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FINAL TOUCHES. A few hours from now, i carried a tricky online survey. I published, "BETTING. Who ever tells truth on who will win Arua by-election of 15 August 2018, will get 100Mbs from me. GOOD LUCK" and i also attached a simple Condition, that, you give your reason too". Well, a good number of people who commented, attached their reasons too! Preferably, majority supporters of the top leading Candidate attached their Manifestos as reasons while a few supporters of Mr Greed gave no reasons to why they think Mr Greed will win. It will be pro-miraculous for someone who only has "Yelling, Arrogance, Shouting, Greed, Yapping, and Quarreling" as their manifestos, to win an election. Let alone his few Youths saying "Mr Greed will win", without cementing a reason why he will be voted. This survey itself, exposes a lot about Mr Greed and his few radical supporters. Another fellacy of being bowing on mooing. The minority Youth who support Mr Greed, over his stale talks, believe to forcefully push him to the Parliament of Uganda just to conquer and entail headache for Mr Museveni. In this mind myth, let me tell you my fellow Youth, i was born and will always be and die an ardent Opposition Activist. From WestNile region, i have ever been One of those at the top of Criticising, Defaming, Opposing, Disagreeing, Sabotaging, Debating and Condemning Mr Museveni and his Nepotism Government. We have done a lot of what they may describe it as "TREACHERY". We will run down into history for this too. All my information are Global. You may possibly, Google search "Osuta Yusuf" to reach on those other many articles i have published exposing Mr Museveni and his way of mismanaging Uganda. Minus Contradictions, i beg to affirm to you my fellow Youths, the manner Mr Greed exhibits, is not totally pleasing. Of course, when you go after street noise makers, Political lappers, Bubblers and Barriers, you end up being excited of the noise itself and nothing sensible / beneficial to the poor man in the village manifested nor a developmental manifesto agenda pinned. The hidden agenda operation which Our Youth do not know, continues to Zoom complex each hour and some dynamics involved in the volatile Mr Greed's camp but the Youth don't know. SHAME!. Exactly, what that potbellied bully lady Justine Kasule Lumumba said in 2016 "We will shoot people who come on the roads to demonstrate", is on play ground now. I am not here to Criticize Mr Greed though i may be misinterpreted by many Young malnourished Social Media People unable to do deep thinking but conveniently insulting those whose opinions differ from them, need to have a flashback of Mr Greed's past Political err and his utterances. Other words reserved. NB: This post is not affiliated to Companies, Individuals, Organizations and Groups i may have Links with nor it is their Interests and Opinions. Every phrase posted here, are my Handwriting and Opinions alone. THE STRUGGLE TO FREE OUR PEOPLE CONTINUES. Thanks. AUTHOR PROUD LUGBARA OSUTA YUSUF A CAREER POLITICIAN BARRISTER STUDENT FOR LIFE AND TALENTED IN INTERNET.

A few hours from now, i carried a tricky online survey. I published, "BETTING. Who ever tells truth on who will win Arua by-election of 15 August 2018, will get 100Mbs from me. GOOD LUCK" and i also attached a simple Condition, that, you give your reason too". Well, a good number of people who commented, attached their reasons too! Preferably, majority supporters of the top leading Candidate attached their Manifestos as reasons while a few supporters of Mr Greed gave no reasons to why they think Mr Greed will win. It will be pro-miraculous for someone who only has "Yelling, Arrogance, Shouting, Greed, Yapping, and Quarreling" as their manifestos, to win an election. Let alone his few Youths saying "Mr Greed will win", without cementing a reason why he will be voted. This survey itself, exposes a lot about Mr Greed and his few radical supporters. Another fellacy of being bowing on mooing. The minority Youth who support Mr Greed, over his stale talks,

