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Showing posts from April, 2018

FACEBOOK PLANS TO BUILD ITS OWN CHIPS FOR HARDWARE DEVICES. A new job opening post on Facebook suggests that the social network is forming a team to build its own hardware chips, joining other tech titans like Google, Apple, and Amazon in becoming more self-reliant. According to the post, Facebook is looking for an expert in ASIC and FPGA—two custom silicon designs to help it evaluate, develop and drive next-generation technologies within Facebook—particularly in artificial intelligence and machine learning. The social media company is seeking to hire an expert who can "an end-to-end SoC/ASIC, firmware and driver development organization, including all aspects of front-end and back-end standard cell ASIC development," reads the job listing on Facebook's corporate website. SoC (system-on-a-chip) is a processor typically used in mobile devices with all the components required to power a device, while ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) is a customized piece of silicon designed for a narrow purpose that companies can gear toward something specific, like mining cryptocurrency. FPGA (field programmable gate array) is an adaptable chip designed to be a more flexible and modular design that can be tuned to speed up specific jobs by running a particular piece of software. First reported by Bloomberg, building its own processors would help the social media giant reduce dependency on companies such as Qualcomm and Intel, who hold the lion's share of the processor market. Reportedly Apple, who already makes its own A-series custom chips for iPhones, iPads and other iThings, has planned to use its custom-designed ARM chips in Mac computers starting as early as 2020, replacing the Intel processors running on its desktop and laptop hardware. Google has also developed its own artificial intelligence chip, and Amazon is reportedlydesigning its custom hardware to improve Alexa-equipped devices. The plan to invest in building its own processors could help Facebook to power its artificial intelligence software, servers in its data centers, as well as its future hardware devices, like Oculus virtual reality headsets and smart speakers (similar to Amazon Echo and Google Home). Using its custom chips would also allow the social media company to gain more control over its own hardware roadmap better and eventual feature set to offer better performance to its users. Facebook has not commented on the news yet, so at this time, it is hard to say where the company will deploy its in-house chips.

FACEBOOK PLANS TO BUILD ITS OWN CHIPS FOR HARDWARE DEVICES. A new job opening post on Facebook suggests that the social network is forming a team to build its own hardware chips, joining other tech titans like Google, Apple, and Amazon in becoming more self-reliant. According to the  post , Facebook is looking for an expert in ASIC and FPGA—two custom silicon designs to help it evaluate, develop and drive next-generation technologies within Facebook—particularly in artificial intelligence and machine learning. The social media company is seeking to hire an expert who can "an end-to-end SoC/ASIC, firmware and driver development organization, including all aspects of front-end and back-end standard cell ASIC development," reads the  job listing  on Facebook's corporate website. SoC (system-on-a-chip) is a processor typically used in mobile devices with all the components required to power a device, while ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) is a customized piece o

RE-REGISTRATION OF ALL THE SIMCARDS IN UGANDA AIDS THE GOVERNMENT TO EASILY SPY ON YOU. Some unscrupulous people working in Uganda government, use unregistered simcards to commit Crimes and Crimes Against humanity but the defacto government punishes every citizen for such a mismatch. The fact is, When you work either in most powerful offices within Uganda government or when you have close connections to those people working in some of the powerful offices: You are free to commit any crime, free to embezzle tax payer money / donor money, free to do anything illegal and expect yourself to walk free without prosecution or expect yourself to be freed by Court. Below is the Junk by Unwanted-Witness. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The current actions by Uganda Communications Commission suggest overlooking its overall obligation to safeguard citizens’ online freedoms and instead resorting to surveillance aimed at clamping down on free online media after the same body highly censored traditional/mainstream media in the country. Early this week, UCC wrote to all Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the country directing them to immediately suspend provision of carriage to any online data communication service provider (news provider) that has not been authorized by UCC. In March 2018, UCC issued a public notice directing all online publishers to register and obtain authorization from the regulator before April 2nd 2018. “UCC is ultimately seeking to gain control over owners of online platforms, intimidate them and censor content being published online. This presents a dark future for freedom of expression and right to privacy online since Internet is the only existing independent dashboard of ideas in Uganda today” Said Dorothy Mukasa, the Chief Executive Officer, the Unwanted Witness The Unwanted Witness wishes to remind the said government institutions of Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human rights that provides; “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” The above is in line with the1995 constitution of the Republic of Uganda under Article 29 that provides for the protection of freedom of expression. Expression as noted connotes the right to freely speak out regardless of frontier. Recalling that the internet is a source of information, independent news and provides platforms where individuals can express their thoughts, opinion and views, such should be kept unrestricted for the enjoyment of such rights ordinarily enjoyed offline, especially freedom of expression that has no frontiers. Uganda Communication Commission is known for the continuousshutdown of radio stations which have presented critical opinions against government and in 2016 directed ISPs to block social media platforms twice. The Unwanted Witness would thus wish to remind the Uganda communications Commission of its mandate of providing a facilitating environment for access to the Internet and not working to the contrary. Orders to mobile networks such as those directing to block online media aim at curtailing Internet freedoms as witnessed on the Election Day. Such actions remind us of the growing interests by government to policing and controlling how such freedoms and rights are to be enjoyed online especially the right to assemble, association, the freedoms of expression, speech, thought as well as the right to privacy online, the right to communicate anonymous and the right to encrypt.

RE-REGISTRATION OF ALL THE SIMCARDS IN UGANDA AIDS THE GOVERNMENT TO EASILY SPY ON YOU. Some unscrupulous people working in Uganda government, use unregistered simcards to commit Crimes and Crimes Against humanity but the defacto government punishes every citizen for such a mismatch. The fact is, When you work either in most powerful offices within Uganda government or when you have close connections to those people working in some of the powerful offices: You are free to commit any crime, free to embezzle tax payer money / donor money, free to do anything illegal and expect yourself to walk free without prosecution or expect yourself to be freed by Court. Below is the Junk by Unwanted-Witness. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The current actions by Uganda Communications Commission suggest overlooking its overall obligation to safeguard citizens’ online freedoms and instead resorting to surveillance aimed

Nigerian senator behind Buhari impeachment motion assaulted. REUTERS. A Nigerian senator who initiated a motion of impeachment against President Buhari last week has been reportedly harassed by suspected supporters of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) party. Senator Mathew Urhoghide who represents people in the southern Edo State last week initiated an impeachment motion against Buhari over the withdrawal of funds without the necessary legislative approval. He, however, stressed in an interview with the Vanguard news portal that he was not fazed by the APC members who attacked him at the Benin State airport late last week. The Senator in narrating his ordeal said a young man violently approached him, hit his head, removed his hat and threw it away in the full glare of the state Governor and the police chief yet they did nothing about it. “If this game is not played along the direction that some people want it, then they see you as a deviant. That is what you saw yesterday, asking a riffraff, a boy of no consequence to lay his hands on me, an elected representative of the people, a serving Senator, it is a shame on this country. According to him, his action was in the interest of protecting the larger public interest and more so part of the discharge of his constitutional mandate as a lawmaker. “I don’t have any regret for what I said. I stand on it. Where did I embarrass the President? Because of selfish interest here and people want to show to the President that everybody is cowed in Edo. “This is not a war I want to fight on partisan basis. I have immunity on what I said at the floor of the Senate. I am being crucified outside for what I said during plenary. I am going to report back to the Senate. All the security agencies must see the threat I am subjected to because I performed my duty as a Senator “They have promised to deal with me. If not for the State Commissioner of Police yesterday, nobody knows what would have happened. I obeyed the Police Commissioner; I remained where I was until the Governor came. “We were side by side talking when a boy hit my head. The Governor walked away. Before I left Abuja, I knew what was happening and the person responsible for it. I called him to tell him that it was unnecessary, but he didn’t pick his calls.‎ “It would be cowardice for me to abort the journey. I want to see what will happen, they display their thuggery, I am not cowed by it. I will represent my constituency and do whatever I want to do. I am going to take it to a proper court. “It is a shame that at this time of our political development when other nations are moving in the right direction and the type of representation the eight Assembly has provided since 2015, people could still be cowed and harassed because of the views they have expressed which is defending the constitution. Buhari earlier this month openly stated that he will seek the APC’s candidature to run for a final term in elections due for 2019. A major challenge his administration faces is the incidence of intercommunal clashes that have claimed lives of scores of people. The Catholic bishops of Nigeria in a recent communication urged Buhari not to stand for another term given that he had failed to secure the country from the current security crisis. The main opposition People’s Democratic Party (PDP) have yet to pick a candidate for the polls. The communal clashes in the middle belt is not the only security headache the administration faces, Boko Haram insurgents are still a threat in parts of the country’s northeast.

