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Is Your EV Charging Station Safe? New Security Vulnerabilities Uncovered.

#we_inform_the_uninformed . Two new security weaknesses discovered in several electric vehicle (EV) charging systems could be exploited to remotely shut down charging stations and even expose them to data and energy theft. The findings, which come from Israel-based SaiFlow, once again demonstrate the potential risks facing the EV charging infrastructure. The issues have been identified in version 1.6J of the Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) standard that uses WebSockets for communication between EV charging stations and the Charging Station Management System (CSMS) providers. The current version of OCPP is 2.0.1. “The OCPP standard doesn’t define how a CSMS should accept new connections from a charge point when there is already an active connection,” SaiFlow researchers Lionel Richard Saposnik and Doron Porat said. “The lack of a clear guideline for multiple active connections can be exploited by attackers to disrupt and hijack the connection between the charge point and the CSMS.” Th

MPs Chase Away Ministry of Defence Officials Over Budget and Impunity.

The Chief of Defence Forces , Gen Wilson Mbadi and Defence Minister Vincent Ssempijja (right) before the parliamentary Committee on Defence yesterday . PHOTO/DAVID LUBOWA. By Arthur Arnold Wadero. What you need to know: Lawmakers also wanted an explanation on action taken against errant army officers Lawmakers on the parliamentary Committee on Defence and Internal Affairs yesterday chased away officials from the Ministry of Defence and Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) from the meeting for allegedly ambushing them with a pile of documents. The committee meeting to scrutinise the Budget Framework Paper [BFP] for Financial Year 2022/2023 of the Ministry of Defence ended prematurely after a majority of legislators resolved to send away Defence Minister Vincent Ssempijja, his deputy Jacob Oboth Oboth and the Chief of Defence Forces (CDF) Gen Wilson Mbasu Mbadi. The legislators said they needed to scrutinise the budget draft, understand the expenditures of the closing Financial Year, an

MPs Chase Away Ministry of Defence Officials Over Budget and Impunity.

The Chief of Defence Forces , Gen Wilson Mbadi and Defence Minister Vincent Ssempijja (right) before the parliamentary Committee on Defence yesterday . PHOTO/DAVID LUBOWA. By Arthur Arnold Wadero. What you need to know: Lawmakers also wanted an explanation on action taken against errant army officers Lawmakers on the parliamentary Committee on Defence and Internal Affairs yesterday chased away officials from the Ministry of Defence and Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) from the meeting for allegedly ambushing them with a pile of documents. The committee meeting to scrutinise the Budget Framework Paper [BFP] for Financial Year 2022/2023 of the Ministry of Defence ended prematurely after a majority of legislators resolved to send away Defence Minister Vincent Ssempijja, his deputy Jacob Oboth Oboth and the Chief of Defence Forces (CDF) Gen Wilson Mbasu Mbadi. The legislators said they needed to scrutinise the budget draft, understand the expenditures of the closing Financial Year, an