LET THOSE WITH EARS LISTEN AND THOSE WITH EYES SEE. When i was writing about, never to vote such cruelty people like Wadri Kasiano, some people rose to Criticize me! Preferably, Ugandans who use Zero Facebook! Saying, i have personal issues with Wadri Kasiano. Others said i am Vulgar and Emotional to Wadri Kasiano. While others were questioning me, What kind of Opposition Political Activist am i. I am still laughing until my stomach hurts. I told people, they have not known the true colours of Wadri Kasiano and who are behind his sponsorship in this Arua Municipality MP by-election. All these fell on depth ears of some people in Arua. But that did not only hinder my Integrity and my Audacity. I kept walking my Life because i knew people will heed to the truth One by One. Not too far away from my write up, some of the Youth who were excited of Public nuisance Wadri Kasiano, were flogged and some of them stubbed. That served as a little lesson for some of them. And, somehow, a number of them have changed their mind not to support and Vote for Wadri Kasiano. The barking like a dog, wooowooowoooowooooowooo of Wadri Kasiano will benefit no Youth both in Parliament of Uganda and Arua. A true Democracy is not done in the manner, Mr Wadri Kasiano is trying to do with his Elitism and Blackmail group fictitiously so called pro-people team. And also, Transition of new Government can never also be Archived in the attitude the Crew of Wadri Kasiano is exhibiting. Most of the Campaign trails of Wadri Kasiano were marred by riots, disorderliness, dishonest, abuse and threatening of supporters of other Candidates. Now you see, how bad, it is to be a depth. Look at the ugly seen today and in past days, in the rally of Wadri Kasiano. The Youth are being clobbered left to right and right to left. When you are always arrogant, you pay a price for it. Let me tell you people, Today Monday 13 August 2018, without fear of Contradiction, The Arrogance of Wadri Kasiano will obviously cost you people who are his so called Supporters. I rest my case. LOVE ME OR HATE ME, I DON'T CARE AND I DON'T SUGARCOAT BECAUSE WE ARE RUNNING LOW ON SUGAR SUPPLY. NB: This article is not in the Interests nor opinions of Individuals, Political Parties, Groups, Foreign Agencies, Companies and Organisations i may have affiliations with. All articles published on my Website, are my Write up and Opinions alone. AUTHOR PROUD LUGBARA OSUTA YUSUF A CAREER POLITICIAN, BARRISTER, STUDENT FOR LIFE AND TALENTED IN INTERNET.

When i was writing about, never to vote such cruelty people like Wadri Kasiano, some people rose to Criticize me! Preferably, Ugandans who use Zero Facebook! Saying, i have personal issues with Wadri Kasiano. Others said i am Vulgar and Emotional to Wadri Kasiano. While others were questioning me, What kind of Opposition Political Activist am i. I am still laughing until my stomach hurts. I told people, they have not known the true colours of Wadri Kasiano and who are behind his sponsorship in this Arua Municipality MP by-election. All these fell on depth ears of some people in Arua. But that did not only hinder my Integrity and my Audacity. I kept walking my Life because i knew people will heed to the truth One by One. Not too far away from my write up, some of the Youth who were excited of Public nuisance Wadri Kasiano, were flogged and some of them stubbed. That served as a little lesson for some of them. And, somehow, a number of them have changed their mind not to support and Vote

THE POLITICS OF BLACKMAIL, IDIOCISM, CONFUSION AND CONTRADICTORY ELITISM THAT HAS EXCITED THE DESPERATE YOUTH POPULATION. This blind Politics in Arua Municipality must flourish. Fellow Ugandans, today Monday 13 August 2018 i am here again to pen this in an equivocation that may portray this phrase as emotional. You will judge me being emotional and attacking some Candidates, at your own peril. The Crew of the above (Headline) described hypothesis have all dished to Arua Municipality ahead of the Wednesday 15 August 2018 Parliamentary by-election. In this team on Ground is a One elderly greedy Candidate backed up by an elusively imaginative Person who has ever been Contradicting himself by saying that, "This is a new generation that needs to be ruled by Youthful people", and yet here on ground is the opposite. A Buffon backing an elderly (60+ yrs) moron. In this Caliber, the agenda is to confuse the mass Youth population in Arua Municipality. Shamelessly, this Contradicting Buffon has said, for them, they are after supporting People with big Crowds!!. Garbage. These types of people are typically Unphilosophical. What they have forgotten is, Climbing a tree starts from down. This Buffon himself, has done a good in their Constituency and is now here using a stale fame to divert the Interests of the Youth in Arua, to support and Vote for a glutton moron who totally messed in their Constituency and was eventually defeated miserably. The Buffon and Moron are busy ferrying people from Terego And Vurra to come and overwhelm their crowd. In Lugbara we say, "Eyi ma ale lu mau otoko ru 'dani bani". And you see, the Youth in Arua are being flattered to slightly become excited over faking Crowd and usual talks. There is a proverb that says, "Never follow the majority population when you know they are wrong". The Buffon has been doing nothing at all both in the Constituency and Parliament of Uganda. The Youth in Arua Municipality will painfully die with Our Words. We will go into History for this. Lest the Youth in Arua Municipality realize this earlier the better. For us, Sometimes in CIVIL UNION, we question and expose the missions of someone who abruptly emerges under a pretext to be Pro-people, when infact is just a ploy to hoodwink the attention of the Youth from Crucially pertinent people who would upbring a true change.