Nigerian senator behind Buhari impeachment motion assaulted . REUTERS. A Nigerian senator who initiated a motion of impeachment against President Buhari last week has been reportedly harassed by suspected supporters of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) party. Senator Mathew Urhoghide who represents people in the southern Edo State last week initiated an impeachment motion against Buhari over the withdrawal of funds without the necessary legislative approval. He, however, stressed in an interview with the Vanguard news portal that he was not fazed by the APC members who attacked him at the Benin State airport late last week. The Senator in narrating his ordeal said a young man violently approached him, hit his head, removed his hat and threw it away in the full glare of the state Governor and the police chief yet they did nothing about it. “If this game is not played along the direction that some people want it, then they see you as a deviant. That is what you saw yesterday, a

Sirleaf Blasts African Dictators, tells them to leave power. African leaders resisting “democratic transformation” must heed their citizens’ calls for change, former Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf said on Saturday after receiving an award aimed at promoting good leadership on the continent. Without naming specific countries or leaders, she referred to “laggard” countries in the region of one billion people who are “not meeting democratic transformation”. “Their own citizens are making the call for change and I don’t think they can continue to resist or deny that call for change,” Johnson Sirleaf told Reuters after accepting the award in Rwanda’s capital Kigali. The young people today are educated, skilful, demanding, and eventually we have to listen and I think that will happen to all those that are still lagging behind. Long-serving African leaders who have changed the law to stay in power include Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, 73, and Cameroon’s President Paul Biya, in power for 35 years. Johnson Sirleaf was awarded the 2017 Mo Ibrahim award, designed to improve the quality of African political leadership, after handing over power in her West African country’s first peaceful democratic transition in seven decades. “The pressure builds (for democracy),” she said. “The young people today are educated, skilful, demanding, and eventually we have to listen and I think that will happen to all those that are still lagging behind.” Africa’s first elected female head of state, and a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Johnson Sirleaf stepped down as president of war-scarred Liberia last month, making way for ex-international soccer star George Weah. She is only the fifth person to win 10-year-old Ibrahim Prize for Achievement in African Leadership, founded by Sudanese telecoms tycoon Mo Ibrahim, which has several times not been awarded for lack of a suitable candidate. The prize is $5 million paid out over 10 years, with another $200,000 annually throughout the winner’s lifetime. Johnson Sirleaf, a former World Bank and United Nations official, said this was unsurprising because many African nations do not meet the Foundation’s high standards. “Democracy is now moving at a fast pace but it hasn’t got everybody yet,” she said in an interview. “And even in stated democracies there is not enough … democracy in the sense of full competition, full support for those that have been marginalised from the political scene.” But Africa continues to change. In Burkina Faso, Blaise Compaore was ousted by protests in 2014 after he tried to amend the constitution to extend his decades-long rule, while Gambia’s ruler Yahya Jammeh fled after regional pressure ended his 22-year reign last year. Johnson Sirleaf said she was optimistic about recent transfers of power on the continent. Earlier this month, Ethiopia swore in a new prime minister after Hailemariam Desalegn quit to clear the way for reforms. In Zimbabwe, 94-year-old Robert Mugabe stood down as president in November, after the army and former political allies turned against him, ending nearly four decades of rule marred by allegations of corruption, human rights abuses and economic negligence. Zimbabwe is due to hold elections in July. Johnson Sirleaf defended her record in Liberia, saying her much-criticised efforts to fight corruption were hindered by a “culture” of graft “developed for many years of deprivation through conflict.”. REUTERS.

Sirleaf Blasts African Dictators, tells them to leave power . African leaders resisting “democratic transformation” must heed their citizens’ calls for change, former Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf said on Saturday after receiving an award aimed at promoting good leadership on the continent. Without naming specific countries or leaders, she referred to “laggard” countries in the region of one billion people who are “not meeting democratic transformation”. “Their own citizens are making the call for change and I don’t think they can continue to resist or deny that call for change,” Johnson Sirleaf told Reuters after accepting the award in Rwanda’s capital Kigali. The young people today are educated, skilful, demanding, and eventually we have to listen and I think that will happen to all those that are still lagging behind. Long-serving African leaders who have changed the law to stay in power include Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, 73, and Cameroon’s President Paul Biya, i

Everytime a Congolese Politician travels to Rwanda, we have to expect some dead in the Congo. We have to ban those trips.

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What a madness at the MINISTRY OF HEALTH!.

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WHAT COPING AND PASTING, PORTRAYS OF YOU.    Ugandans can not continue saying Uganda government is full of thieves! When, they, themselves are thieves too. A few freaking moments ago, i took some hours to peruse through what people were sharing and discussing in Whatsapp groups i admin and as well, a member too. Reaching at the bottom point of reading what other members share, i found out some people were sharing the articles i write on my website, without asking for my permission nor indicating Copyright. This is a blow in the DNA of most Ugandans. We much like to complain of being infiltrated by thieves in our Neighborhood, Village, Sub-county, District, Government offices and everywhere yet indirectly, we are some of the thieves. Coping what someone writes, is a theft. Too far, too many Ugandans are culprit to plagiarism. We write our own articles we publish on our websites, and if was not written by us, we indicate the source. On my website, i set Automatic publishing Trigger, which indicates whether i wrote the article or someone wrote it. Everything i publish on Internet, is free to be shared only that you should indicate my name 'Osuta Yusuf' or my website name '' as the source. Indicating the source of something you intend to share, is very crucial! And it costs you nothing than shortcutting to breach of copyrights, which often tantamount to various penalties. It is never done yet, coping the work of someone's hands will never inflict you talent! Hence, promoting the talent of the authentic Author. Your sellout will not be in Coping and Pasting what others have already written. As the Authentic Authors, it pains us so badly when we see someone sharing what we publish on our websites, minus him or her indicating the Copyright. I have never attended a journalism schooling, but i have the audacity to do all those because of my God given talent on Journalism and am extra proud of it. Last year, One of my friends in Brazil asked me, "Are you a Journalist?'. I replied 'NO', it is my talent that makes it. Much as you Write a lot, Read a lot and Respect Privacy Policies / Copyrights, Some people may think you are a Journalist by profession. These short things i have said above here aren't commands but, learn to respect Privacy Policies and Copyrights of  others. THANKS. Those who hate me for my opinions, i don't care. Since, their hatred of me will never put food on my dinning table. BURN. Author Osuta Yusuf: A career Politician, Lawyer, Student for Life and Talented in Internet.

WHAT COPING AND PASTING, PORTRAYS OF YOU.    Ugandans can not continue saying Uganda government is full of thieves! When, they, themselves are thieves too. A few freaking moments ago, i took some hours to peruse through what people were sharing and discussing in Whatsapp groups i admin and as well, a member too. Reaching at the bottom point of reading what other members share, i found out some people were sharing the articles i write on my website, without asking for my permission nor indicating Copyright. This is a blow in the DNA of most Ugandans. We much like to complain of being infiltrated by thieves in our Neighborhood, Village, Sub-county, District, Government offices and everywhere yet indirectly, we are some of the thieves. Coping what someone writes, is a theft. Too far, too many Ugandans are culprit to plagiarism. We write our own articles we publish on our websites, and if was not written by us, we indicate the source. On my website, i set Automatic publishing Trigger, whic

Most Sub-counties from Maracha, Koboko, Arua, Vurra (WestNile at large) are not inclusive in any Lucrative project awarding, Equal opportunity sharing or any other parity-free lobby through government. Now you see!. For how many times shall we tell you people to read and then stand up to defend yourself with your people, by fighting the oppressors than Singing 'Pakalast pakalast pakalast pakalast pakalast' for a mare Prado Land Cruisers or Blank cheques. Fighting has a reason and the reason is information. How do you get that information, to know that you are under a cage. Definitely, this is why we existed. We are here to feed you with information but if you hate reading, you will not know and ever wallow in your ignorance. OTHER PEOPLE'S HATEFUL OPINION OF ME WILL NEVER PUT FOOD ON MY DINNING TABLE. BURN! Proud Lugbara Osuta Yusuf: A career Politician, Lawyer, Student for Life and Talented in Internet.

Most Sub-counties from Maracha, Koboko, Arua, Vurra (WestNile at large) are not inclusive in any Lucrative project awarding, Equal opportunity sharing or any other parity-free lobby through government. Now you see!. For how many times shall we tell you people to read and then stand up to defend yourself with your people, by fighting the oppressors than Singing 'Pakalast pakalast pakalast pakalast pakalast' for a mare Prado Land Cruisers or Blank cheques. Fighting has a reason and the reason is information. How do you get that information, to know that you are under a cage. Definitely, this is why we existed. We are here to feed you with information but if you hate reading, you will not know and ever wallow in your ignorance. OTHER PEOPLE'S HATEFUL OPINION OF ME WILL NEVER PUT FOOD ON MY DINNING TABLE. BURN! Proud Lugbara Osuta Yusuf: A career Politician, Lawyer, Student for Life and Talented in Internet.

