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Showing posts from February, 2020


I would wish to inflect to my fellow Ugandans and whole World, about the ethos of etiquette Hon Minister Anite who has infinited unswerving capabilities. I am writing all these regardless of Gender, Political and Tribal differences, which i observe has ever been distracting the visual sense of Our People! Thus;- their visual impairment makes them to look at the "Good" as the "Bad" and they criticise everything. This Young Lady who was elected as MP in 2016 General Elections, then later on appointed by President Museveni as Minister for Investment and Privatisation has rendered formulatively signifying impingement to rigorous obligations. However, in prodigious probity, Hon Anite's Actions far exceeded her prescriptiveness from the Campaigns for 2016 General Elections, when she promoted unpartial engross of Youth Groups, Women Groups, Elders Groups and the entire Country, through her overzealous efforts of fighting Corruption, effective Service Delivery and Noble

ICC Declares To Launch Investigations On Israel Over War Crimes Committed In Palestinian Territories.

Israel set to be investigated for war crimes in Palestinian Territories, ICC announces A full investigation into alleged war crimes in the Palestinian Territories is to be launched by the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor, prompting a fierce backlash from Israel. Fatou Bensouda said the probe could result in charges against both Israelis and Palestinians.  “I am satisfied that ... war crimes have been or are being committed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip,” she said in a statement on Friday 28-Feb-2020. Bensouda added that because the Palestinian Territories had requested the intervention of the court she did not need to request approval from judges to start an investigation. However, she has asked the ICC’s pre-trial chamber to rule on what geographical location it can investigate. The probe will be launched pending a decision on geographical jurisdiction. 1/5 Tamer al-Wakeel lived with his family in the buil

Gulu Pastor Florence Lanyero Been Arraigned In Court For illigal Possession And Wearing Of Army Uniform.

        Pastor Florence in army uniform Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) has charged a Gulu town based pastor for illegal possession of properties. Pastor Florence Lanyero was arrested last Sunday by a combined team of UPDF soldiers and police officers from her home at Kasubi Village in Bardege Division. A photo that wildly circulated on social media in the past two weeks showed Pastor Lanyero dressed in an army uniform and had ranks of a captain. On Friday, she appeared in Lumumba Hall where a court was being held at the 4th Division army headquarters in Gulu town. Lanyero is said to have threatened more than three people by sending them her pictures while clad in army uniforms. Pastor Florence Lanyero aboard a Uganda People’s Defence Force pick-up truck on February 27, 2020. Pastor Lanyero is the head of Rest Arena Church in Bardege Division in Gulu Town. Col George Nambafu, the 4th Division court martial chairperson, told Pastor Lanyero that she was being tried over unlawful po

Rwandan President Kagame Reshuffles Cabinet Ministers, Deflects Pro-Uganda Ministers.

President Paul Kagame on Wednesday evening reshuffled the cabinet making major changes to key ministries notably Health and Education. Dr Daniel Ngamije was appointed Minister of Health, replacing Dr Diane Gashumba who resigned two weeks ago. Dr Daniel Ngamije previously worked for the World Health Organisation. Valentine Uwamariya was named Minister for Education, replacing Eugene Mutimura. Mutimura was appointed as the Head of Science and Technology Commission. Uwamariya was the Deputy Vice-Chancellor in Charge of Trainings, Institutional Development and Research at Rwanda Polytechnic and also a senior lecturer at University of Rwanda. In the same ministry, Gaspard Twagirayezu was appointed Minister of State in charge of Primary and Secondary Education. He replaced Isaac Munyakazi who also stepped down two weeks ago following corruption-related charges. Inès Mpambara who was previously serving as Director of Cabinet in the Office of the President was appointed Minister in cha

New Vulnerability In 4G and 5G Networks Could Allow Hackers To Trick Network Service Providers And Users Of Smartphones, Tablets And IoT Devices.

A group of academics from Ruhr University Bochum and New York University Abu Dhabi have uncovered security flaws in 4G LTE and 5G networks that could potentially allow hackers to impersonate users on the network and even sign up for paid subscriptions on their behalf. The impersonation attack — named "IMPersonation Attacks in 4G NeTworks" (or IMP4GT) — exploits the mutual authentication method used by the mobile phone and the network's base station to verify their respective identities to manipulate data packets in transit. "The IMP4GT attacks exploit the missing integrity protection for user data, and a reflection mechanism of the IP stack mobile operating system. We can make use of the reflection mechanism to build an encryption and decryption oracle. Along with the lack of integrity protection, this allows to inject arbitrary packets and to decrypt packets," the researchers explained. The research was presented at the Network Distributed Syste

MPs Reject Proposal to Scrap Independent Aspiring Candidates, Citing it is Unconstitutional.

