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95 YEARS OLD ROBERT MUGABE REST IN PEACE. If African Leaders Do Not Die In Foreign Hospitals, They Have Not Lived.

The 95 year old man who for 4 decades literally was the cock that mounted all hens in his country dies ... in a foreign hospital on another continent,  in a small island nation whose only resource is the brains of its people and the vision of its leaders! How else could one judge the failure of ones leadership? The man for decades flew back and forth to Singapore for oil changes to keep his old joints from creaking while the healthcare system in his country crumbled under his watch! Now all sorts of hypocrites are going to come out of the woodwork to praise his leadership! He and his family should have seen this day coming and opted out of that last trip but African leaders cannot help themselves! They must die in a foreign hospital ... and be brought home to be embalmed at the local national referral hospitals they turn into mortuaries! There is a time when going home to die surrounded by friends and family is the most dignified thing to do! If people must mourn, let them mourn all t


OPINION. 5-September-2019. My question to Ugandans is, must federal law be introduced in Uganda?. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Those that support this regime are blindfolded by so many wrong things. We can do better. We are all passengers in this life and we are on a transit visa and that visa cannot be renewed. Let us do good for what is right for our nation not what is right for an individual. Federal system is the best solution for a troubled nation like Uganda. Some of the benefits of this system is that tax payers will not go into one bucket or account for Museveni to spend. Why would a police man from Busoga police people in Arua? What does he know about the culture of those people than a policeman born and raised in Arua?. A Muganda policeman would not torture a fellow muganda criminal suspect and vise versa, but a muganda policeman would not think twice to clobber a mugisu criminal suspect. #we_inform_the_uninformed #osutayusuf

Opposition Tell Lies, The Security in Uganda is Good And Safe - Internal Affairs Minister Jeje Odongo has Said.

Uganda’s Minister of Internal Affairs, Abubaker Jeje Odongo (in featured photo) has said the country’s security isn’t as bad as the opposition and social media critics are trying to depict it as a result of what he called a few incidences of kidnap and murder. “Security isn’t bad as it is portrayed; it is continuing to improve. Stop politicising security. Security is a common good. Let us continue ensuring security. We can all make Uganda much safer place to stay in,” Odongo said. The Minister made the remarks today while responding to a question posed by Mityana Municipality MP, Francis Zaake, who tasked Government to explain the recent kidnaps and murder of Ugandans. In response, Odongo said that there is no society that is crime free and the beauty of all governments is to ensure that there is security, adding that the security situation is relatively good. “The apparent situation is social media hype. The social media hype is partly good it increases awareness among citizens. The s

Firefox Version 69 Now Blocks 3rd-Party Tracking Cookies and Cryptominers By Default.

Mozilla has finally enabled the "Enhanced Tracking Protection" feature for all of its web browser users worldwide by default with the official launch of Firefox 69 for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android. The company enabled the "Enhanced Tracking Protection" setting by default for its browser in June this year, but only for new users who downloaded and installed a fresh copy of Firefox. Remaining users were left with options to either enable the feature manually or wait for the company to activate it for all users. Now, the wait is over. With Firefox 69, Enhanced Tracking Protection will automatically be turned on by default for all users as part of the "Standard" setting in the Firefox browser, blocking known "third-party tracking cookies" and web-based cryptocurrency mining scripts. Firefox 69 By Default Blocks Known Third-Party Tracking Cookies Cookies are created by a web browser when a user loads a specific website, which helps the site to rem

Xenophobia Hub: Anti-South Africa Protests in DRC, Air Tanzania`s Blacklist.

September 5, 2019: SA consulate, businesses attacked in DRC, Air Tanzania suspends flights Nigeria and Zambia, now its in the Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC; that South Africa is under attack. Photos on social media showed that protesters had violently displayed at the premises of the South African embassy in Lubumbashi, capital of the Katanga Province. Police were deployed to disperse the protests. Elsewhere, businesses belonging to South African brands have also been attacked and looted, reports have suggested. The local advocacy group, Lucha, had called for peaceful anti-xenophobia protests. Over in the SADC region, Tanzania’s national carrier, Air Tanzania; announced that it had suspended flights to South Africa over the violent incidents of the last few days. Works Transport and Communication Minister, Isack Kamwelwe, on Thursday said all flights scheduled for South Africa effective Friday had been cancelled till the South African authorities get a grip on safety of foreigners

Pope Francis Starts Africa Tour in Mozambique.

Thousands of jubilant Catholic faithful on Wednesday welcomed Pope Francis to Mozambique as he kicked off a three-nation tour of African countries, expected to focus on those hard hit by poverty, conflict and natural disaster. Touching down just after 6:00 pm local time (1600 GMT) Francis was greeted on the tarmac by President Filipe Nyusi, a military band playing the national anthem and a display of traditional dance. The first pope to visit Mozambique since John Paul II in 1988, he was then whisked away in his popemobile, flanked by police bikes as crowds waved signs reading ‘welcome to Mozambique Prophet of reconciliation” and danced in celebration. I hope his visit will bring us effective and long lasting peace. He stood in his popemobile and waved at the thousands of faithfuls who lined up along the fringes of the city’ main streets as he made the five kilometre (three mile) route from the airport to the Nuncio’s residence in the posh Sommerschield suburb, where he will stay durin

South African Court Orders Release of Impounded Tanzanian Aeroplane.

Court Verdict. A South African court has ordered the release of a seized Tanzanian airbus aircraft after over a week of detention at the Johannesburg airport. The court set aside the order to impound the aircraft and ordered further that the first respondents pays costs. The August 24 seizure of the plane followed a court application by a retired farmer to whom the Tanzanian government is to pay a compensation over a land expropriation to the tune of $13 million including interest. Although Tanzania acknowledged the debt and initiated payments, the petitioner’s lawyers confirmed that since 2014, the farmer has not received any payment. The impounding at the time was seen as a major blow for Air Tanzania, after inaugurating its Johannesburg services just two months earlier. Tanzania, like a number of national fliers, have high hopes on the revival of the national airline. A move targeted at transforming the country’s airline as a regional transport hub that is expected to stimulate the