One of my sources sent me this list. I neither wonder nor is it a surprise, since Mr Museveni government began segregating the people of WestNile 20 years ago. He awards such projects on political merits. What a cluelessness! For several times he has been so fictitious and morally disrespectful to the people of WestNile - Uganda. Some people with brain tumors might say, i am over criticising and over lying on museveni! But what i can say is, take me the just way you think. By the way, do you know that Sectarians are at large?. Not an obsession, the Article is Below here 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 Has your sub county been granted a town council status? Check out: List of the new town councils. Town - District. 1.Bugango Isingiro 2.Kasenda Kabarole 3.Butira Manafwa 4.Bumbo Manafwa 5.Adwari Otuke 6.Kamdini Oyam 7.Loro Oyam 8.Agwata Dokolo 9.Bata Dokolo 10.Etam Amolatar 11.Obongi Moyo 12.Lodonga Yumbe 13.Midigo Yumbe 14.Karu Yumbe 15.Ibaje Apac 16.Inomo Apac 17.Aboke Kole 18.Bala Kole 19.Namukora Kitgum 20.Pajule Pader 21.Atanga Pader 22.Parombo Nebbi 23.Aloi Alebtong 24.Agweg Lira 25.Elegu Amuru 26.Pabbo Amuru 27.Pakele Adjumani 28.Palenga Omoro 29.Mukura Ngora 30.Opot Ngora 31.Nabiganda Butaleja 32.Bufujja-Kachonga Butaleja 33.Busaba Butaleja 34.Namwendwa Kamuli 35.Kisozi Kamuli 36.Mbulamuti Kamuli 37.Iki-Iki Budaka 38.Kamonkoli Budaka 39.Usuk Katakwi 40.Agule Pallisa 41.Tirinyi Kibuku 42.Kadama Kibuku 43.Sipi Kapchorwa 44.Ochero Kaberamaido 45.Otuboi Kaberamaido 46.Bukungu Buyende 47.Irundu Buyende 48.Bwondha Mayuge 49.Bugadde Mayuge 50.Nawaikoke Kaliro 51.Bayuyoga Tororo 52.Pajwenda Tororo 53.Kacheri Kotido 54.Lokitelaebu Kotido 55.Lokiteded Napak 56.Matany Napak 57.Kangole Napak 58.Chepsukunya Kween 59.Nankoma Bugiri 60.Namayemba Bugiri 61.Basowa Bugiri 62.Lumino-Majanji Busia 63.Namungodi Busia 64.Buteraniro-Nyeihanga Mbarara 65.Rubindi-Ruhumba Mbarara 66.Kabura Mbarara 67.Bunagana Kisoro 68.Chyanika Kisoro 69.Kyakatwire Kyenjojo 70.Kisojo Kyenjojo 71.Rwentobo-Rwahi Ntungamo 72.Kafunjo-Mirama Ntungamo 73.Wanseko Buliisa 74.Butiaba Buliisa 75.Nyakaziba Buhwju 76.Kabango Masindi 77.Kyatiri Masindi 78.kitagate Isingiro 79.Kamubeizi Isingiro 80.Katindo Kakumiro 81.Igayaza Kakumiro 82.Rushere Kiruhura 83.Kayabwe Mpigi 84.Buwama Mpigi 85.Kinoni Lwengo 86.Nakifuma-Naggalama Mukono 87.Katosi Mukono 88.Ntenjeru-Kisoga Mukono 89.Ssekanyonyi Mityana 90.Bbanda Mityana 91.Zigoti Mityana 92.Ntuusi Ssembabule 93.Mutukula Kyotera 94.Kasensero Kyotera 95.Busaana Kayunga 96.Nazigo Kayunga 97.Kangulumira Kayunga 98.Maddu Gomba 99.Namwiwa Kaliro 100.Kibib

One of my sources sent me this list. I neither wonder nor is it a surprise, since Mr Museveni government began segregating the people of WestNile 20 years ago. He awards such projects on political merits. What a cluelessness! For several times he has been so fictitious and morally disrespectful to the people of WestNile - Uganda. Some people with brain tumors might say, i am over criticising and over lying on museveni! But what i can say is, take me the just way you think. By the way, do you know that Sectarians are at large?. Not an obsession, the Article is Below here 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇             Has your sub county been granted a town council status? Check out: List of the new town councils. Town - District. 1.Bugango Isingiro 2.Kasenda Kabarole 3.Butira Manafwa 4.Bumbo Manafwa 5.Adwari Otuke 6.Kamdini Oyam 7.Loro Oyam 8.Agwata Dokolo 9.Bata Dokolo 10.Etam Amolatar 11.Obongi Moyo 12.Lodonga Yumbe 13.Midigo Yumbe 14.Karu Yumbe 15.Ibaje Apac 16.Inomo Apac 17.Aboke Kole 18.Bala

HACKERS HAVE BUILD A MASTER KEY, THAT UNLOCKS MILLIONS OF DOORS. If you often leave your valuable and expensive stuff like laptop and passports in the hotel rooms, then beware. Your room can be unlocked by not only a malicious staff having access to the master key, but also by an outsider. A critical design vulnerability in a popular and widely used electronic lock system can be exploited to unlock every locked room in a facility, leaving millions of hotel rooms around the world vulnerable to hackers. The vulnerability has been discovered in Vision by VingCard locking system—made by the world's largest lock manufacturer, Assa Abloy, and deployed in more than 42,000 facilities in 166 different countries, which equals to millions of doors. After thousands of hours work, F-Secure researchers Tomi Tuominen and Timo Hirvonen managed to build a master key that could be used to unlock doors and gain entry to any of the hotel rooms using the Vision by VingCard digital lock technology, without leaving a trace on the system. How Hackers Built a 'Master Key'! To create a master key to access a room secured by the Vision system, the first requirement is to get hold of an electronic keycard—any existing, old or expired electronic keycard to any room in the target facility would get the job done. To obtain the electronic key (RFID or magstripe), an attacker could read the data remotely by standing close to a hotel guest or employee having a keycard in his pocket, or simply could book a room and then use that card as the source. The attacker would then need to buy a portable programmer for a few hundred dollars online to overwrite it, and therefore creating a master key within minutes. However, F-Secure says it used its custom software which made this particular hack possible, and for obvious reason, the researchers will not be releasing it. The custom-tailored device (actually an RFID reader/writer) is then held close to the target lock, which tries different keys in less than one minute and locates the master key and unlocks the door. Now, you can either use this custom-tailored device as the master key to open any door in the facility or write the master key back to your keycard. Once done, you can now access any room in the hotel using the master key. "You can imagine what a malicious person could do with the power to enter any hotel room, with a master key created basically out of thin air," said Tuominen in a blog postpublished Wednesday. "We don't know of anyone else performing this particular attack in the wild right now." Researchers have also provided a video demonstration, which shows the hack in action. Researchers reported their findings to Assa Abloy in April 2017, and for the last year, the two have worked together to develop a solution, which included effective randomization of the whole keyspace. Assa Abloy released software fixes for its systems in February 2018, and the updates have been made available to the affected facilities. "I would like to personally thank the Assa Abloy R&D team for their excellent cooperation in rectifying these issues," Tuominen said. "Because of their diligence and willingness to address the problems identified by our research, the hospitality world is now a safer place. We urge any establishment using this software to apply the update as soon as possible." F-Secure has not yet released full technical details of the hack. Also, there's no evidence that the hack has ever been exploited in the wild, but cyber attacks against hotels are not at all surprising. About a year ago, we saw how hackers forced a luxurious hotel in Austria to pay ransom in Bitcoin, after ransomware hit the hotel's IT system, locking hundreds of guests out of their rooms.

HACKERS HAVE BUILD A MASTER KEY, THAT UNLOCKS MILLIONS OF DOORS.           If you often leave your valuable and expensive stuff like laptop and passports in the hotel rooms, then beware. Your room can be unlocked by not only a malicious staff having access to the master key, but also by an outsider. A critical design vulnerability in a popular and widely used electronic lock system can be exploited to unlock every locked room in a facility, leaving millions of hotel rooms around the world vulnerable to hackers. The vulnerability has been discovered in Vision by VingCard locking system—made by the world's largest lock manufacturer, Assa Abloy, and deployed in more than 42,000 facilities in 166 different countries, which equals to millions of doors. After thousands of hours work, F-Secure researchers Tomi Tuominen and Timo Hirvonen managed to build a master key that could be used to unlock doors and gain entry to any of the hotel rooms using the Vision by VingCard digital lock techno