        Speaker Kadaga making her way to the Chambers. Parliament on Thursday passed the Presidential Elections (Amendment) Bill 2019. On independently sponsored presidential candidates, MPs shot down a proposal to limit such candidates with requirements such as proof of having been discharged by their parties. Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister, Hon Ephraim Kamuntu, was left to defend the proposal alone. “The system of political governance is multiparty; consequently, if you take it together with article 83, you will realise the importance of this provision; this clause is controversial so I beg that you give us time,” said Kamuntu. The original clause had suggested a minimum period of 12 months within which an individual seeking to run for president as an independent candidate should have relinquished the membership of a registered political party. MPs rejected the proposal. MP Jonathan Odur (UPC, Erute South) termed the proposal unconstitutional. “What if your political par

This Day 28-Feb-2020 is in History. The most Wanted Ugandan Cyber Expert and Government Critic, TVO Goes Facebook LIVE, for the first time in History. @tomokwalinga #Tom_Voltaire_Okwalinga #osutayusuf @osutayusuf

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This Day 28-Feb-2020 is in History. The most Wanted Ugandan Cyber Expert and Government Critic, TVO Goes Facebook LIVE, for the first time in History. @tomokwalinga #Tom_Voltaire_Okwalinga #osutayusuf @osutayusuf

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Google Advises Android Developers to Encrypt App Data On Devices.

Google has published a blog post recommending mobile app developers to encrypt data that their apps generate on the users' devices, especially when they use unprotected external storage that's prone to hijacking. Moreover, considering that there are not many reference frameworks available for the same, Google also advised using an easy-to-implement security library available as part of its Jetpack software suite. The open-sourced Jetpack Security (aka JetSec) library lets Android app developers easily read and write encrypted files by following best security practices, including storing cryptographic keys and protecting files that may contain sensitive data, API keys, OAuth tokens. To give a bit of context, Android offers developers two different ways to save app data. The first one is app-specific storage, also known as internal storage, where the files are stored in a sandboxed folder meant for a specific app's use and inaccessible to other apps on the same device

Minister Anite Warmly Hits Koboko Today In Style By Having Meaningful Meeting With Koboko Boda Boda Operators Association, To Discuss Their Challenges And Ideas.

Kicked off the day with an awesome productive meeting with my constituents and members of the Koboko boda boda operators association. We exchanged ideas about how best to increase productivity, household income and also devised solutions to some of the challenges they face in their day to day lives.

People Power Politicians Been Mocked For Masquerading To Score Political Points On The Death of Daniel Kyuyeni Who was Gunned Down in a Scuffle at Nansa on Tuesday 25-Feb-2020.

Trouble is when you claim to have a supporter and it turns out he is not your supporter after preparing to get all the initial sympathy.  Joel Ssenyonyi was at Mulago in the morning asking for the body of the Daniel as if he was the relative, we all know bodies are handed over to relatives not politicians, the dude want to take the body around doing profession with it. Why should we go this low? Why should we take advantage of the victims?  Apparently the victim was an NRM supporter ”mbu” says the parents, did he have a Facebook account for our investigators to confirm?  It appears those that were preparing to attend burial and collect sympathy points may not be invited this time round. Anti management reserves the right of admission, family terms and conditions apply. Politics is such a dirty game, Titus stay away from politics of insults and wait for 2021.  RIP Daniel.  #theinformant  Where Credibility Matters

Video Footage: CCTV Camera at the Crime Scene Was “Faulty” in the Moment Bobi Wine Supporter Nabukenya Was Killed On 24-Feb-2020 - Police Has Said.

Police Spokesperson Fred Enanga The Uganda Police Force have said that the CCTV camera at the scene where People Power supporter Ritah Nabukenya got killed was faulty. Nabukenya was allegedly killed on Monday after a Police patrol van ran over her as she made her way to Nakawa Magistrates Court where musician turned politician Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine was scheduled to appear over Over The Top (OTT) tax case. Police has since denied the allegations, saying Nabukenya died in an accident that involved two Bodaboda which collided near a Police patrol van. Speaking to a local daily, police spokesperson Fred Enanga said the CCTV at the scene in Nakawa Division was faulty at the time of the accident. “At the time of the incident, the network of the CCTV camera at that place was off and it did not have power until 10pm in the night. We are, however, still assessing the incident to see if we can retrieve some information from the cameras close to it. When we get the footage, I will sha

Speaker of Parliament, Hon Kadaga Orders Government to Appoint Deputy Governor at Bank Of Uganda.

