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BREAKING NEWS. EGYPT LAUNCHES ITS OWN FACEBOOK VERSION, TO OVERSHADOW POPULAR SOCIAL MEDIA GIANT FACEBOOK. 24 March 2018. {My comment; Other people might say this is a development for Egypt and Africans at large. Garbage! People stop making such trash comments about trash developments. I heard the dull ICT charlatans working in #Uganda_Communication_Commission and ICT ministry screaming all over Newspapers / Televisions, Yeah we gonna develop our own Facebook and Internet sites. Idiots just. Who would even visit such a Trapping track site?. Only an idiot of an idiot would visit such government generated APPs and Sites. I bet Uganda is gonna applause Egypt for such a development. Guess what, Most African Rulers are stupid and illiterate. They become mad and greedy of power. They can do anything to sustain their stay in power! Thus, by using so many ways and one of them is through entrapping political / human rights activists via Internet. Ruthless rulers fear and hate speech of dissidents. Birds of the same feather, most times flock together}. MY MESSAGE TO THE EGYPTIANS; it's up on you unto decide for yourselves since the problems entailing these 2 countries (Egypt and Uganda) are different. #THANKS. Below is the article ________________________________________________________________________________________ AGYPT LAUNCHES FACEBOOK RIVAL, #EGPYT_FACE 23 March 2018. There is a new social media network launched in Egypt, EgyptFace is said to be a project by the government to rival the global tech giants, Facebook according to media reports. The network comes about two weeks after the Communications Minister,Yasser Al-Qadi, announced that Egypt was set to launch its own social network. Soon as Egypt Face was launched, a large number of people signed up for the new social network, some of whom called for their experience, although the site was still anonymous and was not endorsed by anyone,” a Lebanese news portal, An Nahar said. They added that: As per the date of registration of the site’s domain, it was registered on March 14, two days after the statements of the Minister of Communications. “The domain registrar’s contact information and owner were also hidden,” the report added. BELOW ARE SOME OBSERVATIONS WHEN YOU VISIT THE SITE: 1.The homepage is a direct reproduction of Facebook. 2.Users of Egypt Face can access the platform with three main languages – Arabic, U.S. English and French. Facebook has over a score of languages. 3.The site pools user statistics including Country, Region, City, Ip Address, the platform or Operating System they are using and Browser. 4.There were 513 members at the time  when the site was visited (11 GMT, March 23, 2018). 5.Like Facebook, members can share posts, upload photos, videos, audio and files among others. Egyptians online have roundly ridiculed the idea since it was announced in 12 March, many of them held that it was merely a ply by government and intelligence agencies to gather information about users and monitor their accounts. The north African country under president Abdul Fatteh Al-Sisi has routinely been accused of clamping down on online communication. Cairo has closed Facebook accounts whiles several online users have been arrested for “inciting against the state, army and police.”

BREAKING NEWS. EGYPT LAUNCHES ITS OWN FACEBOOK VERSION, TO OVERSHADOW POPULAR SOCIAL MEDIA GIANT FACEBOOK.  24 March 2018. {My comment; Other people might say this is a development for Egypt and Africans at large. Garbage! People stop making such trash comments about trash developments. I heard the dull ICT charlatans working in #Uganda_Communication_Commission and ICT ministry screaming all over Newspapers / Televisions, Yeah we gonna develop our own Facebook and Internet sites. Idiots just. Who would even visit such a Trapping track site?. Only an idiot of an idiot would visit such government generated APPs and Sites. I bet Uganda is gonna applause Egypt for such a development. Guess what, Most African Rulers are stupid and illiterate. They become mad and greedy of power. They can do anything to sustain their stay in power! Thus, by using so many ways and one of them is through entrapping political / human rights activists via Internet. Ruthless rulers fear and hate speech of disside

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LEMERIGA FADHIL HAS WRITTEN THIS: EX-TOWN CLERK BEATEN TO NEAR DEATH BY UPDF SOLDIERS. CREDIT; to my readers and followers, i do not share articles from other people. All the articles and opinions published on my website are mine, mine alone. I write my own articles. Stories that are not written by myself, are shared with the source and probably, i indicate the links where you could reach the writer. The reason i have chosen to share his article here on my website, is because it will be easy to be Googled and also because, i stand for humanity too. So, here is the link where you could reach Mr #Lemeriga 👇👇👇👇 Below is the article he has written. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The former town clerk of Moyo and Paidha Town Councils Mr Karim Okwonga wallowing in deep pain with scars all over his body at Anaka Hospital in Nwoya district after being beaten and tortured by the UPDF on the orders of a general from Acholi sub region who he claims want to grab his land. Instead of being helped to save his land, he will be taken to court over land he inherited from his ancestors.  Acholi sub region has the most arable fertile land in northern Uganda thus attracting grabbers from all walks of life.

