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Mark Zuckerberg admits Facebook scans the contents of ALL your private Messenger texts in the latest blow to the scandal hit firm. Latest From Osuta Yusuf blog via REUTERS. April 2018. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Facebook checks messages to ensure they are in line with community standardsZuckerberg confirmed the policy of scanning texts during a podcast interview It sparked further privacy concerns in the wake of Cambridge Analytica scandal The consulting firm bought data from 50 million unsuspecting Facebook users  Facebook scans the contents of messages that people send each other on its Messenger app blocking any that contravene its guidelines, it has emerged. The scandal-hit firm, still reeling from revelations surrounding Cambridge Analytica, checks images and texts to ensure they are in line with its community standards.  While the intentions behind the practice may be well-meaning, the news is likely to add to users' concerns over what the social network knows about them. It follows revelations that the Trump-affiliated consulting firm obtained data on at least 50 million unsuspecting Facebook users. This information was used to target voters in the US, based on psychological profiling, with political adverts spreading disinformation. Facebook is also facing criticism for collecting years of data on call and text histories from Android users. Mark Zuckerberg, pictured here in July 2017, has admitted Facebook scans the contents of messages that people send each other on its Messenger app blocking any that contravene its guidelines CEO Mark Zuckerberg confirmed the policy during a podcast interview with Vox's editor at large, Ezra Klein. Zuckerberg told his host a story about receiving a phone call from staff at his Mountain View firm. He was informed that their systems had blocked attempts to send sensational Messenger instant messages about ethnic cleansing in Myanmar. About the experience, the 33-year-old billionaire said: 'In that case, our systems detect what’s going on.  'We stop those messages from going through.' The news has been met with mixed reactions on social media, with a number of users expressing concern.  Messenger says that it doesn’t use data from messages it has scanned for the purposes of advertising, according to reports in Bloomberg. The company told the website that it uses the same tools to prevent abuse in messages that are in place across Facebook as a whole.  Messenger says that it doesn’t use data from messages it has scanned for the purposes of advertising, but that is likely to be of little comfort in the current climate, with privacy at the forefront of many Facebook user's minds (stock image) Users are able to flag posts or messages that they feel are in violation of the site's house rules. This will either cause one of the social network's community operations team to manually review the content, or automated systems can also make decisions. 'For example, on Messenger, when you send a photo, our automated systems scan it using photo matching technology to detect known child exploitation imagery or when you send a link, we scan it for malware or viruses,' a Facebook Messenger spokeswoman said in a statement.  'Facebook designed these automated tools so we can rapidly stop abusive behaviour on our platform.' But that is likely to be of little comfort in the current climate, with privacy at the forefront of many Facebook user's minds. One Twitter user, Kevin Chastain, claims to have experienced Messenger texts being used to target advertising, tweeting: 'So I was messaging my wife about dinner tonight mentioned a particular place on Facebook messenger and then opened up Facebook about to see an ad for that restaurant.  'Tell me they aren’t in on every convo I have. Scary!' WHAT HAS FACEBOOK DONE TO ADDRESS PRIVACY CONCERNS? Facebook is giving its privacy tools a makeover as it reels from criticisms over its data practices and faces tighter European regulations in the coming months. The changes won't affect Facebook's privacy policies or the types of data it gathers about its users. But the company hopes its 2.2 billion users will have an easier time navigating its complex and often confusing privacy and security settings. Facebook is giving its privacy tools a makeover as it reels from criticisms over its data practices and faces tighter European regulations in the coming months. This image shows how the settings will appear before (left) and after (right) the redesign  Facebook says it's trying to make the controls easier to find and to give users a simpler way to access and download the data it collects on them. The announcement follows revelations that Trump-affiliated consulting firm got data on millions of unsuspecting Facebook users.  Facebook is also facing criticism for collecting years of data on call and text histories from Android users. In a written statement, Erin Egan, vice president and chief privacy officer, policy, and Ashlie Beringer, vice president and deputy general counsel, said: 'Last week showed how much more work we need to do to enforce our policies and help people understand how Facebook works and the choices they have over their data.  