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UCC TO ARREST SOCIAL MEDIA ACTIVISTS OVER AGE LIMIT FRACUS. The government through UCC, is set to arrest all the opposition protesters. Wait, did you know that these people of UGANDA COMMUNICATION COMMISSION are bunch of hypocrites. Do even know how to hack an internet account. These people of UCC are just a malwa joint group.

As bitter exchanges between Ugandans supporting the removal of presidential age limit from the constitution and those opposed to it continue across the country, the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) has in a statement issued a stern warning that those using hate speech and promoting sectarianism among other offences will be dealt with by law. In a statement authored yesterday UCC says that despite the benefits electronic and social media has brought, some people have used it to violate the UCC Act that governs the communication platforms in the country, which according to the statement is not called for. UCC’s statement follows calls from opposition politicians in the country urging their supporters to use any means-physical or otherwise to “defend the constitution” by not allowing the removal of presidential age limit of 75 years above which no one can contest to be president of Uganda. The opposing sides have taken the battle to the social media, each calling the other all sorts


THIS IS A PROVERB FROM THE BIBLE BOOK OF ECCLESIASTIC. Which says, "The prayer of a sinner is death".


How could anyone know ever the sweet dreams i dreamed as a youth, could brought someone focus and grow, until now they turn as a truth. A truth filled with blessing and wonder, a truth filled with love and caring, a truth with voice and understanding, a truth with a message worth sharing. For you, my love filled all my dreams. Over a life, i thought never could be, now with you by my side, i am contented for my dreaming came true. I never gave up all my dreaming, i persisted because i just knew await for real love is worth waiting. Now with you by my side, my dream has come true. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.


Why should dictator Museveni complain that the land owners are asking too way much to compensate them for their land??? Land owner are also serving their financial interests as Museveni said he is not serving anybody but his family and political interests. NEVER TRUST DICTATOR MUSEVENI. Reject museveni land grabbing tactics.

Today, i am taking you to have a tour inthat forgotten part of Uganda called WESTNILE. Mr museveni has a natural hatred for the people of westnile! Look, during the campaign trail of 2015, he said the people therw in westnile are "ANYANYAS", i have no idea to how many languages his statement "ANYANYAS" translate into. Let's leave this one there. Coming to the topic of discussion. WHAT IS TAX HOLIDAY?

Tax holiday is when someone borrows money from the government, on condition that the borrower will operate his or her investment / business without being taxed in the duration period they signed on the agreement of that money borrowed. In that agreement, if the person who borrowed the money agreed to pay back the money in a duration of 5 years, then the person will import or export his or her goods  in a duration of also 5 years without being taxed. MY QUESTION IS; What qualifies someone to apply for "Tax holiday" program?. Absolutely, it is your interest or that little capital you have. How many people there in westnile have benefited in this tax holiday scheme?. Are those people there in westnile don't have interest or money to apply for it?. In most cases, those people in this regime sqoop these opportunities to benefit their people. Are those people there in westnile not human beings?????????????. PLEASE MY FELLOW PEOPLE THERE IN WESTNILE, UNIT TO RISE UP AND CONFRONT


We shut on a round table to discuss why Mr Museveni does not want to leave statehouse (Presidency), yet majority of the Ugandans are tired of him. One of the things we found was 'Fear'. Museveni thinks once he steps out of the presidency, people will revenge to him or he will be prosecuted for some other crimes he committed while he was on power since the current law bars incumbent President from being prosecuted. So, regardless of our political  party affiliations, we have formed a coalition dubbed  "SAVE UGANDAN PRESIDENTS, THEIR FAMILIES, THEIR ETHNICITY AND THEIR TRIBES FROM HEART OF REVENGE. REMOVE LAWS THAT HUMAN BEINGS USE FOR KILLING AND PAYING BACK". We have petitions which we need each one of you, Ugandans in diaspora and abroad to sign. This move will accord peaceful transition of power in Ugandan history. This coalition is violence free, no teargas and riots. The rage will not only save MUSEVENI or OPPOSITION, but it will also save all the incoming  PRESID


DUTIES OF A GOOD CITIZEN. People are always saying things like, “...government should do this for us, government should do that for us...” “...govermenti etuyambe…” These people are always talking about what the government should be doing for them but have they ever asked themselves what they should be doing for their country? Have they ever riyalle wondered? As a citizen of Uganda one is entitled to a number of freedoms and privilegdes well as much as this is guaranteed a citizen to has a number of duties and responsibilities to which include the responsibility to ; Acquainting oneself with the constitution and the defending efforts to uphold the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda. Promote rule of law and democracy. Engage in economic activities that guarantee development of the country. Promote safe parenthood and protection of children rights. Promote national unity and harmony in living with others. These are duties reflected in part 29 of the national objectives as under