LEMERIGA FADHIL HAS WRITTEN THIS: EX-TOWN CLERK BEATEN TO NEAR DEATH BY UPDF SOLDIERS. CREDIT; to my readers and followers, i do not share articles from other people. All the articles and opinions published on my website are mine, mine alone. I write my own articles. Stories that are not written by myself, are shared with the source and probably, i indicate the links where you could reach the writer. The reason i have chosen to share his article here on my website, is because it will be easy to be Googled and also because, i stand for humanity too. So, here is the link where you could reach Mr #Lemeriga 👇👇👇👇 lst =100009314063577%3A100002042472571%3A1521831500& fref = nf &pn_ref=story& refid =17&_ft_= qid .1676094937%3Amf_story_key.1606211206123613%3Atop_level_post_id.1606211206123613%3Atl_objid.1606211206123613%3Athrowback_story_fbid.1606211206123613%3Athid.100002042472571%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A0%3A1522565999%3A5404331302497

Nigeria deports ex-Cameroon minister wanted in anti-corruption crackdown 23 March 2018. Cameroon Cameroon’s former water and energy minister was arrested in Nigeria and flown home on Thursday, a police source and local media said, amid a crackdown on high-level corruption. Basile Atangana Kouna was removed from his ministerial position during President Paul Biya’s March 2 cabinet reshuffle. He had already been ordered the previous month not to leave the country. “Atangana Kouna is in Cameroon. He was arrested in Nigeria and sent back to Cameroon. He arrived this evening,” one police source, who asked not to be named as he was not authorised to speak to the press, told Reuters. Vision 4, a private television channel considered allied to Biya, reported that the former minister arrived at the international airport in the capital Yaounde at 6:20 pm (1720 GMT) escorted by police officers. Another channel, Canal 2 International, also reported his arrest in Nigeria and subsequent extradition back to Cameroon. Cameroon’s government spokesman was not immediately reachable for comment. Neither were officials in neighbouring Nigeria. It was not clear what charges Atangana Kouna was facing, but there was speculation on Thursday that he was arrested as part of an anti-corruption drive known as Operation Sparrowhawk. Three men – a former Ministry of Public Works official, the head of a state company, and the ex-rector of the University of Douala – were arrested as part of the operation earlier this week. Cameroon’s oil wealth has spawned a sprawling political patronage system fueled by revenues from crude exports. Transparency International ranked it 153 out of 180 countries on its annual corruption perceptions index.

Nigeria deports ex-Cameroon minister wanted in anti-corruption crackdown 23 March 2018. Via #REUTERS. Cameroon Cameroon’s former water and energy minister was arrested in Nigeria and flown home on Thursday, a police source and local media said, amid a crackdown on high-level corruption. Basile Atangana Kouna was removed from his ministerial position during President Paul Biya’s March 2 cabinet reshuffle. He had already been ordered the previous month not to leave the country. “Atangana Kouna is in Cameroon. He was arrested in Nigeria and sent back to Cameroon. He arrived this evening,” one police source, who asked not to be named as he was not authorised to speak to the press, told Reuters. Vision 4, a private television channel considered allied to Biya, reported that the former minister arrived at the international airport in the capital Yaounde at 6:20 pm (1720 GMT) escorted by police officers. Another channel, Canal 2 International, also reported his arrest in Nigeria and subsequen