This image shows a redesign of Facebook's privacy tools. The changes won't affect Facebook's privacy policies or the types of data it gathers on users, but the company hopes users will have an easier time navigating its complex settings menus. Among the changes, Facebook is making data settings and tools easier to find, is introducing a new privacy shortcuts menu, and is adding tools to find, download and delete your Facebook data  'We’ve heard loud and clear that privacy settings and other important tools are too hard to find and that we must do more to keep people informed.  'We’re taking additional steps in the coming weeks to put people more in control of their privacy.  'Most of these updates have been in the works for some time, but the events of the past several days underscore their importance.' Among the changes, Facebook is making data settings and tools easier to find, is introducing a new privacy shortcuts menu, and is adding tools to find, download and delete your Facebook data. Zuckerberg admits Facebook made 'mistakes' on user data. Zuckerberg took out full-page adverts in nine major US and British newspapers in late March to apologise for the Cambridge Analytica scandal. In the ads, the Facebook founder vowed to clamp down on allowing third parties access to data which can be sold on. The ads, done in simple black text against a plain white background, were headlined: 'We have a responsibility to protect your information. If we can't, we don't deserve it.' 'You may have heard about a quiz app built by a university researcher that leaked Facebook data of millions of people in 2014,' the apology begins.  'This was a breach of trust, and I'm sorry we didn't do more at the time. We're now taking steps to make sure this doesn't happen again.'  'We've already stopped apps like this from getting so much information. Now we're limiting the data apps get when you sign in using Facebook.'  'We're also investigating every single app that had access to large amounts of data before we fixed this. We expect there are others. And when we find them, we will ban them and tell everyone affected.' Facebook says that it uses the same tools to prevent abuse in Messenger app (pictured) messages that are in place across the social network as a whole Zuckerberg admits Facebook made 'mistakes' on user data. 'Finally, we'll remind you which apps you've given access to your information - so you can shut off the ones you don't want anymore.' 'Thank you for believing in this community. I promise to do better for you.' The apology was formally signed off by the Facebook chief. The Facebook data scandal deepened after users found the social network had harvested information including call logs and text messages. Some users discovered the firm had been storing complete logs of incoming and outgoing calls and text messages. Others reported that data such as contacts in their address books, social events in their calendars and even friends' birthdays had been stored. One user, Dylan McKay, reported that from October 2016 to July 2017 his logs contained 'the data of every [mobile] call I've made, including time and duration' and 'data about every text message I've received or sent'. Rather than delete an account entirely, the social media site encourages people to 'deactivate' their profile as this leaves all personal data on its servers. However, when users request to permanently delete their accounts, the site suggests: 'You may want to download a copy of your info from Facebook.' Emma Kennedy tweeted that she had found that Facebook had recorded 'every single phone number in my contacts. Facebook is also facing criticism for collecting years of data on call and text histories from Android users. Facebook user Dylan McKay revealed Facebook logged every mobile call he'd ever made 'They had every single social event I went to, a list of all my friends and their birthdays, and a list of every text I've sent' 'They have plundered my phone. They have phone numbers of people who aren’t on Facebook. They have phone numbers of household names who, I’m sure, would be furious to know their phone numbers are accessible. I’m appalled.' A Facebook spokesman said: 'The first time you sign in on your phone to a messaging or social app, it's a widely used practice to begin by uploading your phone contacts. 'Contact uploading is optional. People are expressly asked if they want to give permission to upload their contacts from their phone – it's explained right there in the apps when you get started. 'People can delete previously uploaded information at any time and can find all the information available to them in their account and activity log from our Download Your Information tool.' The company says an opt-out for uploading contacts is available and users can delete all uploaded contacts by turning off the continuous uploading setting in Facebook's Messenger app. All previously uploaded contacts are deleted when a user permanently removes their profile. Contacts will also no longer continue to be uploaded. 