T his blind Politics in Arua Municipality must flourish. Fellow Ugandans, today Monday 13 August 2018 i am here again to pen this in an equivocation that may portray this phrase as emotional. You will judge me being emotional and attacking some Candidates, at your own peril. The Crew of the above (Headline) described hypothesis have all dished to Arua Municipality ahead of the Wednesday 15 August 2018 Parliamentary by-election. In this team on Ground is a One elderly greedy Candidate backed up by an elusively imaginative Person who has ever been Contradicting himself by saying that, "This is a new generation that needs to be ruled by Youthful people", and yet here on ground is the opposite. A Buffon backing an elderly (60+ yrs) moron. In this Caliber, the agenda is to confuse the mass Youth population in Arua Municipality. Shamelessly, this Contradicting Buffon has said, for them, they are after supporting People with big Crowds!!. Garbage. These types of people are typically

ARUA DECIDES. EJIKU ROBERT ✔. Saturday 12 August 2018. These are the pictures from the Campaign rally of Independent Arua Municipality MP aspirant Mr Ejiku Robert, sited today behind the OLI Healthcare centre. This is another time to say "No" to the Greedy and Tyrants. This is the time for Fresh and Young blood generation to take on the mantle of Freedom. In most times, WestNile as a Region, has been sending money minded people to represent their people in the Parliament of the Republic of Uganda. In Mr Ejiku Robert, Arua Municipality has entrusted.

These are the pictures from the Campaign rally of Independent Arua Municipality MP aspirant Mr Ejiku Robert, sited today behind the OLI Healthcare centre. This is another time to say "No" to the Greedy and Tyrants. This is the time for Fresh and Young blood generation to take on the mantle of Freedom. In most times, WestNile as a Region, has been sending money minded people to represent their people in the Parliament of the Republic of Uganda. In Mr Ejiku Robert, Arua Municipality has entrusted.