GOOGLE REDESIGNS GMAIL, WITH AMAZINGLY NEW FEATURES FOR SECURITY AND PRIVACY. Google has finally been rolling out its new massively redesigned Gmail for desktop and mobile to 1.4 billion of users worldwide, which might be the most significant single upgrade in Gmail's history. This huge revamped version of the email service now offers plenty of new features such as confidential mode, offline support, email snoozing and more, to make Gmail more smarter, secure, and easier to use. In this article, I have listed details of the most significant changes that you need to know and how to use them. Give it a quick read. New 'Confidential Mode' Features For Security & Privacy. Are you afraid of sending sensitive documents in an email due to fear of hacking or being forwarded? Well, now you can simply click the lock icon at the bottom of an email to enable the new Confidential Mode, which lets you add a bunch of extra layers of security (as mentioned below) to the emails of your choice. 1) Self-Destructing Emails: This feature lets you send emails that disappear from the recipient's inbox after a period (between 1 day and five years) you specify or which you can revoke at any time even after you have sent them. 2) Un-Forwardable Emails: Confidential emails open in a special window that does not allow the recipient to forward, copy or print the email, though recipients can still grab a screenshot, or snap a photo from their phone. 3) Two-factor Authentication (2FA) for Emails: If you're paranoid, you can even enable 2FA for a single email, requiring recipients to enter a secret passcode send to them via SMS before opening it. All the above Confidential Mode features work even with emails sent to non-Gmail users, requiring them to click on a link before opening confidential emails. New Features That Wouldn't Let You Skip Important Emails. 1) Email Snoozing: Google now gives you the ability to snooze emails and become more organized when answering emails. So, if you notice any emails that require a lengthy response cannot be responded immediately, you can snooze the messages for later. Once snoozed, that email will hide from the inbox and show up again at the time you chose. This feature is already offered by Google's Inbox app, the mobile version of Microsoft Outlook, but now Google has brought it to Gmail to help you boost productivity. 2) Nudges: While snooze emails are set by you manually, nudges are those reminded to you by Google. To help your task easier of going through massive amounts of emails to find important emails, Gmail uses artificial intelligence (AI) to remind you of those emails that sit in your inbox unattended and its AI thinks they are important. Gmail will show up these nudged emails at the top of your inbox with an indicator of how long it’s been sitting there. 3) Smart Replies: Not just Gmail intelligently reminds of important emails to you, it also makes suggestions for tasks that you need to do, like replying to a certain email using "Smart Replies." With Smart Replies, Google offers you intelligent touch-button responses to the web version of Gmail, a feature that was first introduced in 2015for the mobile version of Gmail. You can turn this off if you want. New Features That Supercharge Your Productivity. Besides security and AI, Google is adding a bunch of new management features. 1) Native offline mode: Until now, using Gmail without Internet requires a third-party Chrome plugin to be installed, but now with the built-in offline mode, you can write responses to your emails while on a flight, and then sync your inbox and send them once you land—thanks to Progressive Web Apps (PWA). 2) High-priority notifications: This feature will send you notifications for an incoming email if Gmail thinks it is important to you—based on factors like how typically you respond to email from the sender in question. These features were made available to Inbox users last year. 3) Gmail Tasks: Existed as a to-do list application within Gmail for years, Gmail Tasks is available as part of Gmail and as a standalone app for iOS and Android. The feature has also been given a major upgrade to manage work on the go—from your messages to your calendar. The biggest new change in Gmail is the sidebar to the right, which gives you quick access to a new version of Google Tasks, pop-up versions of Google Calendar, Keep note-taking app, and 3rd-party services that use Gmail's add-on technology, like Asana, Dialpad, and DocuSign. 4) Inbox enhancers: You can now directly take actions on an email without opening it as you can directly open attachments in an email without having to click into the email itself. You can also RSVP to calendar invitations and even snooze messages without opening them. 5) One-tap unsubscribe prompt: Although Gmail already has a feature that lets users unsubscribe from ads and other bulk email lists you don't respond to, now Gmail proactively ask you tounsubscribe specific lists when it notices you don’t tend to click or you always insta-delete. 6) Anti-Phishing Enhancements: Though Google is already offering anti-phishing functionalities to warn its Gmail users of phishing attempts, the company has now increased the size of the banners (a gigantic, billboard-like message) it puts on top of dodgy emails to warn users they should not click the links within. Also, if you get an email that is supposedly from one of your contacts, but originates from an unfamiliar email address, Gmail will tell you that something may be wrong. Here is How to Get New Gmail Right Now. Getting the all new Gmail depends on the type of Google account you have. If you are a regular Gmail user, you can enable the new Gmail by clicking on the Settings icon in the top-right corner, then select "Try the new Gmail" option, if available. If you are using the G Suite account for work or school, you can enable the new Gmail through the Early Adopter Program. The administrator can use the Google Admin console and opt-in to the new Gmail. However, it should be noted that all the features as mentioned above will not be immediately available at this moment. Features available at the launch include smart replies, snooze emails and a new tool panel on the right side of Gmail's interface for quickly accessing Tasks and Calendar.

GOOGLE REDESIGNS GMAIL, WITH AMAZINGLY NEW FEATURES FOR SECURITY AND PRIVACY. Google has finally been rolling out its new massively  redesigned Gmail  for desktop and mobile to 1.4 billion of users worldwide, which might be the most significant single upgrade in Gmail's history. This huge revamped version of the email service now offers plenty of new features such as confidential mode, offline support, email snoozing and more, to make Gmail more smarter, secure, and easier to use. In this article, I have listed details of the most significant changes that you need to know and how to use them. Give it a quick read. New 'Confidential Mode' Features For Security & Privacy . Are you afraid of sending sensitive documents in an email due to fear of hacking or being forwarded? Well, now you can simply click the lock icon at the bottom of an email to enable the new Confidential Mode, which lets you add a bunch of extra layers of security (as mentioned below) to the emails of yo

HACKERS ARRESTED, THEIR WEBSITE SHUTDOWN BY POLICE. POLICE SHUTDOWN ONE OF THE BIGGEST HACKERS IN THE WORLD, ADMINS ARRESTED. Police shut down worlds biggest 'DDoS-for-Hire-Service' Admins Arrested. In a major hit against international cybercriminals, the Dutch police have taken down the world's biggest DDoS-for-hire service that helped cyber criminals launch over 4 million attacks and arrested its administrators. An operation led by the UK's National Crime Agency (NCA) and the Dutch Police, dubbed "Power Off," with the support of Europol and a dozen other law enforcement agencies, resulted in the arrest of 6 members of the group behind the "" website in Scotland, Croatia, Canada and Serbia on Tuesday. With over 136,000 registered users, Webstresser website lets its customers rent the service for about £10 to launch Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks against their targets with little or no technical knowledge. "With, any registered user could pay a nominal fee using online payment systems or cryptocurrencies to rent out the use of stressers and booters," Europol said. The service was also responsible for cyber attacks against seven of the UK's biggest banks in November last year, as well as government institutions and gaming industry. "It's a growing problem, and one we take very seriously. Criminals are very good at collaborating, victimizing millions of users in a moment from anywhere in the world," said Steven Wilson, Head of Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3). The Webstresser site has now been shut down, and its infrastructure has been seized in the Netherlands, Germany, and the United States. The site has been replaced with a page announcing that law enforcement authorities had taken the service offline. "As part of the operational activity, an address was identified and searched in Bradford and a number of items seized," NCA said. Moreover, the authorities have also taken against the top users of this marketplace in the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Croatia, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and Hong Kong, Europol announced. The Dutch police said the Operation Power Off should send a clear warning to users of sites like webstresser. "Don't do it," Gert Ras, head of the Dutch police's High Tech Crime unit, said. "By tracking down the DDoS service you use, we strip you of your anonymity, hand you a criminal record and put your victims in a position to claim back damages from you." The police also reminded people that DDoSing is a crime, for which the "penalties can be severe." If you conduct a DDoS attack, or make, supply or obtain stresser or booter services, you could end up in prison, and fine or both.

HACKERS ARRESTED, THEIR WEBSITE SHUTDOWN BY POLICE.                               POLICE SHUTDOWN ONE OF THE BIGGEST HACKERS IN THE WORLD, ADMINS ARRESTED.         Police shut down worlds biggest 'DDoS-for-Hire-Service' Admins Arrested. In a major hit against international cybercriminals, the Dutch police have taken down the world's biggest DDoS-for-hire service that helped cyber criminals launch over 4 million attacks and arrested its administrators. An operation led by the UK's National Crime Agency (NCA) and the Dutch Police, dubbed " Power Off, " with the support of  Europol  and a dozen other law enforcement agencies, resulted in the arrest of 6 members of the group behind the " " website in Scotland, Croatia, Canada and Serbia on Tuesday. With over 136,000 registered users, Webstresser website lets its customers rent the service for about £10 to launch Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks against their targets with littl

Odinga, Ruto clash on whether Kenya needs more decentralisation. Kenyas deputy president William Ruto and opposition leader Raila Odinga have clashed yet again on how they think the country should be governed. Odinga and Ruto both addressed a governors’ conference with the latter sought to explain why Raila’s proposal of a three tier government was not in the interests of the Kenyan people. Accusing Odinga of engaging in idle talk, he explained that creating another layer of government would only give power to certain people at the top rather than supporting counties. If there is going to be a suggestion on arranging or rearranging of devolution, it cannot be creating another layer of government. It will be taking counties to the walls “If there is going to be a suggestion on arranging or rearranging of devolution, it cannot be creating another layer of government. It will be taking counties to the walls,” Ruto said. Odinga had on Wednesday called for establishing of a three level government that has counties, regional blocs and the national government. He argued that the current system that divides the country into 47 counties had failed to attract investment because the size of the counties is not economically viable. “There is need for the country to adopt a three-tier system that retains the current counties, creates regional governments and retains the National Government, to create units with the size and population that are economically viable,’‘ argued Odinga. ‘No need for a referendum’ Odinga’s Orange Democratic Movement party has also been pushing for a referendum to accomodate constitutional reforms that would expand the executive by introducing the position of prime minister. They argue that since Odinga reconciled with the Uhuru Kenyatta led government, positions for key opposition leaders must be created to strengthen the unity pact. Ruto, clarified that while he is not opposed to discussions on expanding the structure of the executive, he believes it could be done without a costly referendum, coming after a lengthy electioneering period. President Kenyatta who has not yet weighed in on the discussion for proposed amendments, is expected to do so when he delivers the State of the Nation address on May 2.