Mark Zuckerberg admits Facebook scans the contents of ALL your private Messenger texts in the latest blow to the scandal hit firm . Latest From Osuta Yusuf blog via REUTERS. April 2018. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Facebook checks messages to ensure they are in line with community standards Zuckerberg confirmed the policy of scanning texts during a podcast interview  It sparked further privacy concerns in the wake of Cambridge Analytica scandal  The consulting firm bought data from 50 million unsuspecting Facebook users  Facebook  scans the contents of messages that people send each other on its Messenger app blocking any that contravene its guidelines, it has emerged. The scandal-hit firm, still reeling from revelations surrounding Cambridge Analytica, checks images and texts to ensure they are in line with its community standards.  While the intentions behind the practice may be well-meaning, the news is likely

HERE COMES THE MIGHTIER MARTIN LUTHER KING. CELEBRITIES REFLECT ON MARTIN LUTHER KING JR DAY. 4 April 2018. Auto Applet run, from #Osuta_Yusuf blog. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A half century after Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.‘s death, celebrities have been remembering him and reflecting on how much progress has been made in racial equality in the decades since his assassination. “The fact that I’m walking this carpet starring in a movie, that’s the impact he had on my life,” said Oscar-nominated actress Taraji P. Henson. “There has been progress. Humanity is a very interesting prospect in itself. Humanity marches forward and somehow pulls itself back a little bit. I guess so we can keep marching forward,” said actress Phylicia Rashad. The fact that I'm walking this carpet starring in a movie, that's the impact he had on my life. Television host and musician Nick Cannon quoted King himself. “He said it the best: we’ve come so far, but boy, do we have a long way to go. And, you know, I think it’s an honor. I mean he’s probably one of the greatest spirits to ever touch this planet for so many different reasons. Just as his ability to communicate with all his giant heart. But then, ultimately, just his connection. And I feel like that’s, you know, that’s felt still to this day “, Cannon said. For producer and mother of Beyonce, Tina Knowles “What Martin Luther King means to me? Well he’s our hero. He’s one of our great heroes. Just an amazing man and a great legacy.” A Baptist pastor and civil rights activist, King worked to end legal segregation of blacks in the United States. He gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech at the August 1963 March on Washington, and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 at age 35 – the youngest man to have received the award. King, 39, was shot on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis on April 4, 1968.

HERE COMES THE MIGHTIER MARTIN LUTHER KING. CELEBRITIES REFLECT ON MARTIN LUTHER KING JR DAY. 4 April 2018. Auto Applet run, from #Osuta_Yusuf blog. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A half century after Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.‘s death, celebrities have been remembering him and reflecting on how much progress has been made in racial equality in the decades since his assassination. “The fact that I’m walking this carpet starring in a movie, that’s the impact he had on my life,” said Oscar-nominated actress Taraji P. Henson. “There has been progress. Humanity is a very interesting prospect in itself. Humanity marches forward and somehow pulls itself back a little bit. I guess so we can keep marching forward,” said actress Phylicia Rashad. The fact that I'm walking this carpet starring in a movie, that's the impact he had on my life. Television host and musician Nick Cannon quoted King hi

ISIS claims responsibility for deadly attack on Christian family in Pakistan. 3 April 2018. Auto Trigger from Foxnew. ISIS claimed responsibility for the killing in Pakistan. In a separate development, U.S. and UK soldiers killed in Syria were on a mission to capture an ISIS member. Lucas Tomlinson has the details. The Islamic State group on Tuesday claimed responsibility for murdering four Christian family members in southwestern Pakistan a day after Easter celebrations. The militant group issued a statement saying ISIS fighters on Monday opened fire on the group of Christians traveling in the city of Quetta, the capital of Baluchistan province, killing four, Reuters reported. The Christian family was traveling to the city, which is known for its large Christian community. The family set off to visit their relatives, but their vehicle was intercepted by the militants who then shot them. “It appears to have been a targeted attack,” Moazzam Jah Ansari, a provincial police official, told Reuters. “It was an act of terrorism.” The terror attack came just a day after Christians around the world celebrated Easter on Sunday. The Pakistani Christian community, the second largest minority group in the country, consists of over 2 million people. Baluchistan province, which borders Iran and Afghanistan, is known for violence against minority groups, mostly perpetrated by Sunni Islamist groups linked to the Taliban, al Qaeda and Islamic State. Islamic State claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing of a packed Christian Church in southwestern Pakistan in December, just a week before Christmas, killing at least 9 and wounding over 50. It was the first time the Islamic State claimed responsibility for a church bombing, though a number of Christian churches were attacked over the recent years. “There were nearly 400 people inside the church, but the attackers couldn’t get inside the services,” provincial police chief Moazzam Jah told Reuters. “We killed one of them, and the other one exploded himself after police wounded him,” he said.