SNAPCHAT HACKED. To my friends and everyone on Snapchat, here is a sensitive information i feel to share with all of you. I was tipped on this, by the Hackers fraternity. Long article though! If you hate Reading, you will always lug behind. Thanks. Snapchat Hack-Hacker Leaked Snapchat Source Code on GitHub. The source code of the popular social media app Snapchat was recently surfaced online after a hacker leaked and posted it on the Microsoft-owned code repository  GitHub. A GitHub account under the name Khaled Alshehri with the handle i5xx, who claimed to be from Pakistan, created a GitHub repository called Source-Snapchat with a description "Source Code for SnapChat," publishing the code of what purported to be Snapchat's iOS app. The underlying code could potentially expose the company's extremely confidential information, like the entire design of the hugely-successful messaging app, how the app works and what future features are planned for the app. Snapchat's parent company, Snap Inc., responded to the leaked source code by filing a copyright act request under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), helping it takedown the online repository hosting the Snapchat source code. SnapChat Hack: Github Took Down Repository After DMCA Notice Though it is not clear precisely what secret information the leaked SnapChat source code contained, the company's panic can be seen in the DMCA request (written in all-caps) which suggests the contents of the repository were legitimate. "I AM [private] AT SNAP INC., OWNER OF THE LEAKED SOURCE CODE," a reply from a Snap employee, whose name is redacted, on the DMCA notice reads. Upon asking "Please provide a detailed description of the original copyrighted work that has allegedly been infringed. If possible, include a URL to where it is posted online," the Snap employee responded: "SNAPCHAT SOURCE CODE. IT WAS LEAKED AND A USER HAS PUT IT IN THIS GITHUB REPO. THERE IS NO URL TO POINT TO BECAUSE SNAP INC. DOESN'T PUBLISH IT PUBLICLY." "WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOU TAKE DOWN THE WHOLE THING." Snap told several online news outlets that an iOS update in May exposed a "small amount" of its iOS source code. Although the company identified and rectified the mistake immediately, it discovered that some of the exposed source code had been posted online. However, Snap did confirm that the code has been subsequently removed and that the event did not compromise its application and had no impact on its community. Pakistani Hacker Threatens to Re-Upload Snapchat's Source Code It appears that the online user behind the source code leak created the Github account with the sole purpose of sharing the Snapchat source code as nothing else was posted on the account before or after the Snapchat leak. Moreover, some posts on Twitter by at least two individuals (One based in Pakistan and another in France) who appear to be behind the i5xx GitHub account suggest that they tried contacting Snapchat about the source code and expecting a bug bounty reward. But when they did not get any response from the company, the account threatened to re-upload the source code until they get a reply from Snapchat. The Snapchat source code has now been taken down by GitHub after the DMCA request, and will not be restored unless the original publisher comes up with a legal counterclaim proving he/she is the owner of the source code. However, this does not rectify the issue completely. Since the Snapchat source code is still in the hands of outsiders, they could re-publish it on other online forums, or could use it for individual profit.

To my friends and everyone on Snapchat, here is a sensitive information i feel to share with all of you. I was tipped on this, by the Hackers fraternity. Long article though! If you hate Reading, you will always lug behind. Thanks. Snapchat Hack-Hacker Leaked Snapchat Source Code on GitHub. The source code of the popular social media app Snapchat was recently surfaced online after a hacker leaked and posted it on the Microsoft-owned code repository  GitHub. A GitHub account under the name Khaled Alshehri with the handle i5xx, who claimed to be from Pakistan, created a GitHub repository called  Source-Snapchat  with a description " Source Code for SnapChat ," publishing the code of what purported to be Snapchat's iOS app. The underlying code could potentially expose the company's extremely confidential information, like the entire design of the hugely-successful messaging app, how the app works and what future features are planned for the app. Snapchat's parent com