Odinga , Ruto clash on whether Kenya needs more decentralisation . Kenyas deputy president William Ruto and opposition leader Raila Odinga have clashed yet again on how they think the country should be governed. Odinga and Ruto both addressed a governors’ conference with the latter sought to explain why Raila’s proposal of a three tier government was not in the interests of the Kenyan people. Accusing Odinga of engaging in idle talk, he explained that creating another layer of government would only give power to certain people at the top rather than supporting counties. If there is going to be a suggestion on arranging or rearranging of devolution, it cannot be creating another layer of government. It will be taking counties to the walls “If there is going to be a suggestion on arranging or rearranging of devolution, it cannot be creating another layer of government. It will be taking counties to the walls,” Ruto said. Odinga had on Wednesday called for establishing of a three level g

South African Airways says it urgently needs capital injection. South African Airways (SAA) urgently needs a new capital injection to stay afloat and is in discussions with banks and the National Treasury for an open credit line - its chief executive said on Tuesday. State-owned SAA, which has not generated a profit since 2011, is regularly cited by ratings agencies as a drain on the government purse and has already received state guarantees totaling nearly 20 billion rand ($1.6 billion). “We do need access to capital to sustain the operations and we are having discussions with Treasury, as well as the banks around how we can have an open credit line,” Chief Executive Vuyani Jarana told parliament. Over the next six months we will need... in the range of 5 billion rand to make sure we can support the working capital. Asked by an opposition lawmaker when the airline would need to access billions of rands of extra state support, Jarana responded “Now”. He later told reporters that SAA would need around 5 billion rand this year to pay down debts and for operational costs. The struggling airline has not had credit facilities since August when bank lenders pulled the plug after a debt repayment scare. “Over the next six months we will need… in the range of 5 billion rand to make sure we can support the working capital,” Jarana said, adding that amount included arrear payments. The National Treasury said that SAA needs an equity partner to pump money into the company to address a liquidity crisis and to help with the implementation of a turnaround plan. The company’s results for the year to March 31, 2017, which had been delayed after the company received a 10 billion rand government bailout last year, showed a deepening loss of 5.6 billion rand, a more than threefold increase from the previous year’s 1.5 billion rand loss. SAA will need to repay bank debts of 9.2 billion rand by March 2019, Jarana said, adding that this figure could increase. “SAA has not been able to pay the principal amount, we’ve always been able to service the interest payments on this, so part of the strategic options we are looking at… is an optimal capital structure,” he told reporters.

South African Airways says it urgently needs capital injection . South African Airways (SAA) urgently needs a new capital injection to stay afloat and is in discussions with banks and the National Treasury for an open credit line - its chief executive said on Tuesday. State-owned SAA, which has not generated a profit since 2011, is regularly cited by ratings agencies as a drain on the government purse and has already received state guarantees totaling nearly 20 billion rand ($1.6 billion). “We do need access to capital to sustain the operations and we are having discussions with Treasury, as well as the banks around how we can have an open credit line,” Chief Executive Vuyani Jarana told parliament. Over the next six months we will need... in the range of 5 billion rand to make sure we can support the working capital. Asked by an opposition lawmaker when the airline would need to access billions of rands of extra state support, Jarana responded “Now”. He later told reporters that SAA 

Anti–government protests in Tanzania flop, Magufuli elevates new capital Dodoma to city status. Tanzanias police has effectively thwarted planned anti – government protests that had been scheduled for Thursday, to coincide with Union Day celebrations, the anniversary of the union between mainland Tanzania and the Indian Ocean archipelago of Zanzibar. Local media reported that most businesses didn’t open in Dar es Salaam, Dodoma and other major towns, as police patrolled the streets to deal with any courageous demonstrators. Nine demonstrators, who marched in Dar Es Salaam, were quickly arrested. By the powers conferred upon me by the Constitution of the Republic of Tanzania, I declare that Dodoma is now a city, pending relevant legal procedures. Several police bosses on Wednesday warned against demonstrations, pledging to beat protesters ‘like stray dogs’. The president, who presided over the Union celebrations in Dodoma, used the occasion to call for peace. “As Tanzanians, we must defend our peace. We should not allow ourselves to be used by our enemies,” Magufuli said in his Union Day speech to the nation, broadcast live on state television. “I will defend our union at all costs. We will not have mercy on anyone – inside or outside the country – who tries to destabilise us.” The leader of the main opposition party’s Women’s Wing, Elizabeth Mambosho, was detained for inciting demonstrations on social media. The US based organiser of the protests, online activist Mange Kimambi posted images and videos of Tanzanians marching in Germany. She added that the solidarity marches in the diaspora were to inspire courage in the Tanzanians at home to demonstrate against President John Magufuli’s regime. Kimambi has 1.8 million followers on the social media site Instagram, where she describes herself as a “democracy activist, proudly Tanzanian”, has since converted her account into a private one. While those who followed her before the account became private can still see what she posts, new people now have to request permission to follow her. She has previously said she fears being harmed by the authorities if she returns to Tanzania because of her criticism of the authorities. Union Day celebrations Meanwhile, president Magufuli used the Union Day celebrations to elevate the capital designate, Dodoma to city status, from municipality status. ‘‘By the powers conferred upon me by the Constitution of the Republic of Tanzania, I declare that Dodoma is now a city, pending relevant legal procedures,’‘ said Magufuli. The decision to move the capital from the coastal city of Dar es Salaam was made by the country’s founding president in 1973, but might only be realised by a determined Magufuli who has pledged to have the entire government relocate to the new capital by 2019. Dodoma, being centrally located, is seen as a capital that would government services closer to the people.

Anti–government protests in Tanzania flop, Magufuli elevates new capital Dodoma to city status . Tanzanias police has effectively thwarted planned anti – government protests that had been scheduled for Thursday, to coincide with Union Day celebrations, the anniversary of the union between mainland Tanzania and the Indian Ocean archipelago of Zanzibar. Local media reported that most businesses didn’t open in Dar es Salaam, Dodoma and other major towns, as police patrolled the streets to deal with any courageous demonstrators. Nine demonstrators, who marched in Dar Es Salaam, were quickly arrested. By the powers conferred upon me by the Constitution of the Republic of Tanzania, I declare that Dodoma is now a city, pending relevant legal procedures. Several police bosses on Wednesday warned against demonstrations, pledging to beat protesters ‘like stray dogs’. The president, who presided over the Union celebrations in Dodoma, used the occasion to call for peace. “As Tanzanians, we must

Africa in 2018 World Press Freedom Index: Ghana best, Eritrea Worst. The West African nation of Ghana has the continent’s best atmosphere for media personnel, a report by the Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has said. Via REUTERS. The 2018 World Press Freedom Index published on Wednesday showed that Ghana dethroned Namibia who were tops in 2017. Ghana placed 23rd on the 180 country list, sandwiched between Samoa and Latvia on 22nd and 24th respectively. Completing the top three slots for Africa were Namibia in 26th and South Africa in 28th slot. At the bottom of the ranking was Eritrea at 179th, Africa’s worst placement. Others in the not free bracket were Sudan, Egypt, Burundi, Equatorial Guinea, Djibouti and Somalia. The ranking published annually by RSF since 2002, the World Press Freedom Index measures the level of media freedom in 180 countries, including the level of pluralism, media independence, and respect for the safety and freedom of journalists. The 2018 Index takes account of violations that took place between January 1st and December 31st 2017. Media pluralism but not enough independence – RSFreport on Ghana General elections were held in December 2016 without major incidents or media freedom violations. Ghana is regarded as one of the most democratic countries in Africa and Chapter 12 of its 1992 constitution guarantees media pluralism and independence. But only a very small number of media outlets provide good news coverage. A third of the media are owned by the state or by businessmen linked to the government. The lack of transparency that characterizes the media industry is compounded by a flawed regulatory system that tends to limit the freedom to inform. Thanks to extensive use of mobile phones, a great deal of news and information circulates online. Criminal code provisions penalizing “false news” are sometimes abused in order to harass journalists. But journalists are rarely arrested or imprisoned. A dictatorship in which the media have no rights – RSF report on Eritrea For the past 26 years, Eritrea has been a dictatorship in which there is no room for freely reported news and information. At least 11 journalists are currently detained without being charged or tried. Like everything else in Eritrea, the media are totally subject to the whim of President Issayas Afeworki, a predator of press freedom who is responsible for “crimes against humanity,” according to a June 2016 UN report. He has no plans to relax his grip. “Those who think there will be democracy in this country can think so in another world,” he said in 2014. The only independent and politically non-partisan radio station providing Eritreans with freely reported news and information is Radio Erena. It is run by Eritrean exile journalists based in Paris, but its signal is often jammed in Eritrea.

