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THE CHAIRMAN NRM ELECTORAL COMMISSION, KYADONDO ROAD KAMPALA.                                                                                        09-09-2020. Sir, RE: PETITION AGAINST THE ELECTION RESULTS OF THE NATIONAL RESISTANCE MOVEMENT PRIMARIES FOR WOMAN MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT MARACHA DISTRICT. The NRM primary elections for the Member of Parliament in Maracha district on 4-September-2020 and the results compiled and declared at the district headquarters on 5-September-2020. The elections were characterised by numerous irregularities. The directives of the National Party Chairman's instructions were not followed as was in his communication dated 2-September-2020 and addressed to all the NRM village executive committee. The opposition party supporters of National Unity Platform (NUP) Party and Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) were bribed and mobilised to line behind my opponent across the district. The results tallied were therefor not that of NRM supp

South Sudan President Salva Kiir has Been Awarded for Offering “Strategic Leadership and Good Governance” Through Crisis.

H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan was honored with an International Peace Award as a recipient of good Leadership and Governance. The International Peace Award was given to President Salva Kiir by the Universal Peace Federation International and the global network of Ambassadaors for Peace on the occasion of the final signing ceremony of the Sudan’s Peace Agreement in Juba on Saturday 3rd October 2020. This is the highest award of the Universal Peace Federation bestowed on individuals who manifest outstanding principles in leadership, integrating professional excellence and practical wisdom with moral and universal principles based living for the sake of others, in service to God and fellow citizens in their country and beyond. The letter from the UPF read, “It is our distinct honor and pleasure to inform Your Excellency that you have been selected as the recipient of the Leadership and Good Governance Award.” The UPF recognized particularly the outstan


Mr Saidy Baguma, an aspiring politician and professional lawyer with over eight years of experience, abets no pilfering. Do you know this rational and gentleman ?. Have you ever had a glimpse of eloquent Baguma Saidy ?. Did you ever at one time or twice, listened to hustings from his maws ?. If you have done or had all these above, about Mr Baguma Saidy, then he is felicitous person for Division Mayor Central Division Arua City 2021 to 2026. However, those who haven't got the above moments to Listen or watch him etiquetting anywhere and on any matter, don't worry! We will soon start to host him here, but remember to feel free and ask any question you would like Mr Baguma Saidy to answer ranging from Law, Politics and also in regards to his Candidature for Division Mayor, Central Division Arua City. He is ever ready and honest Man who yearns for solutions to problems hindering community from their freedom, from accessing Government, from accessing Services and much more

Russian Who Hacked LinkedIn, Dropbox Sentenced to 7 Years in Prison.

A Russian hacker who was found guilty of hacking LinkedIn, Dropbox, and Formspring over eight years ago has finally been sentenced to 88 months in United States prison, that's more than seven years by a federal court in San Francisco this week. Yevgeniy Aleksandrovich Nikulin, 32, of Moscow hacked into servers belonging to three American social media firms, including LinkedIn, Dropbox, and now-defunct social-networking firm Formspring, and stole data on over 200 million users. Between March and July 2012, Nikulin hacked into the computers of LinkedIn, Dropbox, and Formspring, and installed malware on them, which allowed him to remotely download user databases of over 117 Million LinkedIn users and more than 68 Million Dropbox users. According to the prosecutor, Nikulin also worked with unnamed co-conspirators of a Russian-speaking cybercriminal forum to sell customer data he stole as a result of his hacks. Besides hacking into the three social media firms, Nikulin has also


FULL LIST: FIND OUT WHICH MP BETRAYED POOR UGANDANS AS PARLIAMENT PASSED MOBILE MONEY TAX.  2nd-Oct-2018. Parliament has amended Excise Duty Act, 2014 to limit the taxable mobile money transactions to withdrawal and to reduce the duty payable from 1% to 0.5%. The highlight is Mwine Mpaka, a member of the NRM party and son to Minister Bright Rwamirama who voted against his party position to the surprise of fellow parliamentarians. Other MPs also belonging to the NRM voted against their party as seen on the list below. Before the list, it should be noted that the tax was first met with stiff resistance from the public who describe it as exploitative. Some observers say that by introducing the mobile money tax, Government seems to be stabbing itself in the back by taxing everything, including lifelines of its people especially the poor. Key: Yes – Scrap the tax No – Retain the tax Full list Ababiku Jesica-No Abacacon Charles-Absent David Abala-Yes Cathbert Abigaba-No Achen Christi

Congolese Arrested in Nimule South Sudan, for Selling Dogs Meat.

An 18-year-old Congolese national, Daii David, was on Tuesday arrested by police in Nimule town in South Sudan’s Eastern Equatoria state for selling dog meat. Captain Richard Clement, the acting Inspector of Police in Nimule, told radio Tamazuj on Wednesday that the suspect admitted that it is not the first time he killed and sold dog meat in the town. “On the 29th (last month), someone saw a person butchering a dog and that he has been doing that several times. He was seen under the bridge and someone brought the information to the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) and we went and arrested him.  We asked him why he was doing this and he said he is a businessman doing this work and that there was no one to support him financially. He admitted that he has done this work for a long time without people’s knowledge.” Captain Clement said. The Eastern Equatoria State CID Director, Colonel Gabriel Guet Koang, confirmed the incident, saying there must be a solution to ensure al


The month of October is the month in which the Constitution of Uganda was promulgated and adopted. With the recent uproar on proposed changes to the Constitution, wouldn’t it be good if we got to know what the Constitution actually says? With this idea in mind, starting today, we will be putting up one post a day on particular Articles of the Constitution with the aim of going through the entire Constitution by the end of October. Lets all get to know more about the main/ parent law of Uganda. HOW THE CONSTITUTION CAME INTO BEING ?. Between 1971 when President Idi Amin took over power and 1995 there was no substantive Constitution in force in Uganda. A Constitution was finally commencedon 8th October 1995, just before the 9th of October, a day which marks the independence of Uganda. The Making of this Constitution can be traced back to 1988 when the NRC (National Resistance Council) (which then acted as a legislature for the country) passed a Constitutional Commission Statute.