Gunman in Trèbes, France, Opens Fire and Takes Hostages. A video still showing security officers outside a supermarket in Trèbes, in southwest France, where a gunman was thought to be holding hostages. March 23, 2018 PARIS — A gunman opened fire and took hostages at a supermarket in southwestern France on Friday, in what the prime minister called a “serious situation,” rattling nerves in a country that has been the site of several terrorist attacks in recent years. An armed man entered a Super U market in Trèbes, about 50 miles southeast of Toulouse, claiming to be acting on behalf of the Islamic State group, although his connection to the militant group was unclear. The Paris prosecutor’s office, which handles terrorism cases nationwide, said that a terrorism investigation had been opened, but it did not elaborate. “Shots were heard, a man appears to be holed up in a supermarket, probably with hostages,” Prime Minister Édouard Philippe said from the eastern city of Mulhouse. “A police operation is underway.” “All of the information we have at the moment suggests that this is a terrorist attack,” Mr. Philippe said, but he declined to comment on conflicting French media reports that two people had been seriously wounded or even killed. France continues to be on high alert after deadly terrorist attacks struck the country in 2015 and 2016, mainly in Parisand Nice. Although there have not been any large attacks since the one in Nice in July 2016, there have been several smaller-scale assaults by lone individuals, and the French authorities regularly announce that new plots have been thwarted. The Interior Ministry said on Twitter that a police operation was underway in Trèbes, and Gérard Collomb, the interior minister, said he was heading to the scene. The local prefecture said on Twitter that the area around the Super U in that town had been cordoned off. Frédéric de Lanouvelle, a spokesman for the Interior Ministry, told the BFM TV news channel that the gunman was still inside the supermarket, but he said he could not confirm reports about any dead or wounded. Earlier Friday, in the neighboring city of Carcassonne, a group of four plainclothes police officers were followed by an armed man in a car who shot at them, according to Mr. Philippe. One officer was wounded, but his life is not at risk, Mr. Philippe said. Although Trèbes and Carcassonne are very close to each other, it is unclear if the incidents in the two cities were related. The police and security officers have been targeted in a string of attacks over the past two years. Three police officers — Franck Brinsolaro, Clarissa Jean-Philippe and Ahmed Merabet — were killed in attacks on the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdoand in a Paris suburb in January 2015. A year later, on the anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo attack, officers fatally shot a man with fake explosives as he tried to attack a police station in northern Paris. In June 2016, a Paris police captain and his longtime partner were killed in their home as their 3-year-old son watched. The attack, in Magnanville, was claimed by the Islamic State. In February 2017, a man armed with two large knives and shouting “God is great” lunged at a military patrol near an entrance to the Louvre. He was shot. A month later, a gunman was shot and killed by a military patrol at Orly Airport, south of Paris, after he attacked a soldier. And in April, Xavier Jugelé, 37, a Paris police officer who had responded to the attack at the Bataclan concert hall in November 2015, fell victim to terrorism himself. He was in a police vehicle on the heavily guarded Champs-Élysées when a gunman opened fire, killing him and wounding two other officers, along with a bystander.

Gunman in Trèbes, France, Opens Fire and Takes Hostages Image A video still showing security officers outside a supermarket in Trèbes, in southwest France, where a gunman was thought to be holding hostages. Via #REUTERS March 23, 2018. PARIS — A gunman opened fire and took hostages at a supermarket in southwestern France on Friday, in what the prime minister called a “serious situation,” rattling nerves in a country that has been the site of several terrorist attacks in recent years. An armed man entered a Super U market in Trèbes, about 50 miles southeast of Toulouse, claiming to be acting on behalf of the Islamic State group, although his connection to the militant group was unclear. The Paris prosecutor’s office, which handles terrorism cases nationwide, said that a terrorism investigation had been opened, but it did not elaborate. “Shots were heard, a man appears to be holed up in a supermarket, probably with hostages,” Prime Minister Édouard Philippe said from the eastern city of

Forty-four countries sign historic African Union free trade agreement March 2018. Forty-four African countries have signed up to a historic trade agreement aimed at paving the way for a liberalized market for goods and services across the continent. The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), an agreement cast in the mold of the European Union’s version was signed during the 10th Ordinary Session of African Union Heads of State summit held in the Rwandan capital, Kigali. The AfCFTA gives birth to the world’s largest free trade area since the World Trade Organization which was formed in 1995. A total of nineteen presidents were present whiles a number of Prime Ministers and government representatives also signed for their respective countries. In remarks on Tuesday during deliberations, host and current African Union (A.U.) president, Paul Kagame said: “This agreement is about trade in goods and services. These are the kinds of complex products that drive high income economies.” Under the theme: “Creating One African Market,” the initiative falls under the Agenda 2063 of the A.U. According to estimates, if all 55 members states of the AU ratify it, the agreement will bring together 1.2 billion people with a combined gross domestic product (GDP) of more than 2 trillion US Dollars.

Forty-four countries sign historic African Union free trade agreement March 2018. Forty-four African countries have signed up to a historic trade agreement aimed at paving the way for a liberalized market for goods and services across the continent. The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), an agreement cast in the mold of the European Union’s version was signed during the 10th Ordinary Session of African Union Heads of State summit held in the Rwandan capital, Kigali. The AfCFTA gives birth to the world’s largest free trade area since the World Trade Organization which was formed in 1995. A total of nineteen presidents were present whiles a number of Prime Ministers and government representatives also signed for their respective countries. In remarks on Tuesday during deliberations, host and current African Union (A.U.) president, Paul Kagame said: “This agreement is about trade in goods and services. These are the kinds of complex products that drive high income economies.” U