ISIS claims responsibility for deadly attack on Christian family in Pakistan . 3 April 2018. Auto Trigger from Foxnew. ISIS claimed responsibility for the killing in Pakistan. In a separate development, U.S. and UK soldiers killed in Syria were on a mission to capture an ISIS member. Lucas Tomlinson has the details. The Islamic State group on Tuesday claimed responsibility for murdering four Christian family members in southwestern Pakistan a day after Easter celebrations. The militant group issued a statement saying ISIS fighters on Monday opened fire on the group of Christians traveling in the city of Quetta, the capital of Baluchistan province, killing four,  Reuters  reported. The Christian family was traveling to the city, which is known for its large Christian community. The family set off to visit their relatives, but their vehicle was intercepted by the militants who then shot them. “It appears to have been a targeted attack,” Moazzam Jah Ansari, a provincial police official,

SIERRA LEONE WITH SHORT-SIGHTED DEMOCRACY LIKE OF UGANDA. Sierra Leone army denies plot to assassinate opposition chief, Maada Bio. 3 April 2018. Via REUTERS. Sierra Leone government through the Ministry of Defense (MOD) has slammed a top opposition figure for suggesting that there was a plan to assassinate leader of the main opposition Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) Julius Maada Bio. In a press statement issued on Monday, April 2, the Office of the Chief of Defense Staff said it was deeply concerned about the “very serious allegations,” made by National Secretary General of the SLPP, Umaru Napolean Koroma. “The Ministry of Defense strongly condemns and takes exception to these dangerous and misleading allegations that have the tendency to undermine the integrity of the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces and also the peace and security of Sierra Leone,” the statement signed by army chief B. Sesay added. Koroma in a press conference at the Radisson Blu hotel said the Armed Forces had an active plan to assassinate the presidential candidate of the SLPP, Brigadier Julius Maada Bio. The politician, citing ‘credible sources’ added that six top army officers had been ‘recruited’ to carry out the assassination with the blessing of the military top brass, specifically Gen. Taluva, Deputy Chief of Defense Staff and Defense Minister, Paolo Conteh. According to a SLPP’s tabulation distributed to reporters, Maada Bio took 54.11 percent of votes in the run-off with Kamara garnering 45.89 percent. Maada Bio, who briefly ruled the West African nation as head of a military junta in 1996, eked out a narrow victory in the first round on March 7 with 43.3 percent of the votes compared to 42.7 for Kamara. The largely peaceful election process has come as a relief for the country of 7 million people, which endured a brutal, diamond-fuelled civil war in the 1990s. But the winner will face pressure to revive a moribund economy that has been ravaged in recent years by low prices for its main export, iron ore, and an Ebola outbreak. The run-off was delayed several days due to a complaint of fraud lodged by a member of the APC. A court injunction was lifted a day before the polls were due to take place last Tuesday, forcing the elections commission to push back the vote.

Sierra Leone army denies plot to assassinate opposition chief, Maada Bio . 3 April 2018. Via REUTERS. Sierra Leone government through the Ministry of Defense (MOD) has slammed a top opposition figure for suggesting that there was a plan to assassinate leader of the main opposition Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) Julius Maada Bio. In a press statement issued on Monday, April 2, the Office of the Chief of Defense Staff said it was deeply concerned about the “very serious allegations,” made by National Secretary General of the SLPP, Umaru Napolean Koroma. “The Ministry of Defense strongly condemns and takes exception to these dangerous and misleading allegations that have the tendency to undermine the integrity of the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces and also the peace and security of Sierra Leone,” the statement signed by army chief B. Sesay added. Koroma in a press conference at the Radisson Blu hotel said the Armed Forces had an active plan to assassinate the presidential cand

