Failed.

Thank you Almighty God for the gift of life and the people of Aringa South Constituency for the support, love and trust bestowed in me, and electing me on Friday 4-September-2020 as your NRM flag bearer for the seat of Member of Parliament Aringa South Constituency 2021 - 2026. Similarly, i thank you Friends and family for the prayers and support offered towards this success in the first stage of the journey which is yet to be accomplished in February-2021. For those who contested with me, i thank you and i pledge to work with you to put interest of Aringa South Constituency first and the rest later. Thank You. For Peace, Unity and Development, Vote Alioni Yorke Odria MP Aringa South Constituency, 2021 to 2026.