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THIS IS A MEMORY WORTH SHARING. I wrote this piece of phrase last year 6 May 2017, and the article carried '58 Likes, 198 Comments and 90 Shares'. I was much glad for the varied reactions towards my article. Below is the link leading you to the Original article. ( ). AN OPEN LETTER TO UGANDAN DICTATOR YOWERI MUSEVENI. 6 May 2017. Dear Mr museveni, my name is Osuta Yusuf, a resident of maracha from Kijomoro sub county. I was born in exile (Congo) during the 1994 guerilla war at that time you threatened my father with death who was a soldier during Amin's regime. But then i was raised and educated in Uganda. My plea with you to please take these concerns into consideration: 1.Look at the alarming total number of unemployed youth. By 2014, the number of unemployed youth was 10 million! It might be 10.5million per now. Can't you even think of evacuating some of the corrupt government officials who are still holding government office and yet they have a criminal record. Mind you, the coupe in France and Chine, which was caused by majority of unemployed youth! The government there was brave to quickly rush and short out unemployment rate alarm. 2.The hunger. I have of recent read on the medias in Uganda that, starvation in karamoja, westnile region, isingiro and some parts of Uganda are so alarming to the extent the people are about to get malnourish. The concern of hunger is pertinent too. Your government is a lazy coward who can not even go to catch a grasshopper which is free in the bush. I saw, you were carrying a jerrican of water for irrigation!, after 30 years... Can some of these methods you are advocating for, help Ugandans fight hunger?.  Instead of allocating more money for guns, teargas and ammunitions, please i beg of you to cut off the budget and increase the budget for essential sectors. Not those of ammunitions. Ugandans can protect themselves from their enemies unless they are fit and ably bodied. Hunger is worst than bush war. If you do not adhere to my letter, don't blame me or any politician if Ugandans turn to eat you next time because they had nothing to eat except you. AUTHOR #OSUTA_YUSUF: a Career Politician, Lawyer, Student for Life and Talented in Internet.

THIS IS A MEMORY WORTH SHARING. I wrote this piece of phrase last year 6 May 2017, and the article carried '58 Likes, 198 Comments and 90 Shares'. I was much glad for the varied reactions towards my article. Below is the link leading you to the Original article. ( ). AN OPEN LETTER TO UGANDAN DICTATOR YOWERI MUSEVENI. 6 May 2017. Dear Mr museveni, my name is Osuta Yusuf, a resident of maracha from Kijomoro sub county. I was born in exile (Congo) during the 1994 guerilla war at that time you threatened my father with death who was a soldier during Amin's regime. But then i was raised and educated in Uganda. My plea with you to please take these concerns into consideration: 1.Look at the alarming total number of unemployed youth. By 2014, the number o

THE WOES OF UGANDA TELECOM COMPANY. Here is a look back on the fate of UTL company. In 2014, i ran over the story of UTL company collapsing, when the then water brain minister #Evil_Annite was still kneeling to beg for a job from errant dictator museveni. Libya owned 80% of the assets in Uganda Telecom company. When Gaddafi died in 2011, UTL started loosing its values and started collapsing. The demise was brought onto the floor of Parliament for discussion and some opposition MPs proposed that, the operating license of UTL should be revoked for not paying a total sum of tax amounting to about 10 billion Ugandan shillings. Mr museveni ambiguously blocked the MPs by saying, "Blocking the operating license of UGANDA TELECOM LIMITED, is like dancing on a graveyard of a beloved fallen friend". From there, the matter was barred from being discussed; in Parliament, on TV, on radios, on news papers or even in public venues but i ran it on my Facebook. Had madam #Evlyn_Annite paid attention to what i was Publishing on Internet, she would haven't gone awkwardly lamenting as a condition "Each & every Ugandan must buy a UTL sim card to avoid UTL from collapsing totally". Informing the uninformed is the worst disease of a sectarian dictator. I hear, The awfully failed Ugandan government has set more people to target social media activists and then take them to be tortured or jailed for telling the world what is happening in Uganda! But i don't care. AUTHOR PROUD LUGBARA MAA MVAA #OSUTA_YUSUF: A CAREER POLITICIAN, LAWYER, STUDENT FOR LIFE AND TALENTED IN INTERNET.

THE WOES OF UGANDA TELECOM COMPANY. Here is a look back on the fate of UTL company. In 2014, i  ran over the story of UTL company collapsing, when the then water brain minister #Evil_Annite was still kneeling to beg for a job from errant dictator museveni. Libya owned 80% of the assets in Uganda Telecom company. When Gaddafi died in 2011, UTL started loosing its values and started collapsing. The demise was brought onto the floor of Parliament for discussion and some opposition MPs proposed that, the operating license of UTL should be revoked for not paying a total sum of tax amounting to about 10 billion Ugandan shillings. Mr museveni ambiguously blocked the MPs by saying, "Blocking the operating license of UGANDA TELECOM LIMITED, is like dancing on a graveyard of a beloved fallen friend". From there, the matter was barred from being discussed; in Parliament, on TV, on radios, on news papers or even in public venues but i ran it on my Facebook. Had madam #Evlyn_Annite paid