Ethiopia Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed receives global congratulations. 3 April 2018. Via REUTERS. Abiy Ahmed, Ethiopia’s new Prime Minister, continues to receive messages of congratulations from his peers in Africa and from the global community. Leaders in the East Africa region took the lead with Somalia’s Mohammed Abdullahi Farmaajo and Kenya’s Uhuru Kenyatta issuing tweets hours after Abiy was sworn in on Monday, April 2. Both leaders expressed their continued commitment to work with Ethiopia in areas of mutual cooperation. A.U. President and Rwanda president Paul Kagame congratulated Abiy on March 28 when he was announced as new leader. As chairman of the AU on behalf of other African leaders wanted to express our solidarity with the Ethiopian people & their leaders as they continue to find from within and among themselves solutions to the recent political problems they faced! Kagame said in a tweet. The African Union (A.U.) which is headquartered in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, issued a statement in addition to a tweet by Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat who was part of the ceremony. The statement read in part: The Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union, Moussa Faki Mahamat, congratulates Dr. Abiy Ahmed Ali on his confirmation as the new Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, following the resignation of his predecessor, Hailemariam Desalegn. He welcomes the peaceful and smooth nature of the transition, which is a demonstration of political maturity. The United States embassy in Addis Ababa whiles congratulating the new Premier said it was ready to deepen democratic and economic cooperation but reiterated its hope that the February 16 state of emergency be lifted. The Chinese new outlet, Xinhua, also reports that the Sudanese government had extended its felicitations with Abiy for his elevation to Prime Minister. United Kingdom Foreign Affairs chef, Boris Johnson alse tweeted his congratulatory message. Ethiopia has a new Prime Minister. Another peaceful transition of power in Africa. Congratulations to PM Abiy Ahmed. You can count on the support of the European Union,” said Neven Mimica, EU Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development.

Ethiopia Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed receives global congratulations . 3 April 2018. Via REUTERS. Abiy Ahmed, Ethiopia’s new Prime Minister, continues to receive messages of congratulations from his peers in Africa and from the global community. Leaders in the East Africa region took the lead with Somalia’s Mohammed Abdullahi Farmaajo and Kenya’s Uhuru Kenyatta issuing tweets hours after Abiy was sworn in on Monday, April 2. Both leaders expressed their continued commitment to work with Ethiopia in areas of mutual cooperation. A.U. President and Rwanda president Paul Kagame congratulated Abiy on March 28 when he was announced as new leader. As chairman of the AU on behalf of other African leaders wanted to express our solidarity with the Ethiopian people & their leaders as they continue to find from within and among themselves solutions to the recent political problems they faced! Kagame said in a tweet. The African Union (A.U.) which is headquartered in the Ethiopian capital Addis

Somalia speaker of parliament refuses to resign amid political crisis. 3 April 2018. Auto Trigger run from Osuta Yusuf blog. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “They are asking me to resign, but I am not going to resign, I do not work for them,” the words of a defiant Mohamed Osman Jawari, Somalia’s Speaker of Parliament. Confusion has rocked the lower legislative chamber for the past weeks. The crisis has seen the house divided between supporters of the speaker on one hand and those of the Prime Minister, Ali Hassan Khaire. Speaker Jawari has been accused by elected officials of abuse of power and obstruction of constitutional reform. He has, however, survived a motion of no-confidence. There has been a rise of power struggle in the legislature. Ministers do not go to their offices because they are too much involved in this conflict, the deputies are also paralyzed by these struggles, with the public services not functioning well. This crisis has previously led to a heavy deployment of security personnel in and around the Assembly. The speaker of parliament called this move an “attempted coup.” A new motion of no confidence was suspended after President Farmaajo intervened. MP Mohamed Mohamud who supports the speaker bemoans the negative effect of the crisis on the country. “This dispute in parliament has a negative impact on the country, because there are internal struggles between the supreme branches of government such as parliament and the executive causing more insecurity. “There has been a rise of power struggle in the legislature. Ministers do not go to their offices because they are too much involved in this conflict, the deputies are also paralyzed by these struggles, with the public services not functioning well,” he said. The Upper House of Parliament has tried to mediate in the impasse, the biggest political crisis since the government took office a little over a year ago. President Farmaajo has had to postpone several meetings and foreign travels to try and end this crisis. The African Union, United Nations and other partners have voiced grave concern and also called for calm.