AM ENTHRALLING SOME EQUIVOCATIONS BELOW HERE. I Osuta Yusuf, On behalf of Independent MP Aspirant for Arua Municipality by-election Mr Ejiku Robert, Campaign Agents and Supporters, i posit this etiquette. In this article on my website, i collated 8 parallel pictures with it. 1. The first picture, is of Hon Ejiku Robert. 2. The second picture is of, a Fogey guy saying, "if they built polling stations online and elections were to be done on Facebook, Mr Ejiku Robert would Win this Election". I expatiate, this is typically born illiterate and die illiterate. For good years now, i have followed a lot of series and stories through online reading and watching videos. We are Living in a global village and i wonder someone who believes to be born and grown up in this dotcom world could still mess at such a magnitude. At first site, that comment alone encapsulates your enormity. In the 2016 general elections of USA, and in 2017 by-election of Kyadondo East Constituency, i was an ardent supporter and follower of both Donald Trump and Bobi Wine (i left my FDC party Candidate and i joined Bobi Wine's team in 2017). Am proud to say that, my eyes did not believe what was happening in the Camp of Donal Trump and Bobi Wine. Their opponents resorted to attacking them, by saying that, They will only win their Elections in Facebook Constituency. Supporters of Hillary Clinton said, Donald Trump will win the election only in his Facebook Constituency. And, the same thing was told to Bobi Wine! That, Bobi Wine will win the election only in his Facebook Constituency. Am betting, if the surgery of brain tumor in those people, has still not been done yet. 3. The third Picture is of, an NRM Agent, posting Breaking News of Shillings 600 million from state House being given to their NRM party Candidate NUSURA TIPERU. With this high rate of flattery, one is left scratching their head, if indeed NRM party is for offering Leadership or just a mere Rulership or a bribery group for connivers and hoodwinkers. 4. The Fourth is a caption emanating a half-witted illusory Guy saying, "Arua Voters, Ejiku who engineered the removal of all the teachers from other counties from teaching in Maracha is finally here". This is typical of heresy Propaganda. Since when has Mr Ejiku Robert been a Minister in charge of Education and Sports or since when has Mr Ejiku been a District Education Officer?. 5. In the Fifth caption, is a marauder, saying that, "Mr Ejiku has lost to NUSURA TIPERU in the NRM Primaries and he has gone to contest Independent". That is the cost you pay when you know nothing, read nothing and understand nothing from what we write Everytime. Preferably, some of such people are just there online to go after dating and posting selfies. Mr Ejiku Robert is contesting on an Independent! He has never been involved in any primary elections before. 6. In the sixth is a caption of Unity in Politics and everything. 7. In the Seventh picture, i conjoined Two things at once. Social Media and Activism. I will never explain this last one and its gravity! Let those shallow minded, take this Seventh one just the way they wish. Mr Ejiku Robert is not receiving blank cheques from state House and will never, as some people are alleging so as to sabotage this enthusiastic icon. Of all the Candidates aspiring for this Member of Parliament position, Mr Ejiku Robert is the only Kowtow and inviolate. EJIKU CHWAAA ✔ #THANKS THE STRUGGLE TO FREEDOM CONTINUES

i Osuta Yusuf, On behalf of Independent MP Aspirant for Arua Municipality by-election Mr Ejiku Robert, Campaign Agents and Supporters, i posit this etiquette. In this article on my website, i collated 8 parallel pictures with it. 1. The first picture, is of Hon Ejiku Robert. 2. The second picture is of, a Fogey guy saying, "if they built polling stations online and elections were to be done on Facebook, Mr Ejiku Robert would Win this Election". I expatiate, this is typically born illiterate and die illiterate. For good years now, i have followed a lot of series and stories through online reading and watching videos. We are Living in a global village and i wonder someone who believes to be born and grown up in this dotcom world could still mess at such a magnitude. At first site, that comment alone encapsulates your enormity. In the 2016 general elections of USA, and in 2017 by-election of Kyadondo East Constituency, i was an ardent supporter and follower of both Donald Trump