CHANGE YOUR TWITTER PASSWORD IMMEDIATELY, BUG EXPOSES PASSWORDS IN PLAINTEXT. Automatically published Via #Osuta_Yusuf - @OsutaYusuf. 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 Twitter is urging all of its 330 million users to change their passwords after a software glitch unintentionally exposed its users' passwords by storing them in readable text on its internal computer system. The social media network disclosed the issue in an official  blogspot and a series of tweets from Twitter Support. According to Twitter CTO Parag Agrawal, Twitter hashes passwords using a popular function known as bcrypt, which replaces an actual password with a random set of numbers and letters and then stored it in its systems. This allows the company to validate users' credentials without revealing their actual passwords, while also masking them in a way that not even Twitter employees can see them. However, a software bug resulted in passwords being written to an internal log before completing the hashing process—meaning that the passwords were left exposed on the company's internal system. Parag said Twitter had found and resolved the problem itself, and an internal investigation had found no indication of breach or passwords being stolen or misused by insiders. "We found this error ourselves, removed the passwords, and are implementing plans to prevent this bug from happening again," Parag said. "We are very sorry this happened. We recognize and appreciate the trust you place in us, and are committed to earning that trust every day." Still, the company urged all of its 363 Million users to consider changing their passwords to be on a safer side. How to Reset Twitter Password: In order to change your password on Twitter, click on your Profile Picture icon given in the top-right corner, then go to Settings and Privacy → Password. Now, type your current password, and enter a new one, and try keeping it stronger. For the Twitter app for iOS and Android, click on your Profile Picture icon in the top-left corner, and then go to Settings and Privacy → Account → Change Password ("Password" on Android), and create a new, stronger password. Click to read all

CHANGE YOUR TWITTER PASSWORD IMMEDIATELY, BUG EXPOSES PASSWORDS IN PLAINTEXT. Automatically published Via #Osuta_Yusuf - @OsutaYusuf. 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 Twitter is urging all of its 330 million users to change their passwords after a software glitch unintentionally exposed its users' passwords by storing them in readable text on its internal computer system. The social media network disclosed the issue in an official  blogspot and a series of tweets from Twitter Support. According to Twitter CTO Parag Agrawal, Twitter hashes passwords using a popular function known as bcrypt, which replaces an actual password with a random set of numbers and letters and then stored it in its systems. This allows the company to validate users' credentials without revealing their actual passwords, while also masking them in a way that not even Twitter employees can see them. However, a software bug resulted in passwords being written to an internal log before completing the hashing process—meaning that the passwords were left exposed on the company's internal system. Parag said Twitter had found and resolved the problem itself, and an internal investigation had found no indication of breach or passwords being stolen or misused by insiders. "We found this error ourselves, removed the passwords, and are implementing plans to prevent this bug from happening again," Parag said. "We are very sorry this happened. We recognize and appreciate the trust you place in us, and are committed to earning that trust every day." Still, the company urged all of its 363 Million users to consider changing their passwords to be on a safer side. How to Reset Twitter Password: In order to change your password on Twitter, click on your Profile Picture icon given in the top-right corner, then go to Settings and Privacy → Password. Now, type your current password, and enter a new one, and try keeping it stronger. For the Twitter app for iOS and Android, click on your Profile Picture icon in the top-left corner, and then go to Settings and Privacy → Account → Change Password ("Password" on Android), and create a new, stronger password. Click to read all

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CHANGE YOUR TWITTER PASSWORD IMMEDIATELY, BUG EXPOSES PASSWORDS IN PLAINTEXT. Automatically published Via #Osuta_Yusuf - @OsutaYusuf. 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 Twitter is urging all of its 330 million users to change their passwords after a software glitch unintentionally exposed its users' passwords by storing them in readable text on its internal computer system. The social media network disclosed the issue in an official  blogspot and a series of tweets from Twitter Support. According to Twitter CTO Parag Agrawal, Twitter hashes passwords using a popular function known as bcrypt, which replaces an actual password with a random set of numbers and letters and then stored it in its systems. This allows the company to validate users' credentials without revealing their actual passwords, while also masking them in a way that not even Twitter employees can see them. However, a software bug resulted in passwords being written to an internal log before completing the hashing process—meaning that the passwords were left exposed on the company's internal system. Parag said Twitter had found and resolved the problem itself, and an internal investigation had found no indication of breach or passwords being stolen or misused by insiders. "We found this error ourselves, removed the passwords, and are implementing plans to prevent this bug from happening again," Parag said. "We are very sorry this happened. We recognize and appreciate the trust you place in us, and are committed to earning that trust every day." Still, the company urged all of its 363 Million users to consider changing their passwords to be on a safer side. How to Reset Twitter Password: In order to change your password on Twitter, click on your Profile Picture icon given in the top-right corner, then go to Settings and Privacy → Password. Now, type your current password, and enter a new one, and try keeping it stronger. For the Twitter app for iOS and Android, click on your Profile Picture icon in the top-left corner, and then go to Settings and Privacy → Account → Change Password ("Password" on Android), and create a new, stronger password. Click to read all

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UBB taking on the Journey. Update via Instagram and Twitter.

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UBB taking on the Journey. Update via Instagram and Twitter.

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