Africa in 2018 World Press Freedom Index: Ghana best, Eritrea Worst. The West African nation of Ghana has the continent’s best atmosphere for media personnel, a report by the Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has said.            Via REUTERS.                         The 2018 World Press Freedom Index published on Wednesday showed that Ghana dethroned Namibia who were tops in 2017. Ghana placed 23rd on the 180 country list, sandwiched between Samoa and Latvia on 22nd and 24th respectively. Completing the top three slots for Africa were Namibia in 26th and South Africa in 28th slot. At the bottom of the ranking was Eritrea at 179th, Africa’s worst placement. Others in the not free bracket were Sudan, Egypt, Burundi, Equatorial Guinea, Djibouti and Somalia. The ranking published annually by RSF since 2002, the World Press Freedom Index measures the level of media freedom in 180 countries, including the level of pluralism, media independence, and respect for the safety and freedom of journ

I wrote this phrase last year 25 April 2017 and perhaps, fresh to share it again with those who didn't read it last year! Since Mr Museveni has torn apart the 1995 Constitution just as he has always been extra disrespectful and undermining it. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE 1995 CONSTITUTION IS A MARE PAPER AND THEREFORE USELESS. We all heard dictator Museveni calling the 1995 constitution a mare paper which made it nonfunctional and according to Museveni's statement Uganda has no constitution and the nation is ruled by decrees believe it or not. In 1962, 14 nations or independent regions came together to draft a constitution that was approved by all regions to form the Republic of Uganda. Ugandans refused to be ruled by foreigners or the British and therefore drafted the 1962 constitution on which Uganda was to be governed. How can a sane Ugandan believe in a constitution drafted by the majority of NRA guerrillas? These guerrillas had an interest in Banyarwandas becoming Ugandans at any cost because the head of the NRA guerrillas is a Munyarwanda. The 1962 constitution had proper ways of which one could become a Ugandan and a president of the Republic of Uganda. The constitution had only two ways one could become a Ugandan. 1. By being born inside the territories and boundaries of Uganda and two by naturalization. It may have contained other ways of one becoming a Ugandan that I am not aware of or did not come across. Museveni did not qualify to be a Ugandan as he was not born inside Uganda and his parents never obtained naturalization for him. He just grew up in Uganda and that did not make him a Ugandan. None of his children are Ugandan since all of his known children were born outside Uganda. The only Ugandan in Museveni's family is that traitor, Janet Kataha Museveni. Many people have thrown out Muhoozi's name as a possible next president and this is a nonstarter. Majority of the time, Uganda has been ruled by foreigners and these foreigners see no value in our lives and well being. This regime has allowed foreigners to come into our country by millions. From South Sudan, CAR, Somalia, Burundi, Rwanda and DRC all in the guise of Pan-Africanism. Uganda is not the only country in Africa and surely Pan-Africanism in Uganda must be championed by Ugandans themselves not foreigners from Rwanda. BY OSUTA YUSUF, A CAREER POLITICIAN, LAWYER, STUDENT FOR LIFE AND TALENTED IN INTERNET. YOU CAN AS WELL FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER, INSTAGRAM, BLOG, LINKEDING AND AS WELL GOOGLE ME.

I wrote this phrase last year 25 April 2017 and perhaps, fresh to share it again with those who didn't read it last year! Since Mr Museveni has torn apart the 1995 Constitution just as he has always been extra disrespectful and undermining it. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE 1995 CONSTITUTION IS A MARE PAPER AND THEREFORE USELESS. We all heard dictator Museveni calling the 1995 constitution a mare paper which made it nonfunctional and according to Museveni's statement Uganda has no constitution and the nation is ruled by decrees believe it or not. In 1962, 14 nations or independent regions came together to draft a constitution that was approved by all regions to form the Republic of Uganda. Ugandans refused to be ruled by foreigners or the British and therefore drafted the 1962 constitution on which Uganda was to be governed. How can a sane Ugandan believe in a constitution drafted by the majority of
via Instagram

Flaw in LinkedIn AutoFill Plugin Lets Third-Party Sites Steal Your Data. Not just Facebook, a new vulnerability discovered in Linkedin's popular AutoFill functionality found leaking its users' sensitive information to third party websites without the user even knowing about it. LinkedIn provides an AutoFill plugin for a long time that other websites can use to let LinkedIn users quickly fill in profile data, including their full name, phone number, email address, ZIP code, company and job title, with a single click. In general, the AutoFill button only works on specifically "whitelisted websites," but 18-year-old security researcher Jack Cable of Lightning Security said it is not just the case. Cable discovered that the feature was plagued with a simple yet important security vulnerability that potentially enabled any website (scrapers) secretly harvest user profile data and the user would not even realize of the event. A legitimate website would likely place a AutoFill button near the fields the button can fill, but according to Cable, an attacker could secretly use the AutoFill feature on his website by changing its properties to spread the button across the entire web page and then make it invisible. Since the AutoFill button is invisible, users clicking anywhere on the website would trigger AutoFill, eventually sending all of their public as well as private data requested to the malicious website, Cable explains. Here's How attackers can exploit the LinkedIn Flaw: User visits the malicious website, which loads the LinkedIn AutoFill button iframe.The iframe is styled in a way that it takes up the entire page and is invisible to the user.The user then clicks anywhere on that page, and LinkedIn interprets this as the AutoFill button being pressed and sends the users' data via postMessage to the malicious site.Cable discovered the vulnerability on April 9th and immediately disclosed it to LinkedIn. The company issued a temporary fix the next day without informing the public of the issue. The fix only restricted the use of LinkedIn's AutoFill feature to whitelisted websites only who pay LinkedIn to host their advertisements, but Cable argued that the patch was incomplete and still left the feature open to abuse as whitelisted sites still could have collected user data. Besides this, if any of the sites whitelisted by LinkedIn gets compromised, the AutoFill feature could be abused to send the collected data to malicious third-parties. To demonstrate the issue, Cable also built a proof-of-concept test page, which shows how a website can grab your first and last name, email address, employer, and location. Since a complete fix for the vulnerability was rolled out by LinkedIn on April 19, the above demo page might not work for you now. "We immediately prevented unauthorized use of this feature, once we were made aware of the issue. We are now pushing another fix that will address potential additional abuse cases, and it will be in place shortly," the company said in a statement.  "While we've seen no signs of abuse, we're constantly working to ensure our members' data stays protected. We appreciate the researcher responsible reporting this, and our security team will continue to stay in touch with them." Although the vulnerability is not at all a sophisticated or critical one, given the recent Cambridge Analytica scandal wherein data of over 87 million Facebook users was exposed, such security loopholes can pose a serious threat not only to the customers but also the company itself.

Flaw in LinkedIn AutoFill Plugin Lets Third-Party Sites Steal Your Data . Not just  Facebook , a new vulnerability discovered in Linkedin's popular AutoFill functionality found leaking its users' sensitive information to third party websites without the user even knowing about it. LinkedIn provides an AutoFill plugin for a long time that other websites can use to let LinkedIn users quickly fill in profile data, including their full name, phone number, email address, ZIP code, company and job title, with a single click. In general, the  AutoFill button  only works on specifically "whitelisted websites," but 18-year-old security researcher Jack Cable of Lightning Security said it is not just the case. Cable  discovered  that the feature was plagued with a simple yet important security vulnerability that potentially enabled any website (scrapers) secretly harvest user profile data and the user would not even realize of the event. A legitimate website would likely place

British Schoolboy Who Hacked CIA Director Gets 2-Year Prison Term. The British teenager who managed to hack into the online accounts of several high-profile US government employees sentenced to two years in prison on Friday. Kane Gamble, now 18, hacked into email accounts of former CIA director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former FBI Deputy Director Mark Giuliano, and other senior FBI officials—all from his parent's home in Leicestershire. Gamble, who went by the online alias Cracka, was just 15 at the time of carrying out those attacks and was the alleged founder of a hacking group calling themselves Crackas With Attitude(CWA). The notorious pro-Palestinian hacking group carried out a series of embarrassing attacks against U.S. intelligence officials and leaked personal details of 20,000 FBI agents, 9,000 officers from Department of Homeland Security, and some number of DoJ staffers in 2015. The teenager was arrested in February 2016 at his home in Coalville and pleaded guilty to 8 charges last October of "performing a function with intent to secure unauthorised access" and 2 charges of "unauthorised modification of computer material." On Friday afternoon in the Old Bailey central criminal court in London, Gamble was finally sentenced after his first sentencing hearing in January was postponed, and the judge ruled that he'll have to serve 2 years at a youth detention center, BBC reported. While Gamble's defence said he was "naive" and never meant to "harm" any individuals during the court hearing, the judge said he carried out "an extremely nasty campaign of politically-motivated cyber terrorism." Between June 2015 and February 2016, Gamble posed as Brennan and tricked call center and helpline staff into giving away broadband and cable passwords, using which his team also gained access to extremely sensitive documents for intelligence operations in Afghanistan and Iran. Besides hacking into their networks, Gamble also taunted his victims and their families, bombarded them with calls and messages, released their personal details, downloaded and installed porn onto their computers and took control of their iPads and TV screens. Gamble even made hoax calls to Brennan's home and took control of his wife's iPad. At one point, he also sent DHS secretary Johnson a photograph of his daughter and said he would f*** her. Gamble also phoned Mr. Johnson's wife, leaving a disturbing voicemail message which said: "Hi Spooky, am I scaring you?," and even managed to display the message "I own you" on the couple's home television. Gamble said he targeted the US government because he was "getting more and more annoyed about how corrupt and cold-blooded the US Government" was and "decided to do something about it." According to previous reports, Gamble is suffering from an autistic spectrum disorder, and at the time of his offending, he had the mental development of a 12 or 13-year-old. Gamble's defence had argued court on Friday for a suspended sentence, so he can sit his GCSEs in June and read computer science studies at university to pursue a "useful" career. Two other members of Crackas With Attitude—Andrew Otto Boggs and Justin Gray Liverman—were arrested by FBI in September 2016 and had already been sentenced to two and five years in federal prison respectively.