WADRI KASIANO, MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT ASPIRANT FOR 15 AUGUST 2018 ARUA MUNICIPALITY BY-ELECTION. Sunday 5 August 2018. I am yet here again for my Notion about nought Wadri Kasiano, the former MP for Terego 2001 to 2016 (for 15 years) and now again obsessed with biting the hand (FDC) that fed him. Harlot Mr Wadri Kasiano, who lost his MP seat to an NRM candidate, Mr Angundru in 2016 general elections, has defied the Odds and emerged in the race of contesting for the Arua Municipality MP by-election. The Arua Member of Parliament seat fell vacant when unknown Gun wielding thugs shot dead Hon Abiriga Ibrahim (Rest in Peace) together with his brother / Bodyguard Kongo near his home at Kawanda, a Kampala suburb. Despite the Constitution of FDC being clear about their party Flag bearers, Mr Wadri Kasiano went rebellious and nominated himself as an Independent Candidate in the race for Arua MP seat, which is against the party Law. The FDC party Flag bearer and Candidate for Arua Municipality is Mr Musema Bruce, in which, his tenure started in 2016 and which is gonna still end in 2021. Then, One is left Wondering, who is Wadri Kasiano and who is vehemently pushing him in this biasness Candidature. Mr Kasiano Wadri, been an MP for 15 years, is now using that position to abuse, insult and undermine the Candidature and Manifesto of other aspiring Candidates for the Arua race. Wadri, without having some respect for others and fear, he terms the manifesto of others, as "FICTIONS". He calls himself, as the only experienced and fit for Arua MP race while he calls other Candidates, as inexperienced. He says, other Candidates are "NAÏVE". Someone may think that, Wadri Kasiano was only born as an MP and baptised in Parliament by Rebecca Kadaga. What kind of ugly exhibition of Greed and Turbo is that?. Onzivu bee Okanga Lii. Mr Wadri Kasiano has been in Parliament for more than One decade! What else has he not yet done with, when, during his heydays, a number of Bad laws were passed, a number of projects misappropriated, a number of mess done and even worst of it all, Contaminated Water Sources and Roads in his Constituency are muddy and pathetic Healthcare centres. One must go tell Wadri Kasiano, that, being an MP is not all about yelling, yapping and being Tough Talking in Parliament. The best of that position is beneficial to your Constituents and most of it all, Lobbying. Never ever be confused about this. Your Constituents are first and the Nation is secondary. The pace of Mr Wadri Kasiano seems to portray him as a self seeker. I Osuta Yusuf, strongly Judges Wadri Kasiano as a man with No Political Wisdom and Political Ideas. I may ought to remind him here, that, a good Patriot, a good Leader and a good Politician always considers the Youth, Considers how he shall make the most of the existing materials of his Constituency and Country... Of course, Wisdom can not create materials; they are the gifts of the nature. All that matters is whether we produce able Parliamentarians who understand and represent the Interests of the whole, including the Interests of the Poor population, the disfranchised as members of that whole. TO THE RADICALS AND SUPPORTERS OF WADRI KASIANO. This is surely a reflection of Theoretical questions, if Wadri Kasiano can not mind about the Younger generation, this sends a clear signal that, he would be one of the MPs agitating for 7 years term for Members of Parliament. The Youth misleading selectivity by which they are experienced and popularly known, endangers not only the Youth but the whole Constituent and Country. Not only should changes be avoided whose implications and directions our minds may be inadequate to discern but are also sparking Out standing dangers and time bomb ahead of such. There is never any need for Experience and Popularity - or almost not at all. Wadri Kasiano might spoil everything. His step in advance, would create new hidden motives, new dangers and new uncertainties. And a step Once taken, if it alters the expectations of temporary presence of the people, cannot be retracted but it will prevail a gruesome act in a little more days to come. What ever the proposed Candidate Wadri Kasiano, his futility is apparent when he will receive only less than 7000 Votes from his radical supporters. Yet, it would be a great mistake to consider this as a "Change" we deserve. I rest my case. My next Article about Wadri Kasiano is coming later on. Stay tuned here on My Website. #THANKS THE STRUGGLE TO TOTAL FREEDOM CONTINUES NB: I take long to analyze, write and sensitise our Youth on What is good and what is bad. Never say, i did not tell you people. And all the articles i publish here are my opinions and my Write up alone! They are never in affiliation or interests of Organizations, Individuals, Parties and Groups i am Linked with. AUTHOR PROUD LUGBARA OSUTA YUSUF A CAREER POLITICIAN, BARRISTER, STUDENT FOR LIFE AND TALENTED IN INTERNET.

I am yet here again for my Notion about nought Wadri Kasiano, the former MP for Terego 2001 to 2016 (for 15 years) and now again obsessed with biting the hand (FDC) that fed him. Harlot Mr Wadri Kasiano, who lost his MP seat to an NRM candidate, Mr Angundru in 2016 general elections, has defied the Odds and emerged in the race of contesting for the Arua Municipality MP by-election. The Arua Member of Parliament seat fell vacant when unknown Gun wielding thugs shot dead Hon Abiriga Ibrahim (Rest in Peace) together with his brother / Bodyguard Kongo near his home at Kawanda, a Kampala suburb. Despite the Constitution of FDC being clear about their party Flag bearers, Mr Wadri Kasiano went rebellious and nominated himself as an Independent Candidate in the race for Arua MP seat, which is against the party Law. The FDC party Flag bearer and Candidate for Arua Municipality is Mr Musema Bruce, in which, his tenure started in 2016 and which is gonna still end in 2021. Then, One is left Wonder