Speaker kadaga The Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga has directed Finance Minister Matia Kasaija to ask President Yoweri Museveni to appoint a Deputy Governor at Bank of Uganda. Bank of Uganda is the central bank that regulates all the financial transactions in the country and this is the second time the Speaker has issued the directive over the vacant position of Deputy Governor after the expiry of Dr. Louis Kasekende contract. Ms Kadaga was responding to a government statement on vacant position at the central bank. In a statement read by State Minister in charge Microfinance, Haruna Kasolo, Minister Kasaija sought to ally that the delayed appointment of the new Deputy Governor had created a crisis at BoU. Minister Kasolo told the house that all is well at the central bank despite the vacant position of the Deputy Governor. “I would want to assure you and the country that the Governor Bank of Uganda, together with the board and management are fully in charge of the bank’s affairs

ELECTION INCREDIBILITY. The Western Countries and the Western Medias are at it again. Vote manipulation! Another Cambridge Analytica Scandal coming up again... #Technology_Power #osutayusuf @osutayusuf

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JUST NOW. Government Bans Makerere And Uganda Christian University From Admitting Dental And Medical Students, as Kampala International University is Given Go Ahead.

Kampala International University. Makerere University has been ordered to stop the admission of dental students over dentistry’s failure to meet minimum requirements for training of students. Uganda’s oldest University was ordered by the East African Community (EAC), national medical and dental practitioner’s boards and councils following third joint inspection of medical and dental schools and teaching hospitals in Uganda. The inspection was carried out from 10th to 14th February 2020. The inspection which was rolled out in seven universities offering medical and dental courses executed by a team composed of the chairpersons, registrars and the chairpersons of education committee of the EAC partner states medical and dental councils. The officials saw a number of gaps which need to be bridged for production of well qualified medical officers and dental surgeons. The inspection took place in Uganda Christian University (UCU) School of medicine Mengo, Uganda Christian University (UCU) s

ELECTION INCREDIBILITY. The Western Countries and the Western Medias are at it again. Vote manipulation! Another Cambridge Analytica Scandal coming up again... #Technology_Power #osutayusuf @osutayusuf

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This Is a Letter To Ministry Of Finance, Planning And Economic Development, Applausing Aunti-Corruption Unit Of State House, For Embarking On Fighting Corruption Scandals Accross Uganda.

C/O MATUA JOB RICHARD +256704023756 / +256784516579 / +256780264121 / +256703366579, @Jobmatua 24-Feb-2020. The Permanent Secretary Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. ATTENTION: The Accountant General Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development Dear Sir, RE: APPRECIATION FOR THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION. Reference is hereby made to the information on the Twitter Account of Anti-Corruption Unit of State House, which appeared today In the report, The Permanent Secretary Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development, Mr. Keith Muhakanizi and Accountant General Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development Mr. Ssemakula Lawrence were cited for whistle blowing of Corruption in four local governments. The amount of almost 2 Billions was stolen from government by those criminals. The purpose of this letter is, therefore, to Sincerely appreciate

Opposition Cries Out; The Current Electoral Commission Is Bias, Cannot Deliver a Free and Credible Elections in 2021.

Mr . Semujju Nganda The main opposition party in Uganda, Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) has said that the current Electoral Commission cannot deliver a free and credible election as prescribed in the constitution. According to party Spokesperson Ibrahim Semujju Nganda who doubles as Kira Municipality Member of Parliament, Electoral Commission headed by Justice Simon Byabakama has displayed signs of bias publicly in favor of Museveni who handpicked them. “The processes leading to compilation and display of the voters’ register are contested and remain unresolved. The Electoral Commission stopped registering voters in December last year more than a year to the next general elections. And in their new register, they have omitted Ugandans who have kept registering with National Identification and Registration of Persons Authority (NIRA).” He said Semujju said that there are citizens who registered with NIRA but are missing on the voters register yet the credibility of any election depen

ISO And IGG Start Fresh Investigations on Former Top Bank Of Uganda Officials; Kasekende, Bagyenda And Others.

Embattled former Executive Director in charge of Supervision at Bank of Uganda Justine Bagyenda. Internal  Security Organisation and Inspectorate of Government have commenced fresh investigation on top Bank of Uganda officials. According to sources, former Deputy Governor, Louis Kasekende, former Executive Director Supervision, Justine Bagyenda, Director Legal, Margaret Kasule and  Benedict Ssekabira, the director of Financial Markets Development Coordination (FMDC) are the top officials lined up for probing. According to sources, ISO has been drawn in because previous investigations by the office of IGG have never been made public and as such, there is a likelihood that they are compromised. “The appointment authority is unhappy with IGG delay on findings of the investigation on the top leaders at BoU. And therefore, he has instructed ISO to join the fresh investigation so as to have a genuine report” said a source. State House Anti-Corruption Unit headed by Lt. Col. Edith Nakalema is

A Group Photo Of Arua Business Community, After Having a Planning Meeting Today 23-Feb-2020 in Preparation to Mark the 10 Years of Onduparaka FC.