British Schoolboy Who Hacked CIA Director Gets 2-Year Prison Term . The British teenager who managed to hack into the online accounts of several high-profile US government employees sentenced to two years in prison on Friday. Kane Gamble , now 18, hacked into email accounts of former CIA director  John Brennan , former Director of National Intelligence  James Clapper , former FBI Deputy Director  Mark Giuliano , and other senior FBI officials—all from his parent's home in Leicestershire. Gamble, who went by the online alias Cracka, was just 15 at the time of carrying out those attacks and was the alleged founder of a hacking group calling themselves  Crackas With Attitude (CWA). The notorious pro-Palestinian hacking group carried out a series of embarrassing attacks against U.S. intelligence officials and leaked personal  details of 20,000 FBI agents , 9,000 officers from Department of Homeland Security, and some number of DoJ staffers in 2015. The teenager was arrested in February


UGANDANS WITH A DULLY EDUCATION SECTOR, PERHAPS BRAG OF IT AND THEY HATE CORRECTING THEM ABOUT THEIR SILLINESS IN SPEAKING AND WRITING OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Out of the so many trash UNGLISH written, i have picked for you one as an example here 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 ( ). Cry the beloved country. ________________________________________________________________________________ We are living in 21st Century, which is a global village. Gullible Africans, especially Ugandans have alarmingly under low rate of Working abroad and with foreign employers because of their language syndrome. They write UNGLISH all over social media platforms and they even feel so proud of it. What do some of you earn from

LAWYERS FRATERNITY OF UGANDA WRITES ABOUT DEFILEMENT. You can read it below here, since i did not write it by myself. DEFILEMENT. WHAT IS DEFILEMENT?. Defilement is having sexual intercourse with a person (this includes both boys and girls) under the age of 18 years. It doesn’t matter whether the person has given consent or not. The major determinant in defilement is AGE Defilement is a subject that still confuses some people. So we’re going to break a few things down for you here: · If a person has sexual relations with a girl who is under the age of 18; DEFILEMENT. · If a person has sexual relations with a boy who is under the age of 18; DEFILEMENT. · If a girl looks like she is older than 18 years but is younger than 18, even if she looks like she is 25 years old and a person has sexual relations with her with or without the knowledge of her age; DEFILEMENT. · If a boy looks like he is older than 18 but is younger than 18, even if he has serious beards, and a person has sexual relations with him with or without the knowledge of his age; DEFILEMENT. · If a girl under the age of 18 says to you, “Me, I’m ready” and you go ahead to have sexual relations with her thinking that she has given consent; DEFILEMENT. · If a boy under the age of 18 vibes you and makes you feel like, “Ho, this one is a man” and you go ahead to have sexual relations with him; DEFILEMENT. · If a girl or boy are still in high school or even primary school and are above the age of 18, say the girl or boy are 23 and are in S. 5, and you have sexual relations with this person with his or her consent; NOT DEFILEMENT. · If a girl or boy are below the age of 18, isn’t in school and is already running her own business, say hairdressing or plumbing, and a person has sexual relations with them, with or without their consent; DEFILEMENT. There are many types of situations that we can create to try and explain what defilement is and what it isn’t. The bottom line here is that chasing leg of person that is under the age of 18 years always amounts to defilement. No excuses!.

LAWYERS FRATERNITY OF UGANDA WRITES ABOUT DEFILEMENT. You can read it below here, since i did not write it by myself. DEFILEMENT. WHAT IS DEFILEMENT?. Defilement is having sexual intercourse with a person (this includes both boys and girls) under the age of 18 years. It doesn’t matter whether the person has given consent or not. The major determinant in defilement is AGE Defilement is a subject that still confuses some people. So we’re going to break a few things down for you here: · If a person has sexual relations with a girl who is under the age of 18; DEFILEMENT. · If a person has sexual relations with a boy who is under the age of 18; DEFILEMENT. · If a girl looks like she is older than 18 years but is younger than 18, even if she looks like she is 25 years old and a person has sexual relations with her with or without the knowledge of her age; DEFILEMENT. · If a boy looks like he is older than 18 but is younger than 18, even if he has serious beards, and a person has sexual relat

USE OF FORCE BY POLICE DURING ARRESTS, WRITTEN BY LAWYERS FRATERNITY OF UGANDA. Many times it is stated that Police should not use force when exercising arrest. But did you know that that is not completely correct? A police officer may use “reasonable measure of force” (which is not specified within the Police Act but established by case law) under the following circumstances where: 1.a person charged with or convicted of a felony escapes from lawful custody; if you try “Prison Break” things, the police will have reason to use force to arrest you, 2.a person who through force rescues another from lawful custody; so trying to stand up for or rescue your friend who is being arrested or has already been taken into custody may cause you to also be arrested with force, 3.a person who through force, prevents the lawful arrest of himself or herself or any other person; if the person being arrested becomes violent and goes ahead to punch, slap, kick, bite the arresting officer, then the officer can use force to restrain them and then effect the arrest, In the event that force is used in order to arrest a person, the arresting police officer must ensure that the rights and dignity of the one being arrested are respected. If the person who is being arrested voluntarily avails himself or herself and does not resist arrest and perhaps asks not be put in cuffs, then this person’s wishes should be respected depending on the level of risk that the arrested person poses.

USE OF FORCE BY POLICE DURING ARRESTS, WRITTEN BY LAWYERS FRATERNITY OF UGANDA. Many times it is stated that Police should not use force when exercising arrest. But did you know that that is not completely correct? A police officer may use “reasonable measure of force” (which is not specified within the Police Act but established by case law) under the following circumstances where: 1.a person charged with or convicted of a felony escapes from lawful custody; if you try “Prison Break” things, the police will have reason to use force to arrest you, 2.a person who through force rescues another from lawful custody; so trying to stand up for or rescue your friend who is being arrested or has already been taken into custody may cause you to also be arrested with force, 3.a person who through force, prevents the lawful arrest of himself or herself or any other person; if the person being arrested becomes violent and goes ahead to punch, slap, kick, bite the arresting officer, then the office

MARITAL RAPE. This wasn't written by me. The source is Lawyers fraternity. _______________________________________________________________________________ ‘Marital rape’, in its simplest terms is non-consensual sex in which the perpetrator is the victim’s spouse. The position of marital rape is not settled in Uganda and is still an ongoing debate both in the social and legal corridors of the country. Most people assume that by virtue of the fact that they are married, they are automatically entitled to have sexual relations with their spouses. This is when marriage, that is meant to be a union between two people who love each other, ends up becoming trouble in paradise. Even though “marital rape” is not recognised under the law, forceful engagement of another in sex within a marriage can amount to domestic violence and cruelty. We pray that in the future, legal regard will be put into this issue of holding perpetrators accountable for non consensual sex in marriage. We also hope that spouses will always respect, honour and love their partners. This way more marriages will be blissful.

MARITAL RAPE. This wasn't written by me. The source is Lawyers fraternity. _______________________________________________________________________________ ‘Marital rape’, in its simplest terms is non-consensual sex in which the perpetrator is the victim’s spouse. The position of marital rape is not settled in Uganda and is still an ongoing debate both in the social and legal corridors of the country. Most people assume that by virtue of the fact that they are married, they are automatically entitled to have sexual relations with their spouses. This is when marriage, that is meant to be a union between two people who love each other, ends up becoming trouble in paradise. Even though “marital rape” is not recognised under the law, forceful engagement of another in sex within a marriage can amount to domestic violence and cruelty. We pray that in the future, legal regard will be put into this issue of holding perpetrators accountable for non consensual sex in marriage. We also hope th

HERE ARE LITTLE THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT OSUTA YUSUF. Below are the things which were born in me, and perhaps, they are where my dream and daily life cherish and live in. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 1. POLITICS. I Love Politics and Generally, Activism was born in me. 2. LAWYER. My other ambitiousness clots in judicial fraternity. Those who follow me daily, definitely know that i Love debating and arguing. 3. STUDENT. Student for Life is not only my agitation but was also and will ever the agitation of great Role models, Historians, Successful Politicians and Twinkle stars. In short, it means to Live and Die studying. To be informed of everything, at the same time to keep on Learning + Educating others. 4. JOURNALIST. Curiously, Journalism is where some part of my Life live in. Generally, Journalism bends more in Writing and Reading. My bold Love for Readership and Publicity frankly affirms this. I read daily and write daily not because of Journalism but because i discovered it in my DNA. 5. TECHNOLOGY. I am proud to say that, i got myself too Talented in Internet (ICT. Uganda calls it I.T). Continued recognition goes to the Almighty God for evolving all these FIVE things into me. All what i publish, share regularly are within these 5 ambitions. Everything i say and do in my daily life are because of the above FIVE factors. OSUTA YUSUF: a Career Politician, Lawyer, Student for Life and Talented in Internet.

