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MR EJIKU ROBERT, THE MAN OF PEOPLE. Today is his Birthday. Happy Birthday to You Mr Ejiku Robert. May you Live to Blow million Candles. Photo Credit; Osuta Yusuf. #Maracha #osutayusuf @osutayusuf

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BOOM. Arua Municipal Council Approves Degazettement of Barifa Forest.

ARUA.  Arua municipal council on Wednesday approved the process of degazetting Arua central forest commonly known as Barifa forest to pave way for the Nile eco-city development. This comes after the ministry of water and environment in November 2019 asked the municipal council to restart the processes and submit a report within two months. A similar council meeting to allow degazzettement of the forest was held in 2014 but the process dragged as the council awaited parliament’s approval only for the ministry to put forth new conditions in 2019 for the process to continue. The council has been among other new conditions asked to carry a land valuation for both the forest and an alternative 256-hectare land in Logiri Sub County. Other conditions include carrying out adequate consultations with communities around the forest reserve and the exchange land and carrying out an extensive environmental impact assessment for both the forest and the alternative land. The Barifa Forest, where Nile

SHOCKING. Technology Can Do Anything To Democracy. App Used by Israel's Ruling Party Leaked Personal Data of All 6.5 Million Voters.

Personal Data of All 6.5 Million Voters An election campaigning website operated by Likud―the ruling political party of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu―inadvertently exposed personal information of all 6.5 million eligible Israeli voters on the Internet, just three weeks before the country is going to have a legislative election. In Israel, all political parties receive personal details of voters before the election, which they can't share with any third party and are responsible for protecting the privacy of their citizens and erasing it after the elections are over. Reportedly, Likud shared the entire voter registry with Feed-b, a software development company, who then uploaded it a website ( designed to promote the voting management app called 'Elector.' According to Ran Bar-Zik, a web security researcher who disclosed the issue, the voters' data was not leaked using any security vulnerability in the Elector app; instea

Today Osuta Yusuf Writes To Those Narrow Minded People Who Think Deranging, Frustrating And Demonising Will Exploit Skilled Vocal Writers. PART 1.

My Fellow Ugandans, Africans and whole World, Greetings. Today Wednesday 12-February-2020, i am typically writing about a bunch of some People who might have been mostly paid by Proxies (Failure Leaders) to attack, demonise, criticise and harass Vocal Skilled Writers who use Writing (Freelancing) as a method of; Airing out Developmental Agendas of Governments or Organizations or Groups, Raising touching stories that affect the People, Activism and many more Others. Demonising and Harassing Courageous Writers does not signal my shutdown And vocal Death. To the contrary, It proves my voice to remain fully alive, capable of reverberating far and wide, through many platforms and forums. As i Osuta Yusuf, i am an Ardent Writer writing on behalf and on the interests of many Other Ugandan Writers, African Writers and Global Writers who experience similar challenges on daily basis. The worst mistakes some of these Failure Leaders do, is to think that, hiring People to challenge and cri

BEWARE! You Better Read And Pay Attention. Notorious Malware Now Hacks Nearby Wi-Fi Networks to Infect New Victims And Steal Their Financial And Other Private Details.

Emotet, the notorious trojan behind a number of botnet-driven spam campaigns and ransomware attacks, has found a new attack vector: using already infected devices to identify new victims that are connected to nearby Wi-Fi networks. According to researchers at Binary Defense, the newly discovered Emotet sample leverages a "Wi-Fi spreader" module to scan Wi-Fi networks, and then attempts to infect devices that are connected to them. The cybersecurity firm said the Wi-Fi spreader has a timestamp of April 16, 2018, indicating the spreading behavior has been running "unnoticed" for close to two years until it was detected for the first time last month. The development marks an escalation of Emotet's capabilities, as networks in close physical proximity to the original victim are now susceptible to infection. How Does Emotet's Wi-Fi Spreader Module Work? The updated version of the malware works by leveraging an already compromised host to list all the near


Nile Eco City: The Arua Municipal Council has unanimously approved the Nile Eco City Master Plan prepared by Joadah Capital Infrastructure Partners of Dennis Aliga and Aita Joel and Degazatement of Barifa Forest. This Paves way for consultation with Different stakeholders including Oluko Subcounty, Vurra, ministry of water, Lands, Local government which will ultimately head to Parliament for Final Degazatement.

SAD NEWS. Former 2016 Presidential Candidate Maj Gen Benon Biraaro Is Dead.

Former presidential aspirant, Gen.Benon Biraaro has passed on. A close relative confirmed his death to us. Biraaro succumbed to cancer at Kampala Hospital. The general has been battling illness for more than a year and he has sought treatment abroad. Background Born on March 1, 1958, Biraaro joined the National Resistance Army bush war in 1982 straight out of Makerere University and by 1984, he had risen to the High Command and National Resistance Council and by 1986, he was the deputy to President Museveni’s Principal Private Secretary. He was then posted to Kitgum as the special district administrator until 1987 before being sent to Kyankwanzi where he served as deputy commandant of the National Leadership Institute. Biraaro served as the commanding officer of the 97 th  battalion in Eastern Uganda which helped end the insurgency in Teso sub-region. He later served as the commander of the military police, appointed the representative of the office of the Inspector General of Governme