In today's meeting, the proprietor of Nile Star Bus, Mr Twaha gave Shillings 1.5M cash to Mr Atima Jackson who is the chairman chamber of commerce.  Among other persons who gave in their contribution were Mr Muse, Mr Yenga, Blue Dove hotel, Tropical suits. In Pictorial; Regional Police Commander, RDC and Deputy RDC, Tycoon Muse, and among others.

GOOD NEWS THEN. Microsoft Brings Defender Antivirus For Linux, Coming Soon For Android And iOS Users.

Almost within a year after releasing Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) for macOS Computers, Microsoft today announced a public preview of its antivirus software for various Linux distributions, including Ubuntu, RHEL, CentOS and Debian. If this news hasn't gotten you excited yet... Microsoft is also planning to soon release Defender ATP anti-malware apps for smartphones and other devices running Google's Android and Apple's iOS mobile operating systems. "We know our customers' environments are complex and heterogeneous. Providing comprehensive protection across multiple platforms through a single solution and streamlined view is more important than ever," the Company said. "Next week at the RSA Conference, we'll provide a preview of our investments in mobile threat defense with the work we're doing to bring our solutions to Android and iOS." I am sure you might have heard this many times that 'Linux doesn't need anti

Google Bans 600 Android Apps from Play Store for Serving Disruptive Ads To Smartphone Users.

Google has banned nearly 600 Android apps from the Play Store for bombarding users with disruptive ads and violating its advertising guidelines. The company categorizes disruptive ads as "ads that are displayed to users in unexpected ways, including impairing or interfering with the usability of device functions," such as a full-screen ad served when attempting to make a phone call. Although Google didn't name the specific apps in question, many of the apps — which had been installed more than 4.5 billion times — primarily targeted English-speaking users and were mainly from developers based in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and India, according to Buzzfeed. Highlighting that malicious developers are getting "more savvy in deploying and masking disruptive ads," the company said it has developed new counter mechanisms to detect such behavior. Trouble in Google Play Store. This is not the first time adware apps have been removed from the Google Play Store. B


After the election victory of 2016, she was approached by the NRM chairman of Tara sub county, Ahmed Bran with the letter of the Ojapi air raid victims claims for  compensation  written way back in 2014.  He said that the matter had not received due attention and that she should help follow this matter. As one of her key resolutions to deliver justice to the victims, she gave a copy of the claimants letter to the President at State House Entebbe  in July 2016. One week after her meeting with HE Museveni ,a response was given in a letter dated 12th July 2016 addressed to the Solicitor General to handle the matter. Since then she has been following it up at different levels including writing to the Prime Minister and raising it on the floor of Parliament. She said, she is glad the office of the CDF has so far carried two verification exercises on the ground. One last year and another one this week.  On Wednesday this week when she talked to the vic

BREAKING NEWS. Facebook Introduces Free Domain Verification for Online Publications.

Domain verification is a free but essential process that will allow you to register your news Page. By registering your news Page, you can gain access to products and programs that benefit news publishers. Verify Domain Play -2:21 Mute Additional Visual Settings Enter Fullscreen Benefits of Domain Verification Protect the integrity of your Page When your business shares content on Facebook, you should control how that content is shown. Domain verification supports the protection and integrity of your content to ensure it isn't being misrepresented. Register your news Page on Facebook With domain verification, only verified owners can edit the way their content appears on Facebook. And once you’ve successfully verified your domain, your Page’s administrator can register your news Page on Facebook. Verify Domain Learn More Who should Register for news Page Any Page on Facebook that primarily publishes journalism intended to inform people about current events or information, s

Sometimes It Is Better To Know History. How Nigeria Became A 36 State Country.

Today, Buzz is taking you down memory lane on how Nigeria evolved from being a Federal State of three Regions (Northern, Western, and Eastern) to a 36 state country. The states are further divided into a total of 774 Local Government Areas. At the time of independence in 1960, Nigeria was a Federal State of three Regions: Northern, Western, and Eastern. Additionally, provinces, which were a legacy of colonial and protectorate times, remained extant until they were abolished in 1976. In fact, as at 1960 to 1966, there was no such thing as a state in the country. What we had then was the Northern region, Western region, Eastern region, and the Mid-Western region. In 1967, the regions were replaced by 12 states due to a military decree; only the former Mid-Western Region escaped division, and formed a single state following the restructuring. From 1967 to 1970 the Eastern Region attempted to secede, as a nation called Biafra during the Nigerian civil war. In 1976, seven new states were cr