HERE ARE LITTLE THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT OSUTA YUSUF. Below are the things which were born in me, and perhaps, they are where my dream and daily life cherish and live in. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 1. POLITICS. I Love Politics and Generally, Activism was born in me. 2. LAWYER. My other ambitiousness clots in judicial fraternity. Those who follow me daily, definitely know that i Love debating and arguing. 3. STUDENT. Student for Life  is not only my agitation but was also and will ever the agitation of great Role models, Historians, Successful Politicians and Twinkle stars. In short, it means to Live and Die studying.  To be informed of everything, at the same time to keep on Learning + Educating others. 4. JOURNALIST. Curiously, Journalism is where some part of my Life live in. Generally, Journalism bends more in Writing and Reading. My bold Love for Readership and Publicity frankly affirms this. I read daily and write daily not bec

BELOW IS A CONVERSATION BETWEEN ME AND THE U.K MP #PAUL_WILLIAMS, WHO BUSTED MUSEVENI YESTERDAY 18 APRIL 2018 IN THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT. Hello Osuta. Thanks for your information. I know Uganda well from my time living and working there and know how beautiful the Country is as well as having some amazing people. I really hope change comes about in Uganda to ensure a brighter future for all. Thanks again for getting in touch. Best wishes, Paul.

BELOW IS A CONVERSATION BETWEEN ME AND THE U.K MP #PAUL_WILLIAMS, WHO BUSTED MUSEVENI YESTERDAY 18 APRIL 2018 IN THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT. Hello Osuta.  Thanks for your information.  I know Uganda well from my time living and working there and know how beautiful the Country is as well as having some amazing people.  I really hope change comes about in Uganda to ensure a brighter future for all. Thanks again for getting in touch.  Best wishes, Paul.

Britain urges former colonies to revoke legacy of anti-gay laws. Prime Minister Theresa May said on Tuesday she regretted Britain’s role in anti-gay legislation across its former colonies, seeking to address criticism of the Commonwealth at its gathering in London. May is looking to reinvigorate the Commonwealth, a 53-country network of mostly former colonies, as Britain seeks new post-Brexit ways to project its influence in the world and establish a role as a leader of free trade. Speaking on the second day of a week-long meeting in London, May addressed a wide range of humanitarian and environmental issues, including laws which outlaw same-sex activity in 37 of its 53 member nations. As the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister I deeply regret both the fact that such laws were introduced and the legacy of discrimination, violence and even death that persists today. “I am all too aware that these laws were often put in place by my own country. They were wrong then and they are wrong now,” May said. “As the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister I deeply regret both the fact that such laws were introduced and the legacy of discrimination, violence and even death that persists today.” London’s hosting of the summit has also been clouded by an official admission that the British government had treated migrants who arrived from Caribbean countries more than 50 years ago in an “appalling” way by incorrectly identifying them as illegal immigrants. Speaking alongside May, Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness drew loud cheers from the audience as he urged May to speedily respond to the issue. “It is only fair,” he said. “It will lead to security, certainly for those who have been affected, and it is the kind of inclusive prosperity for which we stand as Commonwealth peoples.” May herself apologised over the harsh treatment of the so-called “Windrush generation,” whose parents were invited to Britain to plug labour shortfalls after World War Two, later to be caught up in a tightening of immigration rules overseen by May in 2012 when she was interior minister.

Britain urges former colonies to revoke legacy of anti-gay laws . Prime Minister Theresa May said on Tuesday she regretted Britain’s role in anti-gay legislation across its former colonies, seeking to address criticism of the Commonwealth at its gathering in London. May is looking to reinvigorate the Commonwealth, a 53-country network of mostly former colonies, as Britain seeks new post-Brexit ways to project its influence in the world and establish a role as a leader of free trade. Speaking on the second day of a week-long meeting in London, May addressed a wide range of humanitarian and environmental issues, including laws which outlaw same-sex activity in 37 of its 53 member nations. As the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister I deeply regret both the fact that such laws were introduced and the legacy of discrimination, violence and even death that persists today. “I am all too aware that these laws were often put in place by my own country. They were wrong then and they are wrong now,”

Zimbabwe @ 38: Mugabe boycotts independence celebration. For the first time in over thirty years, Robert Gabriel Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s former leader was absent at the country’s independence parade held in the capital, Harare. Independence anniversaries over the years have been synonymous to Mugabe’s arrival at the venue along with his wife and subsequently addressing the populace to much cheers. The 94-year-old leader is, however, absent for proceedings today, it is not known if government extended an invitation to him. There is no official communication on the reasons but most political watchers said it was to be expected. Wishing all Zimbabweans at home and abroad a very Happy Independence Day! — President of Zimbabwe (@edmnangagwa) April 18, 2018  Mugabe has in the recent past criticised the manner in which he was forced to resign calling for the November 2017 coup to be reversed. He is also rumoured to be backing a breakaway faction of the ruling Zanu-PF party. The National Stadium is the venue of today’s celebration and it is the first for President Emmerson Mnangagwa who took over from Mugabe in November following a de-facto takeover by the army. This year’s celebrations is under the theme: “Zimbabwe @38: Socio-Economic Restoration and International Re-engagement.” It feeds into the mantra that Mnangagwa has championed ever since he took office. — ZBC News Online (ZBCNewsonline)   Elections are scheduled for July this year and Mnangagwa will be aiming to secure his first term as president. He comes up against 40-year-old Nelson Chamisa of the Movement for Democratic Change – Tsvangirai (MDC-T), the main opponent for the presidency. Reports by the state-run Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation indicates that President Mnangagwa has lighted the independence flame and the First Lady has released pigeons as a sign of peace. We will be monitoring the content of Mnangagwa’s speech expected to touch on the New Zimbabwe, the upcoming elections and economic revival amongst other issues.

Zimbabwe @ 38: Mugabe boycotts independence celebration . For the first time in over thirty years, Robert Gabriel Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s former leader was absent at the country’s independence parade held in the capital, Harare. Independence anniversaries over the years have been synonymous to Mugabe’s arrival at the venue along with his wife and subsequently addressing the populace to much cheers. The 94-year-old leader is, however, absent for proceedings today, it is not known if government extended an invitation to him. There is no official communication on the reasons but most political watchers said it was to be expected. Wishing all Zimbabweans at home and abroad a very Happy Independence Day! — President of Zimbabwe (@edmnangagwa)  April 18, 2018   Mugabe has in the recent past criticised the manner in which he was forced to resign calling for the November 2017 coup to be reversed. He is also rumoured to be backing a breakaway faction of the ruling Zanu-PF

THUGS INVADE NIGERIA SENATE. This isn't new with barbaric people running governments. The same cases had happened for several times in Uganda. Similar invasion was just perpetrated last year September 2017 at the Parliament of Uganda and in 2016, High Court chambers was invaded too. Thugs invade Nigeria Senate, fight security and steal symbol of authority. Nigeria’s Senate does not have a mace. The ceremonial staff and symbol of authority which usually precedes the Senate President was stolen by thugs who invaded the red chamber of Wednesday morning during a plenary session. A live Facebook video carried by the Senate showed that proceedings for the day were well underway when confusion was registered at the entrance of the building. A group of men fought off security and chased off parliamentary staff at the National Assembly premises in Abuja before making away with the mace. The Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria has just been invaded and we are not going to take it kindly. This is an institutional invasion. — TVC News (tvcnewsng)   Even though sessions are not to proceed without it, the deputy speaker, Ike Ekweremadu, who is presiding in the absence of Speaker Bukola Saraki has continued with proceedings. “The Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria has just been invaded and we are not going to take it kindly. This is an institutional invasion. So I want everybody to settle down,” he appealed. Local media portals are pointing to a recently suspended senator, Ovie Omo-Agege, as the brain behind the attack. Reports say about ten men involved in the operation sped off in a black 4×4 vehicle after taking the mace. — TVC News (tvcnewsng)   Update: Senate statement on resumption of session with new mace in place. Issued under signature of Dr. Aliyu Sabi Abdullahi, Chairman of Senate Committee on Media and Public Affairs. Below is the video and the relevant aspect starts from the 20th minute. Senators and staff running off as invaders engage security detail. They walk down the stairs, snatch the mace and went off.

Thugs invade Nigeria Senate, fight security and steal symbol of authority . Nigeria’s Senate does not have a mace. The ceremonial staff and symbol of authority which usually precedes the Senate President was stolen by thugs who invaded the red chamber of Wednesday morning during a plenary session. A live Facebook video carried by the Senate showed that proceedings for the day were well underway when confusion was registered at the entrance of the building. A group of men fought off security and chased off parliamentary staff at the National Assembly premises in Abuja before making away with the mace. The Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria has just been invaded and we are not going to take it kindly. This is an institutional invasion. — TVC News (tvcnewsng)   Even though sessions are not to proceed without it, the deputy speaker, Ike Ekweremadu, who is presiding in the absence of Speaker Bukola Saraki has continued with proceedings. “The Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

Teso, Karamoja and WestNile Subregion Hit by Famine.

I wrote this piece about famine stricken regions ( #West_Nile, Karamoja etc etc), in April 2016, making 3 years ago today April 2018. I will not quit pressing the refresh button of what my people are going through until they saved and free at last. I shared this post in November 2016 when Isingiro and some parts of westnile region were starving. I hear they are still dying with their cows. Let them eat cake or monkey and get Ebola. 14 April 2018. Via @Osuta_Yusuf #OsutaYusuf Here we go 👇👇👇👇👇👇 ====================================================================== For about four months now, some regions of Uganda have been experiencing severe draught and subsequent famine. The most affected area is the semi-arid Cattle Corridor that stretches from Isingiro district at the southern border with Tanzania through Mbarara, some parts of Buganda and across Lake Kyoga to Teso and Karamoja regions and as well some parts of westnile region.  This calamity was expected but the regime made no