Somalia speaker of parliament refuses to resign amid political crisis . 3 April 2018. Auto Trigger run from Osuta Yusuf blog. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “They are asking me to resign, but I am not going to resign, I do not work for them,” the words of a defiant Mohamed Osman Jawari, Somalia’s Speaker of Parliament. Confusion has rocked the lower legislative chamber for the past weeks. The crisis has seen the house divided between supporters of the speaker on one hand and those of the Prime Minister, Ali Hassan Khaire. Speaker Jawari has been accused by elected officials of abuse of power and obstruction of constitutional reform. He has, however, survived a motion of no-confidence. There has been a rise of power struggle in the legislature. Ministers do not go to their offices because they are too much involved in this conflict, the deputies are also paralyzed by these struggles, with the pub

SHAME ON YOU UGANDA. Botswana swears in its 5th leader, President Mokgweetsi Masisi. 1 April 2018. The Southern African nation of Botswana has sworn-in its new president in the person of Mokgweetsi Masisi. The 55-year-old becomes the country’s 5th president. He took the oath of office before the country’s national assembly in the presence of the Chief Justice, the Speaker of Parliament and his immediate predecessor, Seretse Khama Ian Khama. The official oath was administered by Chief Justice Maruping Dibotelo. President Masisi went on to deliver his inaugural speech before inspecting a guard of honour mounted by the Botswana Defence Force. The young people, who make 60% of the population of this country, are the future leaders and therefore investing in them is building the bridge to the future. Masisi takes over a nation widely reputed across the world as one of Africa’s beacons of democracy. The diamond rich nation is also seen as one with sound economic management despite a seeming over dependency on the natural resource. Botswana law caps presidential tenures to two five-year terms, it allows the vice president to automatically fill the post should it become vacant. Khama came to power through a similar arrangement where he took over from the country’s third president Festus Mogae in 2008 before polls in 2009. The National Assembly will elect a new president after elections scheduled for October 2019. The immediate past president Ian Khama, 65, a retired army general who bowed out on March 31, 2018 after a nationwide farewell tour is known as a straight talker under whose watch the country all but broke diplomatic ranks. The Khama-led government publicly criticised leaders including US President Donald Trump for an alleged slur against African countries and former Zimbabwe’s president Robert Mugabe as well DRC’s Joseph Kabila for overstaying their welcome. In his inaugural address, he touched on challenges and prospects the country faced as he takes charge, saying; “As you all know, Botswana faces a myriad of challenges such as unemployment, poverty, crime, HIV and AIDS, alcohol and drug abuse, amongst others. “Therefore, one of my top priorities as the President of this country will be to address the problem of unemployment especially amongst the young people who constitute the majority of our population. The young people, who make 60% of the population of this country, are the future leaders and therefore investing in them is building the bridge to the future. “The realisation of the demographic dividend is of paramount and strategic importance since the success of our youth is the only guarantee of the long term economic prospects of Botswana. It is imperative therefore, for Government to redouble its effort to optimise the participation of our youthful population in the economy of this country,” he stressed.

Botswana swears in its 5th leader, President Mokgweetsi Masisi . 1 April 2018. Via REUTERS. The Southern African nation of Botswana has sworn-in its new president in the person of Mokgweetsi Masisi. The 55-year-old becomes the country’s 5th president. He took the oath of office before the country’s national assembly in the presence of the Chief Justice, the Speaker of Parliament and his immediate predecessor, Seretse Khama Ian Khama. The official oath was administered by Chief Justice Maruping Dibotelo. President Masisi went on to deliver his inaugural speech before inspecting a guard of honour mounted by the Botswana Defence Force. The young people, who make 60% of the population of this country, are the future leaders and therefore investing in them is building the bridge to the future. Masisi takes over a nation widely reputed across the world as one of Africa’s beacons of democracy. The diamond rich nation is also seen as one with sound economic management despite a seeming over d